BushfoodGardenStarter Kit Map & Contact Details \VIIJ11IIG,1111 Bush{ood N urserlJ Established in 1996 We specialise in quality native food plants for the home gardener and commercial grower Our Bushfood Garden Starter Kits consist of eight different species in either 100mm or 140mm pots. The Kits include an interesting selection of plants with a variety of growth habits and Member of the Queensland Bushfood Association tasty fruits, to create the basis of a great www.qldbushfood.com bushfood garden. Nursery open by appointment only Contact: Individual Kits can be tailor made to suit your Veronica Cougan requirements and the specific soil and Phone: 07 5446 9265 climatic conditions in your area. Nursery Address: The Wild TasteoltheRainlorest 84 Falls Creek. Rd. Obi Obi. Old 4574 Also available is our booklet, Email The Wild Taste of the Rainforest [email protected] Web Address: Varieties selected for profiling a number of bushfood species. www.witjutigrub.com.au their superior fruiting A guide to the selection, cultivation and use and leaf qualities of native food plants. Experience... T.heWild Taste of the Rainforest Witjuti GrubSpeGies List Genus / species Common Name Habit Y.!! ,, or centuries 'bush food' plants have been an integral Acronychia acidula Lemon Aspen Small- Medium Tree Fruit Fruit part of our indigenous people's staple diet and Acronychia oblongifolia White Aspen Small - Medium Tree Fruit lifesty le. Toda y these native foods are being Acronychia wilcoxiana Silver Aspen Small - Medium Tree Alectryon coriaceus Beach Bird's-eye Small Tree Fruit 'rediscovered ' by contemporary Australians a·nd used in Alpinia caeru/ea Native Ginger (Atherton form) Shrub Root/Seed ways as varied as our multi-cultured backgrounds . Antidesma erostre Wild Currant Shrub Fruit Leaf The re are about species of flowering plants in Apium prostratum Sea Celery ( Native Parsley) Herb (Ground Cover) 250,000 Seed (Nut) the world. Given this biodiversity it is perhaps surprising Athertonia diversffolia Atherton Almond Sma ll - Medium Tree Aust romyrtus dulcis Midyim Berry Shrub Fruit that with 10,000 years of settled agriculture only about Backhousia angusti folia Curry Myrtle Small Tree Leaf 100 species have been cultivated as significant food Backhousia citriodora Lemon Myrtle Small - Medium Tree Leaf plants and only about 20 constitute the staple foods of Backhousia myrtifo/ia Cinnamon Myrtle (Wom 'ba1) Shrub - Small Tree Leaf the developed and developing world. Citrus australasica Finger Lime Shrub - Small Tree Fruit Citrus australis Round (Gympie) Lime (Oooja ) Small Tree Fruit lt is estimated that there were upwards of 5000 Clausena brevistyla Native Wampi Small Tree Fruit different bushfood plant species across Australia utilised Curcuma australas ica Native Turmeric (Cape York Lily) Shrub Root and harvested seasonally by Aboriginal people. Davidsonia je rseyana Nth. NSW Davidson's Plum Shrub- Small Tree Fruit Fruit Bushfoods played a significant part in Australia's Davidsonia pruriens Nth. Qld. Davidson's Plum Shrub- Small Tree Oecaspermum humile Silky Myrtle Shrub Fruit colon ial history , keeping explorers alive and settlers Dioscorea transversa Native Yam Vine Root healthy. They helped ensure Captain Cook 's success Diploglottis australis Native Tamarind Medium - Large Tree Fruit and the first Colony's survival. Without bushfood Dtploglottis berniana Bernie's Tamarind Medium Tree Fruit explorers such as Stu rt and Leichhardt would have Dtploglottis campbeflii Small-leaved Tamarind Medium Tree Fruit Fruit failed in their efforts from either scurvy or starvation . Otploglottis diphyflostegia Northern Tamarind Small - Medium Tree Dip/ogfottis smithii Smith 's Tamarind Small - Medium Tree Fruit At Witjuti Grub Nursery we have a wide variety of Elaeagnus triflora Millaa Millaa Vine Fruit selected bushfood plants from the rainforests of South Eugenia reinwardtiana Beach Cherry Shrub Fruit East and Central Qld. and Northern NSW . These native Eupomatia laurina Bolwarra (Native Guava) Shrub Fruit Fruit trees, shrubs, vines and herbs have been chosen for Ficus coronata Creek Sandpaper Fig Small Tree Fruit their quality and are suitable for most situations and Ficus opposit a Sandpaper Fig Small Tree Glycosmis trifo/iata Lime Berry Shrub Fruit aspects . Geitonoplesium cymosum Scrambling Lily Vine Shoot Tips Our indigenous foods, while sometimes reminiscent of Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia Red Bopple Nut Small Tree Seed Mentha australis River Mint Herb (Ground Cover) Leaf European foods , have their own particular characteristics Fruit that we need to learn to accept and value. Bushfoods Mischa rytera lautereriana Corduroy Tamarind Mediu m - Large Tree Piper hederaceum Pepper Vin e Vine Seed have unique flavours that have not been genetically Pfanchonefla austrafis Black Apple Medium - Large Tree Fruit manipulated. Tests have shown them to be highly Pleiogynium timorense Burdekin Plum Medium - Large Tree Fruit nutritious, more so than their farmed European relatives. Podo carpus efatus Plum Pine Medium - Large Tree Fruit Podocarpus spinufosus Shrubby Plum Pine Fruit Bushfoods add enormous interest to your garden and Shrub Rubus probus Sweet Native Raspberry Vine Fruit can change the way that you look at native plants. By Sterculia quadrifid a Peanut Tree Small - Medium Tree Seed including bushfoods in your garden, you will not only Syzygium anisatum Anise Myrtle (syn Ba~housia anisata) Medium Tree Leaf create a haven for native birds and animals , you will be Syzygium austrafe Brush Cherry Small - Medium Tree Fruit contributing significantly to your own nutrition and Syzygium fibrosum Apricot Satinash Small - Medium Tree Fruit Fruit dietary variety. As well you will have the satisf action of Syzygium /uehmannii Riberry Small - Medium Tree Syzygium oleosum Blue Cherry (Blue Lilly Pilly) Small - Medium Tree Fruit growing food for yourself, making the wild taste of the Tetragonia tetragonioides Warrigal Greens (Native Spin ach) Ground Cover Leaf rainforest a common experience . Viola banksii Native Violet Ground Cover Leaf July 2013 _ ~_N_e_w_s_p_e_ci_es_ar_e_c_on_t_in_ua_1_1y_a_dd_e_d_t_o_st_o_ck_l_is_t,_w_h_ile_so_m_e_s_p_ec_i_es_m_a_y_b_e_li_m_it_ed_or_u_n_a_va_il_ab_l_e_at_ti_·m_e_s___ A_P_Q_0_4_1_9_1_6_ .
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