AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, &C, PUBLISHED BY JOHN PORTER. Terms, $1,50 in Advance, $1.75 in six months, $2,00 aflcr.--Adverlisemenls inserted at. the customary prices. vor. a. EAST THOMASTON TIH'RSDAl, O< TO HUES 28, IS 17. AO. 40. LIME ROUK GAZETTE. (lint poetic, romantic temperament which ' a 150 prisoners. The clothing, on its aV,M nfhatn| t fITL",C.,,nn(1 "1'PSl,Oi,e''’ S,lir,,a- T 1 1,6 ,!id n°‘ l,i,n- 511 and huge gaps’ openl always buihls gorgeous structures in the way to the Canada troops, which lie cap- ? ' , 1 . C 1’” .Cnr,,e ’I” 0 °'v"' KP" "'l,ollV ,lp"-V " " " l,p bclievci1 i'l the sides o f each vessel, while (TZ"V. B. PALMER, is our A gent for obtain- futurc. No hoy, with a fancy like that ol titled, came very opportunely for (ho dcs- putts might he limned into hers also. In terccssions brought on the gale, for when- they trembled nt each discharge it’s if in ling Subscribers amt Advertisements in Boston and Pnnl Jones, could be content to live the tituto soldiers of the American army.— carrying it out, Jones exit,luted a during ever his parishiones spoke or it Io him, tlm mouth of a volcano. W itlH tishcIvi- New York. His Office in Boston, is No. 20 State hum-drum life of a gardener’s sou. To During this expedition Jones had com­ sStreet. In New York, Tribune Buildings. m.d coolness never surpassed hy any man. , he always replied, “ I prayed, hut the cst guns hursted, anti pa-t of his -deck bin’ this great world presents too wide, a manti of the Alfred, hut was superceedcd AGENTS.----T homaston, J. I). Barnard. S. S I he only drawback to it was that it occur- Lord sent the wind. i blown un Lines still I-,., 1 on this ..n Singer ; Belfast, Washburn & Jordan ; U nion field and opens too many avouews to lame, on his return, and put again on-rhoard his and mn M t" c'h'fll' '"’"l ,•’''"'''p1 p ’ ' f" ’"' 'lienee along the Eng- equal light with a bravery unparalleled in Henry Fossett, Jr. E. Cobb, H ove, Asa I’ayson to ho lightly abandoned, and he launches old sloop, the Providence. This was a id amid the hallowed associations ol Ins lisll coast Jones cruised about for aw bile, naval war'are H r with his own hands ‘Goose River, A. Marlin; W arren, S. B. Weiher- forth with a strong artn nnd a resolute the commencement of a series of unjust <'h,hllwod. D„c would think that the and at length fell in with the Alhance; helped to xvork the guns ; and hlnekened ibee; Camden, George Pendleton ; A ptleton, John pirit to hew his way through among his M. Fuller; W aldororo,' Isaac T. Hall; Win. II. acts on the part of our government familiar hill-tops anti mountain ranges, which had parted company with him 11 [ w'itli powder mid smoke, moved about fellows. Barnard. toward him, which ns yet could not break and the thronging memories they would .short time previous. \\ ilh this vessel, ninong his men with the stern expression Paul was luit twelve or fourteen years away from the English for example, and Ining hack on the hold rover, would have I the Pallas and \ engcance, making, with never Io yield, written on his delicate fea- o f age when lie was received as a sailor niakc brave deeds the only road to rank. From the (London) Weekly Despatch. sent him to ether portions of the const to tlie B il liard, lour ships, lie stood Io the I lures, in lines not to bn mistaken. To on board the ship Friendship bound to It insists, according to the old continental inllcct distress, it speaks badly for the North; when on the afternoon ol Septein- . compensate for the superiority of the ene- SONG FOR THE SEASON. Rappahannock, Virginia. Thus early rule, with which Bonapart made such wild man’s sensihlitcs, though so w ell for his hei 2ltd, 177ft. lie saw a lleet of Ibrty-one I my's guns, lie had to discharge his own were his steps directed towards our shores DV ELIZA COOK. work, on giving the places of trust to cou rage. sail hugging the coast. This was tin with greater rapidity, so that after a short nnd his whole future career shaped hy it. the sons of distiuguiscd gentlemen.