EIA/EMP of Dipka OCP (33.75Mty) EIA & EMP for Peak Capacity of Existing, Approved Dipka OCP (25.0 MTPA) (EIA with Peak Capacity of 33.75 MTPA) Application under clause 7(ii) of EIA Notification, 2006 1.0 INTRODUCTION Dipka OCP is an operating mine under Dipka Area, South Eastern Coalfields Limited. The mine was expanded and given environment clearance for a capacity of 20 MTPA on 4 th Oct. 2004. Further, the Environment Clearance for expansion of Dipka OCP from 20.0 to 25.0 MTPA was obtained in the year 2009. The environmental clearance for this project was issued vide letter No. J-11015/487/2007- IA. II (M) dt. 03.06.2009 from MOEF, Govt. of India. Refer half yearly compliance report of conditions of Environmental Clearance attached with accompanying Form-I. Dipka OCP has got the capability of producing coal by 35% higher than 25.0 MTPA. The enhanced production is to meet the increased demand of power grade coal for the nation. In the preceding years, the coal production was nearly 25.0 MTPA. 1.1 Purpose of the report This application is being made under clause 7(ii) of EIA Notification, 2006 for grant of prior Environmental Clearance (EC) for peak capacity of Dipka OCP of 33.75 MTPA considering the following points. i. Liberation of power sector by Govt. of India has generated wide spread interests private & public sector investments in power generation and other industrial development. As such, there is an appreciable increase in the number of upcoming new projects as well as expansion of existing projects. The demand projection from SECL for the year 2012-13 is 269.07Mte. It will cater to the needs of upcoming industries like power, cement, fertilizers, other industries etc. The projected availability in the year 2012-13 is 117.00 Mte, resulting a shortage of 152.07 Mte. The demand projection from SECL for the year 2016 – 17 is 270.37 Mte. The projected availability in the year 2016 – 17 is 150.00 Mte. So, there will be a shortage of 120.37 Mte. For this purpose, Emergency Coal Production Plan of CIL has been formulated. Dipka Opencast has been identified as one of the project in the Emergency Coal Production Plan of CIL . 1 EIA/EMP of Dipka OCP (33.75Mty) ii. The annual production of 25 Mt is being achieved for last two years from this property. Refer last three years production figure shown in table -1.1. Sometimes with favourable geo-mining conditions and improved productivity & efficiency of the HEMM with better mining conditions project may produce upto 1.35 times of the planned capacity (peak). Thus, Dipka OCP has got the capability of producing coal by 35% higher than 25 MTPA, with higher utilization of existing plant & machinery. iii. Sufficient strike length and additional proved reserves are also available at favorable stripping ratio on the dip side of existing Dipka OCP for planning its expansion from 25 Mty to 33.75 Mty capacity. Dipka Opencast 33.75 Mty(peak) is planned taking into consideration of mineable reserves of four seams i.e. LK(B), LK(T), UK and E&F having average thickness of 10.28m, 36.89m, 29.83m and 13.13m respectively. Out of these four seams, Seam E&F incrops on the southern boundary in a small patch and Seam LK (B) is becoming as thin as 3.5 m. The main chunk