AUG. 4, 1934 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES PAGE 3 GAS TAX FUNDS STOCKS RACKET IS CHARGED BY PROBERS OF ALLEGED'BUCKET SHOP’ DILLINGER PAID LEACH CHALKS UP END OF DILLINGER HUNT CAMP TRIP SET SPLIT UNFAIRLY, SI 0,000, CLAIMS FORJrt GIRLS LAWYER CLAIMS Tabernacle Church Group STATEJFFICIAL Leaves Monday for Legislator Maps Measure Wooden Gun in Indianapolis, Columbia City. Father of Slain Fifty-five girls will leave Monday for More Equitable morning for the Tabernacle Pres- Outlaw Admits. byterian Sing-a-Long camp near Distribution. Columbia City. (Continued From Fage One) The will be Legislation calculated to effect a i camp in session two weeks, the direction of gaso- under Mr. more equitable distribution of criminal in t£rms of cold, hard and Mrs. James B. Martin of the line tax funds will be presented to cash,” said the man who led the church and Miss Eleanor Dahl of desperado in Indiana. the next Indiana general assembly, hunt for the the Muncie Y. W. C. A. * “After his capture in Dayton, Dil- in the It has been announced by a group ? .01 Indianapolis girls party linger told me that his share of the will be Martha Bcchdolt. Rosemary of St. Joseph county residents. loot of the Massachusetts Avenue Bradley. Patricia Bradley. Alice Led by Samuel Feiwell, St. Jo- bank holdup in Indianapolis was Boozer. Betty Burckes, Suzanne $7,500. A total of $25,000 was stolen seph county attorney and state rep- Caiwell. Delores Crocket. Carol from the bank and split three ways. resentative. a South Bend delega- Doub. June Darrow. Virginia Dar- “Ialso learned from Dillinger that row, Joan Dearmin. Barbara Evans, tion visited the statehouse to in- he got SI,OOO from the robbery of a June Freihofer. Gloria Grifflrh. June spect records m the auditors of- bank in Daleville. 0., in which three Greenlee, Joan Hendren. Betty Hat- fice. men participated and $3,000 was ! field, Virginia Hull. Dorothy Kraul, Mr Feiwell termed the present stolen. Os the $5,000 loot in Mont- Helen Kemper. Barbara Kirk, distribution method, based one- pelier, 0., Dillinger got $1,500; of i Louise Leibenderfer. Ann McLaugh- eighth on population and the other the SB,OOO robbery at the Bluffton, lin. Mary Morrison. Martha Mor- seven-eighths on total road mileage, 0., bank his share was $2,000. Four rison, Carol May, Luiu McWhirty, as grossly unfair to the more popu- * men did that job.” Dorothy Madden, Janet Marlarke, lous counties. jnSmS&lMmk 5..,-.’ - .• -ffe' Says Figures Are Right. Miriam Martin, Jane Martin, June For instance. Mr. Feiwell pointed McCullough, Norma Overbay, Joyce out, St. Joseph county's last gaso- ‘ With three other men Dillinger Overbay, Patty Peterson, Suzanne line tax payment, according to his held up the New 1 Carlisle, 0., bank Queisser. Betty Rogers. Jean Rusch- estimate, was approximately stealing $6,000,” said Leach. “Dil- aupt, Nelda Smith, Jane Shaw, $1.250 000 and the return to St. linger’s share was only $1,500. I Dorothy Sawyer, Dorothy Shafer, Joseph county was only about “Iknow these figures to be right,” Suzanne Smith, Joan Weiss, Jane $l2O 000. said Captain Leach, “but we will j Williams. Betty Zinn. Dorothy Dun- Th- return to St. Joseph was only have to make a guess at some of the bar. Mary Mary Dillinger i Whiteman. Hinkle a few thousands more than that other sums realized by be- ' and Elizabeth Olhrogge. to counties with one-fourth or cause when I next saw him after one-fifth of the population of St. his capture at Tucson he refused to Joseph county, in which South talk about any of -his professional SALVATION ARMY POOL ! Bend ls located. work. IS DEDICATED AT CAMP The larger the population and Heated selling campaigns and “But using the same division of of certain I I can the more important the county in words praise for stocks spoils think nearly approxi- Captain Leach . His Mark. ' Field Secretary to Attend Services regard to traffic, went over the telephone lines mate what Dillinger’s share would heavy the more Here Today. road upkeep is necessary, Mr. Fei- Negligence Charge Hurled shown in this photo of the interior amount to. The score stood 15 to 6 today in the life game of the law against weli pointed out. of one of the offices of Mann &; "For eample $25,000 in cash was John Dillinger and his gang. Dedication of the new swimming up The same situation exists, of Cos. alleged "bucket-shop” in the stolen from the Greencastle, Ind., At state police headquarters today Captain Matt Leach chalked pool at the Salvation Army fresh course, in Marion county, where the Merchants Bank building, now bank. Five men including Pierpont a mark for John Dillinger, Indiana's most infamous criminal, with a air camp will be held