Current Stocktake - Jul 2016 07d Seed Species Common name S'take Other Height Category x Abelmoschus moschatus subsp. tuberosus native rosella 208 2-4 Eucalypt Forest Abrophyllum ornans native hydrangea 6 Rainforest Acacia bidwillii corkwood wattle 8 Eucalypt Forest Acacia complanata flat-stemmed wattle 6 5 Eucalypt Forest Acacia concurrens black wattle or curracabah 18 5-10 Eucalypt Forest Acacia conferta crowded-leaf wattle 3 Eucalypt Forest x Acacia disparrima hickory wattle 13 192 10-15 Eucalypt Forest Acacia falcata sickle-leaved wattle 4 Eucalypt Forest x Acacia fimbriata Brisbane or fringed wattle 32 5 Eucalypt Forest Acacia implexa lightwood 1 8 Eucalypt Forest Acacia irrorata green wattle 10 Eucalypt Forest x Acacia leiocalyx early black wattle 992 60 8 Eucalypt Forest Acacia maidenii Maiden's wattle 10-15 Eucalypt Forest Acacia melanoxylon blackwood 10-15 Eucalypt Forest Acacia perangusta Eprapah wattle 5-6 Rainforest x Acacia podalyriifolia silver wattle 55 5 Eucalypt Forest Acacia salicina willow or sally wattle 3 12 Eucalypt Forest Acacia suaveolens sweet wattle 2 Eucalypt Forest Acalypha nemorum southern or hairy Acalypha 38 2.5 Eucalypt Forest Acmena smithii lillipilli 15-20 Rainforest Acronychia laevis glossy Acronychia 2 10 Rainforest Acronychia wilcoxiana silver aspen 9 Rainforest Adiantum atroviride maidenhair fern 0.4 Rainforest Aegiceras corniculatum river mangrove 4 Tidal Wetlands Alchornea ilicifolia native holly 121 5-10 Rainforest x Alectryon coriaceus beach Alectryon 38 3-5 Coastal Heath Alectryon tomentosus hairy Alectryon 15 Rainforest x Allocasuarina littoralis black she-oak 135 50 5-10 Freshwater Wetlands x Allocasuarina torulosa forest oak 5 20 Eucalypt Forest Alocasia brisbanensis cunjevoi 1.8 Freshwater Wetlands x Alphitonia excelsa soap tree or red ash 14 2-25 Eucalypt Forest x Alpinia caerulea native ginger 2 Rainforest Alyxia ruscifolia chain fruit 3 Rainforest x Angophora floribunda rough-barked apple 12-30 Eucalypt Forest Angophora leiocarpa spotted or smooth-barked apple 25+ Eucalypt Forest Angophora woodsiana smudgee or rough-barked apple 15 Eucalypt Forest Apium prostratum sea celery 0.5-1 Tidal Wetlands Araucaria bidwillii bunya pine 3 40 Rainforest Araucaria cunninghamii hoop pine 23 25+ Rainforest Aristida calycina three-awned or dark wiregrass 0.4-1.3 Grasses Aristida gracilipes three-awn speargrass 1 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Aristida queenslandica wiregrass Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Arundinella nepalensis river reed grass 3 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Atractocarpus chartaceus narrow-leaved gardenia 6 Rainforest Atriplex semibaccata creeping saltbush 0.5 Tidal Wetlands Austromyrtus dulcis midyim berry 1 Coastal Heath Avicennia marina subsp. australasica grey mangrove 11 6 Tidal Wetlands Backhousia citriodora lemon myrtle 15 Rainforest Backhousia myrtifolia grey or cinnamon myrtle 7 10-15 Rainforest Baeckea frutescens weeping Baeckea 1-3 Freshwater Wetlands/Eucalypt Forest Banksia integrifolia coastal Banksia 2 15-20 Eucalypt Forest Banksia oblongifolia dwarf banksia 3 Coastal Heath x Banksia robur broad-leaved or swamp Banksia 3.5 Coastal Heath x Banksia spinulosa var. spinulosa hairpin Banksia 118 3 Eucalypt Forest Barklya syringifolia