City commission approves - specs for new police car ,-^ fore the city might have a new city # The Concordia city commission manager. He said that the commis t . In history v ers yesterday authorized the city staff to send bidspecifications fora new sioners had completed their first i. • '< -„ , round of interviews with candidates F, police car to the local dealers. ters extinguished agarage fire at102 for the job. 25 years ago City clerk Veraa Ferguson said L •o Jan. 3,1969—LaDebraLynnWal- Kansas. The garage was owned and that the bids should beready for the Mayor LaVern Robbins added that I.,"'-' • 1 den, born Jan. 1,was the first baby occupied by Doyle Reed. ... Lois commissioners' consideration at he hoped anew city manager would Decker remained instable condition their first meeting inFebruary. She be hired soon. born inConcordia in 1969. She was atSt. Joseph Hospital for fire-related ¥;$'•: ? the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. added thatthepurchase ofa new po Former city manager Richard 1 injuries she received in an early- Larry Walden of Miltonvale. ... lice car was included in the 1994 Nienstedt resigned on July 8 to ac j Monday morning fire that totally de I - "* Dave Vignery was the only Concor budget. cept asimilar position atFort Scott dia High School matman to win his stroyed her rural home. Thecommissioners alsoapproved Since Nienstedt's departure onAug. match by a fall in a dual with Clay the city's participation in the gravel 6 Ferguson and chief ofpolice Sam Center. ing ofthe country road which pro Budreau have been acting co-city 1 year ago vides access to Water Well No. 21 managers. Jan. 3, 1993—Concordia Police east oftown. The city's share ofthe 10 years ago Department was investigating 16 The commissioners went into ex Jan. 3, 1984—Brandi KnsUne cost is $60.80, Ferguson said. She ecutive session for 20 minutes to dis Schrandt was thefirst baby bomat vandalism cases that had occurred said that thecityhad participated in during theweekend. The Cloud cuss property acquisition and non- St Joseph Hospital in1984. She was the project last year. elected personnel before adjourning born at3:53 a.m., Jan. 2,toSteve and County Service Center building Commissioner Greg Hattan said Kristine Schrandt ofGlasco JJ- housing the Cloud County Health that itwill beatleast 30to60days be- to Jan. 12 Suppes, Concordia, retired as Mis Department and several private souri Pacific roadmaster. physicians was full. County commis foncivp Hsinnaee sioners approved a contract for Dr. Marcellus Goff to move into space in 5 years ago Jan. 3,1989—Concordia firefigh that building on Feb. 1. Concordia Blade-Empire Published daily except Saturday and Sunday by THE BLADE-EMPIRE PUBLISHING COMPANY. 510 Washington Concordia, Kansas 66901 Second Class postage paid at Concordia, Kansas 66901 The Associated Press isentitled exclusively to all the local news printed in this newspaper as weil as all AP news dispatches. '-[?'?</ (forSyCLOUDCONCORDIACOUNTY DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENTCORPORATIONCOMPANY, INC.) P.O. Box 456 CONCORDIA. KANSAS 66901 ^T^f^KHOLDERS The annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Cloud County panyDevelopmentInT forCorporator,,the^ection offormerlydirectorsConcordiaand the Developmenttransaction ofCom-such ofher'hSbusiness asTjanJarymay properly25,1994comea. 12:00beforeNoonthe a.meeting.the Conoordawill be Moose Lodge No. 1428, 113 West Fifth, Concordia, Kansas. David E. Retter President il/-?Cf •\ p- ' W- ? Ribbon cutting member; J.R. Marter, general manager; Ron Mun The Concordia Area Chamber of Commerce r^r «$?w *•**'* son co-owner; Patty Page,waitress; Mary Patton, sponsored a ribbon cutting ceremony attheThun- manager of Thunderbird Motel; Wendy Pumarlo, derbird Restaurant. Cuttingthe ribbonis co-owner John Munson. Also pictured, from left, are: Trudy guest-service manager at motel; and Barbara !• Howe, kitchen manager; Joe Jindra, chamber Cox, manager of the motel lounge. 1; i ' r; i Blade-Empire Friday, January 14, 1994 CITlf OF CONCORDIA, KANSAS ^'W TREASURER'S QUARTERLY REPORT FOR TIIE PERIOD FROH OCTOBER 1. 