www.gdoweek.it www.gdoweekTV.it Poste Italiane S.p.A. - Sped. in A.P. - D.L. 353/2003 (Conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) - art. 1, Comma 1, DCB Milano Comma 1, 1, 46) - art. 27/02/2004 n. in L. 353/2003 (Conv. - D.L. A.P. in - Sped. Poste Italiane S.p.A. Private label An opportunity to promote Italian products Italian food&beverage All the main export-oriented markets’ performance Cheese and wine The american context Equipment Plenty of attention to detail when the store “dressed” Italian • Supplemento a GDOWEEK n. 526 • Settimanale • Il Sole 24 ORE Business Media Srl – via G.Patecchio 2 – 20141 Milano • 526 • Settimanale Il Sole 24 ORE Business Media Srl – via G.Patecchio • Supplemento a GDOWEEK n. by POINTOfvIew Italian food: the ritual beyond the product Ten days after the opening of Eataly in New eat”, it is equally true that the agri-food wealth of York, a search on the subject on Google yielded a country is the result of geography, economics a list of 510,000 pages, 270,000 of which were and culture, in fact all those features that make published in the last month. The most astonish- it what it is. In this sense it is certainly no co- ing thing about this was that 80% of the entries incidence that Italy’s agri-food business, which were from foreign sources: 313,000 were English, closed 2009 (the darkest year of the recession) 18,200 Spanish, 6,100 French, 4,000 Japanese, with a global turnover of 120 billion euros, 20 bil- 2,400 German and so on. Undoubtedly the size, lion of the total coming from exports, is not just location and concept of the new Manhattan store the country’s second largest production area, but (see page 6) made it quite an exciting piece of also one of the best performers when it comes to news, but the very fact that the opening of Eataly exports. was featured in articles in the world’s main news- papers tells us much about the way Italian food Communicating product value, has at last cast off its old-fashioned image of including through retailers platefuls of spaghetti eaten to the accompani- This result is to a large extent due to efforts made ment of mandolin music (in Little Italy, say) and in many divisions - wine being a good example become one of the very symbols of Italian style, - to create more variety and boost production, not so much a consumer trend as a whole life- either through innovation or through a return style statement centring around the pleasures of to traditional values. But it is a well-established life, good taste in both senses of the word (style fact in today’s world that no matter how good it and flavour) and quality time spent with friends is, no product can sell itself on its own, and cer- and family. To say nothing of the whole business tainly not in a competitive scenario as complex as of the Mediterranean diet, on which Italian cui- the international marketplace, where the brand fIOReNZA sine is essentially based, the one the nutritionists name is often not known and in some cases the DevINCeNZI keep telling us to follow if we want to stay fit and whole product typology has to be constructed healthy without going on punishing diets. from scratch. Not that we should underestimate the intrinsic quality of the product (which indeed Globalisation should become one of its prerequisites, along and internationalisation with food safety), since this is crucial to the way, In the last few years Italian food has taken on a or ways, in which the product is presented on whole new set of perceived values, at a global lev- the various markets. It is true that 76% of export el, aimed at the more advanced kind of consumer revenues come from the big industrial brands looking for quality and variety, but also new cults (source: Federalimentare), but too many SMEs and rituals. And globalisation, a process that until are trying to sell abroad without the backing or very recently had very negative connotations for know-how required to set up adequate market- many Italian SMEs, is at last emerging as an op- ing plans. Which is where retailers come into the portunity to seize in order to expand business, or picture: both foreign and Italian retailers looking at least to make up for fall-offs in domestic con- to supply high-quality Italian food could become GDOweeK sumption. And if it is true that “you are what you very useful partners in this context. eDITOR www.gdoweek.it ITALY fOR eXPORT www.gdoweekTv.it 3 Contents News Balsamic vinegar is booming 6 Eataly comes to New York 28 Fresh fruit and vegetables: 23 7 Dei Frescobaldi Restaurant&Wine, international competition favours the pride of Harrods variety and commercial innovation 44 8 Peck: the Italian fi ne food takes 30 Fruit&veg preserved: tomato, on the Far East growing in popularity and keeping us healthy 46 Private label 32 Seafood preserved: tuna leads 10 Stores’ own brands: an opportunity the way, with a shoal of anchoves to promote Italian products close behind 34 Confectioners have the right agent 19 Export-oriented markets to raise exports 16 Italian charcuterie sails 36 Coffee: espresso and beyond. 