"-" "-- #I ii• - - ENGLISII SPRINGER SPANIEL FIELD TRIAL ASSOCIATION ! ·--------, '"·-...," . ., 38th NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW & OBEDIENCE TRIAL at the Mayo Civic Center Rochester, Minnesota THURSDAY • FRIDAY • SATURDAY OCTOBER 28, 29, and 30th, 1993 -- ·-·· · ----- .. ~ #93166401 THIS SHOW IS HELD UNDER AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB RULES THIRTY-EIGHTH NATIONAL ~:· SPECIALTY SHOW AND OBEDIENCE TRIAL (AKC Member Club - Unbenched) PRO·YISIONS~ Parent Club of the Breed ~ · -- · ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL FIELD TRIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. bra nd PE1 FOOD is tJroud to support the Et1glish Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association. at the MAYO CIVIC CENTER 30 S.E. Second Avenue Rochester, MN 55904 THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 28, 29, & 30, 1993 Show Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim 9{/lu 'lJog Sfiows, Ltd. l ~"' P. 0. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (215) 376-1880 o§I 24 Hour Fax Service • (215) 376-4939 Q~ Fees: $4.00 per dog Fax Charge or Cancellation made by Fax ()tu·-.tlons about Pro Plan? Call 1-800-PRO-PIAN. ~ Shipping Address· 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendents James A. Rau, Jr. Joan K. Rau Lorraine R. Schauer Phyllis R. Kraft I''". 1· ... \ 1·.11111·. 1'1 I ... I I IJll' I Jlll "i C'., ,\ lli\'j..,jn11 el f f(l ll P11ri11:1 ( :nnqu11y. ,)j 1.111\ 1u 1_.... ~~ Cyndie Adams Michael E. Zimmerman This show will be superintended by ono or mo"' ot tho above superintendents. JUDGES r1Q)CXXX:X:X)Q)O'.:X:KX)O'.X)O'.X)O'.X)O'.X)Q)O::XXX:X)O:XXXXXXXX) Mrs. Kristi Ann Ahlquist .. 13830 Dan Patch Lano, :..tv.ige, MN 55378 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Mrs. James Edward Clark Sealark Farm, P. 0 . Box 88, Centreville. MD 21617 ALL CONFIRMATION CLASSES (REGULAR & NON-REGULAR) Mrs. Shirlee Jacobson . 1423 Summerset Road, Indianola, IA 50125 OBEDIENCE: NOVICE A & B. UTILITY A & B, TEAM Kathleen R. Loront:en ..... ... 6<560 Swan Creek Road, Saginaw. Ml 48603 SWEEPSTAKES Mrs. Diane J. Prob~t 8621 Hickory Nut Gr. Road, Cary, IL 60013 0 OBEDIENCE : O PEN A & B . GRADUATE NOVICE. VETERANS, BRACE, TEAM 8 CHIEF RtNG STEWARD Dr. John E. Bergstedt 1445 Lone Oak, Eagan. MN 55121 § (612) 452·5162 '. ) (~ ASSISTANT RING STEWARDS I, '~ Marcia Joslyn, Mary Morris. Melanie Schlenker!, Frances 0. Smith, D.V.M. ' ( VETERINARIANS (ON CALL) OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ; § Dakota Veterinary Hospital Photos by Terri; Olsen Studios ~ Dr. Ian Smith. DVM. 1869 St. Clair, St. Paul, MN 55105 '.J Q ~ ~ Dr. Lee Smith, D.V.M. (6 12) 425·1628 d· 6 0 0 OFFICIAL VIDEOGRAPHER Sirius Video, Lou & Cynthia McAllister R 8 147 N. Dubois Road. Ariel WA 98603 d 0 NOTICE ·All rights to TELEVISE. VIDEO TAPE. ADVE RTISE. PHOTOGRAPH. PROMOTE or ~ § otherwise explort this event are vested in the ESSFTA. or in persons whom assignments of such 3 0 rights have been made in wrtt1ng by the club. All persons and animals on the Showgrounds at Q Q any time while the show is in progress. do by at1ending this show or pa rticipating therein, grant § § the club the right to photograph. televise, video tape. audiotape. or otherwise use their likeness and voice in any manner without further release or consent. The Board of Directors and members of § i~ SCHEDULE OF POINTS FOR DIVISION 6 - EFFECTIVE MAY 18, 1993 Division 3 Is comprised of: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Twin Cities VESSA warmly welcome you ~ § Nebraska,Wlsconsln. 