1993 through DECEMBER 31, 1993 OLD NEW FUNDS HALANCF.S RECE1PTS WARRANTS BALANCES 100 General 619,319.68 453.791.56 456,690.25 201 Library 614,420.99 5.725.67 5,309.82 9,877.00 1,158.49 207 Recreation 4.992.66 742.12 5,500.00 234.98 203 Industrial Development 23,108.57 1,110.61 600.00 23,619.18 204 Noxious Weed 6,346.99 80.17 906.75 5,520.41 205 Special Highway 26,149.72 116,613.19 81,377.81 61.385.10 206 O.A.R.E. Grant (15.06) 459.05 896.09 (452.10) 210 Employee Benefit 46,752.60 67,435.43 ( 47,186.14 211 Library Employee Benefit 1.696.61 1,835.17 '3,484.00 212 911 Emergency Telephone Syi ten 17,804.09 3,955.97 3,127.55 16,612.51 216 Special Utility Cost 53,241.23 6,146.11 31,585.08 27,802.26 217 Special Park & Recreation 1.828.37 4,775.44 6,603.81 218 Special Alcohol Program 5,339.59 2,130.14 6,287.00 1,182.73 219 Sales Tax Revenue 31.59 42.77 -0- 74.36 220 Star* Grant 42,703.27 14.347.00 53.533.22 221 Special Street Machinery Reserve 3,517.05 47,005.89 3,235.92 -0- 50,241.81 222 Special Klrc/Aab Equipment Res. 113.66 1,000.06 1.000.00 113.72 223 D.A.T. Fund 849.00 803.00 703.00 949.00 225 O.U.I. Funds 2,110.65 -0- 2,110.65 -0- 226 A.I.S. Fundi 703.00 2,813.65 703.00 2,813.65 Kcnnomle Development Grant -0- -0- -0- 228 Economic Development Grant Repay 138.667.78 4,825.90 -0- 12" lllp.hway flt-N/S KXINK Projee -0- -0- 330 SS-91-1 Const. Plaything* S ewer -0- -0- -n- -0- 332 Airport Grant 2,640.00 -0- -0- 2,640.00 334 Storm Insurance 123,523.07 -0- 651.63 122,871.44 335 F.E.M.A. Grant 8,542.00 5,333.56 13,875.56 -n- 401 Bond and Intereat 282.345.53 34,879.81 267,182.50 50,042.84 501 Street Projects (4.753.36) 3,955.36 8,292.50 (9.090.50) 502 Alley Projects -0- -0- -0- -0- 503 Waterllna Projects 38,660.27 10,027.08 42.212.12 6,475.23 504 Sanitary Sewer Projects 4,844.44 129.96 4,974.40 506 Storm Sewer Projects -0- -O- -0- -0- 601 Water/Sewer Ceneral 174,216.97 241,809.70 195,346.24 220,680.43 60(1 Water/Sever Bond Renerv* 26,520.89 -n- -0- 26,520.89 606 PeslRnated Water Connect Fees 50,304.37 1,635.00 50,072.90 1,866.47 607 Water Sewer Equipment Reser 39,132.96 3,191.68 -0- 42,324.64 701 Inventory Revolving -0- 9,439.14 9,439.04 .10 702 City Forestry Program 2.025.33 5,000.00 1,547.00 5,478.33 703 City Clerks Cash 300.00 -0- -0- 300.00 801 Substance Abuse Penalties 105.00 -0- -0- 105.00 802 Water Protection Fees 2,114.26 2,019.67 2,114.26 2,019.67 803 Cemetery Endowment 35,831.00 -0- -0- 35,831.00 804 Cloud County Landfill -0- 24,198.00 24.198.00 -0- 805 Judges Training Fees -0- 275.00 385.00 (110.00) 806 O'Connor Anlmni Shelter 32,459.25 680.08 2.090.51 31,048.82 807 Central Garage Revolving -0- 8,294.16 8,294.16 -0- 809 Airport A.S.C.S. 792.00 792.00 -0- 1,584.00 810 Emergency Revolving -0- -0- -0- 811 Duclos Foundation 1,381.09 700.00 700.00 1,381.09 TOTALS 11,865.460.83 ,043.813.2B 1 ,358,759.11 I 550,515.00 CASH AVAILAHI.E: LIABILITIES: CltUens National Bank $ 684,384 .00 Cenera Obligation Bonds 11,495,000 Investments 865,831 00 W/S Revenue Bonds 210,00(1 Clerks Cash J00 00 ,..„ ry Notes 50,000 Total 11,550,515 no Total 11,755,000 I. Phil Deneault, do hereby certify that ti. .»„», ...,..,nt Is correct. £LUpHiJlrMJLM^r Phil Dtnaault, City Treasurer . 7 Friday, January 7, 1994 SetfTs clean bill ofheaUfrwas dream giftfor Retters By SHARON COY Blade StaiT Writer SethRetterand his family believe theyreceivedthe bestChristmaspre sent ever this year. Seth, 13-year-old son of David and Susan Retter, has been fighting cancer since last spring. On Dec. 21 he underwent a series of tests includ inga CATscan.Allcameout perfect. For the Retters this was the suc cessful climax to months, though Seth said it seemed like a million years, of treatments,trips to Kansas City, hospital vigils and home care. Seth, an athletic good natured teenager, was just ending his year as a Concordia Junior High seventh grader when trouble struck. He con tracted strep throat and mononucleo sisfollowedbystomachcramps,sore muscles and a series of other complications. "OnceI startedhyperventilatingin math class and the kids laughed thinkingI wasjust joking," Seth said. But it was no joke. "He just kept having all these ill nesses and never getting any better," said Susan. Gifts from the teams On the recommendation of Dr. graphed byK-State players. Seth used theglas Paul Nelson, Seth's physician in Seth Retter displays gifts given tohim during his ses and banana nose (topleft)to entertain doctors Concordia, the Retters took their son recent illness, including a football from hisjunior and nurses at Children's Mercy Hospital.
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