FRIDAY RADIO Hands," Roger Williams

FRIDAY RADIO Hands," Roger Williams

Caravan: Spirituals, Gra- with ClairIle Boutlet, edi. Sound,:"AfricanNue ham Jackson Cboir. torofPTarice Observa. Life,"-Ukonit. 6:00 p.m. KB1Q (104.3), Dining tem*,in discussion on Al-10:20 pm. KNOB (97,0), Special FM Highlights Moods:"With These gerian war. Sesitorg "LeGrand Jazz," FRIDAY RADIO Hands," Roger Williams. DM p.m. ICIIHM (04.7), Paul Michel LeGrand, Werth presents a round.11:00 p.m. KNOB (07.01, Jazz FRIDAY. D1C. 4, 1459 112:00 noon ICDWC (98.3), Me 6:00 p.m. KNOB (97.9), Dinner table 'discussion with a Calendar: Music of Her- dies: Les Elgart, "Sophis-, Jazz: "A Date With Della KABC 790itfl 440 K411 - 930 KPOL 1540 Reese." DJ, promotion man, rec. hie/Mann, KALI 100 gFog 1250 K1V 470 KPOP 1020 ticated swing." ord company executive,12:00 midnight KNOB(27.0),' gem 740 1:00 p.m. KOMI (98.7), MtIsle7:00 p.m. li.USC(91.5). Folk publisher,radio station Ivory Tower: "The Big. KFWB 980 KLAC- 570 KRKD Music 1490 KRLA-1110 Sarasate, Capticcio front faraway owner. Shorty Rogers Express"' ((DAY - 1580KGER - 1390KMPC - 710KWI/ 1480 Basque; Ippolitov-Ivanov,1 lends. .10:30 p.m.-KBIQ (104.3), Exotic with the Giants. KIZY . 1190 KGF-I-1230KNX 1070 gWKW 1300 Caucasian Sketches: Ros-17:00 p.m. KFAC (92.3),* AM gpAc -1330 KGIL sini, 'the Barber of Se.' aam), Stereo: Massenet, 1240 KPMC - 1560 KWOW 1400 ville" highlights; Debus. Meditation from "Thais"; KF1 broadcasts news today et 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, sY, "Iberia." Piston, "Incredible Flut- 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11. 1:00 p.m. KBIQ (104.3), Muslc ist" ballet suite; Tsehai. , for Moderns: The John kowsky,MarchMina. Lewis piano. ture, from Suite No. 1:00 p.m. KFMU (97:1), Siesta:, 7:00 p.m. KRHM (91.7), Music -Cha Cha Mambo and Bo- Theater:"TheBoy RADIO HIGHLIGHTS lero," Belmonte. Friend" (original). 1:30 p.m. KFMII (97.1), Well7:30 p.m. KFMIJ (97.1), Clas- 111116 IC- 8:30 NMMonitor Done:"Tamboo," La s ics in Hi Ti: Rachmanin- 00 KFAC--Evening SPOKT8 Baxter, off, Symphony No. 3; Mo- Concert 5:30 KNXTom Harmon 3:00 p.m. KBIQ (104.3), Sweet zart,ConcertoNo.5;' 11:30 KNX`111 Dawn 6:00 KMPCBob Kelley withBeat:"MyFair Chaussom "V iv i an e";1 17,161ETIt 7:30 KNXSC vs. Santa Lady," Oscar Peterson. Chopin, Etudes. Clara STARKathteen Crow. 3:30 p.m. KPFK (90.7), Meet8:00 p.m. KCBIT (98.7), Con.1 2:30 KFIRadlo Theater 77 the Writer:. Nelson ?O- ' certo: Beethoven. Concer.I Icy in suspea mars e gren story "How the Dev- to in D Major; Massenet, Sims& "Werther" (complete op. KMPC-Bob 7:00 A.M. 11:45 soda, of 77 Strip, il Came Down Division KNX-Entertainment KABC-E. Morgan Street' is read. era). KFlNews: lilt Boat WC (7f, !teed 9 part. KFWB-Miteh KNXMcCoy: Hearn 