![Etn1959 Vol05 20](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
c-' ,, ( .• ' , \ )I/ .,, I~ ' :· ' l l '/ J ) d, ' 'v, / X ,, ''i';G .;. ;~_•,«~ ~,,<. ''.TRAGK ,/NEWsL~JTER:~.:1'~)'.:. ). 1 I ( i ~jRA.Grli~Si1:1rER1 , ,Ji&' (ohric1f\LPU8UCf>-TION OF 1Rti.c1<.\-ru,s · Ot -n-1E~OR\.OJ \lN!~c) · , J\ • ' ' : ~- .... I .. -~· . ,. , \ \. J ..I ,, ( ,· - 'vol. s,· No. 20, June 3, t 19~9 ( ~ezhi-Mont~y $6per year by first das 's hla!-1. l) ,r j f' . ' 1 , h!- .• ; ' I,. ·\ \ ,i !7'1 I\ ' JI . , NEWS t I ' ' _. " 1 ,I CALIFORNIA REL.t\YS, Modesto, . May so/_100 Heats ; Nor-ton 9. 4;-Garton, :E¥t Tex. 9'5; 2nd-Co_9k, Ore, 9.4; 3rd :.;-Poynter,S~ 'Juse, .9.6. ,final: Co'bk 9.3, 1equal,s world record; ,_, 1 1 1 1 / - Nortorl 9,4; G~ton 1i ..4; Poynte ;i: 9. 4, -M~rrow .0. 5,Wooqhous~. \ 220 Morrow 2Q.,5; G,artq_n 8; !;fall~ Cal~oly, Iviimn,,.~c Fro sh, ~0.-0; 4~0D a:vis, O_r~, , 2; C~lsdn,~olo, , \ zo. 1 an'.d 1 ~ 4~~ , .,46.t'5; Spence,An~ St, 46-J; Johnsc>_n,NC, 46.8. ~8~Peake,qolo, 11:50.i2; Cqrd-~1 ,Ore St, _ 1: 50. 9; Spence, ~ riz St, 1: 51._1; Farlow, SC frosh, 1: 51. 5; 1J\1ile - • Bur~eson i OI'.elR;, ,, . 1 .. _;,t: 96.-·7; Depastas_, Stanfor9 f:ro_sh; ~4: 06. 9; Marden, YV; 4:,09. 1_;Sc~we:ikart, l:.1\St-,'" 4,0~f 7; , , .; , _... if , · , 6 mde Soth, Stnd<:,rs, .,.8:55. • 5.; ~awreps;e, Houstq,n, ,8:57. 3; E1senmru:i, · Okla _St, J~:'u3~6_; . · , Bennett { Oiy, 9:07. 4; Gaylord, Cal, 9:07. 4; HH -· Jones, E Mien 13. 6; Gilbert 1_;3.7; Robin- 1-, • ; • - , -- - ..✓• , \ , r ' 1 son -14. 0; Co)?b, OC, 14.,0; LH- Jones. •22. 5; vVhite,Cal, 22. 7; L'1wrence, Oxy, · 22. 9; Robin- , . :l,- son 23 •.1~ IH - Culbreath 52. 0; Arlt, ash St., 53. 4. i 440R - Texas 39. 6, world rec .ord; , · 1 vv 1 San Jo.se;39• 7; Abilen,~ phristian 3'9. 8; Occidental 40. 7. 880R- Spn.Jcisc 1:23.--~; Tex~ l: _ I!,'' 23. 3;"Occidental 1': 2'6.1. _ Mile RC alifornia 3: 09. 6 (Yerman 45.'7), Texas 3:--09._7, v$outhern' 1 ~Cal · Strid.era 3: ro. s:,.,....Occidental ' 3: 11. 3. 2 .tvlilc R - Stanford 7: 30. o; S€ ;7;48. 6.) SMR -- r J~'tride:i;s... 3:2i. 6; Cal 3:,22 •. 6. DMR :- Stridcrs 9:•18. 4, SC 9: 5~.1, UCLA 10: 08. 4. fil-Dum~s 1 ~ 6''9½"; tie , Wyatt, YV, Williams, SJ, Wyborney, Wa$hSt., 6'8". 1 PV-_·Bragg &Graham 15' ---i } 3";' Mattos &'Dooley 15'. }iSJ - Andrews, Strid!,:!rS, 52'5¼'', ne\v',nationcl. re9ord; Stokes, S, --. ~ 5'1.'6½;'; Laws-cm,S, 49'!' -'; ··,Bl-- Wiley, LA State, -26'2½;--Wisser,Bakcrsfieltl, 2p'6¾''; {ioI'Il, 1 • Ore '~t, ;~4',P~ Pr~sbef, 24'6'h; $hot O'Brien -61 '5; Butt, _Stdclers, .i?0'2"; \ Davis 57''11"; John- ,. son~ Oxy, 5_6'-2. HT- ·connolly--Zl9 15½; Pagani 183'; Jongew,aard 167'6. JI. Vbiles, S, 244' 1, 10"; Stcnslund, OreFr, 240'10½''., new frosh mid world junior record; Johnson,S, 240'7"; ,r ' 'Held 2-..4q'6½;, ,DT B~l~a ,175'1' t; Humphreys, S,' 168'll½"rJohnstone / Nor~ Phq~pjx HS, 16~'2; } 1 1 _ , J ') 1 ~ - • ( '· Lewi$, Oxy., ,163 .8; "',.., " \, ,1 < /!