^1^^ AMD CHHONICLi. THURSDAY, MARCH 17. IBM solera, albarco, cedar, guayacou lonf•dJetaaea fM lss.Topp, Marilyn Rortmrtt and g for books Jetting son .and Harold Schwartz. Recent Events of Interest Jobo and jamelo. These gavels class is now awaiting the Jnda Mae Torr. about dogs. Lynn Wilson, Doris The Sherman School Student were an made from trees cut down twtpared by Barbara Mc- In connection with.their new Poeltkr, Mary Garvey and Mar- Council met with Mrs. Ruth in the Colombiari Jungles i the . »atty Muldrow and Jacquelin unit of study, "The Vikings," the garet Koroml appeared to have Janovsik last Thursday morning. In Cranford Public Schools Magdatena River. King, who have chosen as their following boys to the class are. found stories that interested them. John Dalke presided with Barbara. Spring Store wide Event Today, Friday Saturday . Richard Sarlus of Miss Beatrice topic. Tood for Good Health." carving Viking ships out of balsa The following people were Thiede, secretary. Problems con- SCHOOL Warner's ~i£6 grade reports that They have- drawn- finest of their woodTHugh CQlviIfe,~Karl Hink- See Pages 9 to 15 his class has been enjoying using plctures. eMey, Richard Luby, Donald Mc- catch their corner: EUene Morton; The fourth edition of the "Sadie Creighton and Kathleen Wlese, a small xylophone for the past few Clintack, William MoxelL Warren Richard Hurley, Mary Ann Davis, - j, „,. Dorothy MwgnT and Gene Grail. Next week Virginia Cppter, Jean and Bmma VoWes," produced an- weeks. They have used it to be- Bowne, and Bruce BuKalski win Pflmnan, Douglas Popp *nA John Stanley Meier, Anthony Colaneri, FORIMMEDIA TE DELIVERY nually by the Cnnford Hl-Y dubs, Grade 1 come more *»tnin«'T with scales and •Stephen Schlapak and Kenneth Mrs. class en- talk about the Luray and Bodies* Pflrmlan. Aid ReUef fund Aid Relief Fund win be presented in the Cranford Margaret Alt's to play familiar songs. Ernest'Cavems, which Virginia visited Richard Luby*s painting of a Foster. ifth f auditorium on March joyed listening to the records Ringer developed an original tune which Billy Mlchels brought to last* summer. Viking ship was selected as the Sixth Grade *Mh, • that was pleasing to the group. It The reports have been prepared unit picture to be used outside the At Your Church At Your Church school. f A committee has been appointed COAL A cast of more than SO students was decided to use this melody as classroom door. Tbe^puplls in this class wrote voluntarily and. have proved val- from Mrs. Ruth Janovsik's sixth •AVKN WOK ANTHKACzTl1 — Pradaeief JMde-BJchkat is nbeantng m numerous variety a basis for an original spring song uable in stressing tbe importance The girls in the class are mak- grade to study ways and means of acts which they have created. The stories about themselves. They al- in two parts. Barbara Lehrer, Thi* Sunday This Sunday to drew pictures of themselves to of being wen prepared before at- ing sock dolb out of different col- stimulating outside reading for will - instrumen- Judy Poole, Teddy Munday, Billy tempting to speak before an audi- ored, socks to represent the chU- children in Sherman School Some talists, tap dancers, ballet dancers, go with their stories. The follow- Old and. Mary Ross helped to ing children had very good stor- ence. They hive also indicated Cfx members plan a. story hour for the sons stylists, and impersonators. create the music. The poem was the need for organization so that rtfta Grade lower grades. Others are work- KENILWORTH Comedy sketches and novelty sur- ies: Joan Golden, Kathlyn Morri- COfRMMIJlL AVK. CM GARwooD CRANFORD written by, Shirley Nielsen, Judy the audience can follow a report Mrs. Christina DWs fifth grade ing on plans tar a bulletin board prises win also be presented. The son, Kathleen Knezo, Genevieve Poole, Mary Ross and Billy Old. Knezo, Jean Wells, Judith Evans, and be interested enougli to ask* visited the Cranford Library. The display. Barbara Thiede was traditional prologue by "Sadie" Many members of the 5-8 grade questions or*mak•---•e' comments.- * —Th e. pupils wanted to get acquainted Vol. LVI. No. 9 CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. MARCH 24. 