11111 I 'i 11111'; Inwards a Championship shall be awarded to the Winners Dog and Bitch of each breed or variety § all to Minnesota. § l•n• ..ul "11 11111 :u:lual number of dogs or bitches competing in that breed or variety. If 3 g 11111 tluq dos1gnated Winners Dog or Winners Bitch is also awarded Best of Breed or Variety, the dogs of 1... 11, " ""''' lh11t l111Ve been entered for Best of Breed or Variety compelition and that have been defeated in such • tll !Jo counted in addition to the dogs that competed in the regular classes for its sex in calculating ""11"'11111111, 1. t 11 § 8 'llru1q111111 1d111 1 potnts. a a 1111011 "'~I '"""!lnatod Winners Dog or Winners Bitch 1s also awarded Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed "' Vm1uty ""' 1hu1s of Its own sex that have been entered for Best of Breed or Variety competition that have A special Welcome to our Hunting Test, 1°u1111 oi11luuh11t 111 rn111pot1t1on lor Best of Opposite Sex, shall be counted in addition to the dogs that competed ~ .~ : '" "'" 1u1111ln1 ' 1111 .-. 11,; lor its sex in calculating championship points. """' I'""''" lo11vu tH11111 computed for Winners Dog and Winners Bitch subject to the above two stipulations. " '" ''"" .,.,,.,.,,,,,111111 ltusf of Winners shall be credited with the number of points calculated for Winners Dog or ~ Field Trial, and Tracking participants ~ Wi111i••• .. IHI· 11 wl11i 1111v11r 1s qreater. "· · ·"" .1 ... ,, 11, .. 11111111" •1 '•I 11l1g1ble dogs 1n competition. a dog that is disqualified, or that is dismissed. excused · "'''H"'" 1.. ''" "''' 111111l•y11111 11Hiqe. or from which all awards are withheld, shall not be included. Any dog which during this of Springer ·••I'"""'.,,,,, 111"""' l"""I" o,11.11! bncome a Champion of Record, 1f six or more of said points shall have been ~ histo.ri~ ~eek :~_) •' •• · ·· """"" ,,o11o" 11•111111 .. 11111 111i or more championship points each and under two different judges. and ··• .. ""''" .. 1 ""' 1... 1,,,,, u "I '·Hl<1 points shall have been won under some other judge or judges than activ1bes' · 1,.1. i · ' t, , ••.. ,.,1• .,,. .. 11 .. 1tl11111u ~ '.'3 . (' _ .. ,., .. "' .......... I POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTS ( 11, 111·. Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches 0 0 •1=t· I 1.1 fl'"l1 ' lo1•1t1ff•li ? 5 7 9 12 14 19 23 32 ? R ~ d 3 0 •_) •:J..)•)J'.);'J:)O J.::>:J:X:YJ:..)•:J:X)•::Y)')..)OJ:::>·::n ·::><::>::>O:J..)1:J::>:::>o::>::>·)':J_)•:J:Y::> ·::> ~ ·~ J ;.> 3 OFFICERS OF THE ENOUSH SPRINGER SPANIEL FIELD TRIAL ASSOCIATION CLASS CASH PRIZES will be paid In the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims lor prize money I lavld 1 lupklns must be made In the ring before the judging of that breed Is over, and the Superintendent to be President .. I nmdo N,,,~~on Vice President-Benr.h/Ohodlnnr.n Arth111 Hndqor advised at once. The Superintendent and Show-giving Club may disclaim any liability lor cash prizes Vice PresklFJnt-Flnld alter the judging of the breed is over. .1111111 I lnq11n Treasurer Marie L. Andersen. 29512 - 47th Ave. A11h11111 . WA •uioo1 THE SHOW COMMITTEE/SUPERINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the wettare of dogs Corresponding Snr.r<•I• iry s .. 1--.1.. 