THE 3rORXTXO OKEGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, FEBIilTATSY 13, 1918. Van Dnser. of Portland, will serve with H. Bloedel. of Bellingham. as ad VIOLATION OF LAW POLES' FIGHT FATAL visors to Colonel Disque in the matter ALL' WOMEHi : of directing production of fir in Oregon and Washington, both for Government ships and for airplanes. This commit- tee corresponds with a committee previ- WHO ARE ILL IS HELD MENACING ously appointed to supervise spruce John Ceislock, Struck on Head production. GO! Colonel Disque, who. is placed at the - by Leonard Toczek, Dies. head of the fir and spruce committees, LAST DAY Tliis Woman Recommends is the officer in command of tha spruce Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- -' Head Charges production division of the Signal Corps, Brotherhood t with headquarters in Portland. Hia table Compound Her power and authority over tha work is ' Roads Work Enginemen to PET DOG CAUSES QUARREL very large and will enable him to direct Personal Experience. every mover from now on. , Point of Exhaustion Mr. Van. Duser is manager of the Inman-Poulse- n Lumber Company, of McLean, Neb. "I want to recom- Portland; J. H. Bluodel is the Washing- mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Po Ell Neighbor Objects to Canine's ton state representative on the fir com- jompouna to an mittee; Amos Benson and W. 51.' Ladd women who suffer Presence on Place and, Following are prominent business men of this city, from any functional WAGE CONDITIONS RAPPED who were named as members of- - the Controversy, Dog's Owner Hits spruce committee originally and their disturbance, aa it appointments stand under the new has done ma more Objector With Stick of Wood. good than all the doctor's medicine. Mlnlm-- m Py of $J.3 Dally A.krd 1 - v PI Since taking it I Ifo.tl.-r-s of Wage n have a fine healthy lor Frdrral CHEHALIS. Wash, Feb. (Spe REED TO SEND SENIORS tsV' if baby frirl and have fommlkin Nrgro FniptVayr cial.) John Ceislock died today in a trained in health and local hospital from a fractured skull. Inc-ludr- strength. My hus- Are la Demand. the result of an attack by his neighbor. band and 27 Pi I both Leonard Toczek. at Pe Ell. milea HOSPITAL WORKERS MAT BE TAKES west of here, early today. The attack praise your med- followed a quarrel over a dog and took FROM COLLEGE STUDENTS. ' ' 1 icine to all suffering gfTf HTkcv. rlTrwai women." Mrs. John KoppfXMura, R V"A5inXGTOV. 12. IixJlK-rtm-tna- place on the lumber docks at the saw Ftb. company, DCBOTHY Ho. 1, McLean, Nebraska. It-ho- - mill or the Teomans Lumber CEaJHSlSSffllBl vlolmtton of toe men were employed. "RecoaatrwetioaUats Seat Fraaace CuUJ0flS la.took where both This famous root and herb remedy, sine the GoTromot Ceislock waa struck over the head Shell Shock Ci Com- charged to thai by WtU. Handle Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable T.r tha roads. 'was with a heavy stick Tocxek and pound, haa been restoring women fHro1 manarvmfnw today by Timo- never regained consciousness. aad Vadvru Form of Paralyala. of thy Vhtt, acting prr'tdent of the According to the story told by Toc America to neaia ior more tnan torty Flremeta xek. Ceislock owned a quarter-sectio- n in years and ic will well pay any woman of Locomotive Some of the'seniors Reed College. in- In jlciurtng to tha farm adjoining Pe Ell. Ceislock had at who suffers from displacemsnts, n't F:neinmn.' a dog which annoyed Tocxek by forag who are majoring in physical educa flammation, irregularities, Kailrnait Waar Commlf.loo working tion, ulceration, drm.ve ing on the refuse at hia home. Tocxek will be recommended for and prob 'Flare-U- p backache, headaches, nervousness or condlftnn. arMrh. ha Mid. thai neigh- ably sent to work in hospitals in m n tnto emploiriateiit. V asserts that be bad warned his the Sal' "the blues" to give this successful th.r I bor to keep hia dog away and finally France this coming Summer as a result "If tha I nl'Ml at. Oo vara men t - remedy a trial. ha ; gave it out that he would shoot the of the reconstruction education train- fn. not r.mfdr thM condition. ng course to You11 Find rtd. "it wiil not make a "mem of I dog if this was not done. that is be established at For special suggestions in regard to no railroad can I This angered Ceislock and this morn Reed College under tha direction of the Wild Romance your ailment write Lydia E. Pinkham railroad onrathti. fnr ing passed War Department, starting March 1, survive if mansard In such a fashion. i