Malta High Commission London VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2011 I N T H I S ISSUE: Message by H.E. Dr George Abela Message from the President of Malta President of Malta Malta Day UK Celebrations The visit which my wife freedom and democracy practitioners who have Margaret and I paid to the during World War II. Malta made a name for themselves Prominent Mal- United Kingdom on the obtained its independence in Malta and abroad. A tese: Cameron Mackintosh occasion of Malta Day in from Britain by peaceful substantial number of September was a negotiation and the two Maltese patients receive 47th Anniversary memorable one. We were countries are now partners advanced treatment in UK of Malta’s Inde- overwhelmed by the warm in the European Union. hospitals. In this connection, pendence welcome shown by I wish to thank the Maltese Jersey Ministers members of the Maltese nuns and religious who take visit Malta community working or good care of such patients settled in the UK and by while they are in the UK. I Malta Business British friends of Malta alike. also thank the Malta High Network Break- Commission in London for fast with Fian- giving assistance to these ance Minister We were pleased to observe patients. GCIA Remem- that many Maltese in the UK brance are still attached to their mother country and Malta considers the United Doing Business participate actively in events Kingdom as one of its major with/in Malta such as Malta Day and economic partners in trade, Maltese photo- traditional activities such as services, tourism and journalist at EU Maltese feasts celebrated in investment. Malta exhibition their country of adoption. cooperates in all sectors As President of Malta, I am The age of colonialism being with the United Kingdom St Paul Choral proud to be a symbol of the long gone, we still value the and a recent example was Society London Tour Maltese Nation which heritage that came down the successful evacuation of includes not only those from our experience with British and other nationals Forthcoming Maltese born and living in Britain in such matters as from Libya. events Malta but also all those who constitutional law, live abroad and still identify parliamentary democracy, 27 Challenge themselves as Maltese. public administration and I avail myself of this opportunity Consular News commercial practices. We to thank all those involved for have wholeheartedly the welcome accorded to my In Pictures Malta’s connection with the adopted English as our wife and myself during my United Kingdom goes back vehicle of communication recent visit and I wish all over two centuries and the with the world. Maltese in the UK more two countries are tied happiness, success and together by a strong bond of prosperity. friendship and a partially British universities remain shared history. The two the preferred institutions George Abela peoples struggled side by offering specialization for side in the defence of many Maltese medical P A G E 2 Malta Day UK Celebrations On 10 September morning at Westminster Band and a fireworks salute 2011, Malta Day UK Cathedral Hall where a num- was given to the Statue of „Il- was once again cele- ber of stalls were selling Mal- Bambina‟ as it exited the Ca- brated in London. tese food and beverages. The thedral to commence a pro- Hundreds of Maltese, Maltese Culture Movement, cession through the streets their families and Jubilee Foods, Montekristo of Westminster. friends, travelled from Wines, Consolidated Bis- The day‟s events came to a all over the UK to cuits, Malta Tourism Author- close with a well attended attend the day‟s varied ity and Malta Direct had Evening Reception at the events. The pro- stalls to exhibit their goods newly opened Corinthia Ho- gramme is annually put and services. St Paul Choral tel London in Whitehall. The together by the Malta Society, led by Choir Direc- President of Malta together Day UK Organising Com- tor Hugo Agius Muscat, to- with the Lord Mayor of mittee under the auspices of gether with the St Sebastian Westminster, Councillor the Malta High Commission Wokingham Brass Band, en- Susie Burbridge were in at- and various Maltese spon- tertained the crowds. Malta Day UK tendance and met many Mal- sors. Monsignor Charles Cordina, tese and friends of Mal- was celebrated for This year‟s events were held the Archbishop‟s delegate, ta. The reception was partly the 11th year as it under the distinguished pat- was the principal concele- sponsored by the Corinthia continues to be ronage of HE Dr George brant at Holy Mass at West- London, nibbles were provid- Abela, President of Malta minster Cathedral in the ed by Jubilee Foods, Malta the main feature and Mrs Abela, who trav- afternoon, to which hun- Dairy Products Ltd and Con- in the calendar of elled to the UK to attend dreds congregated. St Paul solidated Biscuit Co Ltd and Malta Day UK 2011. Choral Society performed wine by Emmanuel Delicata Maltese in the UK psalms and hymns during