26 April 2012 week 17 New management Introducing Anke Schäferkordt and Guillaume de Posch Luxembourg France Farewell to Nicolas de Tavernost Gerhard Zeiler on Club Liza United Kingdom Belgium / Luxembourg Cécile Frot-Coutaz Télévie ends with to lead FremantleMedia record sum week 17 the RTL Group intranet Cover: Anke Schäferkordt and Guillaume de Posch, the new Co-CEOs of RTL Group 2 week 17 the RTL Group intranet Message from the Co-CEOs On 19 April, one day after Gerhard Zeiler’s farewell (see report on page 10), the new Co-CEOs Guillaume de Posch and Anke Schäferkordt took offi ce. In this edition, Backstage portrays the two Chief Executives. Anke Schäferkordt and Guillaume de Posch Luxembourg - 19 April 2012 On their fi rst working day, Guillaume de Posch During the Annual General Meeting, both and Anke Schäferkordt addressed the of them and Elmar Heggen have also been RTL Group employees. appointed as Executive Directors to the RTL Group Board of Directors. In a joint letter they said that they consider the Group being in “great shape.” They continued: Andreas Rudas will continue developing “We can rely on highly creative, skilled and business opportunities in Central and motivated employees, both in our operations Eastern Europe, and in Asia. He will report and in the Corporate Centre.” to Guillaume de Posch. He also oversees RTL Group’s operations in Croatia, Further, they gave a brief overview of how they Hungary, Russia and the German radio intend to manage the company jointly in the business. future: Guillaume de Posch and Anke Schäferkordt Anke Schäferkordt continues to manage the emphasised that in a decentralised Group such German TV business of Mediengruppe RTL RTL Group, it’s vital that they have a fi rst-hand Deutschland, in addition to her role as Co-CEO understanding of the Group’s multi-language and of RTL Group. multi-faceted businesses: “For this reason, we Guillaume de Posch takes over intend to visit, step by step, our various profi t responsibility for the Group’s broadcasting centres and the departments of the Corporate operations outside Germany, and for Centre – indeed, we have already started this FremantleMedia as Co-CEO of RTL Group. process.” In his capacity as CFO and Head of the Corporate Centre of RTL Group, Jointly, they concluded: “We all share the Elmar Heggen remains responsible for same passion, we love television and radio. Finance and Administration matters. He also And we know that this passion, combined with oversees UFA Sports and RTL Group’s your trust and support will help to lead our strong, operations in Luxembourg and, together creative and diverse entertainment network with Nicolas de Tavernost, in Spain. into the next phase of its development.” Both Co-CEOs will be jointly responsible for Group Strategy, Corporate Communications, Media Policy, Internal Audit and – together with the CFO – Group HR. 3 week 17 the RTL Group intranet Guillaume de Posch – International mover and shaker Guillaume de Posch Luxembourg - 26 April 2012 Roll up your sleeves, make things happen, But the successes of RTL Group’s channels in develop businesses: Guillaume de Posch is a the various countries aren’t the only important man of action, a doer. What drives him? “I enjoy aspect. De Posch sees content production as challenges,” says the Belgian. “I like to take the a key pillar within RTL Group as well: “I see initiative, develop new ideas and put them into FremantleMedia as a jewel,” he says. “At my practice. I like to form things. That’s always been last international TV market in Cannes you could important to me.” New channels, new markets, see how highly FremantleMedia is regarded new programmes and studio deals: these are the around the world – also among its competitors.“ kind of things that de Posch loves to talk about. De Posch plans to continue expanding the international production business. One reason With his passion for fast, concrete for this are the global internet media companies: implementation, Guillaume de Posch had come “Our new competitors have recognised the value to the right place in the TV and radio business: of audiovisual content and are now buying up “For close to 20 years and in various positions, rights on a massive scale.” I’ve negotiated in person with the executives of nearly all studios and independents.” Whether His next challenge? Since 18 April 2012, Paramount, Sony, Warner Brothers, MGM, New Guillaume de Posch has headed RTL Group Regency, or the major producers and fi lm studios with Anke Schäferkordt. Together, the two in Europe – de Posch knows the people to talk executives are responsible for RTL Group’s to, and has known some of them for decades. strategy – they’ve known each other for nearly ten years, and started working on the