FEBRUARY 2001 News for the members of the Madison Nordic Ski Club Vol. 20 No. 4 • A WORD FROM JIMMY • OUR NEXT MEETING February 12th, 6:30 pm President’s Potpourri Rocky Roccoco’s West (Next to Erehwon) BY JIMMY VANDEN BROOK, PRESIDENT Agenda 6:30: Socialize w/videos on op ten list - If you seen active duty. the 200 inch screen Thaven’t gotten in 7:00: All you can eat pizza, WOMEN’S SKI CLINIC WITH CINDY SWIFT - as much skiing as you salad, breadsticks JANUARY 7TH want or need then ($6.50 per person/ This very successful, though not en- $3.25 for members 8 you probably deserve tirely uncontroversial, ski clinic was years or younger) a visit from a motiva- very successful and full to capacity 7:30: Announcements tional speaker. Condi- (trips, races, club with very enthusiastic women. The tions in the Madison projects) Madison Nordic Ski Club hosted, and area have been solid since December largely staffed the event. Read more 11th, and from what I can see, every- MNSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS about it in an article by club member body is out skiing. While the “List of Leslie Taylor. We will probably hold Jimmy Vanden Brook leading economic indicators” contains this clinic again next year President ominous warnings, the (608) 437-4192 but also provide co-edu- “Nordic catalog of cross- [email protected] cational sessions and country clues” is over- “… EVERYBODY Willi VanHaren perhaps a men’s-only ses- Vice President whelmingly positive. In sion. Let us know what (608) 437-3782 fact, here are the top ten IS OUT SKIING” [email protected] you think about the best clues that we’re having a Brett Larson approach to ski educa- fabulous ski season: Treasurer tion and participation. (608) 232-9675 10. You’ve skied more in Madison [email protected] than up north and enjoyed it. NORTHSHORE LAKE SUPERIOR TRIP WITH Nancy Hoene 9. There’s an ice dam on the roof but JAN WOOD - JANUARY 11-15TH Publicity you’d rather go skiing than deal Again this year the trip was big fun (608) 226-0730 [email protected] with it. despite some slushy conditions. The group took in the beauty of the North Jim Coors 8. Your neighbors have you waxing Membership their skis, though they haven’t Shore and Jan kept everyone enter- (608) 231-3593 skied in 10 years. tained. The cabin filled early so jump [email protected] 7. The hills at Elver are smaller than on this trip right away if it is offered Margaret Rankin Riley next year. Trips Chair last year. (608) 836-6695 6. The inside of your car has been 24 HOURS OF TELEMARK [email protected] converted to a drying rack for ski - JANUARY 13-14TH Ned Zuelsdorff gear. This event is the sleeper of the Race Chair (608) 231-1876 5. You know the difference between decade. When first announced, the [email protected] a “Pisten Bully” and the “Bully Pul- idea of skiing for 24 hours seemed a Harry Lum pit”. trifle extreme, even if you had a Advertising/Promotions bunch of pals to help out. This race (608) 273-2821 4. You’ve done so many laps at Elver [email protected] that you don’t need the lights turned out to be one of the most en- joyable things I’ve done skiing. Two Kay Lum after dark. Newsletter 3. You’re positively, definitely going more articles follow on this fantastic (608) 273-2821 event. In brief, the club was very well to get snow tires next year. Pete Anderson represented with Madison area teams 2. You’re so buff from skiing that KidSki Chair reaping a host of medals. You can 222-1928 you’re starring in the video check out the results at www.team- [email protected] “Quads of Steel”. ... and the num- sportsinc.com ❄ John Taylor ber one reason you can tell we’re Social Director having a fabulous ski season: 236-4565 Be part of the skiing community discus- [email protected] 1. All of your polypro undies have sion group! See article on page 5. Women’s Ski Clinic Had Great Glide! INTRO BY MARGARET RANKIN RILEY ON JANUARY 7TH, 50 HIGHLY ENERGETIC plained that men tend to “barrel WOMEN CONVERGED AT THE ELVER PARK their way up hills” and that SHELTER HOUSE FOR A SKI CLINIC ORGA- women can accomplish the same NIZED BY CINDY SWIFT AND THE MNSC. up hills by stepping up in a rhyth- OUR PRESIDENT, JIMMY VANDEN BROOK, mic fashion and keeping our WAS THE TOKEN MALE MAKING SURE weight low. She suggested we EVERYTHING WAS RUNNING SMOOTHLY climb and be able to hold a con- AND TO SHOW HIS SUPPORT FOR THIS FAN- versation… this is a goal to strive TASTIC SHOWING OF GALS ON SKIS! for! Going down proved more