2220 :ESHER. SURREY. (POST OFFICE from the Committee of Council of Education. The Society The Crown, John F. Eastwood and Money Wigram, esqrs. of Friends have a meeting-house here : there i~ also a are chief landowners. The soil is mixed ; subsoil, gravel • Baptist chapel. Here are charities of £40 annual value. and clay; the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and Claremont, the residence and death-place of the Princess beans The area is 2,094- acres; rateable value, £18,170. Charlotte of Wales, is east of the village : it was built by The population in 1871 was 1,815. Lord Clive, the conqueror of India, at an expense of MELBOURNE is 1 mile south; WEST END, 1 mile west. £100,000: King Loui~ Philippe and his Queen died here, and were temporarily buried in the Catholic chapel at PosT, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Savings Weybridge. A granite drinking-fountain was presented .Bank, Government Annuity & 1nsurance Office.-William by the Queen to the village, to take the place of a disused Cooper, postmaster. Letters from London arrive at 4 & pump given hy the late Comte de Paris: it is a handsome 9.30 a.m. 5 & 10.30 p.nl. The delivery commences at 7 structure on the High road, bearing the inscription,'' Pre­ a.m.; 2nd arrival, 9.30 a.m. delivered 10 a. m.; 3rd sented to the Parish of Esher by Her Majesty Queen arrival 5 p.m. delivered 5.30 p.m. Box closes 1st dis­ Victoria, 1877 ." Esher Place, west of the road, bounded patch to London & all parts at ll.50 a.m. ; 2nd dispatch, by the river Mole, contains in the grounds a ruin, formerly London & all parts, 3.15 p.m.; 3rd dispatch, London & part of a palace built by Cardinal Wolst>y, and is now the all parts, 8 p.m. Telegraph Office opeu from 8 a.m. to seat of Money Wigram, t>sq.: it is pleasantly situatt>d on an 8 p.m.; sundays from 8 to 10 a.m eminence commanding extensive views of the valleys below. Registrar of Births~ Deaths for Esher District. Henry At 8andon (or Sandown) was an hospital or priory, dedi­ J. Storey cated to St. Mary Magdalen, and founded in the reign of National School, Edwin Ambrose Everett, master; Miss Charlotte Phillips, mistress; .Miss Louisa Block, infants' Henry II.: in 1436 it wa~ united with the hospital of St. • Thomas, Southwark. Adjoining the Railway station is the mt:~tress Sandown Park Ra('e Course, formed by a club ; it covers Railway Station, Thomas Nickalls, station master about 130 acres, the Grand Stand, erected on rising ground, CoNVEYANCE.-Omnibus from Cobham every morning to commands a splendid view of the whole course. Tile manor the Railway station at 9 a.m. returning at 6 p.m is attached to Claremont park, and bdongs to the Crown. CARRIER TO LoNDON.-G. Lee. calls at Esher every day PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Perrin Rev. John Edward [Baptist] Garrod & Pratt, builders Adlam Col. West end Richardson Mrs. Coombe Lammas Garrod & Son, plumbers & painters Alder M1ss Robinson Mrs. Frances, Milbourne lane Gosden James, farmer, West end Atkinson Bond Rooke Hy. Anthony, Milbourne lane Green George, boot & shoe maker Baily Mi~ses, Highfield Sillem Frederick, Esher green Grimm Charles, land steward to the Baily Mrs. J obn, Stoney hills Sillem Oscar, Park house Claremont Estate, Claremont Batcht-lor George Beetham, Hill house Smith Mrs. Woodside Gutbrie James, M.D. surgeon Bishopp Mrs. 2 Park terrace Stanley Warmsley, Albert house Hattatt Nelson, hair dresser Brett Sir W ilford Thornely John, Belvidere house Heath Arthur, blacl<smith Clarke W. H. Chadfield, Hare lane Tindal Thomas William Hine Elizabeth ( Mr>~. ), fancy repository Clarke Mrs Trotter Col. Arthur, Horton Mount Hodges William, grocer, West end Collis John, Stoney hills U r1john Thomas William Horwood John, butcher Cheeseman William, Park terrace Verney George Hope, The Cedars Hunt Edg-ar, linen draper Cookson Miss, Esher house Waketortl Miss, Home house Hutton William, shopkeeper, West end Currie J ames Patterson,~andown house Walker Edmund, Vale cottage lzod Charles William, surgeon Despard M aximilian Card en, Courtland Warren Rev. Samuel L. M.A. [rector] Lacey Richard, grocer Eastwood John Fisher, 3 .P. Esher lodge Waters Mrs. Holly cotta~e Lane J ames, bc~ker Few Robert, W ol!