of production comes from LK (T) and UK. But both the seams split into three sections. In case of LK (T), total coal thickness of all splits stoops down to as low as 27.32 m (split thickness varying as 4.0m, 9.47m and 13.85m). Similarly, for UK, total coal of all splits plummets to 25.76m (split thickness varying 4.83m, 8.38m and 12.55m). The total mine-able coal reserve is estimated as 617 .00 Mte and overburden as 615.00M m3 as per approved PR (2006). The balance mineable reserve is 479.52 Mte as on 01/04/2012. Out of 615.00 M m3 of total OB, 81 M m3 of OB will be placed in external dump and 534 M m3 will be backfilled in internal dump. Reclamation process will continue as per reclamation plan as shown in table - 6.2. The average stripping ratio is 1.00. iv. As the project will be an expansion of the existing Dipka OCP, the basic infrastructure is available and additional production can be planned with less gestation period. v. All the additional 8.75 Mty production of Dipka OCP is proposed to be linked to Seepat STPS of NTPC located at a distance of about 35 km from the project. The location of Dipka OCP is ideal for supplying coal to this STPS. vi. The total leasehold area as per earlier approved EMP is 2000.642 Ha. (Extra land is not required and the forestry and other clearances have already been obtained). vii. No change in technology is proposed. 2 EIA/EMP of Dipka OCP (33.75Mty) viii. No change in backfilling & land reclamation programme will take place. Dipka OCP has one of the best land reclamation plans and the same shall continue after including the peak capacity of the mine to 33.75 MTPA also. ix. The total permanent manpower is 1468 (3 shift working) as on April 2012 and no additional manpower is involved. x. Due to the increasing demand of coal for the nation, it is requested to consider the proposal for grant of environmental clearance from MOEF for peak capacity of 33.75 MTPA (from 25.0 MTPA normative capacity to Peak capacity of 33.75 MTPA, i.e. 35% incremental). Therefore this project qualifies for EC under clause 7(ii) of EIA notification no. 1533, Sep 2006, for approval of peak capacity production from 25 MTPA to 33.75 MTPA. The filled up Form-I & this EIA of the Project are put up for due diligence of EAC for inclusion of 33.75 MTPA peak capacity of existing & approved Dipka OCP. 1.2 Previous Coal Production The production of this project for the last 10 years is given below. Table – 1.1 Sl No. Year Production (MT) 1 2002-2003 12.68 2 2003-2004 13.66 3 2004-2005 15.39 4 2005-2006 17.94 5 2006-2007 19.08 6 2007-2008 21.5 7 2008-2009 22.81 8 2009-2010 24.09 9 2010-2011 25.00 10 2011-2012 25.00 1.3 Balance Mineable Reserve & Life of the Mine The balance mineable coal left in Dipka OCP as on 01.04.2012 is 479.52 MT. Corresponding to this, the balance life of Dipka opencast will be 19 years as approved PR (2006). Considering the peak production capacity (i.e. 33.75Mty), if achieved, this life will be reduced accordingly. The calendar program for Dipka OC Expn. (Normative - 25.0 Mty,) is given below in table–1.2. 