12 NOON over 5:00 p.m. KBIQ (104.3), Senti,8:00 p.m. KUSC (91.5), Poetry Paul KHJ-Martindale KNX-McCoy; KLAC-News; Mental Reasons: Buddy and Talk with Peter Carr. KMPC-Whittingbill Melninch KFAC-News Cole at the organ,fol.8:30 p.m. KPFK (90.7),Art KABC-Henaingw ay KFI-Farm News 6:15 lowed by Ski Report. and Artists with Henry 3. IKN X-W °rid, 'ronite XPOP.Dlek Wahl KAI3e-Paul Harvey Children's TV 5:00 p.m. KRIM (94.7), Strict- Seldis of The Times in re- K A HC-.1 . .KLAC-News; KFWB-Quillan Daly ly Dixie: Matty Matlock's view series. Haynes KFAGeoncert Clenard Paducah Patrol.. 9:00 P.m.,KPFK (90.7), Behind VKMPC-Val KFAC-Concert KLAC-News: collie 6:25 5:30 p.m, KDUO (97.5),1horal the Headlines in Algeria Horn 1KABC-Van 12:30 KNXT 7:13 Captain Kangaroo, KNX-Crane KNX-Garry Moore 6:30 (2), KNX.Jon Arnett 7 KA/3C-J. Trotter KFI-Sports; Hart a.m. 12:40 MI-City Desk A snowfall 7:30 light Carroll comes KNX-Funny Side Up KMPC-Rog. vinkie; KNx-Frank Goss 12:45 KABC.News; the Treasure House to 7:43 KFAC-News KFAC-Musical KIT-Report. Sports liilestons this and morning, 1:00 P.M. an ex- KNX-Bob Crane 6:45 KNX-News; Godfrey KABC-Music 1:00 A.M. aggerated the KHJ-News: headline in KFI-News: Hit Roes Compton S.11-Financial; Weather KNX-Bob Crane KABC-News: Treasure House Flugel- 7:00 P.M. KABC-C. Engle Arneche es:Ft-Boxing horn that KFWB-13ruce HayesKPOP-Larry Q. announces KNX-Melody KFAC-Stock Markel "Blizzard KFAC-Serenade ' Hits Treasure FMK-News KLAC-News: Collie KABC-Vanciercook House. 8:15 KFI-News; True KFWB-Mitch Reed KNX-D, Vaile Story KLAC.News; Paul KFAC-interlude 1:30 hueko's KABC KMPC-Business Cartoons, News KFAC-Concert 7:05 (7), KNX-Amos 'n' Andy 10 A BC-J. Trotter Matinee a.m. KFAC-Sports; 2;00 P.M. K.ABC-Sid Walton; the Chucko will entertain Interlude KF I-New s; b'eminine World Tomorrov 7:30 8:25 birthday Totten children young KHJ-Pato 1Ck IPC-Bob Kelley KMPC-News; Grant Comoton with and KNX-Basketball cartoons 8:30 1X-News; games. KLAC-Church Linkletter The birthday guests for KFl-News; & Turn Cloek KABC-MacKinnon KFAC-Echoes John Encores KN X-Flob Crane 2:30 today will be Os- P.M. 8:00 KLAC-Sam Baiter KF1-Radio Theater Alhambra, wald, 5, of age KNX-Norman KFI-News Secrest "Earwood, and Jerry Viewpoint KFAC-Pops Concert age K MPC-Whittinghin 3:00 P.M. KAIPC-News: of Carroll 8:30 KHJNews: 6, Downey. K ABC-W.N able KMPC-News; Grant KABC-News: Zhnmer iheriff KTTIT (II), KFWB-Elliott Field Sohn, 9:00 A.M. KFWB-Blanchard KFAC-News: li VI-News: Clock KFAC-Concert 12 Keyboard noon. KNX-News: Crane KLAC-News; Church . KNX-News comic 8:05 NHJ-News: Carroll TV adventure strip 315 KABC-Breakfast KFI-Worlu News adventure features story Club KNX-Cond.vlis and 8:30 Grant Cluich KF1.Monitor K VW13-Joe Yocam Cargo, his 3:25 writer K