THE FORDHAM RAM I. 46, No. 14 Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., 10458—September 18, 1964'j^fgy. 401 Twelve Pages Politics9 Focuses on Election: Football Returns^— lumphrey, Keating Will Speak Fordham-NYU Bout Sens. Hubert H. Humphrey and Kenneth B. Keating have accepted invitations to ak at Fordham as guests of Politics '64-'65. No definite dates have been set for either aker. Set for November 14 Sen. Humphrey, Democratic Vice-Presidsntial candidate from Minnesota, will prob- By Frank Casey, Editor-in Chief appear on campus as part of his Westcnester County campaign tour in October. Sen. Football will return to Rose Hill campus Saturday, Nov. a ting is the incumbent senator from New York. 14, when Fordham plays New York University, one-time arch rival, on Coffey Field. It will be Fordham's first intercollegiate Politics will focus its atten- football match since the sport was. dropped by the Admin- tion on the upcoming elec- istration ten years ago. tions. Co-chairmen Joseph Gridiron competition will be revived in the form of a Hunt and Charles Moxley will football club, sponsored and sup- ^' draw distinguishedi speakers ported by the Fordham College In order to alleviate initial ex- from the fields of politics, law, Student Government. pens^s, the team will have no pro labor and diplomacy. According to Don Ross, presi- staff. Scheduled Speakers Also speaking this semester are: Senator Jacob Javits of New- York, on Dec. 6; William Bundy, Assistant Secfjtary of State for itheast Asia, on Nov. 6; Pat- rick Monynihan, Assistant Secre- ary of Labor, on Nov. 13; Dr. Leona Baumgartncr, Assistant Administrator •. of A.I.D., on Nov. 20: Ted Freeman, Gemini astro- Humphrey at Convention naut, on Dec. 4; and Rep. Melvin Laird (R-Wisc.) chairman of the Republican Convention Platform Committee, sometime in January. first Wave of Females Possible Speakers i A likely prospect for an early appearance will be William Miller, Republican Vice-Presidential can- (wades Ivy Sanctuary didate. Others contacted include The opening of classes last Monday marked a significant such political., personalities as Don Ross, Father McMahon, Dave Langdon, Foofb.V .ngc in Fordham's history as 214 coeds handed in admit- Robert Kennedy, Gov. Nelson )Ce cards as members of the first class of Thomas More Rockefeller, former Gov. David dent oi Student Government, the David Langdon, coach and captain of the Rugby Club will also coach |lege. TMC is the first school to be added to Fordham since Lawrence of Pennsylvania, and club will be on a non-scholarship, John Bailey, Chairman, of the the Football Club. Rev. Eugene School of Business was-opened in 1920. student - organized, student- O'Neil is moderator of the club. lis new liberal arts uol-v : . ",", •""•" 7 ~ Democratic National Committee. coached basis. has been opened initially !acatielnlc •wholalshli) award- The Politics '64-'G5, with Horizons Responsible for bringing back and Dialogue, constitutes a con- Negotiations for the game were football to Fordhnm are SG lead- women. It will subse- javernBe girl ranked in the top tinuation of last year's American concluded Wednesday afternoon. ers Don Ross, and John Connolly, mtly provide special lib- :«ven per cent of her class with an Age lecture series. Arrangements are being made for I vice-president, who spent the end arts programs for men i overall academic average of renting bleachers with a seating of last spring and all of the sum- available in the College, S1.2 per cent. capacity of 15,000 to be set up in mer working out feasible plans li as fine arts. On their College Board exami- College Proposes the center of Coffey Field on the with Langdon. nations, the typical freshman northeast corner of the campus. Ross and Connolly had made 'tei two days of orientation, scored C40 in the verbal aptitude and Thurs., Sept. 9 and 10, Campus-Wide SG General admission tickets will the return of football one of their I new freshmen registered Fri., test and 597 in the mathematics cost $2.50. (Continued on Page '1) 11 The first class is coin- test. By Bob Kelty ed mainly of non-resident The curriculum o( TMC will be Don Ross, president of the dents from the meteropolitan nearly Identical with that of the College Student Government, a There are, however, 3(1 College. Courses of study for the made two proposals yesterday Horizons '65 Will Bring Art r#?hiii"n boarding at the Susan freshman year will consist of toward the unification of te?ln Residence. English literature, a modern for- campus schools. Films, Folklore, Music Here eign language, theology, and a Stating that the trend of the Hish Hanking Students choice or either history, Latin or By Joseph Vaccarino University is toward greater uni- Gerard Boesgaarci, chairman of Horizons '05, has an- *PWM1\ -three of the TMC eo- Groek. and biology or mathe- fication of the separate schools, 1 , * have achieved some type of matics. nounced an exciting new program of concerts, films and cel- Ross proposed the organization ebrity receptions surpassing anything held at. Fordham in the of a eampus-wlde student govern- recent past. Horizons '05 is the fine arls division of the newly as ._ r - .