•ey grange Weatherby William, Hill side Langston William, nurseryman Foster William, West end Webb Waiter, Park cottage Limbrick William, Lbrewer, Prince of Frewen John, Waterville WellsAlfred,Q.c.l2 King's Bench walk, Wales' brewery Gale James Temple e.c Ling Edwin, chemist & druggist Gihson Charles WigTam Money, Esber place Marsh J oseph & Bed lord, corn & coal Goodman Alfred, Horton mount Williamson Francis John merchants,& atKiugston&Wimbledon Grange Mrs. Round bill Wright Thomas, Bard well cottage Masters Josepb, linen draper Greenhow Hf'nry M. Lillesworth McRow Elizbth. (Mrs.), lodging house Greenhow William Thomas COMMERCIAL. N eale Miss, dress maker Guthrie James, M.D Allum Elizabeth (Mrs.), Wheatsheof Nightingale Wm.J as. joiur.&c. West end HaJden Robert, Claremont cottage Bal'ker Thomas Edward, Prince of Philpot Thomas, shopkeeper Heath Rev. Ishlore Dunbar, M.A. Dun- Wales, West end Pyett William, tailor bar house, Claremont avenue Bartholomew Rowland,baker& confctnr Salcombe Samuel, tailor Herring John, The Grove Heaven Erlward, boot & shoe maker Skeet Jaroes, coal dealer, West end Hewitt Richard, Elmfield Blacker William, grocer, West end Smelt William Hy. china& glass dealer H ickman P hilipDevereux,Manor house Bowdidge Mary (Mrs.), Bear inn, Stanford William, smith & farrier Higinhottom John N. Lower green family~ commercial hotel~ posting Steer Alfred, fly proprietor, Park road Hine Henry John, Claremont road house Stevens Charles, plumber &c Hine William Tilley, Claremont road BowersAmy(Miss),straw bonnet maker Taylor William, Cobourg Arms Hodgson William Stanford, Holly lodge Brown Alexander, White Horse Thompson 1\Iary(Mrs.),farmr.West end Hossack Frederick, Homewood Bullen Richard, shoe maker Tickner Richd. farmer,Round Hill farm Izod Charles William Bullen Benjamin, cab proprietor Tilley J ames, boot & shoe maker Kelson Thomas Carter Alfred, .Albert Arms Want William, grocer, & agent for W. Kingsford Mrs. Lower green Clark James;builder & A. Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants Lightfood Frederic James, Glenhurst Clark John, coach builder Weber J oseph, shopkeeper, Hare lane Love~~;rove Arthur, Woodside cottage Cook Albert, greengrocer Wells & Le Mottee, floor cloth manufrs MacConnel Jame:>, Moore place Cooper William, grocer Westcott Francis D. White Lion McNieH Maj. Christian, Linseworth Dawes Frederick, butcher White Charles, confectioner MacRosty Alexander, West bank Dawes Miss, china & glass dealer White Robert, smith & ironmonger Martineau George, Buckland house Den by George, Chequers, West end Wilkins Susan (Mrs.), cowkeeper M artineau Philip Meadows, Littleworth Denham William Fred, grocer Williams David, baker Nei,rhbour George Lynes, New lodge Dewdney Georgs, saddler & harness ma Williamson Francis John, sculptor Neville Mrs Du rose J ames, greengrocer Woods Lucy (Miss), stationer Peachey Alfred, Esher green Flynn John, floor cloth dealer Wright James, fishmonger Pearce Charles, Milbourne Frickers Frederick, photographer Woolgar Henry, shopkeeper EWELL is a parish and pleasant little town, 14 miles from north side is a station on the South Western branch rail­ London, I mile north-east from Epsom, and 5 miles south­ wav• from Wimbledon to Leatherhead. The church of St• east from Kingston, and was once a market town; it is in Mary has been pulled down, witta the exception of the fine the Western division of the county, union and county court old ivy-covered tower, which is used as a burial c!Japel to district of Epsom, hundred of Copthorne, diocese of Win­ the old churchyard : a parish church was erected on chester, archdeaconry of Surrey, and rural deanery of an acre of ground given by the Rev. ~ir George L. Glyn, Leatherhead. About half a mile to the south of the town is bart. the vicar: its total cost was £.j,745 2s. 7d.: it was a station on the Croydon and Ep9om branch of the London conilecrated on the 2!th of Aul{Uit, 18!8, and is a stone and Brighton railway, and at the same distance on the structure, in the Early English style, with a square em-.
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