VOLUME TEN, NO. 13—June 19, 1997—July 3,1997—Issue 233 INSIDE:75 Full ColorPhotos from PrideFest`97 Give the People Light and they willfind their own way. V The Wisconsin Light Inside This Issue ENDA Re-Introduced With 150 Nouse, 35 Senate Sponsors Anti-Discrimination Bill Draws Wide Support in Congress Attm Bill Would Ban Job a Discrimination Aimed at Gays and Lesbians Washington, DC—A bipartisan coali- tion of senators and congressmen has re- introduced the Employment Non- Discrimination Act, a bill that would make it illegal under federal law to dis- Ruthie Wows `em at PrideFest criminate in the workplace on the basis of See Page 28 sexual orientation. Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, one of the The Twin Cities Reviewed original sponsors of the bill, told a group of Lesbians and Gays on June 14th, See Page 14 that he would support the bill. The five lead sponsors held a news con- Milwaukee LBGT Center Update ference to spotlight the record level of k" support for the measure among lawmakers See Page 12 Fne:,dsOIL and the public. The bill--known as ENDA ea & haw one --is a top legislative priority for the Hu- Exclusive Wisconsin Light man Rights Campaign (HRC) in this Con- gress. Interviews "This bill is about equal rights in the workplace for all Americans, said Hu- man Rights Campaign John Waters Executive Director Getting Ready The PFLAG contingent Birch. "The Employment Non- forms up and gets ready for the 1997 Pride parade See Page 18 June 8. held on Sunday imination Act rises above partisan, religious and regional differences—and The Late Divine Senator Russ Feingold Speaks About GLBT support is growing as more people learn that job discrimination based on sexual See Page 27 - Issues at Milwaukee Fundraiser orientation is legal in most of the coun- 11Y." Steve Debbink, Milwaukee—What might be called an State Rep. Tammy Baldwin, who is run- David Smith, spokesperson for HRC opening salvo of Senator Russ Feingold's ning for Congress, said that she had "no told The Wisconsin Light that ENDA has MAP's New Dentist, 1998 Wisconsin senatorial campaign was sorrow" at Feingold's elevation to the 150 co-sponsors in the House Represen- fired off on Saturday, June 14th when Senate, except that "I never got to serve tatives joined by 35 co-sponsors in the Talks About his Feingold took a break from the state's with you in the State Legislature." Senate. Democratic convention to attend a fund- Baldwin praised Feingold for his "in- ENDA would protect Americans from Work in the Clinic raiser in Milwaukee. credible integrity" and as "one of the few job discrimination based on sexual orien- The fundraiser was hosted and spon- leaders who stand on principle." tation. It would prohibit quotas, and it sored by Dr Robert Starshak and his part- A particularly moving moment came would not apply to religious organiza- ner, Ross Draegert and was held at their when Baldwin told of the day when the tions, businesses with fewer than 15 em- home, Birch Lodge. It was attended by U.S. Senate voted on the "Defense of ployees or the military. over 100 members of the Lesbian and Gay Marriage Act." She was in her car, she Current federal law does not protect community. said, and heard over the radio that the vote Americans from discrimination m the Introduced by Tony Rhodes, President had been 85 to 14 in favor of this anti-Gay workplace on the basis of sexual orienta- tion. In 39 states, an employer may legally of the Cream City Foundation, speaker bill. Please See Feingold Page 11 after speaker praised Feingold for his sup- fire workers solely because they are Les- port of progressive policies, support that bian, Gay, Bisexual or heterosexual. has contributed much to the health and Please See ENDA Page 31 welfare of all the citizens of this state. Before Rhodes introduced the others, he thanked Dr. Starshak and Draegert for opening their home. He thanked those who were the moving organizers behind the fundraiser. hi addition to Rhodes, Starshak, and Draegert, these included Tom Reed, Jon Martm, Mike Gifford and Blaine Roberts. Roberts and his partner, John Taylor, had held a fundraiser for Feingold earlier. This encouraged Rhodes, Roberts, Star- shak, Draegert, Reed, Martin and Gifford to organize this fundraiser in the spring. Roberts, once a member of the Founda- tion's board and Co-Chair of the state's I Democratic Party, had recently, with his partner been transferred to Connecticut. By Terry Boughner Roberts had flown in from the east espe- Steve Debbink is a tall, quite handsome cially to attend the fundraiser. young man, one with a quiet, confident Mike Gifford of the AIDS Resource demeanor about him, as of a man who Center of Wisconsin (ARCW), thanked could offer comfort when things