LAZAROA 35: 169-179. 2014 doi: 10.5209/rev_LAZA.2014.v35.45251 ISSN: 0210-9778 Syntaxonomic and nomenclatural novelties in the wetland vegetation of Baikal Siberia (Russian Federation) Victor Chepinoga (*) Abstract: Chepinoga, v. Syntaxonomic and nomenclatural novelties in the wetland vegetation of Baikal Siberia (Russian Federation). Lazaroa 35: 169-179 (2014). This paper presents some results of research into vegetation diversity in water bodies and streams in Baikal Siberia, a region in southeast Siberia. The article contains the original diagnoses of five new associations ( Callitricho palustris-Su - bularietum aquaticae, Lemno turioniferae-Thacletum natantis, Ceratophyllo demersi-Eleocharitetum mamillatae, Cari - ceum pseudocuraicae, Scirpetum orientalis ), the typification of one existing association name ( Glycerietum spiculosae ), and the correction of another name: Tephroseridetum palustris Mirkin & al. 1985. Keywords: Baikal Siberia, Bidentetea tripartitae , eastern Siberia, Littorelletea uniflorae , new syntaxa, Phragmito- Magnocaricetea , Russian Federation, wetland vegetation. Resumen: Chepinoga, v. Novedades sintaxonómicas y nomenclaturales sobre la vegetación de humedales de Baikal (Siberia, Rusia). Lazaroa 35: 169-179 (2014). Se presentan en este trabajo los resultados de la investigación realizada en los arroyos y charcas de Baikal, una región del sureste de Siberia (Rusia). el articulo contiene las diagnosis originales de cinco asociaciones nuevas: Callitricho pa - lustris-Subularietum aquaticae, Lemno turioniferae-Thacletum natantis, Ceratophyllo demersi-Eleocharitetum mamillatae, Caricetum pseudocuraicae y Scirpetum orientalis ; la tipificación del nombre de una asociación ya existente: Glycerietum spiculosae ; y la corrección de Tephroseridetum palustris Mirkin & al. 1985. Palabras clave: Baikal, Bidentetea tripartitae , este de Siberia, Littorelletea uniflorae , nuevos sintaxones, Phragmito- Magnocaricetea , Federación rusa, vegetación acuática. INTRODUCTION to close this gap ( ChePINOga , 2013). The vegeta - tion survey of the region ( ChePINOga , 2013) reve - Baikal Siberia is a region located in the eastern aled 105 asso ciations and 12 variants classified part of southern Siberia. The region covers an area into 19 alliances, 11 orders and 5 classes ( Lemne - of 1550700 km 2 and consists of three political units tea, Potametea, Littorelletea uniflorae, Phrag - of the Russian Federation: Irkutsk Oblast’, Repu - mito- Magnocaricetea, Bidentetea tripartitae ). The blic of Buryatia and Zabaikalskii Krai (formerly classifications of the Lemnetea and the Potamoge - the Chita Oblast’) ( PeSChKOva , 1985; C hePINOga , tonetea were published earlier ( ChePINOga & ROS - 2009). Baikal Siberia is well-known because of its BaKh , 2012; ChePINOga & al. , 2013). In this paper wetlands but until recently the diversity of aquatic we present diagnoses of new syntaxa and typifica - and wetland vegetation was poorly studied. The re - tions of existing names of syntaxa of the Littore - cent investigations of flora and vegetation of water lletea uniflorae, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea , and bodies and streams in the Baikal Siberia allowed Bidentetea tripartitae from the Baikal Siberia. * Laboratory of Physical Geography & Biogeography. The V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS. Ulan-Batorskaya Str. 1. 664033 Irkutsk, Russia & Department of Botany. Irkutsk State University. K. Marks Str. 1. 664003 Irkutsk, Russia. E- mail:[email protected]. 169 LAZAROA 35: 169-179. 2014 Victor Chepinoga Syntaxonomic and nomenclatural novelties in the wetland vegetation of Baikal Siberia MaTeRIaL aND MeThODS a level of significance P < 0.001. Constant or highly constant species were those with a fre - During the period from 2002-2010 we studied quency over 40 % or 80 %, respectively. Domi - aquatic and wetland vegetation of the Baikal Si - nant species and highly dominant species were beria. The studied sites were generally arranged those that occurred with a cover value exceeding along a NW–SSe transect across the region, cros - 25 % in at least 15 % and 30 % of relevés, respec - sing river plains and valley basins at altitudes of tively. highly constant and highly dominant spe - 450–800 m above sea level. The collected data cies are underlined in the vegetation description, (more than 2400 relevés), comprise communities below. of all available types of water bodies, streams, The nomenclature of taxa follows ChePINOga and isolated wetlands. Substantial assistance in & al. (2008) for vascular plants, IgNaTOv & al. the collection of material was provided by Rus - (2006) for mosses, and KONSTaNTINOva & BaKa - sian (M. Ineshina, S. Rosbakh, a. verkhozina) LIN (2009) for liverworts. In numerical analyses and german (a. hof, Ch. Stumpf-Therre, B. Lemna minor was treated in the broad sense, i.e. voges) students and postgraduate students. In ad - including L. minor s. str. and L. turionifera. The dition to the original data we used 345 relevés pu - nomenclature of syntaxa follows the rules of the blished earlier from the area ( KONOvaLOv , 1930; International Code of Phytosociological Nomen - SavICh , 1967; C hyTRý & al. , 1993, 1995; Ka- clature (ICPN; WeBeR & al. , 2000). PLaN , 1995; a NeNKhONOv , 2003). The complete set of 2,806 relevés was registered in the global Index of vegetation-Plot Databases (gIvD) as ReSULTS aND DISCUSSION “Wetland vegetation Database of Baikal Siberia” (WeTBS; ID aS-RU-001; ChePINOga , 2012). Callitricho palustris-Subularietum aquaticae The vegetation classification was performed de Molenaar ex Chepinoga ass. nova hoc loco following Braun-Blanquet’s phytosociological (Original form: ‘ Callitricho-Subularietum aqua - approach ( WeSThOFF & vaN DeR MaaReL , 1973, ticeae ass. nov. prov.’ de Molenaar 1976 (ICPN art. 1978; D IeRSChKe , 1994). In the classification we 3b) follow the method which is similar to that emplo - Holotypus: De MOLeNaaR , 1976: 38, rel. 1, yed by ŠUMBeROvá (2011) and ŠUMBeROvá & al. Table 2 ( Subularia aquatica 4, Callitriche verna (2011a, 2011b) for the classification of aquatic (= C. palutris ) 3, Hippuris vulgaris +). vegetation of the Czech Republic. Syntaxonomic position: Littorelletea uniflorae; Data processing and classification were carried Littorelletalia uniflorae; Littorellion uniflorae out using the software package IBIS (Integrated Diagnostic species: Subularia aquatica . Cons - Botanical Information System), the vegetation da - tant species: Iso ёtes echinospora, Potamogeton tabase management software ( ZveRev , 2007). The perfoliatus, Subularia aquatica . Dominant spe - software package JUICe ( TIChý , 2002) was used cies: Subularia aquatica for determination of diagnostic, constant and do - aquatic communities of oligotrophic lakes minant species. Diagnostic species include diffe - with dominance of Subularia aquatica . rential and character (or indicator) species Structure. Low cover (25–35%) and species determined by measuring statistical fidelity using pure communities with stand size often exceeding the phi coefficient ( ChyTRý & al. , 2002). Species 100 m 2. with phi coefficient above 0.25 were considered ecology. Communities of S. aquatica as well diagnostic for a particular association while spe - as Iso ёtes echinospora , occur in oligotrophic cies with a phi coefficient above 0.50 were consi - lakes. Stands of S. aquatica prefer places with dered highly diagnostic. The latter are underlined silty bottom and depth more than one meter. in the vegetation description, below. Statistical S. aquatica s.l. is a mainly boreal circumpo - significance of association fidelity was calculated lar species. In Northern eurasia it occurs more using Fisher’s exact test ( ChyTRý & al. , 2002) at often in regions with humid oceanic climate, LAZAROA 35: 169-179. 2014 170 Victor Chepinoga Syntaxonomic and nomenclatural novelties in the wetland vegetation of Baikal Siberia while in Siberia it is extremely rare species. lower courses of the verkhnaya angara River, More than half of Siberian populations of the Baikalskii Ridge and Frolikha Lake ( aZOvSKy , species are known from north of the Baikal Si - 1981, 2000). beria ( ChePINOga & al. , 2008). We have only two original relevés from the Lake Dalneye in Lemno turioniferae-Thacletum natantis ass. western foothills of the Baikalskii Ridge. Com - nova hoc loco munities of S. aquatica are also known from holotypus: rel. 6, Table 1. Table 1 Lemno turioniferae-Thacletum natantis ass. nova (Eleocharition acicularis Littorelletalia uniflorae Littorelletea uniflorae ) area (m 2)625 62418 14 4216 23 Cover (%) 70 95 75 100 98 95 85 80 80 90 55 95 average depth (cm) 20 25 15 3 15 15 5 20 12 7 10 15 Soil char. si c si sag ccsc sg si ss si sc N. of taxa 2233555668912 N. relevé 12345678910 11 12 Characteristics of Lemno-Thacletum natantis (d.s.) Thacla natans 444444555534 Characteristics of Littorelletea uniflorae (d.s.) Callitriche palustris ....r+..1+.. Characteristics of Lemnetea (d.s.) Lemna turionifera .3r.32....+2 Lemna trisulca ..........r+ Characteristics of Phragmito-Magnocaricetea (d.s.) Glyceria triflora ....2.1++2.r Beckmannia syzigachne .........r2+ Equisetum fluviatile .......+1..2 Eleocharis palustris .......+.+.. Eleocharis mamillata 1...r....... Companions Ranunculus sceleratus ...r......rr Agrostis stolonifera .....r...+.r Persicaria hydropiper .....r...r.r Bidens raidatus ......r..r.. Other species: Carex vesicata 2 in 3; Ranunculus radicans 3 in 4; Agrostis gigantea r, Juncus ranarius + in 7; Carex acuta and Hippuris vulgaris
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