HE ISH ERALD VOL. XIII, NO. 5 PROVIDENCE, R. I., FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1938 5 CENTS THE COPY Rumanian Minister Reassures Jews Palestine Problems Seem Pleased "Russia," Topic of Requests Co-operation and Chief London Topic Center Lecturer Help to Restore Freedom Bucharest-In a letter to Roumania's chief Rabbi, Wise and Lipsky Arrange Reception Niemrowei, Dr. Miron Criestea new head of the Rouman­ Sail for England For New Members ian Cabinet, asked the Jewish Community to ossist the Government and the orthodox church in "restoring free­ New York.-Dr. Stephen S. Wise Maurice Hindus, noted authority dom and fostering co-operation among all peoples in the President, and Mr~ Louis Lipsky, on present-day Russia, will discuss service of God and the King." Vice-President o.f the American "Twenty Years of Soviet Russia" Jews, still frightened by the an­ ti-Semitic measures of the short­ Jewish Congress, sailed for Europe at the Jewish Community Center, lived regime of Premier Octavian last week aboard the S . s. Queen Sunday evening, March 13. Mr. Moes Chilim Starts Goga, were greatly encouraged by Mary, to confer with European Hindus, during his talk, will com­ the gesture of the Dr. Cristea, who, Jew;sh leaders on important pro­ Passover Campaign besides being Fernier, is Patriarch blems confronting the Jewish ment on the . treason trial now of the Roumanian Orthoa'Ox world. taking place in Moscow. Samuel Dr. Wise, who is President of the Workman will introduce the Harry Tannenbaum Church. Dr. Cristea's immediate pur­ Zionist Organization of America, speaker. Urges Full Support pose was to ask synagogues to hold and Mr. Lipsky, the American In addition to the address by member of the Executive Commit­ With extensive plans of provid- services simultaneously with the tee of the World Zionist Organiza­ Maurice Hindus, a reception will be ing Passover requirements for orthodox church on March 13, at which religious sanctions would tion, will confer with Dr. Chaim The Union of American He­ tendered new members. The Wo- needy J ews in South Providence, Weizmann on Palestine problems men's Committee of the Center the south Providence Moes Chitim be given Roumanians to disregard brew Congregations' education­ any oaths previously given to po­ and will attend a meeting of the al department seems pleased has arranged a reception which Fund Committee, with Harry M. Actions Committee of the World litical parties or social move­ with its work-Dr. Emanuel will follow the speaking program Tanenbaum as chairman, is inau­ ments. Zionist Organization. Gamoran (left) of Cincinnati, A special meeting of the Execu­ of the evening. Included on the gurating its fourth campaign. One object was to release mem­ educational director of the tive Committee of the World Jew­ reception program will be talks In a letter this week, Mr. Tanen­ bers of the outlawed Iron Gull.ra', Union, caught chatting about ish Congress will be summoned in by children of the Center on Cen- baum stated, "In the past, the extreme nationalist organization, some recent materials issued. by from oaths of unquestioning loy­ London early in March during the tei: activities. Mrs. Milton Sapins- generous contributions have helped his de11artment with Rabbi alty to Cornelius Zelea Codreanu, presence there of the two leaders. ley will be· in charge of the recep- Maurice Eisendrath of Montre- to crown our efforts with success, Fascist Iron Guard leader and so that all known needy families Pawl. Sisterhood Will _aI_at_a_me_eti_ng_in_Ch_ica_go_. __tion_. ----­ anti-Semitic agitator. in South Providence were taken The Jewish community was ex­ care of." He said further that this pected to give Dr. Cristea assur­ Have Purim Br,idge Asks Leniency for Nephew year's requests for help are great­ ance of co-operation. er, and warrant ·liberal contribu­ tions. A Purim bridge is being ar­ Sentenced to Prison in Russia To facilitate matters, contribu­ ranged by a committee of the Sis­ Chicago - In an effort to w~ fluence of ' an ola'er person,· could I tions should be mailed to the treas­ Centre Players Elect terhood, Sholom Synagogue of 1 clemency for her young nephew, your office intercede for us in re­ urer. Rabbi Joshua Werner, 345 Pawtucket, to be held on March ducing his sentence?" a violin proo.'igy, under sentence Blackstone street, Providence. Huddish President 22 in the vestry. "News of Bussy's arrest was a · At a meeting of the Centre A table of Purim delicacies will of 10 years imprisonment for vio- great shock to me," Mrs. Gertzen Players, held last Sunday night be set up to serve the guests, and lating currency restrictions, Mrs. said, · "especially since the Rus­ at the Jewish Community Centre, Jewish ceremonial objects will be I. Gertzen, a Russian-born Chica­ sian Government recognized his Jews' Prosperity L. Justin Huddish was