--_--'.• r- <s ing body and the establishment of a campus-wide .student union reorganized College Student Government sponsored American Age Lecture Series. to co-ordinate all lectures, mixer.s fore the show. and intramurals. This semester's program calls If there i a .full house at the He made the proposals during fur a vaudeville minsire! show written bv Noble Hi:..sle. a violin \ , "'' • ^!y.:\,'""' iHuarri, a coffee (he iirsl meeting tills semester of 1 the .'-'iludi'iil Congress, held yes- roncri U>, a Stravinsky b;tl!H a hour will l.-illow I< Oiij inui'd oil l';u',c !!} film le.'itival, and a special events Vivahll V (Nmrprl proiirum oi rreitu! ions. Tu •une.Tts are sched- (ii'iuime Min-.trti Stliuv for fall semester. The Masses The first offering oi Hori.-iiii.-. ' lir.-l. is \t: )1 Ilurol; Presents The annual Ma's of tin- Holy will be "The 'Grass limits' ol l/.thac 1'erlman" ill a violin recital 1 Ghost, i, sciieit'ili-d to <\l'tiri,;!l.v Aiuericnn Folklore." the "only of work. ; by Vhalili and Franck. ht'gin the academic year oti i'ept. i'.i'iuiine minstrel SUJW in the Isaac stern has compared the 111 1 Mil ill (he gymnasium. All students U.f-i." Tli" .-how. written by Nnbli | ye;ir-old violinist to Yaslm Heif- 1 on campus mr expected to attend. :;i;:le ana llubie lilac):, will be [el: .. 'I he cent will take place In ft hits also !>"rn derided Ihat presented Friday evening. Scpl.Uhr Campus Center Ballroom on the Mass on the junior-senior :>.:>, at H::»), in Collins Audiloriimi. | November 11 at 0:30 p.m. Atl- Day D! l.vnillectiun, Ui:!. :!I, v. ill A;hii!::,io!i i.. :,:::i..:ili: liel.cl.: may; be ottered In memory of Dr. Wil- bt: picked up at the ticket ofllce The last presentation of the iiuin li. I'ltsni. opposite the book store in the semester will be the rarely per- Fntlior IVonolma, TMC Dean, III Mixer (Sec story, l'a:;e .i) Campus Center or at Die door be- (('ontinucd on Page 10) Football History Page 5 RAMSPORTS Page 12 THE FORDHAM RAM September 18, 196] 1963-4 And a Hopeful Look Ahea< placements coming up from the games to the Redmen and an-Coast Conference power North was 9-5, placing second in Rugby second team. Ben Malveaux and other to Wagner College. Carolina State on the 17th. Metropolitan Championships Artie Geiger will form the nucleus Ace hurler Gerry Maekin pitched 11th in the IC4A. The team » The Pordham Rugby Club be- for the scrum, and the Hams' Next on the Ram schedule will gins its third full year this fall a masterful game in the first en- be Connecticut of the Yankee led by captain Joe McGovei two ,fine wing forwards, Don counter with St. John's, only to Norb Sander, Matt Cucchiarral with high hopes of continuing Somma and Andy Cordaro, also Conference. The varsity then the success of last spring when fall victim to his teammates' mis- travels to Rochester for the Ko- The team was not so succel the club ran up a record of 6-3.return. cues and inept hitting. Paul dak City Tournament on the 29th ful as was hoped due to msf •iTlie Rams had an overall record! The backfield will be very Smaldone's homer in the first was and 30th of December. Harvard, injuries throughout the seasl of 9-5-1, making them the only, strong, with Tom Mulvey, John the only Fordham run as the Navy, the Rams, and host Ro- At one time, four top runnl winning team of the Big Three Collins, Larry Restieri, Dave Rams bowed, 2-1, in 11 innings. chester will participate in the were out with injuries. sports: baseball, basketball, and Langdon, iay Larkin and 'Bob The Rams dropped an exhibi- two day affair. Rynkar. Firola, who has scored The indoor track season \* . rugby. tion game but swept a league highlighted by the runnin- l most of the Fordham points in the The new year will open with t The B" team had an overall doubleheader in between the two last two years and has constant- St. John's games. The second Rams at Memphis State on the Sam Perry, overshadowed" . record of 3-7. 2nd as they seek revenge for an ir.r.it Qf the season by Bob Has| : ly kept the Rams out of dan»ci same was a comedy of errors, as The Rams got off to a good with his kicking, will be back at thu Rams and Redmen both made NIT defeat two years ago.
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