, AlAledoa. iRikliiyiahd a ooldi backward aprlng. •••• lii VWtlhgt her •pt»r«iit8;—Arc - W. A; ifeltou l»-bavlDg avfurnaoe ofiBttm* vl'»itliiK Grovenhtim til lu bit liouBe.^Mr. and, Mra.. J. fft'lendi;4^Mr8.Mttreu«;HiniBrcl visited Illyler will move to iMaBon^tlilB During th* next two weeks we wilFhave the Greatest Slaughter of Prices that has ever been made^m week.-r-Everett Ediok and Cbas, Fpler her brottiieri FriiiU MHllory last week. Mnsbri. This sale will include every department in oiir store. Money we must have and to get it will make, i-*liM. BIwiMtd Is working Dudley Jr. bave eaob bought a new carrlage.-- Carpenter's ftirm.^Webster Elwood h Boae Beardsley apent one week witb such prices as will sell the goods. Note a few of the Specials bolow: working tor Henr.v Eyerett. > ber BiBter lu LalngBburg recently.— Will Windell of St. JobUB vlaUed Wash Dress Goods northwest Aurellas. friends and relatlvea here a abort time ago.—W. H. Hoy I and Frank MoEueu press Goods. Fancy Zephyr Olngliftme. regular prioo l»c, cut to ... »e i Slime of tiie fanners liKve^ their oata bave eaob purchased a new Champion 38 Inoli Porculos, regular price lOo, cut to TMe VOL. XXXIX-NO. 19. In.-^UlBt. No. 6 liHB succeeded lu get- mower.-ftfrs. H. Blokert, who b«B We are going to move Our Dresa Oooda Organdie Bwlii, regular price lOo, out to .^^^^^^^^^ 7H« MASON. MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 13,1897. WHOLE NG. ting a teMber.-^Fnuk; Grueabeok^s been ill. ia couvaleaoent. Dr. O. U. Ho matter ivhat they eoat. The prioea eutertalntng the measles.—Mre.;^J.: B. Campbell of .Mason attended ber. will apeak for themaelvea, Keiuey la on the sick list.—W. T. Shirtings I W.JB _ Wall paper obcsp at Kinrimel's De­ Board of Beriew. psaBowA^MBirrioBr. Keeney and wife were the guests of Electric Bitters. Dresj goods D All Wool Novelty, .... M DreM Good! In All Wool Novelty, 1.10 __TqB« _ Ranohmanra BlueSblrtlnR, regular price 12tic, cut M. partment Store. "2 Byrou Wright of Mason last Saturday. Electric Bitters Is a medicine aulted Blackblde Twill Sblrtlug, Togolar price ISMo, cut lo ... M Notice is hereby given that tbe OreM aoodi In AU Wool Novelty. IM CBOIC|t fOB C .... Be M. N. Rouso was In Btookbrldge Monday. —Miss Pbebe Keeney Is able to return for any season, but perhaps inoregeii- Dreai Qooda lu All Wool Novelty, 1.125 Victor Twill Shirting, regnlar prloe njio, out to. Dansville achools will graduate 10 hoard of review for the city of Mason, Oreu Ooodi In All Wool Novelty, 1.15 Soutberii Silk Shirting, regabw price So, out to for the review of the assessment rolls A. J. MoBrlde apent Sunday In Lanilni. ao to rchocl.—John Hogobouiu has a sick arally needed when the languid ex­ Fancy Check Sblrtlng, ragular priee to, out lo WALL PAPER Don't buy pupils this year. cow. '... • •. _' • . •m of said city, will be in session at tbe hausted feeling prevails, when the All Wool Novelty, 41.00, Amoakeag Apron Olngbam. rogalar prloe(o, oat to WINDSW SHADES B, T. Owen waa In Iraoaliig last Tbunday. Fsnoy'Ticking, regular price aOo, out to.. Wall Paper or Col. L. H. Ivea will make the Dec­ common council rooms in said.city liver iB tiirpld and alugglsb and the All Wool Novelty, 900, «»noy>xioKiUK, rvaumr priuvi wu.uub w , ... ise B, J. Bond of Holt was In this city Monday. A. o. A. Tlckl ng, regular price ISo. out to. oration Day address at Diiuondale. irorthwetrAlaledm. need of a tonic and alterative is felt. All Wool Novolly.sao, CBOTCB roK. .. IBe SHLES Shades until you on Tuesday, the 18th day of May, and All WwJl Novelty. 7ec, Plain Strip TloElnc, reg HMo. cut to S«; lOoout to.... .... 7e Tuesday, the 25tb day of May. A. D. Ulu Cora Frazel apeut Snnday In lanslng. Ford's Our nelKbbor, J. M. Tyler, is going A prompt use of this ui^tclne has Kverett Blue and Brown Oonim, Regular price ISo, out to.. .. lie PRICES Examine The Child Study Club will meet with 1707. and continued from said days as C. O. lIuntlngtoD was In Jaokaon Saturday, ffiit'irwn^is:' to live In Mason again.-Arbor day often averted long and perhaps fatal All Wool Novelty, 6Sc. ... Our Stock Mrs. G. £. Heudenou Tuesday, May was observed by the Sandhill school blllouB fevers. No medicine will act All Wool Novelty, ttic, shaW be necessary for tbe transaction John Lasenby was In Jackaon last Saturday. All Wool Novelty, SSo, TOB. Bazaar align ooinmon to, the „o»»«»P__'»"JS!' by setting out sayeral trees.