LAC-News: McCoy KABC-Hollywood Spinner and their KFAC-Concert KFI.Hapu.vhme pal KMPC-News. 3:30 KF1-News Whittine,hill friend, Paddlefoot, wind- KFAC-Opera World KNX-News "Rocket 9:30 Zimmer ing their KABC-Lee 3:45 up KM-Ladies Day Ballance KABC-J. C. Swayze KFWB-Bill 9:43 Riot" adventure. ;00 P.M. 9:05 KNX-Harry Babbitt Kb' I-N ews KFI-Monitor 10:00 A.M. KNX-News KNX-Choral KFAC-Plano: News 4:35 9:30 K POP-Bud Haley KFI-Commentary KNX-Opinion KNX-News: KNX-Condylis and KVi.Pallathum Happiness /0:00 P.M. KIT-News: Network Grant - 4:30 Kiel:News K ABC-Peter & Mary NIPC-N ews: Cook KFI-Music Time KNX.Reporter KLAC-News; McCoycFLf -Carroll KFAC-Crossroads KLAC-Nick Paul KLAC-News: Church KF AC-Concert StageKABC-5facK innon 10:15 10:10 KFIMan On Go KABC-Take Five Hanlon 5:00 P.M. KNX-Tom /0:15 KFI-News & 10:30 KNX-Mrs. Burton Weather KF1-Called Life KABC-Tellotest KNX-L. Thomas; KNX-Phil Norman ;10:30 Gifford KABC-Lee pniner KNX-Dr. Malone KHJ-Sports; 10:33 KFAC,Music L'm Carroll KFI-Music KABC-Holbrook KMPC-News: Grant 11:00 P.M. 10:43 KFAC-Serenade KFI.News; KNX-Ma Perkins KFWI3-E. Field Russ Morgan Merry KA13C.J. Arneche 5:15 KNX-News; KNX-Carroll A.lcott Go Round 11:00 AM. 5:30 1:11.1-Newswheel Ballance KHJ-News: KFI-Sid Fuller KFWB-B. Martindale KN X-Tom Harmon 11:15 KIT-News: NetworkKAI3C-Winter KNX-Merry KNX-News: KFAC-Varieties Round Whims Streets 5:45 KFI-Changing Times KFAC-Min. Masters1l-News; Shaw 11:30 11:15 KNX-Frank Goss KNX-'Til Dawn KNX-Couple Next KLAC-Sam Baiter KMPC.Dancetime Door KABC-News KLAC-McIntire KFAC-Folk Songs 6:00 P.M. KFI-Conversation 11:30 KFI-News; Sports 12:00 P.M. K NX-Helen Trent KNX-Sports Storey KF1-0ther Side KFI.Art'Baker KHJ-News: KFWB-Blanchard KFAC-Int'l Music Compton KABC-J. Rourke Radio Features TV Film Tips Musical Comedy Theater, 11:15 p.m., KNXT (2), "Red KPOL, 6 p.m. River" .rerome Kern's Showboat Classic western which is tonight's musical, with tells of a cattle drive over , the voicesofDorothy thef amous Chisholm Kirsten and Robert Mer- Trail with John Wayne rill on record. as trail boss, Montgomery Cliftashis right-hand Evening Concert, KFAC, 8 p.m. man who deserts him and Special program of stereo Waiter Brennan as the tapes highlighted by the starchy old cook. (1948) DetroitSymphonyOr- chestra's rendition of "L'Arlesienne" (Suites 1Midnight. KTTV (11), "Ran- and 2) by Bizet. Paul dom Harvest" Pray conducts the or- Auto accident opens one chestra. door in memory of am- Monitor, KFI, 905 p.m. nesia victim but closes Tonight's edition covers the door in memory of the arrival of President three happy years of mar- Eisenhower in Rome on ried life. Greer Garson, the first leg of his journey Ronald Colman and Su- abroad. san Peters. 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