Poster reconstraction using cementless acetabular cup are satisfactory. If P1-001 there is large bone defect, bone graft should be considered. Synovial cell proliferation and reparative regeneration in knee osteoarthritis Shuichi Karasaki P1-004 Research Laboratory of Nippon Well-Being Foundation, Aidu Chuo The difference of serum MMP-3 during operative procedure in Hospital, Aizuwakamatsu, Japan highly activated RA Naohiro Asada Knee joint aspirations of synovial fluids were obtained from OA Tsuruga Municipal Hospital outpatients for consecutive <18 years. The fluids contained fine pieces of synovial villi (SV), which were densely packed with grow- We have evaluated change of serum MMP-3 level between pre ing embryonic-like mesenchymal cells, in order to restore the miss- and post operative procedures including the synovectomy in patients ing parts of degenerated cartilage surface. In vitro properties of SV with highly activated RA. Five patients were female, and one was cells were examined within syringes (suspension) and flasks (adher- male. The average of age was 71 years old. Total joint replacement ence). Hyaluronan was produced during the mitosis period of was performed in 5 cases, arthroscopic synovectomy was performed growth cycle of SV cells and provided an environment conductive to in 4 cases, in all 6 patients. They had not been treated with Bio-thea- the growth and migration of mesenchymal cells in suspension cul- py before the surgery. The significant difference between before and ture. Released SV cells took on the characteristic of growing macro- after surgery was estimated by Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. In 7 of 9 phages. SV mesenchymal cells continued to proliferate in adherent cases, serum MMP-3 level significantly decreased in post-operation, culture and further made cell-type conversion into osteocytes and compared with pre-operation (p<0.05). Especially, total joint re- adipocytes. placement was effective in all 5 cases. The surgical procedure in- cluding the synovectomy was still effective option before Bio-thera- py. P1-002 Total knee arthroplasty combined with osteotomy treatment for osteoarthritis P1-005 Nobutaka Kaibara, Hisaaki Miyahara, Yukio Esaki, Goh Hirata, Analysis of RF and anti-CCP antibody at our hospital and medi- Fuyuki Tominaga cal checkup center Department of Orthopedic Surgery, National Hospital Organization Eishi Uechi, Yuri Ohara, Atsushi Nomura, Hisanori Shimizu, Kyushu Medical Center, Fukuoka, Japan Yasuhiro Suyama, Mitsumasa Kishimoto, Ken-ichi Yamaguchi, Yukio Matsui, Masato Okada In the presence of extra-articular deformity, malalignment and St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan imbalance may result in total knee arthroplasty. We report our expe- rience with corrective femoral osteotomy and total knee arthroplasty Rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-CCP antibody test in the new associated with extra-articular femoral deformity. A case is a man rheumatoid arthritis (RA) classification criteria is more important who was treated supracondylar fracture of the femur conservatively than before. It is thought that many people take these tests, its inter- when he was eighteen years old. Forty years later, he complained pretation is important. We extracted patients who had RF and anti- gonalgia at the affected site. At the initial visit, we observed a varus CCP antibody test from St luke’s hospital and medical checkup cen- knee malalignment and osteoarthritis of the knee. Then, we per- ter’s medical record between 2003 and 2010 and analyzed these da- formed corrective femoral osteotomy and total knee arthroplasty at ta. 65535 patients are measured RF, 1.9% have high value, 5.4% and the same time. The site of osteotomy was fixed with locking plate 1.6% respectively at our hospital and checkup center.There were that allowed early partial weight bearing. Six months later, there are 112 patients who were pointed out high RF by checkup and visited no correction loss and radiolucent line around implants. us. 3 people of those were diagnosed as RA.We consider whether the RF measurement of the checkup helps early diagnosis of RA. We increase the number of the cases more and examine the con- P1-003 founding factors. Clinical results for revision total hip arthroplasty with cement- less cup Takaaki Shishido, Toshinori Masaoka, Yoichi Katori, Toshiyuki P1-006 Tateiwa, Kengo Yamamoto ACPA as a disease activity marker of RA 1 1 2 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Tokyo Medical University Koji Nomura , Yasuaki Aoki , Hidetoshi Kagawa 1Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Himeji Red Cross Hospital, 2Dept. of The purpose of this study is to review the outcome revision hip Internal Medicine, Himeji Red Cross Hospital arthroplasty using cementless acetabular cup. 43 revisions using ce- mentless acetabular cup were