S-I i Eh ^ --toi, ic A -ae k- W X; I _Wenesdav In ; n Ocatobr 17X 1 I v N i----i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01 lCt Voum:'"*" z8. N Y-" - 18 - SERV\ Ti STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEWA,'IBYK. AT K. AND() /K.l SUR.OI '//f'USf1s'l.(,ION/I SHE7fO1T1SXSTO I -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - Rejection of Student Registration Continutes By Jeanne Kane a vote using the campus residencies. allows special residency rules to be set County Legislator Gregory Blass. Blass The Suffolk County Board of Elec- "One of the inspectors there [said] she up for students that are not applied to lost by less than 1.000 votes. There are tions continues to challenge voting expects [the applications] to be chal- other applicants. about 7,200 residents of Stony Brook's applications from students using their lenged," said Neal Rosenstein, project The Suffolk County board is not dormitories. campus addresses, despite a recent fed- coordinator for the campus chapter of legally bound to McCurn's ruling and "It's an outdated perception of stu- eral court decision that said to bar stu- NYPIRG. representatives have said that it will not dents as being particularly radical," dents from voting in their campus "Suffolk County is the last remaining change its policy of challenging applica- Leung said about the Suffolk board pol- communities was "discriminatory." county in the state in which students tions from campus addresses. icy. "Radical students are no longer The county board of elections also residing on campus are being chal- For Rosenstein, this policy "doesn't given to violent student outbursts. [Yet] received a recommendation to accept lenged in their attempts to register to make any sense, legally. It might make progressive student thought is not dead. the students' applications from the New vote," said Curtis Leung, one of the stu- sense politically. Both [Democratic and [Students are ] moving along more con- York State Board of Elections on Oct. dents who registered to vote Saturday at Republican] Commissioners are wor- ventional channels. The Board of Elec- 12, three days after the court decision a polling location in Port Jefferson. ried and apprehensive about a large tions in Suffolk is totally insensitive to was handed down. The state board of elections advised unknown voting population," like this," Leung said. As a way of testing the court decision all local boards to register students at students. Ken Corsello, one of the five students and the New York state board's urgings, their campus addresses, in cooperation Rosenstein said one example where a to register on Saturday is hopeful that representatives from the New York with a decision handed down by U.S. large student voting bloc could have the board will change its stance. "If not Public Interest Research Group District Court Judge Neal F. McCurn in made a difference in local election out- now, it'll happen by next year. The rule (NYPIRG) accompanied five Stony the Northern District on Oct. 9. McCurn comes was in the recent Republican is so archaic. [Media attention] will put a ;Brook students to a registration location found a section of the New York State primary between Rep. William Carney lot of pressure on the Suffolk Board of Saturday, where the students applied to Constitution discriminatory because it (C.R - Haunnanure) and hise ehallonapr Elections" to change its policies, he said. - 11 Ellen Browne, chairperson for NYPIRG at Stony Brook, commented that the board "is going to have to stop discriminatng against students soon. The question is whether they will do so voluntarily or be ordered to stop violat- ing the U.S. Constitution by a federal judge." "The state board has the power and duty to issue instructions to local boards," said Rosenstein, who would like to see that responsiblity beter ful- filled. "Take some ludicrous example, [and] the state board would have the power to make sure the county boards follow the rules." 'Students count in the federal census as [residing] here at Stony Brook." Rosenstein said. "Suffolk County and the towns receive [thousands of dollars in federal] aid based on those census figures." "I feel I'm being discriminated against." said Madelyn Byrne, a Stony Brook resident whose voter application was rejected. "I pay taxes here. I should have input here." Since last April 20, 230 student appli- The plans for an arboretum in back of South P Lot were announced at a Three Village Civic Association meeting Monday night. cations from Stony Brook have been challenged including 50 from this semester, according to Rosenstein. "It doesn't look like I'm going to vote." Plans to S prout New said Amy Poulisa, a Stony Brook stu- Gardens dent. 