UNFORTUNATELY, A FEW PEOPLE WERE challenging than going up. Cindy TURNED AWAY AT THE DOOR SINCE WE sped by on her “happy feet” — The women attendees stay warm inside the shelter at Elver Park as HAD HIT OUR LIMIT OF 50 PRE-REGIS- keeping skiis moving through Cindy Swift explains the importance of layering clothing when skiing. TERED SKIERS. SORRY TO THOSE OF YOU tight and fast corners, while the THAT WEREN'T ABLE TO PARTICIPATE! BE rest of us were forced to use the SURE TO REGISTER EARLY NEXT YEAR! “death plow” as Cindy referred to HOPEFULLY THIS CLINIC WILL BECOME AN our snow plowing. ANNUAL EVENT, RIGHT CINDY? Our hill climbing was punctuat- MUCH THANKS GOES OUT TO EVERYONE ed by several discussions on WHO HELPED MAKE THIS CLINIC A SUC- technique. Cindy suggested we CESS! FOLLOWING IS A FIRST-HAND EXPE- not fall ill to “terminal V-1 dis- RIENCE OF AN ATTENDEE, AND CLUB MEM- ease” and that we vary our tech- BER, LESLIE TAYLOR. nique and work on transitions. Recommendations were made to vary training routines as well and he second Women’s Ski clinic at to emphasize the weaker side. TElver park was a big success All in all it was terrific afternoon with over 50 women from begin- Instructors Carol Ricker, JoEllen Torresani, Carolyn Senty, and Ann made possible by the outstanding ners to advanced attending and Pollock show how happy skiing can make you! coaches… Cindy Swift, Carol enjoying the perfect conditions. Ricker (got the beginner skiiers This reporter having never had any all the way around Elver park!), formal ski instruction but having JoEllen Torresani, Marie Heiligen- tried to learn from the many lyrca stein and Lorie Wesolek and clad bodies whizzing by decided to Megan (a friend of Cindy’s). attend the clinic to find out Thanks also to the registration whether her technique was any- volunteers, Carolyn Senty, Ann thing approaching correct. Pollock, Margaret Riley and The morning began with Cheryl Martin and to the sole stretches led by Cindy reminding male volunteer none other than us all of the importance of find- our fabulous Pres… Jimmy VB. ❄ ing some time to stretch prior to racing out on the trails. A brief Many thanks to Instructors JoEllen Torresani, Carol Ricker, Megan, discussion of equipment and Cindy Swift, and Lorie Wesolek! clothing (polypro and layers were emphasized) followed. After- out poles and concentrated on wards women divided themselves weight changes, balance and into classic and skating groups keeping our upper bodies relaxed and into beginner, intermediate and low. and advanced and headed off to Lunch followed across the the trails. street at Griffs. Griffs prepared a variety of delicious soups, sand- I found myself in the advanced The enthusiastic group having fun and improving their technique out group led by Cindy and we sped wiches and cookies. Several on the snow at Elver Park. off to some flat terrain for double Moms in the group commented poling work. Cindy reminded us that Griffs would be a nice place that the double pole is an integral to bring kids after a few hours of piece of both classic and skate skiing at Elver. I ate lunch with a technique and we concentrated young woman from China, living on “falling” on our poles and and studying in Madison for the using our weight and stomach last several years, who was skiing muscles for more power.The for the first time! She’d decided open field was next and CIndy like many of us to get out and re- tapped out a rhythm (which of ally enjoy winter. course I’ve forgotten) to help us The afternoon program in- master this technique. volved hills, both climbing them Now for snow time! Cindy Swift, explains technique tips to students We also practiced skating with- and descending them. Cindy ex- at the clinic. 2 ❄ MNSC FEBRUARY 2001 Miraculous Membership BY JIM COORS e ran out of membership lists witness the miracle. Well, don’t Wat the last meeting. I will bring laugh. It happened to me early another set to the next meeting, this season! but if you would like me to send We had just arrived home after you one, please feel free to contact a long weekend of skiing in the me. north woods. I was tired and The final and official MadNorS- slammed down the wax box on ki membership tally for the each top of my workbench in the base- ski season is made in March, but ment, but I forgot I had left out an you might be interested in the old tube of Rode Chola klister fact that we have blown the lid base.
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