joint His conclusion after 20 years of experience in strategy even before offi cially taking offi ce. the European media landscape? Guillaume de Posch still sees differences between the Early on, Guillaume de Posch recognised the various countries: “The cultures in Europe may be potential of the diversifi cation businesses and similar, but they differ in their national specifi cs. pointed out the growing competition from new The same is true for television: the programme players in the TV market. In an interview with genres are similar, such as comedy, but are the German business daily Handelsblatt in interpreted differently in each country.” France August 2007, Guillaume de Posch – then CEO of has daily evening comedy programming with ProSiebenSat1 – said: “Of course the TV series like Scènes de Ménages on M6, while channels are still our biggest competitors. But comedy in Germany is mostly dominated by Google is elbowing in on us more and more. The stand-ups like Mario Barth and Cindy aus company is as powerful now as Microsoft was Marzahn. “The comedy genre is popular in 20 years ago. Google will increasingly cater to both countries, but in different incarnations. It’s the same advertising clients as we do.” important to take these differences into account. Local content is more important than ever.” 4 week 17 the RTL Group intranet The executive was born in 1958 in Arlon, in the So now he was in charge of the programming Luxembourg province of Belgium, and grew up of the various channels: “We had sport here as well. His fi rst career steps took him to the channels and various feature fi lm channels,” former British colony Hong Kong in 1985, and de Posch recalls. “But we also produced our from there to China. He later worked in Belgium, own sport news and launched a children’s Luxembourg, France, Germany and Greece. channel.” He also worked on the programming So it’s hardly surprising that de Posch speaks of third-party channels on the platform. In all, several languages: French, English, German de Posch was responsible for about 100 TV and Dutch and basic Chinese. channels at TPS. As part of his duties, Guillaume de Posch negotiated the broadcast After completing his Master’s degree in of Fox Kids via TPS. “We spent months in industrial engineering at the Solvay Business negotiations with Haim Saban, who co-owned School (Ecole de Commerce) in Brussels, de Fox Kids with News Corp, and his team,” Posch initially worked for the Belgian energy de Posch recalls. “You really get to know each group, Tractebel. He was sent to Hong Kong other.” as Manager Far East back in 1985, when Hong Kong was still a British colony. “Why Hong When Haim Saban and TF1 later formed a Kong? At the time, the repercussions of the oil consortium to take over ProSiebenSat1 after the crisis were still being felt, so I wanted to start Kirch group insolvency, Saban hired de Posch looking around for new horizons early on,” says as a consultant for the project. Later, he was de Posch. As regional manager of the division appointed CEO of the company. Guillaume de for turnkey projects, he was in charge of the sale Posch: “Why me? Because I knew the German of factories in China. “Although my offi ce was broadcasting market and because I happened to in Hong Kong, I travelled to China almost every speak German, which isn’t so common on the week – to the provinces or our other branch in other side of the Rhine.” Beijing.” “I restructured ProSiebenSat1. We doubled its In 1990, de Posch met a McKinsey partner from profi t margin and initiated lots of new projects, Japan. At the time, the company was looking including Maxdome and some new pay-TV for young MBAs with some job experience as channels.” In March 2007 Haim Saban sold well as a good degree. Guillaume de Posch the company to the fi nancial investors KKR moved to Brussels and worked for McKinsey’s and Permira. Shortly thereafter ProSiebenSat1 Benelux offi ce for three years. “I worked for took over the SBS group, and became a wide range of industries,” he says: banks, international for the fi rst time, with channels in airports, the mortgage sector and insurance Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, companies. “During this time we did a study for Hungary and Romania. At the end of 2008, the Dutch government. The question was: how Guillaume de Posch resigned as CEO of can the government facilitate the development ProSiebenSat1. of the broadcasting industry?” de Posch recalls. Guillaume de Posch has been a TV man ever Anyone who knows Guillaume de Posch knows since: “While working on this, I got to know the that he had no intention of turning his back on CEO of what was then CLT: Michel Delloye,” the TV business.
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