Planning Board DATE: 15th June 2016 NOTES: 1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore we are unable to advise the time at which an item will be considered. 2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made 3. Councillors who have a query about anything on the agenda are requested to inspect the file and talk to the case officer prior to the meeting. 4. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or contact their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting. Please give a day’s notice if you wish to inspect a file if this is possible. 5. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting. 6. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report , ‘background papers’ in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received. Planning Board Report 15th June 2016 Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Planning Board - 15th June 2016 Item Page Application Ward/Site Automatically Case Number Raised for Officer Discussion? Y/N DM01 4 2016/0701/FUL Land At, Commerce Y Anna Park, Imperial Way, Clark Frome, Somerset, Beckington And Selwood DM02 15 2015/3013/FUL Land At Chewton Plain, N Miss Chewton Mendip, Lynsey Radstock, Somerset, Bradshaw Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton DM03 26 2016/0564/OTS 2 Ringolds Way, Street, N Miss Somerset, BA16 0RF Lynsey Bradshaw Street West DM04 32 2016/0333/FUL Former Stratton Motor N Mrs Kelly Services , Fosse Way, Pritchard Stratton On The Fosse, Shepton Mallet, BA3 4RB Ashwick, Chilcompton And Stratton DM05 39 2016/0662/FUL Lower Edgarley Farm, N Mrs Kelly Cinnamon Lane, Pritchard Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8BN Glastonbury St Edmonds DM06 45 2015/2831/FUL Pilton Chapel, Top Street, N Mrs Kelly Pilton, Shepton Mallet, Pritchard Somerset, BA4 4DU Croscombe And Pilton DM07 50 2016/0537/HSE 43 Kings Road, Wells, N Miss Somerset, BA5 3LU Stephanie Lamb Wells St Thomas DM08 55 2016/0664/HSE Chapel Cottage , 1 N Mr Daniel Chapel Lane, Meare, Foster Glastonbury, BA6 9TJ Planning Board Report 15th June 2016 Page 2 Moor DM09 63 2016/0325/FUL Land Adjacent To Baily's Y Mr Daniel Tannery, Beckery New Foster Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9NY, Glastonbury St Benedicts DM10 77 2016/0527/FUL Paradise Farm, Edgarley N Mr Daniel Road, Glastonbury, BA6 Foster 8LE Glastonbury St Edmonds Planning Board Report 15th June 2016 Page 3 Agenda Item No. DM01 Case Officer Anna Clark Site Land At Commerce Park Imperial Way Frome Somerset Application Number 2016/0701/FUL Date Received 18th March 2016 Applicant/ Mr Nick Dowdeswell Organisation Application Type Full Application Proposal The erection of a warehouse building (B8) with ancillary offices for the storage of chilled and ambient foods (amended plans/ additional info received 18/05/16, 20/5/16 and 24/5/16). Ward Beckington And Selwood Parish Berkley Parish Council This application is referred to the Planning Board in accordance with the Planning Board resolution of October 2009 that those planning applications for development within Areas D, E and J of the adopted Masterplan for Commerce Park should be referred to the Planning Board. Description of Site, Proposal and Constraints The application relates to an undeveloped plot of land known as Area J6B to the northern side of Commerce Park, accessed off Imperial Way. The application seeks planning permission for the erection of a warehouse building with associated offices for the storage of chilled and ambient foods. Summary of parish comments, representations and consultee comments Ward Councillor I expect the Coalway Lane Res Ass will be concerned about the proposed height of the building, as they always are. My concerns would be about the individual and cumulative noise emitted and the individual and cumulative light emitted. Can you please let me know how these will be addressed? Berkley Parish Council No objections Notes the proposal is for the facility to be open 24 hours per day. No lighting statement included for external lighting/ illuminated signage. Planning Board Report 15th June 2016 Page 4 [Officer note: An external lighting assessment has been achieved and lighting is shown on the proposed plans. Any illuminated advertisements would need separate express advertisement consent, unless they benefit from deemed consent.] Local Highway Authority (SCC Highways) No objection, subject to conditions. Satisfied the development will not have a severe impact on the local highway network and have no objection to the development in principle. However the submitted application “red line” plan does not provide a connection to a public highway. Whilst the roads leading to the site are subject to current submissions under S38 of the Highways Act and the intention is that they will be adopted, as things stand the lack of a connection to the public highway is a fundamental flaw in the application. A condition requiring details of the access to the public highway to be agreed prior to commencement and constructed to at least base course level prior to occupation is therefore recommended. Further conditions relating to parking and turning, restricting the use to that proposed and surface water drainage. MDC Environmental Protection No objection, subject to conditions and s.106 agreement Accepts the noise report and accompanying email received 24th May gives the Council sufficient assurances that site noise limits would be complied with. Subject to the development being subject to the noise control regime from the original s106 agreement relating to the outline planning permission for Commerce Park and reapplication of conditions 19, 23 and 24 of the outline planning permission this would provide adequate controls for this site. SCC Lead Local Flood Authority No objections Coalway Lane Residents Association Comments and concerns With regard to this application, we have reservations on noise and the lack of a proper noise assessment. The minimal statement purely focuses on an assumption that the internal building noise will be lower for this application than the original environmental statement. The Gym development next door contains these noise levels and has noise limits allowing it to emit the same noise level as that for the whole park so cumulative noise level is a concern. Chilled storage will require significant refrigeration plant and the associated external fans can generate tonal noise that draws peoples attention to it, especially through the summer nights when windows are open and all is still outside, but with noise levels barely above ambient. Given its proximity to The Pines residential area this needs to be examined. Planning Board Report 15th June 2016 Page 5 Similarly, traffic noise and vehicle reversing alarms coupled with loading and unloading operations are also a concern if allowed through the night with there high potential for impact noises, crashes and bangs. So we would request vehicle movement and unloading/loading restrictions during the night time period as imposed for Watsons Gym and Acheson & Acheson. I would again comment on the selective use of the outline planning conditions, with only development friendly conditions being followed. This is a stand alone application that anywhere else would require current background noise levels to be measured and a BS 4142:2014 noise impact assessment to be undertaken. Avon & Somerset Constabulary Crime Prevention Design Advisor No objection, subject to comments: I would urge the client to reconsider the style of perimeter fencing. Traditional palisade fencing offers little in protection and is easily defeated. I would ask that consideration is given to using welded mesh style fencing. This would offer greater security together with far better surveillance from both inwards and outward. It would also match the existing fencing to the adjacent premise Please do not place trees next to fencing as this will provide climbing aids [Officer note: These comments have been passed on to the agent and are added as an informative.] Public Consultation No representations have been received as a result of public consultation. Relevant planning history 108277/034 - Reserved matters in respect of scale, appearance and landscaping for single building Plot J5 & J6 – Approved with Conditions 108277/005 - Mixed use development incorporating Class B1; Class B2; Class D1 uses and Restaurant (Class A3), Petrol filling station, Public House (Class A3), Car Showroom, Auction & Storage uses (CAT C) – Approved January 2005. Summary of all planning policies relevant to the proposal Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 places a duty on local planning authorities to determine proposals in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The following development plan policies and material considerations are relevant to this application: Development Plan Policies CP1 (Spatial Strategy), CP3 (Business Development and Growth), CP6 (Frome Town Strategy), DP1 (Local Identity and Distinctiveness), DP5 (Biodiversity Planning Board Report 15th June 2016 Page 6 and Ecological Networks), DP7 (Design and Amenity), DP8 (Environmental Protection) DP9 (Transport Impact of New Development), DP10 (Parking Standards) and DP23 (Managing Flood Risk) of the Mendip
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