March 18, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E477 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO TRIBUTE TO JUSTIN JOSLIN AND In addition to the almost 13 years he has REMOVE THE SOCIAL SECURITY ROGER BISHOP spent in the National Guard, he served for 4 TRUST FUND AND MEDICARE years in the Marine Corps, enlisting after grad- OFF-BUDGET HON. HEATHER WILSON uating from high school. Despite his success, OF NEW MEXICO SFC Dolan remains modest, citing the exem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES plary work of other Pennsylvania Guardsmen. HON. JAMES A. TRAFICANT, JR. Thursday, March 18, 1999 He is in quite a good position to determine the proficiency of his colleagues, as it is his duty OF OHIO Mrs. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I wish to bring to inspect unit readiness throughout the state. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to your attention the humanitarian acts of Jus- In this capacity, he helps review a third of the tin Joslin and Roger Bishop, two students of National Guard every year. Thursday, March 18, 1999 Sandia High School in Albuquerque, NM. SFC Dolan, in the true spirit of the minute- In November 1998 these two young men Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, over the man, initially joined the same National Guard were driving around after school when they unit in which his father served. He currently years, the Federal Government has raided the saw a slow-moving vehicle veer dangerously Social Security trust fund and Medicare and lives with his wife, Vincenta, who is also a across oncoming traffic toward houses. The member of the PA Guard, and their 10-month diverted the money earmarked for retirement driver of this vehicle appeared passed out, her old daughter, Kaitlin. and medical benefits to a host of other pro- head tipped back against the seat. Without ex- The honor of the title of Soldier of the Year grams. This would be bad enough if Social changing a word, both young men sprang into is a great one. That the award is in such good Security faced no financial crisis. But the pro- action to stop the car, saving the woman and hands bodes well for the future of the Penn- gram is projected to start running cash-flow possibly others, from injury. Justin stopped his sylvania National Guard. The people of Penn- shortages around 2013, which makes the mis- car, and he and Roger jumped out and ran sylvania can feel secure in the knowledge that use of the trust fund unconscionable. I have along opposite sides of the other vehicle. men and women like SFC Dolan are working recently introduced legislation calling for a Roger grabbed the passenger's door, which for them. It is an honor to pay tribute to him constitutional amendment to remove the So- was locked and Justin grabbed the drivers' today. cial Security trust fund and Medicare off-budg- door and was able to jump in. Justin pressed f on the brake and put the vehicle in park. The et. I encourage each of my colleagues to sup- 66-year-old driver had apparently fallen uncon- HONORING COLORADO GIRLS port this measure. scious. She was treated at a local hospital and STATE BASKETBALL 3A CHAM- Supporters of the Social Security accounting released. PIONSÐEATON HIGH SCHOOL system claim the trust fund is in fine shape, Too many times we hear of bad news in our storing the surpluses in a massive fund that communities or situations that could have con- HON. BOB SCHAFFER cluded better if someone would have acted will ensure that benefit checks keep flowing OF COLORADO with concern and compassion as these young until 2032. The truth is when Social Security's IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES costs exceed tax receipts, the Government will men did. Justin Joslin and Roger Bishop Thursday, March 18, 1999 have to raise taxes and/or borrow more showed that they care about others and are money to help pay benefits. willing to act in a humanitarian way when they Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today see a need. to extend my heartiest congratulations to the Since 1983, Social Security has collected f Eaton High School girls basketball team on more in taxes than it spends on benefits and their impressive State 3A Championship. The other costs. This year, the payroll tax surplus TRIBUTE TO SERGEANT FIRST CLASS JAMES DOLAN victory, a hard fought 50±47 win over Pagosa will total about $52 billion. By 2007, the cumu- Springs High School, was a thrilling contest lative surplus is estimated to be $435 billion. HON. GEORGE W. GEKAS between two talented and deserving teams. In In the past, these funds have been spent on championship competition, though, one team OF PENNSYLVANIA everything from defense to welfare. In return, must emerge victorious, and Eaton proved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the trust fund has been issued nonmarketable themselves the best in their classÐtruly sec- Treasury bonds, which are merely promises to Thursday, March 18, 1999 ond to none. repay the money with interest at a later date Mr. GEKAS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The State 3A Championship is the highest in time. In short, IOU's from the Government pay tribute to Sgt. First Class James Dolan, of achievement in high school basketball. This to itself. To date, the IOU's in the trust fund Jonestown, PA, who recently earned the title coveted trophy symbolizes more than just the team and its coach, Bob Ervin, as it also rep- total over $800 billion. of Soldier of the Year for the Pennsylvania National Guard. SFC Dolan, who serves full- resents the staunch support of the players' The best and only way to shield the Social time at Fort Indiantown Gap in Annville, is the families, fellow students, school personnel and Security and Medicare trust funds from spend- assistant inspector general for the PA Army the community. From now on, these people ing raids is to exclude their funds from Federal National Guard. can point to the 1998±1999 girls basketball budget calculations. Currently, several bills This award is well-earned by an individual team with pride, and know they were part of have been introduced that would do just that. who carries himself with great professionalism a remarkable athletic endeavor. Indeed, visi- However, none of those bills call for amending and distinction in the finest traditions of our tors to this town and school will see a sign the U.S. Constitution to ensure that raiding the country's military history. The noncommis- proclaiming the Girls State 3A Championship, fund is impossible. sioned officers corps serves as the backbone and know something special had taken place of the army, and the benchmark that SFC there. The fundamental goal of the Social Security Dolan has set is emblematic of the lofty stand- The Eaton basketball squad is a testament and Medicare programs is ultimately to guar- ards traditionally set by our nation's non- to the old adage that the team wins games, antee savings and medical coverage for retir- commissioned officers. In order to achieve this not individuals. The combined talents of these ees. The Federal Government has made a honor, SFC Dolan was interviewed by evalua- players coalesced into a dynamic and domi- contract with the American people. Let's show tion boards who ranked his technical pro- nant basketball force. Each team member also that we are serious about addressing the re- ficiency, leadership skills, and military knowl- deserves to be proud of her own role. These tirement system's long term solvency problem. edge and bearing. individuals are the kind of people who lead by Again, I urge each member to support this This award was given to an excellent soldier example and serve as role-models. With the constitutional amendment. who has maintained a brilliant military record. increasing popularity of sports among young · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E478 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 18, 1999 people, local athletes are heroes to the young ice to the Christian community, and its efforts tional magazine Cable in the Classroom for in their home towns. I admire the discipline to serve better through expansion. May it long her innovative methods to use technologies in and dedication these high schoolers have continue its growth and success. the classroom. shown in successfully pursuing their dream. f Mrs. Leach is a regular user of video in her The memories of this storied year will last a science class. She has found that by lifetime. I encourage all involved, but espe- UNITED CONFEDERATION OF supplementing the traditional text method of cially the Eaton players, to build on this expe- TAINO PEOPLE DAY teaching she is able to reach different kinds of rience by dreaming bigger dreams and achiev- learners. Some students favor auditory and ing greater successes. I offer my best wishes HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ visual information processing. Mrs. Leach has to this team as they move forward from their OF ILLINOIS found that to reach more students more effec- State 3A Championship to future endeavors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tively she must present the material in as f many different ways as she can. Thursday, March 18, 1999 In addition to her responsibilities as a CONGRATULATING ST. GREGORY Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today science teacher, Onorina Leach is the coach THE ILLUMINATOR CHURCH OF to speak about the taino people and the im- of Highland High School's United States Aca- FOWLER portance of observing the United Confed- demic Decathlon team.
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