—Lawrence more surely In counteracting and free­ of said business. All Wool Novelty, SOo, 40c — We bave Paper at all prleei, from So • double roll up, and Window Bhadea L. T.Heinarii will be the orator at urday* ^'^"^ I^nOns >••( 8<tt' Oulle is sick with measles.—The Oke- ing the system from the malarial R. C. VANDEBCOOK, City Clerk. m wUh loodSprloB Roller, at from la^^^^ Our genuine llSSd^SdeCm Decoration Day exercises here tbia ...FOR... mos ladles aid society met with Mrs. All Wool Novelty, 42^0 Bliade at 400 U extra value, PRBPAItGD PAINTS.ready forthobruah.ln rolora poison. Headache^ Indigestion, con- All Wool Novelty, Mo, TOOT Our Carpet Department ii tbe pride of onr store. Are you year. „q.P. BlaokoriianslDK wailn tbe city last fjfk to uiatch any paper, full Hue or VAKNISII and 8TAIMB for old tuniltura. Friday. A; J. Allen last Thursday.—Mrs. Pe­ lilpation, dizziness yield to Electric All Wool Novelty, WHO CHOICI rOK. thinking of buying a Now Garnet tbia spring ? If so, dou't liail to Very pretty lining silks, 45 cents per see our rino, for we lisve tbo isrgoit and inoat oonplete line ever yard, at Mills.' * ter MoNulty and buby of Clio, Mich., Bitters. 60c and f 1.00 per bottle at All Wool Novelty, 85c, Henry Brown bos purchased one of A. J. Tuttle of Leille woa lo :town Taeiday Set ot Crockery All Wool Novelty, SSo, shown In Mason, and ftir the two weeks' sale we will sell the best is visiting in this vicinity. — Lena Longyear Bros.. Mason, and F. H. All Wool Carpets made. THE UARTFOllDS, regular prIoo S5c *t .BROIA/NB'S BOOK STORB. those fine Clough & Warren piaiioa of James Cullen and Olive A. Bowers, evening. Claffllii who spent the winter in Field's. Dansville, druggists. i 400 a yard. Don't fall to see Uiem wbetber you wisli to buy or J. B. Van Etteu. both of Ingham, were married by Jus­ WITH SUPPLEMENT Black Wool Serge.SO Inob, (1.00, out to. R.B. Shank oflianslOK was In this city laat Toilet Set ' Chicago. Is back at Henry Bathbone'a. Black Wool Serge, SO Inch, 7So, out to . see not, as we are always pleased to abow tbem. Our Uneof Mattings tice Ferguson yesterday. Monday. Black Wool Serge, M iDCb, fiOo, cut U>. awe are of the best and at prioes tbat cannot fail to sell tbem. "Joe," the well known brown span­ 8outh»ellii. All Colored Wool Soige, W Inob.JI.UO. out to . iel owned by C. E. Eaton, died Satur­ Obas. Mlllbury was in Battle Creek laat Lamps I'liaridaTi MOT «» t»g7» Mr. and Mrs. M. Speer of Southeast Monday. West Aarellat. All Colored Wool Borge, (SO Inoh, TBo. out to . OBe A common occurrence (raln.}-- . SM day last of old age. Alaledon will christen their new house All uoioreColoredo Woonooil DeimaSerge, l4oS luuiiInch, Mo. vuiout . •~to. Earneet Nichols of Mason was In this . Me with a dance on Thursday evening. Mrs. DuBols of raualiig Is visiting at John Paper for your house Wluileia. Frank Carrier left bis job on the Black Euclid HenrieflB, 880. out U). Xew AdvertlacmeBta tbia W«ek. Mills loBta pair of nose glasses, I.«aunby'a. lakes at Chicago and will work for T. vicinity one day last week, trying to Colored Euclid IIeDrlotta,69c, out to . Mm May 20. Good music and everybody Our teacher's brother from Holt^vU- Fancy Black Brocadea, regular price bOe. cut to..... sue Prioas-Vaudercook Gro. Co. (bl-facal) in town yesterday. Finder Geo. Whltcomb of Lanilng was In tbe cUy Bateman this season.—Sydney Robert­ And a home for his little boy. His . 4ae HOMER B. HENDERSON. invited. Shades to, wtaiow. ited Ului the flrat of llie week.-Seth Fancy Black Jaoquards, 40 Incb. regular price aOo. out to. Speolal sale-People's Store. return tbem to hiui. lait Friday. son was on our streets last Saturday.— wife died not long ago.—The Clukey Our Star Before you bny-0. II Hall. Capt. Minar has caused to be framed Taylor of IiullinmpoUs Is lu this place Mrs.p. G.Sanders of Leslie waa In IHaaon Gertie Batley Is working for Mm. Dan family has been the cause of a little lOo dreu goodi ula-Parkhunt. Lansing officers brought seven Tinware tor kuchen ouluHluess.-Mr. ni.d Mrs. Theodore Tea*, cotreea fto-I.ooml8 A Owen. a large flue picture of bis boat and last Friday. Slaughter.—Mrs. Maryette Collins Is unpleasantness In Holt for a few days Receivers' •ale-Soyninur Foster. *ramps over to the county Jail last Sat­ presented tbe same to tbe high school. Hall of Harbor Springs are staying at urday morning In a bus. L. A. HoArtbur spent Sunday with bis peo­ quite Bick.—Ada Carrier and Mrs. the past week. Samuel Clukey was Just recelved-Maaon Furniture Co.
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