THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 26, 1866. 483 of No. 25, Coleman-street, London, is the Official Assignee, of No. 22, Basinghall-street, London, is the Official As- and Mr. A. J. Baylis, of No. 2, Church-court, Old Jewry, signee. London, is the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. George Webster, late of No. 10, King's-place, Commer- The Reverend John Bartholomew Vale, of Crostwight, cial-road, in the county of Middlesex, Coffee-house Keeper, near Smallburgh, in the county of Norfolk, Clerk in Holy having been adjudged bankrupt by a Registrar of Orders, having been adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for the Court of Bankruptcy, in London, attending at White- adjudication of Bankruptcy,filed in Her Majesty's Court of cross-street Prison, on the 17th day of January, 1866, Bankruptcy, in London, on the 24th day of January, 1866, and the adjudication being directed to be prosecuted at the is hereby required to surrender himself to William Hazlitt, Court of Bankruptcy, in London aforesaid, is hereby Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting required to surrender himself to James Rigg Brougham, of creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of 6th day of February next, at two in the afternoon precisely, creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 16th at the said Court. Mr. George John Graham, of No. 25, day of February next, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely, Coleman-street, London, is the Official Assignee, and' Mr. at the said Court. Mr. Edward Watkin Edwards, of No. R. J. Child, of Old Jewry Chambers, London, is the Soli- 22, Basinghall-street, London, is the Official Assignee. citor acting in the bankruptcy. Thomas Bell, late of No. 263, Oxford-street, in the Ezra Thoday, of Willingham, in the county of Cam- county of Middlesex, Pork Butcher, having been adjudged bridge, Farmer, having been adjudged bankrupt under a bankrupt by a Registrar of the Court of Bankruptcy, in Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in Her Ma- London, attending at Whitecross-street Prison, on the 17th jesty's Court of Bankruptcy in London, on the 23rd day of day of January, 1866, and the adjudication being directed January, 1866, is hereby required to surrender himself to to be prosecuted at the Court of Bankruptcy, in London William Hazlitt, Esq., a Registrar of the eaid Court, at aforesaid, is hereby required to surrender himself to James" the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said Rigg Brougham, Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, at . Registrar, on the 6th day of February next, at two o'clock the first meeting of creditors to be held before the said in the afternoon precisely, at the-said Court. Mr. George Registrar, on the 16th day of February next, at twelve John Graham, of No. 25, Coleman-street, London, is the of the clock at noon precisely, at the said Court. Mr. Official Assignee, and Mr. E. Doyle, of Verulam-buildings, Edward Watkin Edwards, of No. 22, Basinghall-street, Gray's-inn, for Mr. J. Hunt, of Cambridge, is the Solicitor London, is the Official Assignee. acting in the bankruptcy. George Cleare, late of No. 477, Hackney-road,, in the George Hicks, of No. 213, Holloway-road,. Holloway, county of Middlesex, Boot and Shoe Maker, having been in the county of Middlesex, Hatter, having been ad- adjudged bankrupt .by a Registrar of the Court of Bank- judged bankrupt under a Petition for adjudication of ruptcy, in London, attending at Whitecross-street Prison, Bankruptcy, filed in Her Majesty's Court of Bank- on the 17th day of January, 1866, and the adjudication ruptcy, in London, on the 24th day of January, 1866, is being directed to be prosecuted at the Court of Bankruptcy, hereby required to surrender himself to William Hazlitt, in London aforesaid, is hereby required to surrender him- Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of self to James Rigg Brougham, Esq., a Registrar of the said creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the 6th Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before day of February next, at two o'clock in the afternoon pre- the said Registrar, on the 16th day of February next, at cisely, at the said Court. Mr. George John Graham, of twelve o'clock at noon precisely, at the said Court. Mr. No. 25, Coleman-street, London, is the Official Assignee, Edward Watkin Edwards, of No. 22, Basinghall-street, and Mr. "W. Hicks, of No. 30, Moorgate-street, London, is London, is the Official Assignee. the Solicitor acting in the bankruptcy. Sarah Glass, late of the Queen of England, Wells-street, John Lilleyman Claypole, formerly of No. 17, Grace- Hackney, in the county of Middlesex, Beer-shop Keeper, church-street, in the city of London, and now of No. 4, having been adjudged bankrupt by a Registrar of the Pancras-lane, in the said city, and No. 4, Palace-street, Court of Bankruptcy, in London, attending at White- Buckingham-gate, in the county of