· /, _'- . J~_ior College Divis ion; _ Gro-S:s;'Sequ_gi~s, ~Q0~lO"-;)Cl(at"k, ~~ta ·Ana, 1: 12 •.,a f< 9: ~n9; , W1l~on, Barbo+, 24 1 5; Ramos,SaFramento, <16.D-; Monroe,Comptpn, _-17.2; B-u<;,hmian{ San r, Diego, 47. 5; McQhllogh~- MtSAC ,. ·47-~7; _Bates, East LA, 9. 7, 20. 7; Hendrix, Fresno, 14.. 1 1 ' . s¾",national JC record; " Ov(;rholscr; Glendale, H. •l; Belcher, 'contra Costa, i: 52. 9; .( : • I ' .s - . ' . - ,, 1 \ ,, _) Williams, Monterey, 20. 8; Rarn9s O; Perry, Oakland, / 23. ,5; ; --\c' - - _ . ,( 1 fl1. 1 1 1 1 ,- GULF COAST A.AJJ~ , ,Houston, i,May , 23 (rained befdre meet): "Houst~n T&F, 40. 6;· ) \., , Stewart, SMU, 6'7"; Cassell, ttouston, 47.2; Emmett,SMU, 47.2i Almond, Houston, , ;: 5~.7; , Gary, H,_ 21.f>t; La~rence, H, 8~57.0; Ma~y~ H, §:58.2~ Clohessy, Hofst91}, , 9:07.8; Smartt, H, 9:0!).0. Houst<::m3:14,6, AncJ;-e"";sHigh Sc~ool, ,'l;'exas;; 3:-l6.4t _, . _ , _ , ,· , IC4A New Yqrk, May, 30: ;pennState 45-½, MBJJYland29, Boston 22, Villanova 18¼, ,:Manhatt¥1 l5½, Penn 15. , 100 Brown, --ps, 9. 9;-Cfollytnore, y, ; Givens,Cbnn; 220Collymo+e 2~. O; Ince:, Tufts; ,,Brown; 4407"Ince, __Tuft~, 46.9, MR;. Barnwel:l.:)'itt; E&\1ui1ds,-, Princeton; . · i !-;,_· 1 880 Moran; · P~Ipl'Sta~e ~ 1:50; Katter\11arin,P,; King~PS;:SJowik;:Y; Carroll, y; Mile Moran 1 t , _ 1:,09,3; Close,St • .Jolµi$, 4:0,9_.-3~; Lake, MS,, 4:11.6; 2 MileEnglebrin~,PS, 9:0J; Benjamin; ' ,v~ H,; Ke_r:r~ PS, HU, ,Jonnson ;~MD, 14. 6; Cohen, Col,; ReedtBoston;1 i,,H Szeyller, PS,,}S'al- , ,\L rnon,' Md; Lf111dau;a. 23; :1, ' MileR-Manhai:tan 3: :15. o;, yillfmova:; Bay stdte. II _fil-~uckley, V, t l 1 1 1 , ~ 2_5~6.½'' ; Herman, m:,,;~4'9¾; Gla~s, ..St. Jo~~;- Reed, , Penn. 12..3'½_"; ~~ -Tait, ~d, '6'4;, a. , PVAnde;sQn, MD, 13 9,_ Shot Shine,P, 57 71)}Monfofsky, N);'U, 54 3, March ~ony-, · 53 74 , c, , DT- Keerd, BU, 16,3'8½; Ramrning,Dart, -161''7; ~ Kovalakides, MD, 222'½"; ScJiw~ r,PS, ! '4" 1 ·•~1'9"; McGorty,Manh, , 220;1HT Lawlor~BU, ,2Q8 8i2"," equals collegiate<'rec9rd; Bagdonas~ ' , ' t l I I ;;-r,:_:--- / t _1' l'.'o , I . """- / 1 \J, __ 1 , ; Army, 19~ 92i K~rrd, BU, 188 8; Cross, Y, 172 8a; oty) H, 1~9 9 •. 1 - \ " /--" 1 ,4 ,; ' , ~ '/. ·. > l • l i ' \' , ,, -., I '- /. i . - \ NCAA Small Cqlleges ,Chico, -(!'al, May 23: Schweikart, L'A State, 4:09., 7; Kershaw; LA, 1:5'2.7; Hall, Cal ,Poly, '9.7, 21.4; Tave, Pepp~rdine, 24'!''; -Verdon,Redlan~s, 53'31". Triangular , _NYC, May16:Close, ,,St.Jolms, ~:09.2, , 1:52.7; Levin, NYU~ 9!22.9. -' NEW ENGLAND INTERCOLLEGIATES, Storrs : conn, May 2~: L~wfo~,BU', 208'8½", / ' coll~giate , record; Irice, Tufts,. '21. ~ 46. 