+ BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit N9.2419 K.C., Mo. lPE lPITC1HI FREE VOL. II NO. II YOU'LL NEVER GET RICH READING THE PITCH MARCH 1981 * Cage in LaWTenco * Musso eomix * Le Roi's Short/ Reviews ." FBIllA:r-lIIfa.rch 27,1981 12:00 - 1:45 PM - White Recital Hall - Performing Arts Center START THE MONTH AT PENNYLANE~ WH~RE JAZZ ~~ including rare vintage films featuring famous Recital Ha11 Performing Af"(s Center· U.I1.I<'C. - ~~ for IS ON SALE. FINISH IT OFF AJ THE WOMEN'S instruction and encouragement provided by women's jazz quartet co-led leader of the los Anqeles-based women's jazz band. MAIDEN VOYAGE. member of CALICO. FREE. JAZZ FESTIVAL~ WHERE JAZZ IS FREE! PM - Si9nboard lounge - Crown Center Hotel - CROWN CENTER HOTEl presents an~' fronted by tne John lyman Qua"rtet. ~ • . SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Hotel-.!!!!.(.!£E.~~}~ vocalist Deborah Brown; Salamander (from Fourth Annual Women's Jazz Festival Greetings from the Fourth Annual Women's Jazz Festival. We hope you can attend all o! the events we have scheduled f-or you from March 25th through March 29t~. Twelve of ~he fifteen SMUllDAY-lIIfa.rch 28, 1981 ~;~~!~s a:yF=!E~t:~n!~ ~~i~e~;~~!~ ~ ~!!~~~d~~~~~!~>: ~c:~~e;~~e~~. u:n~/t;:~. c::e~~321. 10:00 AM 4;00 PM - Sttite 301 - Crown Center Shops - Clinic.s !!!!!. Workshops: JAZZ GUITAR moderated and deronstrated by Brandy Anthony; RHYTHM SECTION moderated and demonstrated by ~:~~::~i :;~h M~~;O~~:!!3i lS;i~~e!~t7:~s a~:~db~e~~~~~:5:~n!~~~! 1~~ ~:!~t!8~:~ ~:~~~n a~~~). Judy Roberts {pianol. Rosemary Galloway (bass). and Marilyn Donadt (drums); REEDS moderated and derronstrated by Jean Fineberg; VOCAL JAZZ moderated and demonstrated by Ernestine Remaining tickets (if any) will be sold at the door. Anderson; BUSINESS OF MUSIC discussed by Kathryn Moses (artist. composer, owner of Holy Hoses Records), Barbara Edwards (artist. manager of Alive!). leonard Feather (jazz critic. historian. Those of you attending the .Festival wi 11 notice a conveniently locat«;d. a~llET!N ~ at the producer, promoter and endorser of women jazz musicians). Oianne Gregg and Carol Comer Roanoke Office. 2nd floor. Crown Center Hotel (accessible through adJOlnlng.door. by ~he maTch 2S (co-founders of Women's Jazz Festival. Inc.). $2.50 each or $10.00 for all five clinics. Meeting Place. Crown Center Shops). You may use it to. leave messages :e: rides, hOUSing, jams, etc. If you have probleMS for which you would like personal assistance. look for a WJFI board member and we'll try to help you out. to :~O~p:r;~;~~ ~:r-~~rj;!!O::!i~~!~S t~;: :7~~e~h!~p:i~t~::~~~n~ ~;S~!~7c~~fe~~~t WJ!IDl\11!lSDAY-lIIfa.rch 2S, 1981 n:~ :n! :~~~: ;0 S~!~~o;~l a~d cr=o~~~~e~o:~~:r~ ~n~· ~~s~:: ~i!:r~~:r:~tO~~:~~~~~Y 10:00 - 11:00 AM - Danciger Auditorium - Jewish COfmIunity ~nter.- ~~ ..Jazz •. a program Patterson (reeds). leader of KAIDEN VOYAGE • .lli§.. for Head Start students. moderated by Jackie Weissman and featuring a nonet comprised of maTch 29 WJFI boardmeueersandfriends. ~. 4:00 PH - I !OO AM Market Place - Crown Center Shops - ~ Mike d!!!!. ~ offering an opportunity for anyone who wishes to form their own 'lfront!1 group. Sound system provided 12:00 - 1:00 PM - International Cafe - Crown Center Shops - CROWN.CENTER SHOPS presentS ~ ... by WJFI; musicians must provide ~n instruments. FREE. ~!:!2.2.!lfeaturingalivejazZ;9roup.t.b.a. ~. 4:30 - 7:30 PM - Signboard lounge - Crown Center ttc;tel ... CROWN CENTER. HOTEL presents an ~ SD:NDAY-lIIfa.rch 29, 1981 ~SessionfrontedbyStanKeS51erandtheF1atFlve.~. !~O~ n;r:~~~t ~:n - t!U~!:z ~!n:e (; ~~u~~~~e ~~~P:a;t:~ I ~a~s:~ i :~ f~n~ ~e~:;a~~~~e. T.KU:BSDA:r-lIIfa.rch 26, 1981 by CALICO. ~. 4:30 7:30 PM - Signboard Lounge - Crown Center ':fOtel - CROWN C£NTER HOTEL presents CALICO. 7:00 - 11:00 PM ~ Music Hail ~ 301 WeSt 13th'" Main Concert featuring Flora Purim and Alrto; aw~n'sjazzquartet.fron.tingan2E!:!l.:!!!!!~'~. Shirley Scott; Ernestine Anderson; and WJFI All::st"ar~Roberts (piano). Rosemary Galloway (bass),MarilynOonadt (drums),JeanFineberg{reeds), Kathryn/1oses (reeds). and Brandy Anthony (guitar). Moderated by jazz critic/historian Leonard Feather. $7.50, $8.50, $9.50. .~~~~ °i~~~~.~~~~ ~:~i ~~::~:~;~~~~~~:!~::~~!~ l!;;:~·~~~~~~:~:~:~ ;~;:::;; ;~~:~~ All seats reserved. What Kind Of Car Dealer Advertises in the Pitch? (SEE PAGE 8) PAGE 2 THE PENNY PITCH mmJ;UrmU1l1unmr:unmnunmmnUlunmnU11J'1mmrnmmmmmnunmml'1mnmU1U1Ullmm Homesick for KC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION. AND WELFARE is published by PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH SERVlCES ADMINISTRATION INDIAN HEALTH SERVJCE Dear PITCH: Since you indicated that you are 4128 BROADWAY starving for correspondence, I am KANSAS CITY, MISs.oURI64111 therefore obliging you. Since I (816) 561-1580 left Kansas City, in 1978, I have felt pangs of longing for myoId Gditor ..