UNIVERSllY OF, H&Whll .L_I_BWY I arianas %riety;;~ /' Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&1 ews Pokerfeeh· By Aldwin R. Fajardo raising the licensing fees is ac­ supportanymovetoimposeaddi- areas that we can increase that Variety News Staff ceptable. tional tax "to burden the people will not really jeopardize the com- GOVERNORPedroP. Tenorio is "I think the legislature, from considering the present condition pany [private sector]," he added. supporting plans to increase li­ what I understand, is trying to of our economy." Rep. Karl Reyes earlier bared censing fees for poker machines, increase the number of poker "I am not in support of any plans to introduce legislation that in an effort to generate more rev­ machines at the same time in­ additional tax to burden the people would impose new taxes on banks enues for the government, it was crease the license fee. Well for because of the present condition and garment products. learned yesterday. me, that's okay," he added. of our economy. There are some Continued on page 46 This developed as Tenorio ruled Tenorio said if a person wants ri.~:!.£"-·;';\W·/ftil:¥p•-t-!-faili.i!M'£.li.2t'-21.:!.t~/;~c·,'.·.,,• .. ,.. ,.'i,-?.;.:>,\;;,,t;.$·.J;)l~~~4f:J out proposals that would impose to gamble "let his gambling be a additional taxes to the public sec­ source of additional revenues for tor, which he said will put addi­ the government." jUS ~ilitacy offers~ tional burden to the private sector " ... [if] we could generate rev­ enues for the operation of the gov­ amidst the declining local Pedro P. Tenorio economy. ernment [by increasing poker ti Continental help :~ "I will support any revenue­ proclamations yesterday. machine licensing fee], we will 1 By Giff Johnson ~;! generating [increase] in licensing He said the Legislature's plan do that," he said. · For the Variety l}J fees," he told reporters after sign­ to increase the number of poker But he stressed that he will not ; MAJURO-The U.S. Defense Department will provide Conti- t~ ing the Memorial Week and the machines in the Northern nental Micronesia with an additional refueling stop at Johnston Historical Preservation Week Marianas and at the same time i Island, a move that could resolve a key problem that prompted the Bomb threat airline to announce a reduction in flights through Micronesia ;z caller nabbed ] beginning in September. ~' Guam statehood option ~ The U.S. Defense Special Weapons Agency, which operates a Jacob Leon Guerrero military installation at Johnston, has limited Continental to four ~ Variety News Staff ,. refueling stops each week. The airline has six flights weekly, ~ needs more advocates HAGATNA, Guam - The . however, and experiences severe weight restrictions limiting By Jan Furukawa members believe in Chamorro Guam Police Department has passenger and cargo loads on the two flights that cannot stop for Variety News Staff · self-detennination have .signed made another arrest yesterday in refueling. i HAGATNA The up for the panel tasked with pro­ its ongoing campaign to stop the Johnston is midway between Honolulu and the Marshall 1, Decolonization Commission ducing a position paper on full recent spate of bomb threats here. Islands. cannot proceed with its work of integration, or statehoog-, with According to GPD public in­ Marshalls Foreign Secretary Robert Muller said the announce­ educating voters in time for a the United States .. formation officer LaiTy Flores, a Continued on page 46 · September plebiscite because its Commission membt:?rs agreed 14-year-old student from Sinajana task force on statehood does not tharthey would recruit the re­ was nabbed by agents in connec­ j, 'I have enough members. quired number in the next week. tion with a bomb scare earlier this i Commission members addea Members also agreed that po­ week at the George Washington Teno admits legal names to lists of free association sition papers must include in­ High School. and independence panels during fonnation regarding the eco­ The suspect is himself a GW yesterday's meeting in the cabi­ nomic impact expected to result student. problems with EiC net conference room at the from each of the three options: After interviewing several GW students, the police were led to By Aldwin R. Fajardo looking into the issue. Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor's The commission decided the suspect, who was promptly Variety News Staff "I think the legislature is look­ against requiring that task force Complex." picked up yesterday morning near WHILE keeping a distance from ing at that. So the Attorney Gen­ By law, each panel must have members be eligible to vote; that the Guam Community College. the Earned Income Credit re­ eral has been asked to look into seven members. Only three members embrace the conceg_t The teenager has been charged fund issue, Gov. Pedro P. it. There's a legal question to people who meet the of self-determination for with "ten-oristic conduct," "false Tenorio yesterday admitted that it," he added. commission's requirement that Continued on page 46 Tenorio did not say whether Continued on page 46 there are some legal problems surrounding the tax break given the AGO has already come up to low income families. with an opinion with regards to 'There arc some legal ques­ the interpretation of a public tions about that," Tenorio when law believed to have partially asked to confirm reports that the eliminated the granting of EiC government may not issue EiC refunds. refunds this year. The EiC is a tax break given He did not elaborate. He only by the government under Public said the Legislature is already Continued on page 46 D.C. law firm says NMI delinquent on legal fees By Mar-Vic C. Munar are still awaiting payment for work Variety News Staff they performed during the last A WASHINGTON D.C.-based four months of I 997. law office, which represents the MacMeekin & Woodworth has Commonwealth in a lawsuit a contract with the CNMI govern­ against the federal government, is ment to represent the CNMI in a complaining that the CNMI has lawsuit against the US govern­ not settled a four-month bill for ment related to submerged lands the firm's legal services last year. and the Law of the Sea, in which In a letter to Mike Sablan, the the CNMI fights for control over governor's financial adviser, at­ its 200-mile exclusive economic Ten-month old Leah Martir Rojas enjoys Guam grown fresh watermelon from the Degracia farm in Talofofo torneys of the MacMeekin & zone (EEZ). Wednesday night. Photo by Eduardo c. Siguenza Woodworth Law Office said they Continued on page 50 PAC NEWC?APER STAC!<S I l~- . ···- - _1==~-~ .. - _., . ----·-·· ':''FRIDAY /IWA Y l li, lf,1/\)8' '.fv!ARlll'lNAS' '.if/\'.RJET)[INEWS· A.'<JD V!_ll_W~-3 t:. 2,~1'.-\'Rl'.-\:N.\S''Xl.:'H{llr.T'li'NEWS' AND! >lll!WS!f'Rl[)A y_::VIA Y.1.5Wl\l98 -----------------'----'------'-----~ Tomokane takes House panel to task: ,,' India ready for test ban i by the United Nations in 1996, m·gu­ blocked economic aid. policy' By ASHOK SHARMA counnies intend~d to punish India 'Formulate tourism lest lxm treaty. ing it froze the advm1tage held by the Cl in ton also called on India to un­ '.\E\Y DELHI. India (AP)- After But the rnnditional olkrto join the m1J contain iL, ability to aJvmJCe iL, By Rick Alberto agents and media representatives. with the Japan Saipan Travel As­ MVB." five nations that had aheady tested conditionally sign the test ban n-eaty, ti\ e' nudc,u·explosions in tlm~e days. wmlJ · s 11uclc:u·co111rol n:gi mcscarne nudem· weapons program. Variety News Staff "'The committee is not aJJre"­ sociation. the I lolcl Association "They shou Id hla111c thc111se I\ es Jndi,1,ays it pl,ms no more tests and is tcx1 late tn head off s;mctit;i, imposeJ India h:L, n:fuscJ to sign the Com­ mid refined sophisticated nuclear but an Indian official close to Prime MARIANAS Visitors Bureau ing the proper nccJs of the i11Jus­ of the Northern Mariana lslanc.ls. i"lll' not hcing rrcparcJ ll'ith thi., rc:1d1 tti talk ah.iut signing a gl,1bal hy the llnitcJ St:llcs :1ml a host of prehensive TestBmi Tre:7ty approved weapons. MinisterAtal Bihmi Vajpaee1-ejected On Wednesday, it conducted two the demand. Managing Director Anicia Q. try by just silting there anJ laking anJ the airlines association." Jourism doll'nfall. We were prc­ mon; unJergrounJ explosions in Jc­ 11ie official, speaking on condition Tomokanc yesterday ch:dlengcd hearsays from a few private incli­ She saiJ the: inrnlvc:mcnt is r:m:J. \\'C laid Olli progr;inh lo fi:mcc of worldwide ouo·age over the of anonymity,said India was1-eadyto the legislature. particularly the viduals ... Tomok,1nc saiJ. 11,Tcss,ll'y i11 ··umk:rsta11Jing what adu1"<.:ss (this present situ:itir,11) Suharto says he may step down tlm.-:e tests it held Monday under the agree to provisions in the treaty ban­ House com111ittcc on commerce To111ob11c said the commitec. is h,1si cal ly going 011 cspcci ;ii Iy in si1ll'I: last year." she ;1dded. Indonesians no longer trust him. whose country is in the rniJst or no1thweste111 lnJian desc1t. ning further tests, but would discuss anJ tourism. to come up with a chai reJ by Rep. Oscar Babauta. this time wh<.:n.: there's a lot of Last month, llahaula accused "We wi 11 discuss what the presi­ economic and political turmoil. President Clinton on Wednesday such issues only jfit were accepted as tourism policy l'orthc CNML say­ "nccJs to join us in OLii' meetings.
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