1·;,.'pini.si, -Brown, 14. l; . Keerq, BU, 53' 3½; '· MissouriValleyl)AU, Kru;isasCity, Kans;Tidwell, Kansas, 9.5, 20.7, 22.9_; Alley, Kansas, 249!4½"; Whiteley, KS, 4:08. 6; San Rommu, Wichita East HS, 4:10. 0; - ::__ · .Arizona AAU, Tempe, May 23: Long, SC, 59'10½" (first time under ,60 this 'year; flu); Rose, AS, 15'; "I:p1ex, 4~14~-5; Johnston, North Phoenix High, 168'4½i,, (177' on7th throw); , Robertson, :.t\S, 6'7; Mal Spence 47. 9; Mel Spence 1: 53. 6; - ~- ---.. - , · , , Manhattan 41 2/3 at Penn State 99 1/3 Engclbrink, PS, 4:11.5; Moran,1 PS, 1:49. 6; - -Brown, PS, Q.8, 21.4; Weber, PS, 9:21.9; PS 3:13.3; Marchiony, M, 55'6; Schwab;PS,223'11½. Miscellaneous Marks -Houston Frosh, 10: 02. 9 in DMR, national frosh reamd; O'Brien , 62'7! and +76 plus .iDiHonolulu; Erwin, Okla, 51'10½"; Collins, Denver, 20. 9; Neilsen, BYU, 14'½"; 'Jones-, ~E Mich, ·20.9; Gregory, ND,, ~:11.9; Reed,Penn. 25'2; Thompson, 'Md, 25'½'\ , Cruif State H.S. Meet, Bakersfield, May 29: Snidow,San Rafael, 176'1; Dunbar, West­ i:µoor,Daly ' City, 1:53.2; Farmer, Miramonte, C>rinda, 48.6,l~.~; Story, Or~e, Ll:11.0, _ new intersch<;>lastic record; five others wider ~4: 20; Looxi¢y, Santa Barbar a, 131 St; St ube:D,., '" t 1 .' "' I - ' Bellflower, 6 74; • _ , , , r, AAUMarathon, Yonkers, NY, May24: .John~Kelley, 2:21.54.•1; James Green, 2:29:51; r Anthony-, Sapienza, 2:36:14. -Four~ straight Wi:1for ~lley • .· 1EUROPEAN MARKS Delecour:, France; Hary,GerJnany; Radford, GB; Batschwarqff, Bulgaria, all ~o.3; , Zielsinski, Poland, 10·. 2;w; Rozs~volgyi, H~ ,S:44.2; Kovacs, H, 3:45.8; 3000.m..:.Qzog,P, 8:'07.0; Salvat,GBi 8:07.4; .Grodotzki, Germ ,any, 8:08.2; Ibbotson, GB, /r 8:08.4; Ja.."lkc,, Germany, ,'8:08.8; 5000m-Szabo,H, . 14:04.6; 10,009m-Bo16tnikov, USSR, _ "29:46·.s; ' Sacharqv, USSR, 29:48.2; Rumayruizev, USSR, ?9:55.8; Szabo ._29;56 •. 0;'Steeplechase: Rzhishchµl, 'USSR, 8:37.8; Sokolov, USSR, 8:39.8; Ponomaxyey, USSR, 8:42.2i ~ashkarov, USSR, 6'10¼;,Dr~oviski, P, 25'5"; Schmidt,P, 53'5½" H9J; M~cherczyk, P) 521110½; Michailov / U~SR,,.52'5"; Szecsenyi, JI, 187'6"; Buchanzev, USSR, 184'4½"; Rudenkov, USSR,,· 218'10"; Kolodi, USSR, 210'3½"; Zsivotzky, USSR, 209'11½'.'; Krivonosov, USSl{~~205'5½; - Kllznyetsov, USSR, 26Q'5½"; Kulcsar, Hungary; 257'8"; Sidlo, Poland, 257'. Valentin, - , Germany, ~uropcan record of 3:56.5 for the mile, from Gtodotzki '1:92.9, Janlce 4:05.6. Con_solini 178'5". Meconi, Italy, 60'1½", Eu;:opean record. I;Iorvath, 14'5¼". ' British Games, May 16: Rawson 1:50. 5; Kruse, Germany, - 1:50.\7; Szentgali, Hwigary, 1:50; 8; Jakubowski, I?, 1:50. 9; Stracke, Germany, 1:51.1\ Valentin,G, 4:0:0;.8; Kovacs,,'H, 4:02.8; Iharos, H, •l:03.8; Jochman, P, 4:04.3 ( Brcnner,-O, 4:04.3; Ibbotson, 4:,06.6.
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