§ 213.57 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–13 Edition) 3 N/A—Not Applicable [78 FR 16100, Mar. 13, 2013] be lower than the inside rail by design, except when engineered to address spe- § 213.57 Curves; elevation and speed cific track or operating conditions; the limitations. limits in § 213.63 apply in all cases. (a) The maximum elevation of the (b) The maximum allowable posted outside rail of a curve may not be more timetable operating speed for each than 8 inches on track Classes 1 and 2, curve is determined by the following and 7 inches on track Classes 3 through formula— 5. The outside rail of a curve may not Where— service load condition, compliance Vmax = Maximum allowable posted timetable with the requirements of either para- operating speed (m.p.h.). graph (d)(1) or (2) of this section. Ea = Actual elevation of the outside rail (1) When positioned on a track with a (inches).1 2 uniform superelevation equal to the Eu = Qualified cant deficiency (inches) of the vehicle type. proposed cant deficiency: D = Degree of curvature (degrees).3 (i) No wheel of the vehicle type un- (c) All vehicles are considered quali- loads to a value less than 60 percent of fied for operating on track with a cant its static value on perfectly level deficiency, Eu, not exceeding 3 inches. track; and Table 1 of appendix A to this part is a (ii) For passenger cars, the roll angle table of speeds computed in accordance between the floor of the equipment and with the formula in paragraph (b) of the horizontal does not exceed 8.6 de- this section, when Eu equals 3 inches, grees; or for various elevations and degrees of (2) When operating through a con- curvature. stant radius curve at a constant speed (d) Each vehicle type must be ap- corresponding to the proposed cant de- proved by FRA to operate on track ficiency, and a test plan is submitted with a qualified cant deficiency, E , u to and approved by FRA in accordance greater than 3 inches. Each vehicle with § 213.345(e) and (f): type must demonstrate, in a ready-for- (i) The steady-state (average) load on 1 any wheel, throughout the body of the Actual elevation, Ea, for each 155-foot track segment in the body of the curve is de- curve, is not less than 60 percent of its termined by averaging the elevation for 11 static value on perfectly level track; points through the segment at 15.5-foot spac- and ing. If the curve length is less than 155 feet, (ii) For passenger cars, the steady- the points are averaged through the full state (average) lateral acceleration length of the body of the curve. 2 measured on the floor of the carbody If the actual elevation, Ea, and degree of curvature, D, change as a result of track deg- does not exceed 0.15g. radation, then the actual cant deficiency for (e) The track owner or railroad shall the maximum allowable posted timetable op- transmit the results of the testing erating speed, Vmax, may be greater than the specified in paragraph (d) of this sec- qualified cant deficiency, Eu. This actual tion to FRA’s Associate Administrator cant deficiency for each curve may not ex- for Railroad Safety/Chief Safety Officer ceed the qualified cant deficiency, Eu, plus 1 inch. (FRA) requesting approval for the vehi- 3 Degree of curvature, D, is determined by cle type to operate at the desired curv- averaging the degree of curvature over the ing speeds allowed under the formula same track segment as the elevation. 108 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:13 Jan 23, 2014 Jkt 229221 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\229221.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150 ER13MR13.007</MATH> Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 213.59 in paragraph (b) of this section. The re- (h)(1) Vehicle types permitted by quest shall be made in writing and con- FRA to operate at cant deficiencies, Eu, tain, at a minimum, the following in- greater than 3 inches but not more formation— than 5 inches shall be considered quali- (1) A description of the vehicle type fied under this section to operate at involved, including schematic dia- those permitted cant deficiencies for grams of the suspension system(s) and any track segment. The track owner or the estimated location of the center of railroad shall notify FRA in writing no gravity above top of rail; less than 30 calendar days prior to the (2) The test procedure,4 including the proposed implementation of such curv- load condition under which the testing ing speeds in accordance with para- was performed, and description of the graph (f) of this section. instrumentation used to qualify the ve- (2) Vehicle types permitted by FRA hicle type, as well as the maximum to operate at cant deficiencies, Eu, values for wheel unloading and roll an- greater than 5 inches shall be consid- gles or accelerations that were ob- ered qualified under this section to op- served during testing; and erate at those permitted cant defi- (3) For vehicle types not subject to ciencies only for the previously oper- parts 229 or 238 of this chapter, proce- ated or identified track segments(s). dures or standards in effect that relate (i) For vehicle types intended to op- to the maintenance of all safety-crit- erate at any curving speed producing ical components of the suspension sys- more than 5 inches of cant deficiency, tem(s) for the particular vehicle type. the following provisions of subpart G of Safety-critical components of the sus- this part shall apply: §§ 213.333(a) pension system are those that impact through (g), (j)(1), (k) and (m), 213.345, or have significant influence on the and 213.369(f). roll of the carbody and the distribution (j) As used in this section— of weight on the wheels. (f) In approving the request made (1) Vehicle means a locomotive, as de- pursuant to paragraph (e) of this sec- fined in § 229.5 of this chapter; a freight tion, FRA may impose conditions nec- car, as defined in § 215.5 of this chapter; essary for safely operating at the high- a passenger car, as defined in § 238.5 of er curving speeds. Upon FRA approval this chapter; and any rail rolling equip- of the request, the track owner or rail- ment used in a train with either a road shall notify FRA in writing no freight car or a passenger car. less than 30 calendar days prior to the (2) Vehicle type means like vehicles proposed implementation of the ap- with variations in their physical prop- proved higher curving speeds allowed erties, such as suspension, mass, inte- under the formula in paragraph (b) of rior arrangements, and dimensions this section. The notification shall con- that do not result in significant tain, at a minimum, identification of changes to their dynamic characteris- the track segment(s) on which the tics. higher curving speeds are to be imple- [78 FR 16101, Mar. 13, 2013] mented. (g) The documents required by this § 213.59 Elevation of curved track; section must be provided to FRA by: runoff. (1) The track owner; or (a) If a curve is elevated, the full ele- (2) A railroad that provides service vation shall be provided throughout with the same vehicle type over track- the curve, unless physical conditions age of one or more track owner(s), with do not permit. If elevation runoff oc- the written consent of each affected curs in a curve, the actual minimum track owner. elevation shall be used in computing the maximum allowable posted time- 4 The test procedure may be conducted table operating speed for that curve whereby all the wheels on one side (right or under § 213.57(b). left) of the vehicle are raised to the proposed cant deficiency, the vertical wheel loads (b) Elevation runoff shall be at a uni- under each wheel are measured, and a level form rate, within the limits of track is used to record the angle through which the surface deviation prescribed in § 213.63, floor of the vehicle has been rotated. and it shall extend at least the full 109 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:13 Jan 23, 2014 Jkt 229221 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\229221.XXX ofr150 PsN: PC150.
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