The Miami Hurricane VOL. XXII UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLA., APRIL 16, 1948 No. 22 urricane All-American • • • • • • • * • Story On Page 2 Merrick School Trains Future Teachers • * • • * • • * • Story On Page 3 mnuiHiniuiniiKutiiiNnititiiniiiituiiiiiiimiiiiMHainHuitiiimniiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiitiii^ CAMPUS RALLY Hurricane Highlights CLASSIFIED 4 VETS' AFFAIRS—by John Walters 10 BOOK BURNINGS—by Hal Morris 12 DRAMA—by Chuck Do Bedts 12 RADIO—by Rodney Post 13 SPORTS—by Art Roth 14 annuiHHiiwiiHmnmiuniniuiiuiiiiiHiiiiiuiniiHiuuiuiuuiiuiiuiiiiHinmmii niiiiiiuiiiHinim s Honey No. 33 6Tv •*-T; .-^vxy/'V.. PRANCING TO FAME, pretty 5'3", 109 lb. Virginia AlUworth leads this week's parade of Hurricane Honeys. This Miami High twirling rhamp of 1946 is now in her sophomore year, majoring in sociology and minoring in home economics. Virginia—who is more at home in "WELCOME ANDY GUSTAFSON!" was the cry raised by University of Miami students who attended front of a band than watching one—is a University majorette, a the special assembly held Friday to greet the new grid coach. The cheerleaders led the crowd of more position she will continue next semester. If she will march over to ..ian 10(10 in two full minutes of applause, and the band played "Hall to the Spirit" In Andy's honor. the Hurricane office she will be presented with a University Flower (Photo by Fried) Shop orchid. MuuiMMiimiHiuMimMiiiHMiiiiinum^ Story And Pictures On Pages 8-9 MHinUinHHUI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMItllMIIUHMIIUItllllMIIIIII Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE Ai'Rii. 16, 1948 Hurricane Cops All American; SPORTS WRITER TO TALK Mexico's Duret To Lecture In cooperation with the under­ graduate chapter of Sigma Delta Chi the Journalism department In Hispanic Institute Series First Honor Since 1941 presents Lester Bromberg, sports ' "Your Miami Hurricane is an All-American publication." writer of the New York World- Miguel Lanz Duret, Jr., described as "more difficult to see than the That is the good news received this week from the As­ Telegram in a Sports Writing talk this morning at 11:30 am in room Liberty Club President of Mexico," and "one of sociated Collegiate Press. The Hurricane was one of seven S-112. Mexico's most distinguished men of schools of its enrollment size to win All-American, top Forms Plans letters," will give the tenth lecture national collegiate press rating. of the Hispanic-American Institute Declaring that he wants to bring series this afternoon That tall, dark, curly-headed guy a "behind-the-scenes picture of who has been seen on the campus Member of a Mexican family dis­ world problems" to students, Dr. beaming from ear to ear is Cliff U-M Sailing Club Enters tinguished in letters and public Norman R Buchan, journalism Heinzel. Hurricane editor for the service, Mr. Duret is president and Southeastern Sailboat Races professor, furthered plans for the general manager of the Compania Fall semester, under who's guid­ Liberty club at last Friday's meet­ Peridistica Nacional, S. A. He is ance the paper won its first All- The University of Miami Sailing ing Ameriean rating since 1941, when club will enter five Lightnings in E. V. Silver, boat five. Crews will publisher of the outstanding news­ After a short introduction, he Claude Corrigan was editor In 1939. the second annual Southeastern be anounced this afternoon at -the paper of Mexico, El Universal, mem­ presented the speaker, Dr. Russell Lightning Class Sailboat champion Sailing club meeting at 3:30 pm ber of the Mexican bar, president of also, the school received top rating A. Williams, member of the Na­ ship races to be held tomorrow by Chuck Beringer, club president the Banco de las Artes Graficas, but it was then as in '41, in the tional Security committee and ob­ and Sunday on a six-mile trianglar Committee named are as follows; and one of the directors of the less-than-2000 enrollment class. server of the UN for the Rotary course off Dinner Key. race committee, Joe Mooney, Clyde productora e Importodora de Papel "The Hurricane is a highly read­ International club. able newspaper." wrote the press The first race will get underway Cimarik, and Gary Newman; rules "Juarez" will be the subject of at 2 p.m. Saturday with approxi­ committee, Jack Schuh, chairman, Dr. Williams expressed his oelief Mr. Durct's lecture at 4:30 p.m. association judge at the end of his in the slogan, "America—love it or mately 28 boats entered by local Ann Bellinger, Buddy Becker, and in the Lecture Hall critical report, "and not the least leave it," and stressed the import­ and out-of-town participants. The Jack Russcol; equipment committee, The Friars: Motolinia, Victoria, of its strong points is that it is ance of universal military training second and