THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, ISW ATcrsRe Daily Net Prens Ron 1]hs Wcathar PA«E TWENTT-FOtm If^ralb Far tba Weak Baded Foraaaat a# 0. S. Waaitliai SUy tSrd, 1959 Partly eJeady, aot gotta as cool ealabratlon at thalr 60th wedding Mtaa Joanna Bhytila halvorMo. wiaa MgEPia Prantlea, daughter Jail- W. Ferguson, aon of Mlaa miaabeth Ann f j a l l a a . tnalght, law 4d ta 45. Fair, HMa Dions Celebrate 1 2 ,9 2 5 daughter of Mr. and: Mra. Howard of Mr/and Mra. Irving PrenUce. Atty. H.id Mrs. William F. Fergu­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank annivartary. L T. WOOD GO. ekaaga la tamparatar* tawiitfraw. A bout Tow n O. Halvoroen. «1 Phelpa Rd., will 16't ( ^ p e r St., hie enrolled aa a son, 159 Wadsworth St. E xt. Oallas. 125 N. BchonI Bt„ hae They were married In Canada Maabar of tba AWdit entered the Baatfnan School of 50th Anniversary IC E PLANT Hlgaest In das. begin her flrat week of counacllng freahtnan at Central Connecticut has begun studies at Duke Uni­ Sept. 14, 1909. The Dions hsvs two, Bnreaa'of CIrealattoa versity School of Law.’ He has Muelc. Rochester, N. Y. A 19.59 gt BISSCLL ST. Mancht$ttr~^A City of Vittofio thahn CM V M t«r M. ShulU. com* and examlnatlona at Centenary State college In New BriUln. She daughters, Mrs, Francis Murphy been awarded a full tuition plus graduate of Manchester H igh 0t th« MnS AnU-Alrcr«ft College for Women. Hacketti* la a 1959 graduate of Mancheater Mr. and.Mra. Frank X. Dion, 3 and Mrs. Joseph Qulsh, both of Cuhe»’C.ru!shed’Bloch$ ArUUwry Oroup. «pok» »t the High School. expenses scholarship. He Is a 1995 School, she will prepare for a town. N. J.. next week. She U a Bldgewood 8 t., were honored at m Manchester, and six grandchil­ (CXafatflef Adearttaiag aa Pag# 15) ConnMtiCQt C h l^ at l^)Uoe A m i . graduate of Mancheeter High graduate of Manchester H igh career of teaching musio In the VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 297 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, REPTEMBBR IR, M>.=>9 PRICE FIVE CENTS elementary schoola. Mist Gallan, party at their horn# Sunday In dren. nM Unf. today at the WlmJeor School. Bruce W. Davia, aon of Mr. and School and 1959 graduate of Yale assistant organist at St. James' Houae In Wlndaor. Mancheeter Po­ Mra. William Davia. «1 Foxcroft Unlveratty. lice Ohtef Jamu Reardon attend­ Church the-past two years, was W’ealev Vincent Peahlcr. eon of Dr., today received hie degree of ed. Ool. Shulta la In command of Miss Nancy T. Davia, daughter the r e c 1 p e n t of three local Mr and' Mra. Vincent Feahler, 2 aaaoclste In applied aclence In all Nike baaee In the atate. of Dr. and Mra. Eugene M.'Davia, scholarships from R o b e r t s o n M in e ColIapselLabor Set Sanford Rd., and Samuel Charlea electronics communications tech­ .54* Porter St., will enter Wheelock school, Verplanck PTA end La- Air Force Relieves Foater, aon of Mr.,and Mra. Loula nology at the Milwaukee School pf Salratloo Army Sunday School College, Boston, next Monday. She Bonne-Silversteln Associates, Inc. L. Foater, 49 Arvlne P I , have en­ Engineering. A 1952 graduate of Traps 45 Men T q ^ J teachera and workera will meet was a June graduate o f Cushing 'better meals-build better families” rolled aa freshmen at Trinity Col­ Mancheater High School, he Is a tonight at 8 :*0 after the mid­ 4-year Navy veteran. Academy. Donald Xljofla was elected pres­ week Bible Study at the church. lege, Hartford. ident of the Manchester Package Iceland Command Store Association, succeeding Max Olslber. st the group's annual din­ I" '^“To Strikers ner last night at Garden Grove. Kirkintilloch, S c n 11 a n d, j Other new olBrers are Irving Luch- BETTER MEALS Following Protests San-Francixco. Sept. 18 (/P)\ msn. Vice president; Sidney Bar­ were trapped today in a fiery, « pj uninna are^Tnert- ber, secretary, and Bernard 302 MAIN ST„ Va>WAY lETWEEN HIGH SCH O O LA N D jPARI^ Scheer, treasurer. S SndSrSiJir''’' I «l w fee • (ui}1,to<i.y ( . t T m . Make Washington. Sept. 18 (A>)— t Th\ - " ' . vs'ss that the two officials had en- Hop, M vtn , them f.d .d * ^ 6 to I3() million per month Harry Stephenson, 168 C2iestnht Brig. G«n. Gilbert Pritchard LSTART HERE-' tered a restricted area. rapidiv. to aid striking steel workers. St., was admitted yesterday to has been relieved of hi« com­ Pritchard had been in command One'jnan sUggered from the in- * The federation's 135 unions were VP the Veterans' Hospital, Newing­ mand in Iceland in the wake for only