Thursday, October 28, 1999 • Volume 6, Number 11 Page 1of8 ...... ... Peterson up by 6 % , 1.::..-:m.. .. ----· Borries has 2 % lead Will Dems sweep the Big Four cities? By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis Democrat Bart Peterson is poised to accomplish what no Democrat has done since 1963 - win a mayor's race in Indianapolis. A NUVO-TeleResearch Poll conducted Oct. 22-25 (371 likely voters; +/- 5) shows Peterson with a 43-37 per­ cent lead. More importantly, while Republican Sue Anne Gilroy used controversial TV ads of Mayor Stephen Gold­ smith and Police Chief Michael Zunk. to coalesce her GOP The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink base, those commercials have prompted a hemmorhaging of Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is support with independents. Independent voter support for an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the political process in Indiana. Peterson rose from 13 percent in September to 18 percent, and her fav/unfavs among that group went from 44/44 to Brian A. Howey 33/63. editor and publisher ''They perceived she went negative and they didn't The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 like it," said TeleResearch pollster Jeff Lewis. PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-254-2405 HPR has learned that the TeleResearch survey mirrors Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 [email protected] internal tracking for both the Gilroy and Peterson campaigns. www.howeypolitics.com Last Sunday, the Indianapolis Star had Peterson leading 45- Washington office: 202-775-3242 39 percent. Business Office: 317-254-0535. Pager: 317-320-2722 In Evansville, Democrat Rick Borries has a a 40-38 percent lead with a huge 22 percent undecided, according to Daytime number: 317-254-2400, Ext. 273 an HPR/TeleResearch Poll conducted Oct. 20-21 (419 likely Subscriptions: $250 annually via fax or first voters, +/-5 percent, 41D/25R/34I). But much like the Fort class mail. Call 317-254-1533. Wayne race we reported last week, even though Borries has full © 1999, The Howey Political Report. All rights a narrow lead, the trending is running against him. A 19 rese111ed. Photocopying, faxing or reproducing in any percent of the Democrats are undecided and another 25 per­ form, in whole or in part, is a violation offederal law cent have an unfavorable opinion of him - residue from his and is strictly prohibited without consent of the come-from-behind primary win over Gail Riecken. And publisher. Continued on page 2 "QUOTE" OF THE WEEK INSIDE F E A T U R E S 'If we win Indianapolis ... when ... we will Ticker Tape: Reassessment delay p. 2 have scored a second major, major upset..." Pre-Election '99 Briefing Info p. 3 Horse Race: Squadrito backs Richard; - Indiana Democratic Chairman Robin Buskirk's wild week; Floyd GOP Winston, to 9th Congressional District Democrats chairman flees city; Dedlow in Batesville last Saturday xp ns s und r fire p. 6-8 We're in Our Sixth Year! Thursday, Octobe1r 28, 1999 Page2of8 .., WHOA!!/ WHERE '\~ DiO HE COME FRJM? ,I "".).,.;.----~ ··"" direction." Goldsmith 1;cm'.Illplainedl about Peterson, from page 1 $150 sewer bills and tock out $17,000 in among independents, Borries' fav/llllnf;a1vs taxpayer-ruru ads raifu1,g against the sewer T A are.40/52 percent. Lloyd's stood at 48/45. permits. Peterson respor.ded with all ', ".l.J •. l.:.U.l!I ,. I,,:. J 1,1'"1"'1 "lridependents really don't like eithi::r endorsement ad of U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh, one," pollster Lewis said. "This ca -::-if icgn calmly endorsing Pete 1·s,Jn with words like Indiana !Democrats rai~11ed is full of cross currents. Very iunusua!!. ' "bipartisan," "real pla:rn," "best candidate," $1.3 million in 1995. A~, of Oct. 8, they had raised $1.9 The similarity between ithe "same vision.," and "gr1e:1t mayor." million for 1999. Evansville race and Fort ·wayne is fr11 The nlllmbers a1:p1~ar to have Republican Linda Buskirk !had a 43...q ·1 dropped out from und1!:r Gilroy when that Congres:;ional Quarterly will percent lead, but the number of Goldsmith adl ran. Wh:~r. it was finally name U.S. Sen. Richar11:l Republicans supporting Democrat Gm harm pulled last Friday, Gil1·o:iir had gone from a Lugar onie of the most 1!