Middlesex, Timber cross-street Prison, on the 17th- day of January, 1866, and Merchant, Oil Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, having been the adjudication being directed to be prosecuted at the adjudged bankrupt under a Petition for adj udication of Bank- Court of Bankruptcy, in London aforesaid, is hereby ruptcy, filed in Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy, in Lon- required to surrender herself to James Rigg Brougham, don, on the 24th day ot October, 1865, is hereby required to Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting surrender himself to William Hazlitt, Esq., a Registrar of of creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the the said Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be 16th day of February next, at twelve o'clock at noon pre- held before the said Registrar, on the 6th day of Feb- cisely, at the said Court. Mr. Edward Watkin Edwards, ruary next, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the of No. 22, Basinghall-street, London, is the Official said Court. Mr. George John Graham, of No. 25, Cole- man-street, London, is the Official Assignee, and Messrs. Douglas Spencer Maddock (sued as D. S. Maddick), late Keighley and Co., of No. 7, Ironmonger-lane, London, are of York-terrace, Liverpool, previously of Salvington, in the the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy. county of Sussex, out of business, having been adjudged ' Nathan Defries, formerly of Colonial-wharf, No. 331, bankrupt by a Registrar, attending at Lancaster Prison, on High-street, Wapping, in the county of Middlesex, and the 17th day of January, 1866, and the adjudication being East India Chambers, Leadenhall-street, in the city of directed to be prosecuted at the Court of Bankruptcy, in London, trading in copartnership with Thomas Brittain London aforesaid, is hereby required to surrender himself Creed, as Wharfingers and Lightermen, but now of New to James Rigg Brougham, Esq., a Registrar of the said Crane-wharf, Wapping High-street, in the county of Mid- Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before dlesex, and No. 4, Bury-court, in the city of London, and the said Registrar, on the 16th day of February next, at No. 99, Gower-street, in the said county of Middlesex, two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the said Court. Wharfinger and Lighterman, having been adjudged bank- Mr. Edward Watkin Edwards, of No. 22, Basinghall-street, rupt under a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed London, is the Official Assignee. in Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy in London, on the John Dickenson,' late of the York and Pier Hotel, Ports- 22nd day of January, 1866, is hereby required to sur- mouth, in the county of Hants, Innkeeper, having been render himself to William Hazlitt, Esq., a Registrar of adjudged bankrupt by a Registrar attending at Winchester the said Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held Gaol, on the 16th of January, 1866, and the adjudication before the said Registrar, on the 13th day of February being directed to be prosecuted at the Court of Bankruptcy, next, at twelve of the clock at noon precisely, at the in London, is hereby required to surrender himself to said Court. Mr. George,John Graham, of No. 25, Cole James Rigg Brougham, Esq., a Registrar of the said man-street, London, is the Official Assignee, and Messrs. Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before Sydney and Son, of No. 46, Finsbury-circus, London, are the said Registrar, on the 16th day of February next, at the Solicitors acting in the bankruptcy. two o'clock in the afternoon precisely, at the said Court. Mr. Edward Watkin Edwards, of No. 22, Basinghall-street, Henry Chapman Hart (sued as H. C. Hart), late of No. 63, London, is the Official Assignee. George-street, Portman-square, previously of No. 17, Picca- dilly, and residing at No. 52, Wellington-road, St. Stephen's- Edward Blyth, late of Church-row, Eltham, in the square, Bajswater, all in the county of Middlesex, Tailor, county of Kent, Coffee-house Keeper, having been adjudged having been adjudged bankrupt by a Registrar of the bankrupt by a Registrar attending at Maidstone Gaol, on Court of Bankruptcy in London, attending at White the 19th day of January, 1866, and the adjudication being cross-street Prison, o.n the 17th day of January, 1866, directed to be prosecuted at the Court of Bankruptcy, in and the adjudication being directed to be prosecuted at London aforesaid, is hereby required to surrender himself the Court of Bankruptcy, in London aforesaid, is hereby to James Rigg Brougham, Esq., a Registrar of the said required to surrender himself to James Rigg Brougham, Court, at the first meeting of creditors to be held before Esq., a Registrar of the said Court, at the first meeting of the said Registrar, on the 16th day of February next, at creditors to be held before the said Registrar, on the.
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