are not Feingold for working for the inclusion of going well. Many people, I think as I meet funding equity in the re-authorization of him for the first time, have probably been the Ryan White Care Act. Feingold' s gratefulfor that. He is, after all, a dentist. "steady and strong" support, Gifford said, Successful Fund Raiser- Among those attending a Saturday. June 14, fund raiser for U.S. Senator Russell He sits to be interviewed, seeming to meant a "great increase" in federal dollars Feingold, (D-WI) were (L-R) Dr. Robert Starshak, Blaine Roberts of Connecticut. Senator Feingold, Ross have all the time in the world. I know for Wisconsin to use in the fight against Draegert and Tony Rhodes. The event which was hosted by Dr. Starshak and his partner Ross Draegert at Please See Dentist Page 13 AIDS. their Fox Point home raised several thousand dollars for Feingold's 1998 campaign. 1 • , , , , , , , 1 , June 19, 1997—July 3, 1997—WISCONSIN LIGHT-2 Milwaukee Pride Parade Downtown Milwaukee Sunday, June 8, 1997 Exclusive Wisconsin Light Photos by Jerry Johnson Off 1e --- eA n d ,e•tre•ee,;7 .4* • d. e Ilh • 4 gm 4tet- e ,11 11 • 1,,y sw.rm4 yr met '",:k autteterit 4,001.11011i az •.'.11teeeeeeee:eel, •. el,""tee ' p ore Yizva-ukp Wwiner,s .!, It .1P June 19, 1997—July 3,1997—WISCONSIN LIGHT-3 Registration for September's home in Grafton before even reaching the AIDS Walk consumer's home," Dennison said. "Her knowledge and sensitivity to issues sur- Wisconsin is in Full Swing rounding HIV and AIDS makes her even Milwaukee -- It is time to start registering • $2,000 SONY watchman per- more suited to this type of volunteer work and organizing your team for the 1997 AIDS sonal TV. because she is frequently the first friendly HOMEOPATHICS Walk Wisconsin on Sunday, September 21, The top three pledge getters for the entire face a consumer might encounter after We have thousands of individual they've had either good along Milwaukee's Lakefront The AIDS Re- Walk will receive the following prizes: grand or bad news from a & medical appointment." combination homeopathic rem- source Center of Wisconsin, Inc. (ARCW), prize: two roundtrip tickets to any destina- edies & all the resources you producer of the event, is encouraging every- tion in Europe that United Airlines flies; first Kabara herself finds both satisfaction and a challenge in need to pick the right remedy one to start registering to help reach the $1.1 prize: two first-class roundtrip tickets on her work. million goal. United Airlines to any destination in "The satisfaction is meeting new and dif- for you. the con- ferent "AIDS Walk is the state's largest fund tiguous 48 states that United Airlines people because you're transporting a flies; wide raising event in which over 12,000 walkers second prize: two roundtrip tickets on United variety of people. People talk about their families HERBS of all ages from all corners of the state par- Airlines to any destination in the contiguous their lives, their different cul- ticipated last year," said Marge Beil, director United States that United Airlines flies. tures," said Kabara. "When I first started it We have over 200 individual of special events for ARCW. "This year, was more men. Now it's men, women, black, herbs by the ounce, in tinctures, "Since the first AIDS Walk Wisconsin in white, old, young. I've transported Walk organizers are urging walkers to form 1990, the event children tablets & has grown to be more and and I've transported grandparents." capsules. We also a team of friends, family members or co- more successful in raising awareness and have an extensive selection of workers to help increase dollars raised to Sometimes, she said, she can drive a dif- funds for prevention, research and care for ferent person every the finest herbal combinations. fight AIDS." people week. At other times, it living with HIV and AIDS in Wis- may be the same person. The day of the Walk begins with a break- consin," said Beil. "We hope many newcom- "There was one person I got fast at the Italian Community Center. Tickets ers and all very close to, past walkers will again join in the driving him three times a week for SUPPLEMENTS for the breakfast are available and can be fight against AIDS several on September 21." months. We got to be very good friends. In We stock high quality vitamins, purchased by calling the Walk hotline at 800- Proceeds from the 1997 AIDS Walk fact, I marched with him in ACT-UP at the minerals, green foods, antioxi- 348-WALK. Walk sign-in begins at 10:30 benefit 18 AIDS education and service pro- a.m., opening ceremonies will be held at 12 viders throughout the state: Milwaukee AIDS PrideFest parade in 1996," said Kabara.
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