performed in 42 patients. The mean (Introduction) Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (AC- follow up period was 54 months. These cases were divided into two PA) have recently emerged as sensitive and specific markers of RA groups as follows: group A;evisions without bone graft (22 joints), and are important in ACR/EULAR new criteria. However it has group B; revisions with bone graft (21 joints). Postoperative X-ray been unknown whether ACPA is also important in RA disease activ- showed there was no significant deference of the cup setting posi- ity. We have experienced a RA patient case whose ACPA value was tion in each group. The migration of the socket has no t been ob- decreased in respond to good course of treatment and finally became served in all cases at the latest follow-up. The mean JOA hip score negative. (Case) 77-year-old Japanese woman presented with sud- improved in each groups. We are confident that results of acetabular den onset of severe and progressive multiple joint pains one year ago. At the first medical examination, her ACPA showed 69.3, RF negative, CRP 19.98, and MMP-3 1867. After the DMARDs treat- ment and bilateral TKA, her ACPA became negative (2.6) and S193 DAS-CRP was 2.7. (Conclusion) ACPA seems to be a useful marker activity. In this study, we tried to evaluate the availability of IF-AN- in judging a disease activity of RA. CA in MPO/PR3-ANCA negative vasculitis at disease onset or through the treatment. We also identify the specific antigen of MPO/ PR3-ANCA negative and IF-ANCA positive vasculitis. [Method] P1-007 We used MPO-ANCA test, fluoro ANCA test and ANCA panel kit Analysis of plasma pentraxin 3 in rheumatoid arthritis for measurement. [Results] IF-ANCA was positive about 60-70% in Shunichi Miyauchi1, Kunihiko Umekita1, Yumi Kaneko1, Shota MPO/PR3-ANCA negative vasculitis. BPI positive cases was tend Sakaguchi2, Yayoi Hashiba1, Motohiro Matsuda1, Kazuyoshi Kubo2, to be with chronic respiratory infection. [Discussion] Only the meas- Shiro Ueno1, Norio Kusumoto1, Ichiro Takajo1, Yasuhiro urement of MPO/PR3-ANCA is inadequate for the diagnosis and the Nagatomo1, Toshihiko Hidaka2, Akihiko Okayama1 treatment marker of AAV. 1Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Infectious Dis- ease, and Laboratory Medicine, University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan, 2Institute of Rheumatology, Zenjinkai Shimin-no-Mori Hos- P1-010 pital, Miyazaki, Japan PTX3 in vasculitis syndromes Shunichi Fujita, Takashi Nakazawa, Keisuke Nishimura, Natsuko The plasma concentration of pentraxin 3 (PTX3) was measured Miura, Toshihiko Yokota and compared with the diseases activity markers (CRP, ESR, and Department of Endocrinology and Rheumatology, Kurashiki Central DAS-28) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Its change after Hospital, Kurashiki, Japan the treatment with biologics and leukocytapheresis (LCAP) was also assessed in the present study. Plasma PTX3 in patients with RA was 〈Objectives〉Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is made in response to primary significantly higher than that in normal controls, however, it did not proinflammatory signals, and it was reported that PTX3 levels were correlated to the other diseases activity markers. Although the disea- elevated in active phase of acute coronary syndromes and small ves- ses activity markers showed marked decrease after the treatments sel vasculitis. We evaluated PTX3 feasibility to provide an activity with biologics and LCAP, PTX3 did not. Therefore, the mechanism tool in vasculitis syndromes.〈Methods〉PTX3 levels were measured of high PTX3 may be different from that of the increased levels of in 8 vasculitis syndromes at active phase. We examined time-de- other diseases activity markers in RA. pendent changes of PTX3.〈Results〉PTX3 levels were elevated in 4 cases with patients in active Takayasu’s arteritis. PTX3 level was abnormally high in acute renal failure. PTX3 levels did not always P1-008 correlate well with disease activity of vasculitis syndromes.〈 Con- Significance of Serum pepsinogen Ⅰ/ Ⅱratio in Patients with clusions〉PTX3 levels were not always elevated at the active phase, Rheumatoid Arthritis but it is necessary to be going to pile up further cases in the future. Akinori Matsumori, Fumitaka Ogushi National Hospital Organization Kochi National Hospital, Kochi, Ja- pan P1-011 Quantitative evaluation of corticosteroid myopathy with a bio- Objective: To investigate relationship between clinical features impedance method in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and serum levels of pep- Mari Ushikubo1, Hirotoshi Mtsumoto1, Kazuhide Gomi1, Taku sinogen (PG). Yabuki1, Ikuko Tanaka2, Kumiko Akiya1, Hirotoshi Tanaka3, Hisaji Methods: Serum PG levels were measured in 104 patients (male 22, Ohshima1 female 82) without
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