•.•.....•.. Warrcn Stylus stomping grounds. I miss the Bar­ B-Que, Westport, the quietness of Contributing Writers this issue: downtown on a Sunday morning, subs Rev. Dwight Frizzell, Lane & Dave of at the Submarine, getting wasted GENCO labs, T. Dibble, P,.' Keenan, J. at Jimmy's Jigger, shows at the Mandeville, D. Conn, C. Chance, P. Min­ A Valentine for Warren uptown, and about a thousand other kin, K-"Ducky" Roths. H.B., C. Haddix, things. Also, I found that life is Le Roi, Sallie E. Hamilton Dear Mr. Stylus: tough for a rudeboy without a supply I love your paper. It's that simple. ~mmmm~mun~mm~~mun~mm~~mmmm~ of reggae sounds to sip his Red Inspiration this issue: I thought you had to know. Furthermore, Stripe to. I-man have looked hard The Occupants I thought you deserved an anonymous for tunes to feed my habit, but I Kalamazoo, Michigan Valentine. Everyone who works as hard, have not yet found anywhere superior is as crazy and collects as little to PennyLane. Whenever I get through reward as you deserves something. You'll K.C., I have to stop and drop some never get rich writing the PITCH. It bucks to feed my habit. is the last monument to goodwill and the I love getting PENNY PITCH, as advancement of music and humor to remain it keeps me up on the dub sounds, in a world that survives and thrives on as well as the intense nostalgia it bucks and bullshit. To find something generates when I read all of the old that is both worthwhile and free is a familiar places and people. So keep blow to my case against the 80's. it up--I am out there, reading and That is my contribution to the next appreciating. Jah Rastafarieeeeeeee! issue of the PITCH. Thanks heaps. Kris Sperry, M.D. Sincerely, (The Mighty Dread) Mary PHS Indian Hospital Dear Mary, RedLake, Minnesota 56671 Thank you very much, you brightened my issue. By the way, I've sent a copy of your letter to the publisher, H.B. Prophet. Warren Thanks Dear Editor: . did all Ducky--come back, you know they ain't got BBQ like this in Wichita! MUSSO REALITY MUSSO REALITY:· young chil.dren are given the opportunity to malce crucial. decisions during a mock nuclear war. THE PENNY PITCH PAGE 3 Minority Report Flattery Jan. 21, 1981 lAMA DOGOODER :1:. Dear Whoever; Evidently your "Letters" section is Dear Editor: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY How come, this depravity is becoming poorly supported. Mecha Goins? Give me a break! Because I enjoy seeing allowed at Parody Hall?' Vice Chane'ellor for Administrative Affairs I refer to the Immoral my name (or pseudonym) in print, and Minority Ball on Jan. 20. I was because I feel bad that such an excell­ at this Sodom and Gomorrah, only to ent and yet free pUblication gets so observe and take names. Dear Warren: little mail,-r-am writing something to They had two bands, plus Danny In reference to PENNY PITCH being keep you occupied. My first questions Cox and Iron Jaw Oakley. There was banned from the UMKC campus: has to be -- What the hell is Musso also an excellent continual tele­ !!YOU'RE GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!! Reality Comix? Not that I object. vision program showing the esta­ In silent protest, (as a temporal.Y After all, ever since I was informed blishment putting down those revolt­ secretary) I brought the latest issue by a friend recently that I do not ing hippies during the godless six­ of PENNY PITCH, Volume 11, No. 1 to exist, I have been hot on the trail ties. The first band, "The Three read during the s,low times (all the of Reality, although I've never quite Businessmen", was great! Their good time, actually, between academic caught up with it. Can Musso help? taste and fine musicianship, put rushes), and no one as yet has made Also, to further my prime directive the overflow crowd of perverts and . a comment as to my reading material, (to get something-anything-published degenerates to sleep, holding the though it is made evident as to what in your paper, by any means, -incl uding party down to a mild roar. I am reading. Could it b~ that the flattery).. I must add that your store But just as it looked like a slowness has reached "their brains is quite superb, your selection great wonderful, dull, boring night, all and fogged up "their" distinguished and LeRoi's reviews acceptable. was lost. glasses and hence, the reason PENNY At the exhortation of Danny PITCH is banned, "they" want the till next time, Cox and Iron Jaw Oakley, the crowd children of academicmania to remain Neil Polish rose up, cursing, booing, and throw­ pure of mind and not have any other new wave pseudo ing generic beer cans at the stage.
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