— He next entered Kirkcudbright Bay in Baltic lleet; under the convovconvoy o f tin lime tin y beeanie so hot that they bound­ “Look out, look out, there are shadows about; The young sailor hy his skill, and indus­ Jones remonstrated against this injustice, a single boat, for the purpose of taking Serti pis, o f foi l y-one guns, ami the ( 'onill ed like mad creatures in their fastenings ; The forest is donning its doublet of bl own, try , was soon promoted to the rank of nnd pressed the government so closely L o r i Selkirk prisoner. I'lie nbsetice ol ess o f S ca rbo rou gh o f tw e n ty guns. and it . very disebai'gu the g a lla n t shill The willow tree sways with a gloomier flout, third mate, second mate, first mate, su­ Like a beautiful face with a gathering frown! with his importunities and complaints, I lie iiold. man alone prevented his seeress Jones immediately issued his orders to trembled like a smitten ox, from kelson Io 'Tis true we all know that Summer must go, percargo, and finally captain. Thus he that to get rid of him they sent him to The next day, as lie was oil ('an irk-| form line of buttle, while with his ship he cross-trees, mid keeled over till her yard­ That the swallow will never stay longin our eaves continued roaming the sea till he was 28 Boston to select anti fit out a ship for I'ergus, he saw the Drake, a E n g lis h 1 gave chase. The convoy scattered like arms almost swept the water. In the Yet we’d rather be watching the wild rose blow, years of age, when a brother o f his, a himself. In the meantime he recommend­ ship of war, working slowly out of the1 wild pigeons, nnd ran lor the shore, In. meantime his lop-men did terrible e.xccu- Than be counting the colors of Autumn leaves! Virginia planter, having died intestate ed mensures to the government respect­ linrbor to go in pursuit of (he Banger that pl.-ice themselves under the protection ol lion. Ten limes was the Sernprs on fire! Look high, look high, there's the lacc winged fly, without children, ho took chntgc of the ing organizing nnd strengthening of the was sending such consternation along the a Ibi-t, while the two war ships advanced and as often were the flames extinguished, Thinking he's king of a fairy realm, estate for the family, and spent two years navy, whitllt shows him to have been the Scottish coast. Five small vessels filled to the conflict. It was a hcnntil'ul day, , Never did a man struggle braver Ilian the As lie swings with delight on the gossamer tie, on land. most enlightened naval officer in our ser­ with citizens accompanied her part id' the the wind was light, so that not a wave j English commander, hut a still braver That is linked 'mid the boughs of the sun-lipped In 1775, when the American Revolu­ vice, nnd that his sound and comprehen­ way. A heavy tide was sitting landward broke the smooth surface of the sea, anil heart opposed him. At this junction tho elm ! tion broke out, tho young Scotchman Alas! poor thing, the first rustle will bring sive views were equal to his bravery.— and the vessels made feeble headway, hut all was smiling and tranquil on land ns Alliance catnc up, and instead of pouring The pillars to dust, where your pleasure-clue commenced his brilliant career. 1 lis of­ Most of his seggestions were adopted; nt length she make her hist tack ami the hostile forces slowly approached each its broadsides into the Serapis, hurled weaves, fer to Congress to serve in the navy was and the foundation of tho Americnn navy si retched boldly out into the channel. other. Tho piers of Scarborough were them against the Poor Richard— now And many a spirit like thine, will i4ing accepted, nnd lie was appointed first Lieu­ laid—thanks to the first man who ever I'lie Banger; when she first saw the owdeil with spectators, while the old poor indeed ! Jones was in a transport To hopes that depend upon Autumn leaves! tenant in the Alfred. When the cnui- hoisted our flag on the sens. Drake comming out of tho harbor, ran promontory of Flnmborougll, over three of rage, but lie could not help himself. Look low, look low, the night-gusts blow, mander-in-chief of tho squadron came on Soon after, (June 1777,) lie was given down to meet her, nnd then lay to till the miles distnnt, was black with the multi In this awful crisis, fighting hy the light And the restless forms in hectic red, hoard, Jones unfurled the nutional (lag— command of the Ranger, and informed in latter bail cleared tho port. She then tude assembled to witness the engagement of llio guns, for the smoke had shut out ■Conte whistling and sporting wherever we go, the first time its folds were ever given to his commission that the Hag of the United 1 h d away and stood out into the centre The breeze was so light that the vessel: that of the tnoon, tho gunner nnd carpen­ The lighter in dancing, ns nearer the dead ! the breeze.
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