43 through the recession New rituals for all to enjoy 20 2009: a record year for cheese 38 Italian beer in all its 66 24 Pasta: Italy’s most iconic foodstuff glorious, thirst-quenching variety takes a new, trendier turn 40 Wine: quality and biodiversity, 26 Oil: green gold is going great guns. the mainstays of exports 50 www.gdoweek.it 4 www.gdoweekTV.it ITALY FOR EXPORT Supplement to n° 526 - 2010 www.gdoweek.it - www.gdoweektv.it EDITOR: Cristina Lazzati EDITOR IN CHIEF: Ugo Stella, Gennaro Fucile Contents EDITORIAL OFFICE: Tiziana C. Aquilani, Marina Bassi, Fiorenza De Vincenzi, Gino Pagliuca, Enrico Sacchi EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Tiziana Laffranchi tiziana.laffranchi@businessmedia24.com 2010 COLLABORATORS: Davide Bernieri, Susannah Gold, Manuela Soressi TRANSLATION: David Lowry, Kate Mitchell GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT: Walter Tinelli (Art director), Laura Itolli GRAPHIC DESIGN: Walter Tinelli BUSINESS MEDIA EDITORIAL MANAGER: Mattia Losi OWNER AND PUBLISHER: Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A. REGISTERED OFFICE: Via Monte Rosa, 91 - 20149 Milano CHAIRMAN: Giancarlo Cerutti CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: Donatella Treu HEADQUARTERS: Via G. Patecchio, 2 - 20141 Milano Tel. +39 02 3964.61 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: Tel. +39 02 3964.6622 PRINTER: ELCOGRAF-Pozzoni S.p.a. - Via Nazionale 14 23833 Beverate di Brivio (LC) SUBCRIPTIONS SERVICE: www.shopping24.it abbonamenti@businessmedia24.com Tel. 02-39646420 - Fax 02-39646294 MIlan Law Court Registration n. 392/72 ROC n. 6553 del 10 /12/2001 The American context ISSN 1123-7260 23 Mozzarella is still the number one Italian cheese in the State 44 Italian wines still reign in Usa Associato a: Equipment 46 Plenty of attention to detail Informativa ex D. Lgs. 196/03 (tutela della privacy). Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A., Titolare del trattamento, tratta, con modalità connesse ai fini, i Suoi dati when the store “dressed” Italian personali, liberamente conferiti al momento della sottoscrizione dell’abbonamento od acquisiti da elenchi contenenti dati personali relativi allo svolgimento di attività economiche ed equiparate per i quali si applica l’art. 24, comma 1, lett. d del D. Lgs. 196/03, per inviarLe la rivista in abbonamento od in omaggio. Potrà esercitare i diritti dell’art. 7 del D. Lgs n. 196/03 (accesso, correzione, can- Snapshot cellazione, ecc.) rivolgendosi al Responsabile del trattamento, che è il Direttore Generale dell’Area Professionale, presso Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A., l’Ufficio Diffusione c/o la sede di via Patecchio 2 - 20141 19 Raw ham, a fl avoursome food Milano. Gli articoli e le fotografie, anche se non pubblicati, non si restituiscono. Tutti i diritti sono riservati; nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, memorizzata o trasmessa in that comes in so many varieties nessun modo o forma, sia essa elettronica, elettrostatica, fotocopia ciclostile, senza il permesso scritto dall’editore. 43 Spumante: exploring the world L’elenco completo ed aggiornato di tutti i Responsabili del trattamento è disponibile presso l’Ufficio Privacy, Via Monte Rosa 91, 20149 Milano. I Suoi dati potranno essere trattati da incaricati preposti of Italian bubbly agli ordini, al marketing, al servizio clienti e all’amministrazione e potranno essere comunicati alle so- cietà di Gruppo 24 ORE per il perseguimento delle medesime finalità della raccolta, a società esterne 66 Italian fairs: events not per la spedizione della Rivista e per l’invio di nostro materiale promozionale. to be missed “Annuncio ai sensi dell’articolo 2, comma 2, del “Codice di deontologia relativo al trattamento dei dati personali nell’esercizio dell’attività giornalistica”. La società Il Sole 24 ORE S.p.A., editore della rivista Gdoweek rende noto al pubblico che esistono banche-dati di uso redazionale nelle quali sono raccolti dati personali. Il luogo dove è possibile 50 The Company Profi les esercitare i diritti previsti dal D.LGS. n. 196/03 è l’ufficio del Responsabile del Trattamento dei dati personali, presso il coordinamento delle segreterie redazionali (fax 02 39844801). Testata a diffusione nazionale volontariamente sottoposta dall’editore ad accertamento e riscontro della tiratura e diffusione per il periodo 01/01/2009-31/12/2009; tiratura media 21.022 copie, diffusione media 20.589 copie. Società di Revisione Fausto Vittucci & C. sas. www.gdoweek.it ITALY FOR EXPORT www.gdoweekTV.it 5 news Japan and Korea QB’s latest projects Anyone who has ever used an Ital- ian cookery book knows that the let- ters “q.b.” stand for “quanto basta”, Eataly, the Italian food an indication that “as much as is needed” of the ingredient concerned cult store, comes to NYC should be added.
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