1949 Z4 Page. — FIVE CENTS and "Sauna," as well as the "Fol- Carol Poorman, Billy Mlchels, ^p^fTwn^Hi Tijrji|^ win ^vi on • Billy Bragdon and Connie Poole. have reported on books they have children also found it necessary to and find out whether they Patricia Hart, Patricia Castaldo lies Girls." will be featured. , in their own libraries. Since other Members of Mrs. Mildred Ma- speak Ho the entire audmca atad.to could sign for books. They took and Donald Klein win visit the • Dan Caruso and Robert Nichol- children became interested in these use correct and simple *ngH«h some third and first graders also. Cranford Library and select the Better Rail Service Chronicle Places Third Appeal President son are chairmen of the produc- hony*s first grade dramatized the books by reading the reports it was Proclamation story "Round and Round" for tbe KOOSBVKLV SCHOOL While they were there, the pho- books for tbe story hour. Other Tabernacle Group to Meet Here a Advertising Exhibit JePeDllflfy Red Cross tion committee. Fred Allen is the decided to have si Handing library. tographer. Bin Collins, took some members of tbe .committee are: business manager. William Buck- kindergarten and the other first Grade 1 ' 2-7 Day Soviet World Relief Sunday The Cranford Citizen and The following children have In interesting pictures: Olive Stadel- Claire Kirkman, Lois Lear, Mary Hie Inter-Munidpal Group for Chronicle was awarded third ley heads the stage crew. Tom grade classes. The following chil- brougHt in books for others to connection with a unit on WHEREAS the churches of America have united in one dren took parti Lee Bragda man, Mary Garvey, Jennie Hill, Ann von Gersdorff, 'Michael Better Bail Service, which repre- place for the best series of adver- Goodman is hi charge or publicity. read: Judy Poole, PSt! Richard Vuu Oeisdmff and three Calls New simultaneous offering for world relief on Sunday mornng, March UnitedFund Tops Quota Dick, Jack Simons as. Tom, Jane dren are having lots of fun bring- ig UieJer- 27. I»4B; and-—^ ^~ ==5^ —• aumU submitted at the annual -F^ank E. Ramsey, HLrY sponsor, welL Carol Turner, Barbara Leh- children from Miss Mary Marten's meeting of the New Jersey Press U staging tbe production. Mack as Sally, Susanne Simmons rer. Bill Rosencrantz and Arlene ing in stories to read-to the class sey Central Railroad in recent pro- : .WHEREAS every American has an inescapable obligation about them. Janet Bay read a first grader were reading.' These Crystals Fitted to aid in relief and rehabilitation of all less fortunate people; and Association Apnday at the Stacy- Exhfbtt Entries as Jane and Carol Juhr as Spot Golden. ' were: Patricia Rakacs, Herman ceedings in which the railroad Tive The announcements w*xe made by story about "Snoozy," the dog, and Pastor "WHEREAS this united action in America will greatly Trent Hotel in Trenton. The President - Students of the- art department Grade • and Janet Lisk. Callie While You Wait sought fare increases, will hold a strengthen the ministry of our churches overseas and will bring local, newspaper submitted an in- of Cranford High School, under BUI Perley. Lynn Witte read the. ' "little f The children in Mrs. Mary Mil- Coleman and Arthur Raff, from meeting Tuesday night in the new hope to millions of people: . stitutional campaign used by Swan the direction of Miss Edna Peairs The children of Mrs. - Doris Brown Dog" and the "Little White Now, THEREFORE, I, George E. Osterheldt, Mayor of ler's sixth grade are learning about Kitten." Kristina Press read Miss Bowne's third grade,.were WATCHES Rev. Geo. Aitcheson township rooms here. Cleaners and Dyers last fall en- Succeeds B. C Belden; 88,948 Collected in and Miss Greta Wiersma, have Newswanger's first grade wrote an winds of the earth and changes of fllrramim • JEWELET Cranford. N. J.. do hereby designate Sunday. March 27, 1949, titled "A Peek Behind the Walls again submitted some of tBeir work original song about safety. Hlus- "Toby's House.' Phyllis^Tesche also in this picture. In a report issued this week, the -as World Relief Sunday; and I invite .all Americans to partici- Annual Campaign; temperature. They are following and Sva Reeves brought pictures Another picture showed Phyllis •DIAMONDS WiD Begin Pntw» pate in the observance of this day through their churches or it Swan Cleaners and Dyers." The Other Officers Named to the Exhibition of Creative Art, trations for the song were made the daily newspaper weather Counes Offered organization related that the Inter- series pictured the various opera- by Muriel Ann Gregg, Ruth Tun- to cjaas which they are pasting on Rutz, Lynn Wilson, Wbodrow Here on April 17 . any church. • • Goal Was $7,475 which is conducted nationally by charts and listing names of per- state . Commerce Commission last IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tions of the local plant in its clean- At Annual. Meeting ner,- Hilary Grote. Joan KiUlan, a'Pet Chart > Billy Winkler. Wen- Jones, Walter Keve,- and Peter Took, Mntstlfih avcdldble mm The Rev. George ^Aitefceson of Cranford - Garwood - Kenil worth sons who must know weather con- dy Swarm and Kristina Press have Marini checking out books with Wednesday declared the increased and caused the seal of the Township of Cranford to be affixed. ing business. First place went to James P. Duffy, was elected The students whose work was Gay Gibbons, Dale Leland, Martin ditions to carry on their daily Poured Pieces — Compls* Punxsutawne* Pa, assistant dis- commutation fares the Jersey Cen-.
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