UNIVERSl1Y OF HA WAJI LIBRAR'f arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&1 fWS By Zaldy .Dandan But proponents plan new _floating hotel proposal up the Puerto Rico dump-which Variety News Staff would have cost the CNMI $25 THE $313 million Queen Eliza­ deal, we were not kidding," he famous ship" into a hotel. million-and will give the Com­ beth 2 hotel-resort project is dead, added. The bond offering was expected monwealth a 15 percent stake in a Gov. PedroP. Tenorio announced "Cunard would have honored to be underwritten by any of the new local corporation, Saipan yesterday. our commitment, but we failed to following major investment Convention Center, Inc. 'They 're no longer interested get it from Legislature." banks: Donaldson, Lufkin & In return, the CNMI will be and the project is not going to be Jordan added, however, that Jenrette, Credit Swisse or First asked to guarantee the $5.5 mil­ possible," the governor told re­ project proponents are already Boston. lion interest payments for the porters. preparing a revised propqsal, in­ In addition, Cunard will clean Continued on page 50 In a separate interview, busi­ volving another ship. nessman Chuck Jordan said the "It will still include the clean up entire Cunard fleet, which in­ of the Puerto Rico dump, but the PIA plane lands ·safely· cludes the Queen Elizabeth 2 structure of the deal will be differ­ (QE2), has been sold to Carnival ent," he said. Cruise Line for $500 million. "We hope to have something after 'engine trouble' "Carnival made the offer and next week." By Aldwin A. Fajardo Cunard accepted it last Friday," Under the original project pro­ Pedro P. Tenorio Variety News Staff said Jordan, the local representa­ posal, Cunard Hotel Company­ A PACIFIC Island Aviation Florida-based SeaTel-will float tive for the project. the new company to be formed by plane on Tuesday developed a bonds to finance the project, which "When we told the Legislature Kvaemer, parent company of the serious engine failure while on involves turning the "world's most (last February) to expedite the Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2), and the flight from Rota to Saipan In­ terna·tional Airport, it was learned yesterday. This is the second PIA air­ Guam could lose $17M in US plane to have made an emer­ gency landing in six months_ A road funds, warns Underwood PIA single-engine aircraft HONOLULU (Pacne}Vs)­ 'These are federally-man­ "crash-landed" off Ladder Carlos Salas Proposed United States govern­ dated requirements," the Con­ Beach in November, injuring sengers and crew members was ment funding for a nationwide gressman notes, and if Guam the pilot seriously. injured; Salas only said the air- . highway improvement project does not adhere to them, it stands The Commonwealth Ports craft landed safely off the Saipan could result in up to $17 million "to lose the funding." Authority [CPA] confirmed for the U.S. Micronesian ten-i­ !Jnderwood is encouraging Tuesday's incident but execu­ airport. He said the PIA aircraft was tory of Guam in the next fiscal local Guam lawmakers to make tive. director Carlos Salas said approaching Saipan Interna­ year. the necessary legal changes. the aircraft's pilot declared an tional Airport at around 6 p.m. However, Guam Del. Robert The cost of the multi-billion­ emergenci landing when the Tuesday when it experienced Underwood says since Guam's dollar, seven-yearnational high­ plane's left engine los.t power. massive engine failure. legal drinking age limit is 18- way project will be covered by The aircraft, PIA flight 808, Sketchy reports had it that as opposed to the federal re­ an 18 US cents per gallon fed­ had seven passengers· and three eral excise tax on gasoline sales crew members when the inci­ flames shot out of the aircraft's quirement of 21-and the ten-i­ engine, prompting the unnamed tory lacks a motorcycle helmet in all 50 United States. dent happened. pilot to declare an emergency law, the funding may be in jeop­ The tax does not apply to It.was riot clear·if anybody from among the airplane's pas- ardy. Robert Underwood Guam. Continued on page 50 ·~1 I ! - \ '', ,.. c.\ ,'-// By Giff Johnson pected to go to court this week to MAJURO - Gambling propo­ challenge a decision of the nents, led by Marshall Islands Speaker of the Nitijela (parlia­ President lmata Kabua, are ex- ment). The President, and several other elected leaders with gambling in­ terests, lost in a bitter vote late last month when the Nitijela reversed a two-year old law and voted to ban gambling in the Marshalls. Kabua, Foreign Minister Phillip Muller and Majuro Senator Tony deBrum (a former cabinet minis­ ter) arc expected to file a lawsuit : I in the High Court this week chal­ ' . lenging Speaker Kessai Note's refusal to allow them to vote in the previously-passed gambling legislation. The three were disqualified I; Mostly cloudy skies from voting on legislation to al­ with rainshowers low "soft" gambling, such as Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio shares a laugh with members of the Manamko and other officials who gathered to Contmuea on page50 witness the proclamation signing for the Flame Tree Arts Festival Wednesday. \ \ Photo by zardy bandan PAC NEVv'SpJ\Pl::R . ', .. 