·ffec· Richard rose from 16 percent two we:· ks 46-46 tie on Monday 1( :according to tive le·gis:lators. earlier to 23 percent last week. WTHR) to six-point di:~fa:its in the Star HPR believes there is a better t:r1a.1:1 and NUVOffeleResea !'ch Poll. Efforts to delay the 1Prt:1p 1erty tax reassessments are 50 percent chance that Indiana Democ:.rats. It may well be t1 r :·]>eat of a fa1tal growing. The Gary Po~lt· could carry the four largest lrudiarn:. CJ 1:·ies .. mistake Goldsmith m11 d1; during his 1996 Tribune's lead read: "l•mm Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Evansvilli:! m1d gubernatorial race. He o:i med his fall the neiglhlborhoods o1 ~ .. ~:ke South Bend - in next Tuesday's election. campaign with a scun 1lc llS attack on County to the townshirr,1 Frank O'Bannon and I 'l•." "38 tax increas­ assessors, to the voiicei of Ghost of Goldsmith es." When HPR talked tJ Hudson Institute Hoosier industry, to thm governor, pressure ns The critical error for Gilroy co111ld economist Bill Styrin1: a few days after mounting across the state very well be the decision to me a TV 1·,!: - Goldsmith retracted th.it 21d, he observed, to delay what many arei i;ay­ turing Mayor Stephen Gold!si:nith, ont: of "I could have told him t. mt painting Frank ing will be a financnall}1' clis· the most polarizing personalities in thr::: O'Bannon as a tax and ~pend liberal astrous reassessment "The city's political history. Goldsmith looke-.CI wouldn't fly." Now, th'~ e years later, result is certain," said !MA into the camera and taliked abeiut hmv 1:h1~: Goldsmith w lS the f m 11t man for Gilroy, Presicllent Pat Kiely. "11tnore Democrats were "attac~dng the city's calling Evan Bayh protege Bart Peterson a will be higher taxes cm ~usi- fmances," how the Peterson PXan is big spender. Continued on p~ige 3 "risky" and taking tlle city in 1the "wrong Indepel!ldent voliel's simply didn't Page 3of8 Thursday, October 28, 1999 HPR Pre-Election Briefing Registration Info Here is registration information for the two remaining Howey Political TICKER Report Pre-Election Briefings: T A p E Oct. 27 - Columbia Club, Indianapolis - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sponsors: Baker & Daniels, NUVO Newsweekly, Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce. nessinvestinentinlndiana Local panelist: Ronald Gifford. Cost: $18. and, as our neighboring Oct. 28 - Metropolitan Evansville Chamber of Commerce - 11 a.m. to states continue to create financial incentives for busi· 1 p.m. Sponsors: Baker & Daniels, Southern Indiana Gas & Electric Company, nessinvestinent,fewerjobs American General Finance, MECC. Local panelist: Miriam Dant. Cost: $18. and lower wages in Indiana." Gov. Frank buy it. By Friday, Gilroy had pulled the crime-riddled neighborhoods? Or bad O'Bannon has announced Goldsmith ad and replaced it with the public schools.? Do they fear the assimila­ that he will ask the Indiana General Assembly to delay controversial Chief Zunk ad. The tion of middle class African-American the reassessment for a year. Indianapolis Star reported that back in families into the townships? Or that IPS "I believe that the governor 1990 it was Goldsmith who said an ad might be combined with the township has heard from the average involving an Indiana State Police superin­ schools? citizen that he is not going tendent was not wise public policy or pol- Gilroy's Republicans have tried to to accept this," said North itics. provide the Peterson response themselves. Township Assessor John It left Republican activists shaking Late last week, thousands of voters Matonovich. State Rep. Chet Dobis said the delay would their heads. "Why did Sue Anne turn this received one of the most negative pieces pass the House, but the into a referendum on Stephen Gold­ of direct mail in memory. It asked this question: "Who's sucking jobs out of Senate is another matter. smith?" asked one operative. Said Sen. Earline Rogers, Indianapolis?" It was placed over a col­ "Because It Is a political Counter Republicanism lage of images - the ghostly face of a year, the Republicans won't smiling Peterson; a vacuum cleaner labled Republican Sue Anne Gilroy seems want to see a delay In "The Precedent Job Sucker 2000"; and reassessment occur. They to have made it a point to note that 20,000 folks young and old (as well as a Teddy would like to shift our tax Marion County residents are voting with Bear) being swept up. woes to the governor." their feet each year. They are moving out Inside this mailer is the answer: of the county to the frosty, flaky, metro­ "Democrat Bart Peterson is moving jobs The Indiana Chamber of politan doughnut. out of Marion County." There is a photo Commerce has pulled Its As Democrat Bart Peterson stood at of Precedent South Business Center "Best Buys" report on pub­ lic schools after numerous numerous forums and debates over the with barbed wire running across the fore­ past year, he has had little response. The critics attacked It for Inac­ ground. The text reads, "No one faults a curate data. Graduation obvious retort might have been, "Sue businessman for making an honest living. rates for schools in Fort Anne, now why are 20,000 people moving But Bart Peterson's business tactics hurt Wayne, Indianapolis and out of Indianapolis and into the people of Marion County.
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