this afternoon. last fiscal vear distribution was only in Alleged Stock Racket under federal probe. and Dillinger did the job. I figure red pencil, in the wall tally kept on the Dillinger mobsters killed or Colonel Henry Bale, Chicago, $115,571. Louis R. Markun, admistrator Dillinger’s share was $5,000. *At St. captured and on the officers of the law who gave lives in an effort to field secretary, will represent Com- for the estate of Milton D. Ull- Mary’s, 0., Charles Makley’s home round up the outlaw gang. mander William A. Mclntyre. Board Securities Board Chief telephones, at their disposal, sat man, said to have been head of town, the gang robbed a bank get- It was the only red penciled figure in the fifteen marks for dead members and their wives, with CITY INSURANCE MEN salesmen sweating and calling pros- the firm, is shown at the battery ting $12,000. The loot was split five or captured Dillinger gangsters. The lower score-board carried six other invited guests, will attend the pective customers over the phone, of phones. In the background ways,. and giving Dillinger a little marks for officers and federal agents who were killed in attempting dedication services, which will be HELP MAP CONVENTION Ignored Many Warnings, the better his share, let’s attempting to sell them securities on can be seen innumerable tele- in say to capture Dillinger. followed by a dinner served at 6. a margin basis,” declared Mr. Over- that he got $3‘,000. Three Attend Conference of Adver- Says Overley. phone books, for Indiana, Ken- The pool was made possible by ley. tucky Ohio towns, for calling efforts of directors, headed by John tising Group Chicago. and Received Same Amount at (Continued From Page One) “These salesmen,” he charged, prospective customers. R. Kinghan. It will be used by Three Indianapolis men have re- "never used the same name to all In the argot of the financial "The same five men under Dil- adults and children who attend the and pointed out that Mann & up By turned here meeting with the ley, customers. Sometimes they were world the setup was the "boiler- linger's leadership held a bank Boys and Girls Chosen air camp in groups of 100. The after Cos. was operating in j fresh executive committee of the 1934 Mu- Indiana and known by one name and sometimes room” of the alleged "bucket- at Racine, Wis., and stole $24,000. | ninth group for this summer arrived that the do tual Insurance Advertising confer- company's charter to by another.” shop.” Let’s say Dillinger’s share was $4,000. today at the camp. had been in that ence at Chicago to make plans for business revoked Telephone books, covering cross- Lists of prospective clients were It’s couldn't be much more because Warren as Contestants the convention at Savannah, Ga.. state. * road towns in Indiana, wrere found ticketed as “Never Been Done,” or Makley, Pierpont and Clark really warning Nov. 12 to 16. The from the West Vir- in the company’s office. as “Ohio Doctors. Partial List. were co-leaders of the gang with EAGLE RANK CONFERRED ginia meyer; They were Walter E. Jackson, ad- commissioner was not the sole Physicians and dentists were high Summer Months.” Dillinger and got about the same cucumbers, Elmer Witte; danger Representatives Named in peppers ON ELEVEN BOY SCOUTS vertising manager of the Grain flag of to state investors re- on the extensive card file list of Doctors and dentists were high amount as he. <red>, Elmer Witte; cab- ceived by the statt administration, alleged "suckers,” ac- "In the robbery of the East Chi- bage, Leonard Fink; peppers (green), Dealers National Mutual Fire In- prospective on the alleged “sucker” lists of Farm Tests Planned Ceremony Concludes Activities of Coates, continued Mr. Overley. cording to Mr. Overley. according cago, Ind., bank Dillinger took only Leonard Fink; pimentos, Charles surance Company; Charles the firm, to Mr. Mar- Third Company Period. On May 1, 1933. the Better Busi- Aid in the search for four as- one man with him—John Hamilton. Wishmeyer; squash, Elmer Witte; director of publicity for the Indiana kun, wr ho believes that customers Fairground. Eleven Boy Scouts were awarded Union Mutual ness Bitrcau of Columbus. 0., wTote sociates of the dead executive of $86,000 That job marked the murder of De- at turnip, Charles Wishmeyer. Insurance Company, of the firm lost between rank of Eagle Scouts at a court advertising to Goevrnor McNutt: "It is our Mann X Cos., be sought Louis years tective Pat O’Malley, a pal of mine, the and Fred W. Dahr, man- will by and $250,000 during the two Warren township yesterday chose of honor last night at the ager opinion that past experience with R.
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