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- APRIL 10 1998 --··· ·-~----~-------· FRIDAY. APRIL 10. 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND V!EWS-3 Hong Kong cantpaign on 'No massive deportations' HONG KONG (AP) - Candi­ in constituencies chosen by popu­ that took over last July 1, the day English-language South China The poll, carried out for the By Zaldy Dandan llowcver, Miller said he is con­ Moreover, Miller said, the But in their separate testimo­ dates for Hong Kong's first elected lar vote. China regained sovereignty over Morning Post predicted the paper by Asian Commercial Re­ Variety News Staff cerned over the "massive Jcpor­ newly enacted cap on the hiring nies, the governor, together with legislature under Chinese rule Candidates have 15 days to sub­ this fonner British colony. The Democratic Party, Hong Kong's search, questioned 1,304 people GOVERNOR Pedro P. Tenorio tations of foreign workers with a of alien workers excluded several the Legislature's presiding offic­ began registering Thursday, and mit their names to the govern­ provisional legislature ceased biggest, would get the bulk of the on six days at the end of March. on Wednesday denied a US reported goal of 1,000 deporta­ industries. ers, vowed their commitment to a poll predicted the Democratic ment for the May 24 election, work Wednesday. popular vote in directly elected No margin of error was given. congressman's al legation that the tions this year, or involuntary re­ ''These actions appear more address federal concerns over the Party would win major victories which will replace a legislature A poll commissioned by the seats. All were registered voters who administration h.is implemented patriation of Bangladeshis and cosmetic than addressing the CNMI's labor and immigration China dislikes the Democratic can choose one-third of the seats a policy of massive deportations on the legislature. Under cumber­ other victims of recruitment fraud deep, underlying causes of cur­ problems. Party, which wants all of Hong or alien workers. Kong's legislature to be directly some, new election rules, 20 seats without restoring their lost rent abuses in the CNMI," he There will be "zero tolerance" Natural gas-powered Honda "We're not deporting anyone," money." elected in two years, and calls for will be chosen by a direct vote said. of abuses, Tenorio said. the governor said in a media con­ the end of the Chinese Commu­ based on uni veral suffrage. EAST LIBERTY, Ohio (AP) ferc;cc when asked to comment nist Party's monopoly on power . Thirty other seats will be cho­ - A new Honda of America on US Rep. George Miller's (D­ On renewed US criticism sen by up to 140,000 people who sedan in production runs on in China. California) testimony before lhe belong mostly to professional natural gas and produces 20 China has labeled several se­ March 31 US Senate Energy and nior Democrats subversives: elites, and the remaining 10 seats Speaker blames Fro~lan for percent less tailpipe carbon di­ Natural Resources Committee Pedro P. Tenorio oxide emissions than a gasoline Democratic Party chairman will be picked by a 800-member hearing. electoral college chosen earlier powered car, the company said. Martin Lee says new election The Qovernor said even over­ "This is a government of laws, lifting garment moratorium by about 30,000 voters. Honda began production of rules, which he claims are skewed staying :i1iens who voluntarily exit and enforcing our laws is the only against them, mean it will win The poll predicted the Demo­ The republican house speaker the Civic GX on Wednesday. could still return to the CNMI and responsible way of running the just 11 seats on the 60-seat legis­ crats would get between 53-76 said the estimated 6,000 garment The company is taking orders have their status "leg:ilizcd." govcmmcnt.'' Sablan said. for delivery of the model to lature. But the Post's poll said the percent in the directly elected con­ [-le added that if the CNMI fails workers "was a stable number, party would win at least 13 seats. stituencies. "If they Jon 't voluntarily cxil imposed by a moratorium." fleet customers such as gov­ then (of course) they're subject to to enforce the law, "We would be ernment agencies and public The Democrats' closest rivals, The Democrats have tradition­ chewed up again." "The former governor repealed deportation," Tenorio saiJ.
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