about two months. ferno to safety. ; due to commit thei. full treasuries. y ^/fiv ton. He Is a World War 1 vet­ of an airport incident that The A ir Force spokesman said Rescuers dragged out a dead plus a pledge of outright grants, to Wonderful eating eran. no new assignment for Pritchard miner. He ^ad suffocated. ; aid the half milliO! steel workers raised Icelandic feelings SHOP HALE^ had been decided yet and no suc­ Scores of sobbing women—most--! in their 66-day strike, Pays Tribute to FDR Miss Donna Metcalf, daughter against American f o r c e .a cessor appointed. ly wives, daughters and sisters of The multi-million dollar strike of Robert Metcalf. Landers Rd., there. The Icelandic version was that the apparently doomed men — fund it supposed to gusrantee that Bast Hartford, and - formerly of Pritchard was commander of the on Sept. 5 two officials of the Ice­ crowded near the mine opening. no steel worker or his family goes Manchester, has enrolled as s Air Base at Keflavik where two landic Civil Aviation Agency were Time and again they saw fire- hungry and that the steel union In Whirlwind Tour starts right here! freshman at Boston University's Icelandic officials were reported to escorting two American pilots of men nqd rescue teams beaten back will not have to weaken its de- School of Journalism. A 19,59 grad­ SELF SERVE - MEAT DEPT Have been forced by guards to lie a German olvlllan plane to a ' by the heat and the "crid fumes, menda bersiise of financial short­ uate of Manchester High School, In mud puddles."" hangar in the dark and were un- , "It will be a miracle If they are age. SCHOOL'S O^EN. PLEASE DRIVE CAREFUUY! New York. Sept. 18 t/P)— Pushed for timAjHlirnxioaBJ^iWta she was co- ditor of the High The action was taken at the re­ able to locate U.S. Guards. | alive," easped one of thf volun- Already the steel union has been School World. quest o f the Icelandic government, A fter thev had proceeded *ome teers. "The fumes are terrible. ' pledged a total of over I 2 'j mll- S. Khrushchev aped through a whirlwjpdiour of the-RoogB- an Air Force spokesman said in 10 to 20 yards, Icelandic officials The mine, one of Britain’s na- Is""located "on from fellow unions. velt Hyde Park estate today andthtfn hurried back toafrafd anmver to questions. Chapman Court, Order o f‘ Ama­ reported, a •*"**'y ^ Under the proposal due for adop» New York to keep an importaflr apeAking date before the ranth, will meet tomorrow at 7:45 Be Sure To Serve J. W. Hale's 8 ta\e Department officials, ordered the Icelandic officials to ^ Hon todav every one of'Yhe 12 U p.m. at the Masonic Temple. however, said the move was made lie down in a piddle vtith arms ^ Trouble^^starte^d^^^thi.^^^m^^^ United Nation.*. / _ The Soviet premier^jariia aaid to he carrying a iurprise dis­ Associate matrons and patrons of only because of the Icelandic re­ ilp- hurst into flame, spreading fire to asked to ronirlbute an hour’s psy other court* will be guests at the quest and did not reflect "upon the peared ^ T ^ ^ the limberedtimbered nropaprops and girders. per week to the steel strike. armament propospUfor the world organisation.- "H e enjoyed advance night progrram. There general's personal competence. As the flames sie through, the Should an 80-dsy court Injunc- nothing.” comm^tecl hia hoateaa at H.vde Park, Mr*. Franklin will be entertainment and refresh- ; Privately, It waa explained that Could Not Protest props collapsed, causing rasrade* non stop the strike temporarll.v. I). Fioo.aeyjeltr "A man behind him all the time kept whieper- Better Meals Build ments served by Mrs. Mildred the caae is much like that of an The Icelanders said they could of atone and earth. the union aid build-up would ac- ing minute*—-aeven minutea’.’’ Morrison and her committee. embSssy attache in a friendly cap- not even protest because the Theac fall* partly blocked the cumulate to, help ,a st'rike later on. Ital who might he pulled out slm sentry said if they opened ther Jittfrushchcv. who showed real-*- "" • ....... pa**agei*. h, New York, top negotiator* afgna of Hestlneas last night after i Better Families The Paat Mistresses Club o f , ply because the host government mouths he would shoot, More men would have been In ^ for the, ateel Induatrv and the Unit-1 Later- Bjorn Ingvarsson, police three rugged dava of louring and g O 1 C C Daughters of Liberty will meet 11 declared him personally unaccept-i > the mine had it not been for a ed .
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