State University of New York College at Buffalo - Buffalo State College Digital Commons at Buffalo State Newspapers The Dr. Catherine Collins Collection 6-29-2005 Newspapers; 2005-06-29; Challenger; Once Upon a Time in Buffalo Catherine Collins Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/collins_newspapers Part of the Education Commons, and the History Commons Recommended Citation "Newspapers; 2005-06-29; Challenger; Once Upon a Time in Buffalo." Newspapers. Monroe Fordham Regional History Center. Archives & Special Collections Department, E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State. https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/collins_newspapers/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Dr. Catherine Collins Collection at Digital Commons at Buffalo State. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons at Buffalo State. For more information, please contact [email protected]. _Ihe (}haUenger www.chaUenger-news.com • nee on Time in u a o .•. Popular family event book worms·into WNY in honOr of year long Niagara Movement Centennial By Renata Toney ' - ookmark your ca.lendars. After the public from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 on 135th Street near Lenox Avenue -Links- ·B ,months ofplanning, network- p.m., you can enjoy an assemblage in New York City and for the fourth . Links, literature, literacy, learn- Harlem Book Fair Buffalo visit www. ing and perseverance, the o~ loca~ and national authors, panel year, C-SPAN - Book TV covered· ing-words that aptly describes a hbfb.org lauded Harlem Book Fair is coming d1scussi.ons, seminars, children's lit- the event. co.llective effort that will introduce to Buffalo July 8 and 9 blaring' its erary activities, spoken word poets Last month Black Issues Book an ~vent to this 111arket celebrating Renata Toney is a local marketina good reading habits crusade: and publishing exhibitions. Revie~ and QBR, t~o lead-ing ·_ heritage and the joy of reading July communications pro_fessional wh~ magazines about Black literature services both corporate and non- Once Upon A Time... Experience some of Western New - . ' 8 and 9. York's literary notables, such as announced~ joint marketing agree- "The Harlem Book Fair Buffalo profit orga;1izations designing and Once upon a time (.roughly a year zmplementzng strategic public rela- ago) a group of volunteers joined awa1:d-winnin·g playwright, Rueben ment, prom1s1ng to ,vork together to is one of the Niagara Movement Santiago-Hudson, Ishmael Reed and cr~ate a unified powerhouse. QBR Centennial 's signature events," says tions programs, renataHBF@aol. forces to champion a new initiative com to help coinmemotate the region's Virginia DeBerry and Donna Grant. · will cease publishing and combine Melonya Johnson, HBF volunteer yearlong 2005 Niagara Move1nent Check out Sarah Rush, ·great-grand- its circulation with the six-year-old, and Just Buffalo Litera1y Center Centennial Celebration. daughter of Booker T. Washington, 41,000-circulationBlacklssues Book board 1ne1nber. "We sincerely hope "W.e wanted to present something and Lucy Anne Hurston, author and R_ev~eW, whtch will focl!s on pub- the co1muu1:,ity comes out to sup- multicultural, creative and educa- niece of legendary Harlem Renais- h~h1n~ eve!y other 1nonth. QBR port the festival and benefits fron1 tional to broaden awareness of this sance author, Zora Neale Hurston will direct its energies toward its its broad range of offerings." area's national significance in the who will share historical insiohts' a~ual Harlem Book Fair, which The Niagara tvlovement began will grow to a dozen cities includino stru~glefor human rights," explains in interactive discuss.ions. Dr.blan b when schotar W.E.B. DuBois . Long Island;N.Y., San Diego and Jennifer J. Parker, Harlem Book Fair S1nith, a 1nedical contributor to recruited some elite, well-educated QJ (HBF) Buffalo event manager. .ABC's.nationally syndicated ''.The Chicago, adding Boston, Buffalo black professionals for a secret ,.., Vievv," and columnist for '.s and Phoenix. gathering hosted by the legend- For the past three years, Parker ·Men ·W loyally tuned into CSPAN 2 - Book Health 1nagazine will discuss his - Strategic Partn~rships- ary Mary B. Talbert at her home TV's annual coverage of the Harlem . three books, the critically acclaimed The Harlem Book Fair Buffalo is on Michigan Street. A sum1nit u Book Fair. · The Blackbird Papers, Dr. Ian Smiths. poetically hosted by the HBF Buffalo was organized for July 1905 and "The panel discussions are always Guide to Medical Websites and The . Co1ru11ittee including Just Buffalo held across the Niagara River , ?utstanding," she says·, "so interest- Take-Control Diet. Literary C.enter, ·wNED Thinkbright in the Erie Beach Hotel in Fort mg and engaging, I did so1ne ho1ne- :.For the Young at Heart- TV, Black Capital Net\vork, Buf- <;)ntario, Canada. Its 1nost impor- work to learn more about attracting it - For kids, teens and young adults falo Niagara