crown of gold 7-10 Rainforest Baumea rubiginosa soft twig-rush 38 1 Freshwater Wetland Blechnum indicum bungwall or swampwater fern 0.7-0.8 Freshwater Wetlands Brachychiton acerifolius flame tree 25+ Rainforest x Brachychiton bidwillii little kurrajong 3 4 Eucalypt Forest Breynia oblongifolia breynia 12 18 3 Eucalypt Forest x Bursaria spinosa black thorn 100 3 Eucalypt Forest x Callicarpa pedunculata velvet leaf 2 Eucalypt Forest Callistemon citrinus ' White Anzac' 'White Anzac' bottlebrush 1.5 Eucalypt Forest x Callistemon pachyphyllus Green form 1.5 Dunes &Headlands/Freshwater Wetlands/Coastal Heath x Callistemon pachyphyllus Red form Wallum bottlebrush 1.5 Dunes &Headlands/Freshwater Wetlands/Coastal Heath Callistemon recurvus Tinaroo bottlebrush 1-3 Eucalypt Forest Callistemon salignus willow bottlebrush 5 10-15 Freshwater Wetlands x Callistemon viminalis weeping bottlebrush 30 6 Freshwater Wetlands Callistemon viminalis ' Wildfire' Callistemon 'Wildfire' 2 Eucalypt Forest x Callitris columellaris coastal cypress pine 22 30 Eucalypt Forest x Callitris macleayana stringybark pine 10 Eucalypt Forest Calotis lappulacea yellow burr-daisy 0.5 Eucalypt Forest Canavalia rosea beach bean 0.2 Dunes & Headlands x Capillipedium spicigerum scented-top grass or spicytop 236 1 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Capparis arborea native pomegranate or brush caper berry 13 8 Rainforest x Carex appressa tall sedge 519 1.5 Grasses/Freshwater Wetlands Carex fascicularis tassel sedge 0.75 Grasses/Freshwater Wetlands Carissa spinarum currant bush (was C.ovata ) 17 3 Eucalypt Forest Carpobrotus glaucescens coastal pigface G'cover Dunes & Headlands x Cassia brewsterii Leichhardt bean 14 Eucalypt Forest Cassia marksiana brush Cassia 20-25 Rainforest x Castanospermum australe black bean 72 25+ Rainforest Casuarina cunninghamiana river oak or she-oak 20 Freshwater Wetlands x Casuarina glauca swamp oak 4 15-20 Freshwater Wetlands Cayratia clematidea slender grape Vine Rainforest Centella asiatica pennywort G'cover Freshwater Wetlands July 16th - Supersedes all previous ver. Page 1 of 5 Current Stocktake - Jul 2016 07d Seed Species Common name S'take Other Height Category x Centratherum riparium blue bonnet 1 Eucalypt Forest Ceriops australis yellow mangrove 7 Tidal Wetlands Chrysocephalum apiculatum yellow buttons 0.4 Eucalypt Forest Cissus antarctica kangaroo or water vine 70 Vine Rainforest Cissus hypoglauca native grape 9 Vine Rainforest Citrus australis native or finger lime 6 Rainforest Clausena brevistyla native wampi 25 3-7 Rainforest Clematicissus opaca pepper vine or small-leaf grape Vine Eucalypt Forest Clerodendrum tomentosum hairy-leaved lollybush 1 10 Eucalypt Forest Commelina cyanea native wandering jew G'cover Eucalypt Forest x Commersonia bartramia brown kurrajong 15-20 Rainforest Corchorus cunninghamii native jute 1.5 Eucalypt Forest/Rainforest Cordyline petiolaris broad-leaved palm lily 3 5 Rainforest x Cordyline rubra red-fruited palm lily 188 101 4 Rainforest Cordyline stricta narrow-leaved palm lily 76 2-5 Eucalypt Forest x Corymbia citriodora spotted gum 52 25+ Eucalypt Forest Corymbia gummifera red bloodwood 20 Eucalypt Forest Corymbia intermedia pink bloodwood 25+ Eucalypt Forest Corymbia maculata spotted gum 40 20-30 Eucalypt Forest x Corymbia