this Winemaker Ltd and Malta The High Commissioner of service. The Marian anthem Tourism Authority. A raffle Malta, HE Mr J Zammit was played by the Saint Se- was drawn at the end of the Tabona officially opened a bastian Wokingham Brass Reception. Maltese Fair held in the Prominent Maltese in the UK Over the last 45 years Cam- of such classics as “My Fair Cameron owns seven historic eron Mackintosh has been Lady”, “Oklahoma”, theatres in London‟s West producing more musicals than “Carousel” and “Oliver!” - End which have undergone anyone else in history, includ- which have all been world- spectacular refurbishment. ing the three longest running wide hits. Earlier this year, He is also co-owner of Music musicals of all time, “Les Mis- he opened to rave reviews his Theatre International, the erables”, “The Phantom of latest musical “Betty Blue world‟s largest theatre library. the Opera” and “Cats”, which Eyes” based on Alan Ben- He was knighted in the 1996 are still running successfully nett‟s screenplay of the hilari- New Year‟s Honours for his across the world. Cameron ous film “A Private Function. services to British theatre. Cameron Mackintosh continues to produce “Miss Producer Saigon” around the world and As well as planning over 40 Cameron‟s mother is Maltese is also creator and co- new productions of his musi- and he has a beautiful early producer with Disney of the cals around the world over 19th century home in Vallet- smash-hit stage version of the next three years, he is ta, overlooking the Grand “Mary Poppins”. As well as also currently preparing the Harbour, which he loves to new musicals, Cameron en- film versions of “Les Misera- visit to see his extensive joys producing new versions bles” and “My Fair Lady”. friends and family as often as his hectic schedule allows. MALTA HIGH COMMISSIO N VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 P A G E 3 47th Anniversary of Malta’s Independence diplomatic corps, other dignatories, patriots to this uplifting choral service members of various Maltese organisa- on Malta‟s Independence Day Anni- tions in the UK and friends of Malta. versary. Intercessory prayers were The concert was held across the road said for the leaders and people of from the High Commission, at St Malta. The High Commissioner read James‟s Church. This year, Maltese the Second Lesson during this service. orchestral musician and tuba player Psalms and hymns were performed by Christopher Spiteri, accompanied by the worldwide renowned Choir of On 21 September 2011, a reception pianist Monica Cattarossi, performed Westminster Abbey. The Maltese flag and concert were organised by the an original tuba recital. was flown from the West Tower on High Commission to celebrate the the Great West Door. On 22 September 2011, the Dean of 47th Anniversary of Malta‟s Independ- Westminster Abbey welcomed the The Malta High Commission also re- ence. The well-attended reception High Commissioner and his staff to ceived various messages of congratula- was held at the roof-top garden of the the Quire of Westminster Abbey for tions from Embassies, High Commis- High Commission and guests included Evensong. It is practice for the Dean sions and other organisations in Lon- representatives of international organ- of Westminster to annually invite the don on this occasion. isations in London, members of the High Commissioner and Maltese com- Jersey Ministers Visit Malta Jersey Assistant Chief Minister, UK and which included high-level meetings International Relations, Senator Freddie with Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Cohen and Jersey Treasury and Re- Minister of Finance, the Economy and sources Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf Investments Tonio Fenech, Parlia- visited Malta from 31 July till 3 August. mentary Secretary for Environment, -related matters in meetings with High Commissioner Zammit Tabona, Tourism and Culture Mario de Marco chairmen of the Malta Financial Ser- who had met the Senators during his and British High Commissioner in vices Authority, the Malta Stock Ex- visit to Jersey last September, put to- Malta, Louise Stanton. change, FinanceMalta, Malta Enter- gether a full programme for the visit The Jersey Ministers discussed finance prise as well as the Lotteries and Gaming Authority. Malta Business Network Breakfast with Minister Fenech Opportunities for investing in Malta in diverse areas ranging from financial services to logis- tics and from manufacturing to tourism were presented by the Minister of Finance, the Economy and Investment Tonio Fenech to a number of British entrepreneurs in London. The Business Breakfast organised in collaboration with the Maltese High Commission also attracted a substantial number of entrepreneurs of Maltese origin, members of the Malta Business Network – which was set up earlier this year upon the initiative of High Commis- sioner Joseph Zammit Tabona.
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