third races are sche­ Ernest Quarterman, David Bee, and and Las Casas, will be the subject not in a rut, congratulations for Nominations were made from the duled Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and Don Acenbrack: maintenance com­ of the lecture Wednesday at 4:30 a good job." floor for the speaker, publications, 1:30 p.m. mittee, Herbert Russcol, Frank Nan­ p.m. The speaker will be Dr. Lewis The critical report praised the kin, Dick Danziger, and Bob Od- and constitution committees. Jour­ Hurricane for its news coverage, Skippers of the U-M entries are. U. Hanke, director of Hispanic M. B. Magonigle, boat one; Chuck gers, and Chris Kissel, publicity nalism professor Jim Julian, chair­ editorial page, and its striking use man of the constitution group, re­ Foundation at the Library of Con­ of cartoons and photographs. Its Beringer. boat two; Barbara Mizer, Paul Palmer of the Miami Yarht gress. * three; John K. Hill, boat four; and I club is chairman of the race. Dr. ported that the charter is pro­ news, feature and its sport page gressing rapidly and would probab­ were rated "excellent." Thurston Adams, head of Special Activities at the University, and ly be completed by today. "I am gratified that the hard Vernon* Cordry, instructor of jour­ work we put in last fall showed nalism and sailing, will assist. Comic Strip Drug results," said Cliff Heinzel. 'The A cocktail party will be given at Photogs Plan All-American rating puts us up the home of Ray Dodge, Sunset in the top bracket where a school Island one, following the race Sa­ Not Fictitious this size belongs. I hope we stay turday afternoon for all race parti­ Print Display there from now on." In a recent comic strip Wash cipants. A dinner, and movies of Students in Press Photography "This couldn't have happened t last year's races, will highlight the Tubbs was only saved from a potent a better staff'" Mr Vernon Cordry. will bring out their best work on dose of biotin by the timely en­ event at 8 p.m at Dinner Key- May 5, 6, 7 and 8 for display in advisor stated, "This helps repay Terminal restaurant trance of Captain Easy. Cliff and his workers for the count­ the first of what is being planned as an annual showing of campus "The comic strips have taken a less hours they put in on the paper true fact and enlarged upon it to a To have an All-American rating i news photography The display will great extent," said Dr. Harry P. something all of us should brag HISTORY SOCIETY MEETS be held in the assembly room under Schultz, asistant profesor of chemis­ about. We have exchanged papers The first meeting of the History Beaumont auditorium with exact with more than 300 colleges and society since its reorganization this hours to be announced later. The try. "Biotin, a powerful vitamin, they know we have an outstanding year will be held in the cafeteria exhibit of prints will show work of is not fictional and though neces­ paper and University." annex on the North Campus tonight both advanced students and begin­ sary for growth, it will not cause at 7 p.m. announced Dr. Carlton W ners, according to James S. Penny, phenomenal growth as portrayed in Those who helped Heinzel win the comics," he said. the honor were: Allan Keplinger, Tebeau, chairman of the history de­ Asst. Prof, of Journalism who managing editor and now editor; partment. teaches the course Since biotin is so powerful that Jean Schively, news editor; Art Dr. William B. Munson, history More advanced students are also everyone gets a sufficient amount Roth, sports editor; Joyce Edwards, department, will speak on the "In­ preparing prints for entry in the of it in minor foods, there is no editorial page; Stan Platkin, fea­ fluence of Recent Scientific Discov­ annual nationwide contest sponsored known natural deficiency of the ture editor; Martha Epstein, organi­ eries on Social Science." by Kappa Alpha Mu, national hon­ vitamin. The chief, source is in zations editor: John Walters, copy CUFF HEINZEL orary fraternity in Photo Journal­ liver, yeast, and egg yolks. editor; Syd Dimmig, business man- Chance, Art Mandler, and the num­ P-A.D.'S SPONSOR LUNCHEON ism, at the University of Missouri. In May, 1943, .Merck and Co , inc., aker; George Corrigan, advertising erous news and feature writers who Peter E. Winegar, Justice of thc This contest is open to any regular­ accomplished the chemical synthesis manager; Tom Bottomley, Ben drew the judges' praise. Rasco Chapter of the Phi Alpha ly enrolled student in the univer­ of biotin. There is no present de­ Delta Law Fraternity, announced sity and entry blanks may be se­ mand for the vitamin, but chemists FOR AN that the chapter at the University cured from Mr. Penny at the jour­ hope that it can be used in the com­ of Miami School of Law is spon­ nalism department.
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