as Tocxek him with a truck Hold-Up- s Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result i on the sawmill dock. Toczek says that President Foster announced yesterday. of its long experience is at your service. Mcaar harsrd. Ceislock stopped htm and started a The Government has need of 1000, I Adventures Th m ltn said prnt condition quarrel, telling him that if he expected trained workers. Women, . apparently rtnallv con.titul.d a menace to hu- to shoot his dog he would better do are wanted for the work. Reed Col- Thrills man t"-- man najrd In ! so at once, following this up with lege expects to be able to turn over to AD.rinoi of train rannt r hrld re- - threatening language. the Government the first contingent to Suspense ...,n.ib:. for rt'avaat.r If worked to tha Toczek says that he protested against go from any college in the WesL Fol iwxni of nhTlral haot"on. M a quarrel there, as they were at work. lowing the first course which is to last auot'd ncompl-- t reports to show 111 but that he picked up a stick of wood three months and to be of a general If there was any more in violation of tha law batwwrn from the truck which he later threw corrective nature, other regular courses January t anal la. a compared with back, however. will be provided, amplifying and in it, it wouldn't be a feature; during th arh.il. of I'M Ceislock. he declares, almost imme tensifying the work as the need de- "V: -- it'd be a crime. It docan't am to ma that 111 viola Angeles to San Franclseo on a film dlately renewed the quarrel and made velops. are .straordlnary. con1drln making trip on the Beaver last week. on Toczek, curs The mini TODAY FI1.M! e e a threatening advance first trained "reconstructionlsts" tha weather of that ramarkad FEtTHtKa. Ing him and threatening to shoot him. to be aent to France will handle shell-sho- ck K.rr.r.rv Lane. chatriu-- of tha com- - Etar Harry Carey, Tha Than- - Jack Plckford says he's going to join Toczek slezed the stick of wood again cases, various forms of paralysis lora Kid era " tha Army or Navy as soon as he makes and hit Ceislock a heavy blow so tha and lost functioning. The course is not - Tomorrow "Toil don't Mtwtton violation of tha tSunaet Doufflaa Fairbanks. Hlfl ona mora picture. death resulted later. Late today Toczek far different from that now given at Hsr Grandma law. do year a.ked Mr. haa. I'lctura In the Papera." a a a had not been apprised that he bad the college and several major students "FIGHTING BLOOD" Used SageTea -- I qaratlon properly Itorothy Dalton, "Flara- - don't think that Ubcrtr Ruth Stonehouse, formerly of Uni killed Ceislock. are doing work of Just that nature at : , on ha adUraaJ to me. answered ma uo Sal " versal and more recently of Triangle, Toczek was arrested by a Pe Ell the hospitals and private sanitariums with To Darken Ma)ctlc "Ylola Dana, "Hlua la Dow "at leisure" and in New York. Deputy Sheriff and brought to the in the city. ,SSW,l hi Ha r Mr. iin lid tx"rhapa tha naaatlon Jean. a Lewis County Jail at Chehalis, where Definite instructions for the special Francis X. Bushman ahonld not hava been asked, but re I r u ji i r I li VI ul vii V n 1 e Frank T.loyd. the Fox director who lodged y -- tr j a charge of murder will be three months course have arrived at Kept oeaim-full- fused to drop tha subject. rna vriaie. made "A Tale of Two Cltlra" and other against htm. college. The class will be open to iraadmotner her nair Columbia William 8. "Tha a successes. Is working on the darkened, glossy and attractive Hart. film a tensa Ceislock was BO, years of age. and the public but applicants of college Sulphur. Ua Icaaaad. Ma "ars-- ' liar k a lo. f tlonal divorce photoplay. with a brew of Sage Tea and tro-po- Toczek is 42. Both have fsmilies and education will be preferred. W. ra got tha law. bat It aaama .l Cloh Faullna Fredarick. "Sleep- - t a e w iioiievtfr net 11a.11 iuvk uh turn. compiled with." Shea The Fox publicity man Theda were born in Poland. This Is the President Foster, as a result of his Harrisburg, were married at Harris-bur- g faded, or streaked appearance,- - ui.this Me to act II Ins Fire." I has time many years that the recent visit East, told the men now en- today by Rev. Dan Kropf. continued. "Slnca tha Oorernment took Para writing to the Secretary of tha first for Both simple mixture was applied with won Treasury asking otherwise peaceable Polish settlement rolled at the college that the Govern- are deaf and dumb.
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