Convention & Visitors tant outcome was a Declaration to Buffalo after hearing about local WNED ThirikBright TV,· Buffalo Bureau and Buffalo & Erie County of Principles which went on to Public Library. · - coordination efforts to pay tribute Reads Coalition, Buffalo & Erie become the basis of the National to the Niagara Movement. The first County Public Library, and Good "Reading is at a serious risk in Association for the Advancement step was getting in touch with the Schools For All will present an inter- our society," says Laurie Dean Tor- of Colored People (NAACP) .. rell, executive director,-JustBuffalo festival founder, Max Rodriguez, active volume of fun explorations , For 1nore information on the who responded optimistically to the in storytelling, book chats, arts and Literary Center, which served 1nore proposition." crafts, and heritage sessions. than 300,000 adults and children Parker believes the Niagara Move- Youngsters are invited to listen last ?ear. btJilding and sharing the All-Star ·Lineup o_f Local and· to captivating talks by an outstand- creative power of vvords. "Events that ment and Harlem Book Fair have promote the literary arts are critical parallel tracks. ·· ing assemble of authors, including - National Authors Gloria Jean Pinkney, author ofBack · because young people need access ' - "The Niagara Movement was a · . Visit the Harlem·BookFair_Buffalo Saturday, July 9, 10:30 AM - 6 PM Home and·The Sunday Outing. Her to the treasures that inspire them to call to action attracting some of the use their iinagination. Children who tn Lafayette Square for panel discussions, seminars, children's foru1ns . most successful, prolific thinkers of collaborative works with husband a1:d award-winning illustrator, Jerry ~row up around adults who find joy _ spoken :word poets, publishing exhibitions and an all-star lineup of local that era. The Harlem Book Fair is a 1n reading are more likely to read and national authors: _ · ' ?onteinporary appeal to highlight the Pinkney, have garnered nurnerous honors nationwide. too," she says. "The Harlem Book *Ru~en Santiago-Hudson, Western New York's own native son, importance ofhteracy and learning, playwright and act~r. Ruben re~eived the 1996 Tony Award for Best Drop ~n on Deborah Gregory, Fair is a tre1nendous opp9rtunity to a value the 1905 Niagara Movement , sho\vcase literature as a vital and Featured_P e~on11er in August W1lson's acclain1ed "Seven Guitars." His leadership reverently embraced," award-winning author ofThe Chee- tah Girls, the 13-book series·with five alive force in the co1nmunity." awar~ Wlfl!-1.Ing play "Lackawanna.Blues" \vas recently featured as an· underscores Parker. "Both initia- WNED Think.Bright TV has been HBO mo:v1e. In March 2005, Santiago-Hudson started opposite Halle tive& clearly advocate broadening talented teens that for1n a singing group and make their dreams coine instrumental \.Vith promotional sup- Berry i? A~C's "Th~ir'Eyes Were \Vatching God." . knowledge, creativity and strive for port. "WNED sigriificantly supported G~on~ Pinkney, children's book author ofBack Home and The Sunday progressive outcomes." true in the jiggy jungle. Ask·any teenager about the Disney Channel · us with children's programming and Outing ,illustrated by her husband, Jerry Pinkney. Their collaborative ·Parker was also lured to the Book works,-Back Home ~nd The. Suncfay Outing, have garnered numerous original movie produced i11 conjunc- helped spread the word with print, Fair as an economic driver creating TV and radio ads," Parker says grate- honors and been praised ·nat1onw1de. · · . opportunities for local businesses, a tion with Whitney Houston, which stars Raven Symone. The series was fully. "ThinkBright is truly redefin- . Buffalo-born Ishmael Reed, .one pf the most prolific Black writers passion she enthusiastically pron1otes ing learning for people of all aoes of the latt~r half of the 20th century. Twice nominated for the Natio'nal as president ofthe Black Capital Net- . ·chosen as the Blackboard Children's Book of the Year. with innovative technology and the Boqk Award, on~e a fin~list for the Puli!zer, and. branded a "genius" by work through its popular economic the MacArthur Found.at1on. He has written .fiction, nonfiction, poetry, . Alan Steinberg, co-author of Black Harlem Book Fair has certainly ben- development se1ninars. efited." · play:s taught English _at U.C. Berkeley for the past 20 y.ears. -The Buffalo Experience - Profiles in Courage with Kareem c:n~ Abdul Jabbar, will share experiences A number oftalented volunteers are V1rg11:11a DeBerry (Buffalo bon1) and Donna Grant co-authors of three The HBF Buffalo story begins bestselhng novels-- Tryin 'to Sleep in the Bed You 1vfade, .Far From the examining the lives ofh eroic African donating the gift of time. "·we have a with a Harlem Renaissance-theined dynamic pool of bright, enthusiastic Tree ~nd their newest release,. Better Than I Knoi,v l'vfyse?f - .
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