■K-' J h) ■ : *} ' THURSDAY, JULY Wd, M M idlattrli^Bter fEnm ins Herald - M i a Ilk ' " 'V M y 11> U «4 About Town Hearing Scheduled Tuesday FRESHNESS K MORE THAN A WORD AT PiNEHURSTI Oleer, gNIe eMl 13,798 ge te W. 9namy. f m r, h%fe akMrt $$. n « Owrd Ohib of 0)« Wom- On Human Relations Group Itaoher 4( the Audit «a*a Brnm Ot AMoclatkm wUl FOR THE SWEETEST CORN BaxMa eC OIreatethm MmdtmaUr‘<‘ "A CUy of ViUago Charm BMt tonorrow at s p.m. at th* iMBa of in ii Aram Wolftam An ordinance creating a town^tiea with which the eommiaalon M im ia a tW ^ human relations commission i« charged Include; MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY. JULY 81, 1964 (OlaaBified AdverUriag ea Paga 16) PRICE SEVEN CINTB Hurry to . YOL. LXXXm , NO. 257 (SIXTE E N PAGES) will be the subjedl of a public — Cooperating with other ■m c . 4 Fraaelaco Bnoa, aon agencies In developing and ed­ mt fir . and Mra. Del Enoe ot 88 hearing before the town direc­ ucational program for the com­ Bomeatead St, la home on leave tors Tuesday. munity. uitil Auf. 37. He la atatloned The proposal that a town sanc­ — To study human relations PINEHURST with the u.S. Army Meteorology tioned commission be created to determine principles which Team at F t Oreeley, Alaska. was greeted with considerable might be applied In Manchester, enthusiasm by the town direc­ and to recommend programs or Miss Arlene McOann of 31 tors when it was suggested in ordinances to the board of di­ the Season’s Short! Ranger 7 Success, Deepwood Dr. left yesterday by July. rectors. Jet from Kennedy Airport, New Town Counsel Irving Aronson — To seek voluntary compli­ York, (or a month’s tour of Eu­ subsequently prepared the pro­ rope. Her Itinerary includes ance with existing civil rights MISS IOW A posed ordinance which will be legislation, and to refer prob­ Lcmdon, Farts and cities in Ger- aired before the public Tuesday. nany. lems to the appropriate legal The ordinance establl.shes a agency. BACON commission of nine, charged The ordinance provides that ear Robert Forrest ot 323 Spruce with "creating a better under­ with ^ e«t smoked flavor - 5 9 ' doz. ■t., recuperating from open- the commission may hire a Photographs Moon Heads MP Co, standing among groups and in­ Instructs Dance heart surgery at the Hartford trained director, should the dividuals in the community." need arise, but only with the Now M the peak of the teason for Sweet Freeh Hospital, would like to hear "It shall concern Itself with lb . 59c frcm Ms friends, although he Capt. Natha.1 G. Agostlnelli budgetary approval of the di­ Miss Deborah Ann Ransom, of 95 Olcott St. has been ap­ the problems such as housing 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Com. It's picked fresh each morning and mshed will be unable to have visitors and employment for the aged, rectors. pointed by Lit. Col. Henry Don­ J. Donald Rsmsom of 876 Bum- for another week. delinquency, school drop outs, BLOCK ISLAND Little Known ovan to command the 134th GOLDWATER TOBACCO ham St. has received a 10-year from the farm to Pinehurst, where it ki immedi­ Release Set Military Police Co. of Manches­ equal opportunities in hou.'iing award from the Betty Jane Members of the British and employment for minority VIDAUA, Ga. (AP)—Sen. FRESH ter. Barry Goldwater's campaign Dance Studios. When dance ately refrigerated to preserve it’s fine fresh flavor. American C3ub will meet to- Before his reassignment. groups, and othe;; areas where classes are resumed in Septem­ About M oon n l^ t at 7:30 at the club and tensions between people exist coffers benefited to the tunc of After Study Capt. Agostinelli commanded $182.60 when the Georgia-FIori- ber she will be an assistant SWORDFISH Our com man starts on a new field of this fine go to the Watkins-West Fu­ the 136th MP Co. of Rockville. or might exist.” dancing teacher at the studios neral Home. 142 E. Center St., The commission is not de­ da flue-cured tobacco market Gunposit io n He was OMnmissinned a second opened. in Manchester. com early Friday so it will be very young, tender O f Picturc^s to pay respects to William J. lieutenant during^ the Korean signed as a regulatory or puni­ Miss Ransom will leave to­ 79c McCaughey, a member. Farmer Frank Moore, 36, sold lb. crisis in 1963 and joined the tive board, but is obliged by the 146 pounds of tobacco In Gold- morrow with Miss Turner to quality. PASADENA, Calif. wording of the ordinance to try try It on your barbecue National Guard in 1960. water’s name Wednesday and attend a three-day dance con­ PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — From earth, the The 134th Co. will leave Man­ to prevent human relations said the money would go to the vention at the Hotel Roosevelt, (AP) — Spacecraft Ranger UF Post Taken Try Barbecued moon Is the biggest thing chester Aug. 15 for a two-week problems before they occur. senator's presidential cam­ New York City. She has at­ 7 televised the first clo.se- encampment at Ft. Dix. N. J. Punitive and regulatory func­ paign. tended dEince conventions for Shoulder Lamb Chops in the sky— and one of the By Dr. Keeney The unit will participate in all tions are left up to other agen­ A tobacco company buyer the past four years, during the FRESH ______ up pictures of the moon to­ biggest mysteries. Military Police functions at Ft. cies. paid $1.26 a pound for the tobac­ time she was a student assis­ day wten crashed into the After more than 800 years of Dr. Robert R. Keeney Jr., 76 Dix. The specific powers and du- co — about twice the going rate. tant at the dance studio. » c Sea of Souds, scoring a his­ studying it with increasingly Robert Rd., has been appointed The newly appointed captain ICEBERG LETTUCE powertm telescopes, scientists has annoulced that a limited President John’s elimination of Atty. Gen. Robert has focused speculation on Sen. Hubert Humphrey, toric first success in the ehairman of the Physicians Di. trouble-haunted U.S. lunar still don’t know much more number of openings now exist Kennedy and Peace Corp Director Sargeant Shriver, left, and Sen. Eugene McCarthy. (AP Photofax.) about it than when Galileo first vision of the 1964-68 United in the 134th Co. for men who 2 Heads 35e P^md Drive. exploration program. peeked through a telescope. meet the standards required of second third from left, for vlcT presidential post The first pictures printed Dr. Keeney has been in prac­ Price le lower on Becker's Native Slicing Tomatoes They know It’s 2,160 mllas a military policeman. Minimum looked extremely good, sclen-; across — about a fourth toe di­ tice in Manchester since June qualifications include height of lists reported at the Jet Propul-' 1936. He is president of the QhoksLiL TyUudA, ^n , Joivjv ameter of earth — and that It at least 5 feet nine, perfect eye­ Sion Laboratory, which created revolves around earth every 27 staff of Mancheser Memorial sight, and weight in proportion Spotlight on Humphrey, McCarthy I T . S. CHOICE E lu en ts and controlled the pioneering days. Hospital and has been town to height vehicle. ’They know it has more than medical examiner since 1946. Additional Information may After study by experts, pic­ 300,000 craters on toe vlsibls be had by contacting Capt. U. S, 1 LONDON BROIL Char-Broil Pinehurst Steaks A 1934 graduate of the Tufts tures were expected to be re­ side and that some of them Medical School, Dr. Keeney is Agostinelli or Sgt. Robert Da­ Cut from shoulder, tender and In State LBJ Eliminates Kennedy leased for public scrutiny within range up to 146 miles In diamet­ a medical director at the Home vies, both at the Manchester CHOICE flavorful! YOU CAN DEPEND ON PINEHURST FOR 24 hours. er with walls 20,000 feet high. for the Aged of the Swedish Armory. TENDER STEAKS Ranger 7’s cameras started But they don’t know how or Covenant Church in Cromwell. Lb. 99c FROM U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF! Cormier Submits turning at 6:07 a.m. and if all when it was formed. Most im­ Conn. Home Ransacked, As Running Mate Choice worked as programmed may portantly, now that men ars He has recently been ap­ have returned as many as 4,000 planning to set foot on too For Fine Flavor—Pinehurst meat buyer selects Plan for House still photographs made almost pointed a trustee of North CHUCK PLl:»IP, NATIVE moon, they don’t know what It’s Market Robbed up to the Instant of Impact at Park College and Seminary in only the very finest U. S. Choice and Premium WASHINGTON (AP) __ ^^Secretary of Defense Robert S.^presidential praise that pointed made of, or precisely how Chicago, which is affiliated cattle. Then Pinehurst ages them under carefully Democratic state senatorial toward them as potential candi­ 6:26 a.m. nigged Its surface Is. Roasting Chickens The shots are vital to the with the Covenant Churrti of Police today are invesitgat- controled refrigeration to Mihance their full rich nominee Edward Cormier of President Johnson s sweep- consensus among many dates. Earth telescopes aren’t sharp Ing two breaks, one at Wal- STEAK Stafford, whose nomination may ing knoc^ut of Atty. Gen. | knowle^eable Democrats was U.N.
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