elected given as prizes for the evening. go woman, has appealed to the great ability as a violinist and president of the group. Mrs. Saul The committee is as follows: Soviet Russian Ambassador. Mrs. took charge of his instruction Abrams was chosen honorary Mrs. Philip Fox, chairman; Mrs. Gertzen learned of her nephew's when he was nine years old." , Nettles Streicher president; Philip Lieberman, vice­ Ben.iamin Goldenberg, ticket conviction in a dispatch from She went on to say that last Berlin-Alarm against the con­ president, and Mina Udisky, sec­ chairman; Mesdames Isaac Cok­ Riga, Lativa. year Goldstein and four other tinued prosperity of Jewish firms retary. in, Samuel Cokin, David Shlevin, The dispatch stated that Bussy Russian musicains won prizes in David Garfinkel, Samuel Stein­ in Germany, despite four years of Mark Huddish was awarded $~5 Goldstein, 15, was sentenced to an international musical compe­ for his prize winning play in the gold, Harry Gershman, Harry prison, after being caught smug­ Nazi effort to crowd them out, tition at Brussels. They were then Centre's second anuual play con­ Goldberg, Abraham Goodman. gling currency concealed in his was sounded by the Stuermer, given permission by the Soviet test. Entitled, "The Late Fetter Nat C. Cohen will be speaker for violin, into Russia. In her tele­ authorities to make a concert tour weekly organ of Julius Streicher, the next meeting of the group t,o Lebe," the play was presented gram to Ambassador Alexander of Europe. It is assumed he was Germany's No. 1 Jew-baiter. be held on March 2. with the following cast: Leo Co-• A. Troyanovsky in Washington, returning to Russia from this tour The Stuermer demanded to know hen, Gerald Oster, Mr. Huddlsh, Mrs. Gertzen said: "I noticed a when arrested. if aristrocats deliberately were try­ DID YOU KNOW? Boris Pritcher, Mina Udisky an<.l newspaper item regarding the Bussy is the son of Mrs. Gert­ ing to support Jews. Dorothy Frank. On Queen Isabella's monument prison sentence of my nephew, zen's brother. Mrs. Gertzen emi­ It printed a long list of regular The play was under the direc­ in Granada there appears the Bussy Goldstein, violinist. Because grated from Russia in 1905 to customers of a large Jewish-owned tion of Mrs. Saul Feinberg; Miss name of Luis de Santangel, a Mar­ of his youth and possible ignor­ join her husband in Chicago. Berlin department store containing Florence Shapiro was in charge rano, one of the main promoters ance of the severity of the crime, many names of aristocratic fam­ of makeup, and scenery was ar­ of Columbus' expedition. and also the possibility of the in- Kuhn, Nazi Leader, ilies and gobernment employees. rangea' by Harold Tregar. Jr. Hadassah Regional Sails Ior Europe Accuse De,ntists of Filling Conventio,n Here March 25 New York-Fritz Kunn, who is of Yanking Ghost Tooth the leader of the German-A111eri­ Plans are rapidly nearing com­ the organiaztion is 13,000, with can Bund with headquarters in Hempstead, L. I.-A t.ooth whfoh The District Attorney's office pletion for the New England Reg­ an administrative body and a Yorkville, sailea' last week from formerly resided in the mouth of charges that Dr. Cohen, in Oct.o­ ional Convention of Junior Ha­ central office in New York City. Hoboken for Antwerp on the LeRoy Wolffe, and another which ber of 1936, submitted a bill for dassah, to be held in Provia'ence Miss Muriel Dauer is chairman steamship Westernland of the Red remains in the possession of his at the Biltmore Hotel, on March of the approaching convention, Star Line. He would not admit wife constitute the chief evidence extracting a specified t,ooth from 26 and 27. Members from all over and is being assisted by the fol­ his identity to the press on board under which two prominent Nas- the mouth of Mr. Wolffe. It devel­ New England are expected to at­ lowing committee, consisting of although his name was printed in sau dentists are accused of relief oped that six months earlier, ac­ tend this event. Banquets, busi­ Providence and Pawtucket Junior the passenger list and also writ­ chiseling, it became known this cording to the information, Dr. ness sessions and a dance are Haa·assah members. ten on the passenger manifest. week. Gubar had turned in a bill for some of the features planned for Muriel Krevolin, toa_stmistress; Officials of the steamship line One of the defendants is Dr. filling the selfsame tooth. The in­ the convention week-end. Mildred Rifkin and Ruth Berger, said that he was Mr. Kuhn. Clarence Cohen, former police vestigator declared he learned organization, through which the Pawtucket, dance chairmen; Paul When asked if he was going to commissioner of Hempstead Vil- that the t,ooth in question actually ordganization, through which the Dauer and Molly Cokin, Pawtucket, Germany Mr.
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