3 EIA/EMP of Dipka OCP (33.75Mty) Table – 1.2 Calendar Program for Dipka OC Expn. (Normative - 25 Mty, Peak – 33.75Mty) Part. In Part. In Part. In Total Total Top Top bet seam bet seam bet seam Total Total OB OB Total Seam Seam Seam SEAM Total In S.R. Year OB OB Seam Bands- Seam Bands- Seam Bands- OB Nat.Excl. exl. OB E&F UK LKT LKB/C Coal seam (Adj.) Nat. Adj. E&F - Seam UK - Seam LKT - SEAM Nat. bands bands Adj. Bands UK UK LKT LKT LKB/C LKB/C Adj. 1 (2006-07) 20.00 20.00 11.71 15.37 0.63 14.32 0.63 13.68 15.37 16.00 0.80 2 23.50 23.50 13.76 19.06 0.74 14.50 0.74 13.76 19.06 19.80 0.84 3 1.51 1.43 21.05 24.00 15.17 21.09 0.10 2.45 0.04 0.44 0.98 20.25 1.12 19.13 23.98 25.10 1.05 4 2.86 2.71 19.42 25.00 16.76 18.14 0.19 4.64 0.08 0.84 1.21 23.72 1.48 22.24 23.62 25.10 1.00 5 2.86 2.71 19.42 25.00 16.76 18.14 0.19 4.64 0.08 0.84 1.21 23.72 1.48 22.24 23.62 25.10 1.00 6 (2011-12) 2.86 2.71 19.42 25.00 16.76 17.92 0.19 4.64 0.08 0.84 1.21 23.72 1.48 22.24 23.40 24.88 1.00 7 0.08 3.22 3.18 18.51 25.00 16.22 16.85 0.18 0.17 5.50 0.06 0.87 1.26 24.48 1.49 22.98 23.40 24.89 1.00 8 0.25 3.93 4.10 16.72 25.00 15.15 14.72 0.55 0.13 7.20 0.03 0.93 1.36 25.35 1.52 23.83 23.40 24.92 1.00 9 0.25 3.93 4.10 16.72 25.00 15.15 14.72 0.55 0.13 7.20 0.03 0.93 1.36 25.35 1.52 23.83 23.40 24.92 1.00 10 0.25 3.93 4.10 16.72 25.00 15.15 14.72 0.55 0.13 7.20 0.03 0.93 1.36 25.35 1.52 23.83 23.40 24.92 1.00 11 0.25 3.93 4.10 16.72 25.00 15.15 14.72 0.55 0.13 7.20 0.03 0.93 1.36 25.35 1.52 23.83 23.40 24.92 1.00 12 0.29 4.03 4.38 16.31 25.00 14.69 14.28 0.66 0.14 7.45 0.04 1.01 1.32 25.24 1.49 23.75 23.40 24.89 1.00 13 0.65 5.03 7.19 12.12 25.00 9.94 9.73 1.83 0.27 10.00 0.05 1.84 0.92 24.84 1.23 23.61 23.40 24.63 0.99 14 0.65 5.03 7.19 12.12 25.00 9.94 9.73 1.83 0.27 10.00 0.05 1.84 0.92 24.84 1.23 23.61 23.40 24.63 0.99 15 0.65 5.03 7.19 12.12 25.00 9.94 9.73 1.83 0.27 10.00 0.05 1.84 0.92 24.84 1.23 23.61 23.40 24.63 0.99 16 0.65 5.03 7.19 12.12 25.00 9.94 9.73 1.83 0.27 10.00 0.05 1.84 0.92 24.84 1.23 23.61 23.40 24.63 0.99 17 0.65 5.03 7.19 12.12 25.00 9.94 9.73 1.83 0.27 10.00 0.05 1.84 0.92 24.97 1.23 23.75 23.40 24.63 0.99 18 0.44 5.50 14.52 4.53 25.00 5.92 4.79 2.10 0.82 12.61 0.20 3.90 0.53 26.11 1.55 24.56 23.40 24.95 1.00 19 0.44 5.52 14.70 4.35 25.00 5.82 4.67 2.10 0.84 12.68 0.20 3.95 0.52 26.11 1.56 24.55 23.40 24.96 1.00 20 0.44 5.52 14.70 4.35 25.00 5.82 4.67 2.10 0.84 12.68 0.20 3.95 0.52 26.11 1.56 24.55 23.40 24.96 1.00 21 0.44 5.50 14.71 4.35 25.00 5.80 4.63 2.09 0.84 12.66 0.23 4.02 0.52 26.63 1.59 25.03 23.40 24.99 1.00 22 0.55 4.41 15.51 4.53 25.00 4.82 2.27 1.54 1.10 11.78 1.97 7.82 0.66 29.68 3.72 25.96 23.40 27.12 1.08 23 0.55 4.41 15.51 4.53 25.00 4.82 2.27 1.54 1.10 11.78 1.97 7.82 0.66 29.68 3.72 25.96 23.40 27.12 1.08 24 0.55 4.41 15.51 4.53 25.00 4.82 2.27 1.54 1.10 11.78 1.97 7.82 0.66 29.68 3.72 25.96 23.40 27.12 1.08 25 0.54 4.32 15.20 4.44 24.50 4.73 0.81 1.51 1.07 11.54 1.93 7.66 0.65 25.29 3.65 21.64 21.52 25.17 1.03 T o t a l 8.58 97.78 189.89 320.75 617.00 274.74 274.74 26.73 10.50 205.59 9.41 64.71 23.32 615.00 43.23 571.77 571.77 615.00 1.00 * 19.08 Mt, 21.50 Mt,22.81Mt,24.09 Mt,25 Mt,and 25Mt of coal with corresponding OB of 10.50 Mcum, 17.43 Mcum,18.07 Mcum,14.426 Mcum,14.01Mcum and 14.40 Mcum have been extracted in 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 respectively.
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