1110 llt"mor and exhibitors, but will not be responsible lor, nor assume any liabillty in the event ol an accident Memhership Snr.rnlary Allen Hord or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. AKC Delecialo NOTE· Foreign dogs are eligible for Puppy Classes and Open Classes, ellective January 1, 1985. 1993 Nallonal Bench Show Committee Don McCarthy-Scott, Chairperson RIBBON PRIZES 122 Porter Rd. Howell, NJ 07731 (908) 367-1063 Regular Classes Assistant Show Chair Firsl Prize . • . Blue Rosette Third Prize ............... Yellow Ribbon Second Prize . Red Ribbon Fourth Prize . White Ribbon Larry Schwartz Winners . Purple Rosette Reserve Winners Purple & White Rosette Best of Winners . Blue & White Rosette Best ol Breed ....... Purple & Gold Rosette Members Best ol Opposite Sex to Best of Breed . Red & White Rosette Debhie Ritter. Ex-Officio Award of Merit . ..... ......... Rosette F1<111dn Nn h1111. I x Ofllr.lu Larry Libeu. Ex Offcio Highest Scoring Dog in the Regular Obedience Classes . Blue & Gold Rosette Nancy McCarthy-Scott. 1994 Show Chair Highest Combined Score in Open & Utillty Classes . Dark Green & Blue Rosette Mnrln Andm :;o" tHJW Chair 1qq~ > ~~ Qualifying Score in Regular Obedience Classes Dark Green Rosette Henriette Schmidt Torry f'i1llor1 Harry Carpenter Vern Johnson Non-Regular Classes Robert Gough Maggie Madden First Prize Rose Rosette Third Prize Light Green Ribbon Gn or~n B11rh11ran Carol Callahan Second Prize .... Brown Ribbon Fourth Prize Grey Ribbon Nancy Siver. Annual Awards Statistician Special Prize Dark Green Ribbon/Rosette TWIN CITIES VOYAGEUR ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL ASSOCIATION Local Host Club CLASSES - ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Regular Classes Puppy Dogs - 6-9 Months Puppy Bitches · 6-9 Months . Francie Nelson Host Cluh Ch:oiir , 1993 National Specialty Show Puppy Dogs· 9-12 Months Puppy Bitches - 9-12 Months (612) 788-2854 12-18 Month Dogs 12- 18 Month Bitches ... Tekla Viker Novice Dogs Novice Bitches Assistant Chair. 1993 National Specialty Show (507) 437-3835 Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches . • • . Debbie McCormack Chair. 1'N3 Twin C~ies Voyageur Spec.ialty (612) 724-5377 American Bred Dogs American Bred Bitches Sandy Landgral Open Dogs Open Bitches Asslslanl Ch:oiir. 1993 TC VESSA Specialty (612) 934-1906 Winners Dog Winners Bitch COMMITTEES Non-Regular Classes (involving single dog entries) NATIONAL FIELD TRIAL CATALOG ADVERTISING GROOMING AREA Kathy Thane Kevin Martineau .Janlr.n Johnson (612) 257-1113 VETERAN DOG CLASS VETERAN BITCH CLASS (612) 434-6082 (701) 642-9246 TC VESSA Liaisons, .l11lln Rohorts Winner of Veteran Dog and Veteran Bitch Classes may compete for Best of Breed. if otherwise (612) 428-4961 GROUNDS Joe & Jim Maley Jean Evanon (612) 920-6141 undefeated on the day of the show. Classes are for rings and bitches 7 years of age and over. (701) 252-0067 CONCESSIONAIRES OBEDIENCE : ;; 111r1y L.andciraf SHOOTING DOG CLASS SHOOTING BITCH CLASS HOSPITALITY Paul Howe (612) 934-1906 (507) 367-2244 I nkl11 Vlknr Frances S. Nelson These classes are open to any English Sprin'.)er Spaniel whi ch has earned the Parent Club Working (612) 822-0221 (507) 437-3835 Ce rtificate or the Working Certificate Excellent or achieved one Qualify ing Score at an AKC Licensed Jacquie Dean CHIEF RING STEWARD (612) 440-7660 Jeb Bergstedt Spaniel Hunting Test.
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