'I was rejected when I did turn my application in." Poulils, By Jeff Leibowitz Presently much of the area is des- sured of my support." who lives in New Hampshire, will have to make At a Three Village Civic Associa- cribed as "swampish" and a large The land is legally university prop- the eight hour trip to her home or vote at her tion meeting Monday night, held at portion of it has been destroyed by erty as it belongs to the state and "the parent's residence in Florida. Robert C. Murphy Junior High vandals and motorcycle riders. Mor- university is an agent of the state., "I tried to register from my Stony School. Civic President Letitia gan's design will be initiated this according to Morgan. Brook address."said Sherry Pachman. Krauer announced plans to renovate spring with the creation of a The University owns the land and whose application was challenged. the 12 acre field behind South P-lot aboretum. Eventually, areas will be the Civic Association has a proposal 'What goes on in Suffolk County affects The field is a 'buffer zone" between separated and used for different pur- for it. me more than what goes on upstate" at the university and the surrounding poses. A pond will be created and "it Francis said, after the meeting. her Herkimer address, she said. community. The meeting was also at- is hoped bird habitation will occur." that the university is willing to Students are commonly told that their tended by Robert Francis, the uni- said Morgan. One area will be desig- "match dollar for dollar" any money campus address is temporary and they versity's vice president for Campus nated for 'oriental garden" and that the local community can raise. should therefore register from their Operations and Ann Marie Scheidt, others will be used for athletic and Krauer is expecting "ground parents address, but according tto director of Public Affairs. various "family activities." breaking to occur this spring." al- Rosenstein, the "average American The total cost of the present prop- University President John Mar- though Morgan "is still looking for family moves every 3.9years." The aver- osal is between 1.5 and 1.7 million burger sent a message stating that he input" for the project acknowledging age student will live at least that long at dollars according to Jim Morgan, the was "impressed" by the proposal and that 'at this point nothing is set in a college address. Rosenstein continues. project architect that the civic Association can "be as- stone." The fact is mst students don't go home Oaftrthey graduate." -News Digeste -- -- Compiler From Associated Press Releases Salvadoran -Rebels Listed Ds- . -Lise 29 Deand San Salvador, El Salvador - Leftist part in Salvadoran elections. The rebels rebels announced yesterday they pres- have countered that any leftists running ented 29 specific demands to President for office would be risking death at the Jose Napoleon Duarte in their first hands of El Salvador's right-wing death peace talks, a list that did not include the squads. stiierrillas' long-time insistence on Instead, the rebels repeatedly called power-sharing. for a transition regime in which various The clandestine rebel radio, making factions would share power, leading to the full demands public for the first later elections. The new list of leftist time, said they would have to be met in demands omitted the power-sharing order to "bring peace to El Salvador" idea, although one of the guerrilla com- after five years of civil war. manders who participated in Monday's Duarte also put a proposal on the talks, Eduardo Sancho Castaneda, table, but it was more limited, offering known as Ferman Cienfuegos, told rep- an amnesty for rebels to re-enter the roters later Monday that the left is more political system and proposing guaran- inerested in a united-front government tees to protect them against military than in elections. reprisal. The rebel list included a wide range of The only concrete result of their talks reforms: increased wagers for workers Monday in La Palma, 50 miles north of and peasnats, further land redistribu- this capital city, was agreement by the tions, removal of U.S. military advisers two sides to establish a commission and military aid, and a halt to govern- including four government and four ment bombing of rebel-held zones. rebel representatives and to meet again It was doubtful any of the conditons in the second half of November. In the .would be immediately met by Duarte's past, the government has called on the government. '" - rebels to lay down their arms and take Mondale Reagan * I& .. CrliNVcizeCriticize EacX4 O"tier Walter F. Mondale charged yesterday Citing several news stories and using that George Bush was a "political hit- .two dictionaries, Bush told reporters in and-run driver and he's hit us with a Los Angeles", Mr. Mondale and Mrs. false charge' on Lebanon, while Presi- Ferraro can argue all they want, they dent Reagan attacked his Democratic can demand apologies every day.
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