tessellaris Moreton Bay ash, carbeen 186 25+ Eucalypt Forest Corymbia trachyphloia brown bloodwood 15-25 Eucalypt Forest Crinum pedunculatum swamp or river lily 197 1 Tidal Wetlands x Croton insularis silver Croton 5 15 Rainforest Cryptocarya glaucescens jackwood 2 25+ Rainforest x Cryptocarya laevigata glossy laurel 2 4 5-10 Rainforest Cryptocarya macdonaldii cooloola laurel 1 20 Rainforest x Cryptocarya microneura murrogun 15-20 Rainforest Cryptocarya triplinervis three-veined laurel 23 15-20 Rainforest Cullen tenax emu foot 5 45 0.3 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest x Cupaniopsis anacardioides tuckeroo 5-10 Rainforest Cupaniopsis newmannii long-leaved tuckeroo 2 6 Rainforest Cupaniopsis parvifolia narrow-leaved tuckeroo 15 Rainforest Cupaniopsis shirleyana wedge-leaved tuckeroo 28 10 Rainforest Curcuma australasica native turmeric or Cape York lily 0.3-0.5 Eucalypt Forest x Cymbopogon refractus barbed wire grass 120 71 1 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest x Davidsonia pruriens Davidson's plum 20 Rainforest x Daviesia ulicifolia native gorse 2 Eucalypt Forest Daviesia umbellulata bitter pea 2 Eucalypt Forest Daviesia villifera prickly pea 2 Eucalypt Forest Decaspermum humile silky myrtle 3 5-10 Rainforest Dianella atraxis Atherton flax lily 115 0.5-0.7 Eucalypt Forest x Dianella brevipedunculata a flax lily 179 0.7 Eucalypt Forest x Dianella caerulea blueberry lily 70 0.75 Eucalypt Forest Dianella congesta a flax lily 3 0.4 Dunes & Headlands x Dianella longifolia blue flax lily 26 1 Eucalypt Forest Dianella nervosa a flax lily 0.6 Eucalypt Forest Dianella rara a flax lily 0.6 Eucalypt Forest Dianella revoluta a flax lily Dichelachne micrantha shorthair plumegrass 0.5 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Diploglottis campbellii small-leaved tamarind 15-20 Rainforest Dipodium variegatum hyacinth orchid 0.5 Eucalypt Forest Dodonaea triangularis triangle leaf hop-bush 3 Eucalypt Forest Dodonaea triquetra large-leaf hop-bush 12 4 3 Eucalypt Forest x Dodonaea viscosa sticky hop-bush 77 2 Eucalypt Forest Doodia aspera rasp fern 0.4 Rainforest Doryanthes palmeri spear lily 2 Montane Areas Doryopteris concolor a hardy fern 1 0.2-0.3 Coastal Heath/Eucalypt Forest Drosera peltata pale sundew 0.05 Freshwater Wetlands Echinopogon nutans hedgehog grass 0.3-1.0 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Echinostephia aculeata prickly snake vine Vine Rainforest Ehretia acuminata koda 15-20 Rainforest Einadia hastata berry saltbush 1 Tidal Wetlands Elaeagnus triflora Millaa Millaa vine Vine Rainforest Elaeocarpus grandis blue quandong 51 24 25+ Rainforest Elaeocarpus obovatus hard quandong 45 Rainforest x Elaeocarpus reticulatus blueberry ash 10 Eucalypt Forest Enchylaena tomentosa ruby saltbush 1 Tidal Wetlands x Eragrostis brownii Brown's lovegrass 0.6 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest x Eragrostis elongata clustered lovegrass 288 0.8 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest Eragrostis longifolia lovegrass 0.4 Grasses/Eucalypt Forest x Eremophila debilis winter apple 12 30 0.2 Eucalypt Forest Eucalyptus acmenoides white mahogany 25+ Eucalypt Forest Eucalyptus baileyana Bailey's stringybark 25 Eucalypt Forest
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