Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways Country Code Country Name SMS WorldWide O P E R A T O R S 355 Albania 01 Albanian Mobile Communications (A M C MOBIL) 213 Algeria 02 Orascom Telecom Algerie Spa (Djezzy) 03 Wataniya Telecom Algerie (Nedjma) 04 ATM MOBILIS 376 Andorra 05 Servei De Tele. DAndorra (MOBILAND) 374 Armenia 06 K Telecom CJSC (VivaCell) 07 ArmenTel (ARMGSM) 61 Australia 08 Singtel Optus Limited (YES OPTUS) 09 Singtel Optus Limited (YES OPTUS) 43 Austria 10 Mobilkom Austria AG (A1) 11 Mobilkom Austria AG (A1) 12 ONE GMBH 13 ONE GMBH 14 T-Mobile Austria GmbH 15 T-Mobile Austria GmbH 16 Hutchison 3G Austria GmbH (3 AT) 994 Azerbaijan 17 Azercell Telecom BM (AZERCELL GSM) 973 Bahrain 18 MTC Vodafone (Bahrain) B.S.C. (zain BH) 19 MTC Vodafone (Bahrain) B.S.C. (zain BH) 20 Bahrain Telecommunications Company (BATELCO) 375 Belarus 21 Foreign private unitary service enterprise "MDC" (VELCOM) 32 Belgium 22 BASE NV/SA 23 Belgacom Mobile (PROXIMUS) 24 Belgacom Mobile (Proximus) 25 Mobistar S.A. 26 Mobistar S.A. Page 1 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 27 BASE NV/SA 501 Belize 28 Belize Telemedia Limited (BelizeTelecommunications) 229 Benin 29 Spacetel-Benin (Areeba) 387 Bosnia and Herzegovina 30 BH Telecom, Joint Stock Company, Sarajevo (GSMBIH) 55 Brazil 31 TIM Celular S.A. (TIM BRASIL) 359 Bulgaria 32 BTC Mobile EOOD (vivatel) 33 Mobiltel EAD (M-Tel BG) 34 Mobiltel EAD (M-Tel BG) 35 Mobiltel EAD (M-Tel BG) 36 BTC Mobile EOOD (Vivatel) 237 Cameroon 37 Orange Cameroun S.A. 1 Canada 38 Rogers Wireless Inc 39 Microcell Telecommunications Inc (Fido) 86 China 40 China Mobile 243 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41 OASIS SPRL (SAIT Telecom) 225 Côte d'Ivoire 42 Orange CI 385 Croatia 43 T-Mobile Croatia, LLC (T-Mobile HR) 44 T-Mobile Croatia, LLC 357 Cyprus 45 Areeba LTD Cyprus Telecommunications Auth 46 (Cytamobile-Vodafone) 47 Areeba LTD 420 Czech Republic 48 T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. 49 Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. (EUROTEL PRAHA) 50 Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s.(Eurotel Praha) Page 2 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 51T-Mobile Czech Republic a.51 s. 45 Denmark 52 TDC Mobil A/S 53 TDC Mobil A/S 54 Telia Nattjanster Norden AB (Telia DK) 55 Telia Nattjanster Norden AB (Telia DK) 56 Sonofon 1809 Dominican Republic 57 Orange Dominicana S.A. 20 Egypt 58 Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E 59 Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E 60 ECMS-MobiNiL 240 Equatorial Guinea 61 GETESA (Orange GQ) 372 Estonia 62 AS EMT (EMT GSM) 63 Elisa Eesti AS 64 Elisa Eesti AS 65 AS EMT 358 Finland 66 Elisa Corporation 67 TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 68 TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 69 Elisa Corporation 33 France 70 Orange France 71 Orange France 72 SFR 73 SFR 74 Bouygues Telecom 689 French West Indies 75 Orange Caraibe 241 Gabon 76 Celtel Gabon SA 220 The Gambia 77 Africell (Gambia) Ltd Page 3 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 995 Georgia 78 Geocell Ltd 79 Geocell Ltd 49 Germany 80 O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG 81 T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH 82 T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH 83 Vodafone D2 GmbH 84 Vodafone D2 GmbH 85 O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG 233 Ghana 86 Scancom Ltd (MTN) 350 Gibraltar 87 Gibraltar Telecommunications Int. Ltd. (GIBTEL) 30 Greece 88 COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A. 89 Vodafone-Panafon 90 Vodafone-Panafon 91 Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. 92 Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. 93 Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. 94 COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A. 852 Hong Kong (China) 95 Hong Kong CSL Limited (HK CSL) 96 Hutchison Telecom (HK) Ltd (3) 97 Hutchison Telecom (HK) Ltd (3) 98 SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited (SmarTone Vodafone) 99 SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited (SmarTone Vodafone) 100 Hong Kong CSL Limited (HK CSL) 36 Hungary 101 Magyar Telekom Plc (T-Mobile Hungary) 102 Pannon GSM Telecommunications 103 Pannon GSM Telecommunications (Pannon 3G) 104 Vodafone Hungary Ltd 105 Vodafone Hungary Ltd 106 Magyar Telekom Plc (T-Mobile Hungary ) Page 4 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 354 Iceland 107 IMC Island ehf (Viking wireless) 91 India 108 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - City of Delhi) 109 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Chennai,India) 110 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Kolkata, India) 111 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – Andhra Pradesh Circle) 112 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Punjab) 113 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Haryana) 114 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Kerala) 115 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Tamilnadu) 116 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – Uttar Pradesh (West) India) 117 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – Mumbai Metro) 118 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Gujarat) 119 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Maharashtra) 120 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – Madhya Pradesh) 121 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – Uttar Pradesh (East)) 122 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Jammu & Kashmir) 123 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Bihar) 124 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – West Bengal) 125 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel - Orissa) Bharti Airtel Limited (Airtel – Karnataka Circle) 126 Bharti Airtel Limited (Airtel - Assam, INDIA) 127 Bharti Hexacom Ltd (AIRTEL - Rajasthan, India) 128 Bharti Hexacom Ltd (AIRTEL – North East Circle, India) 129 BPL Mobile Communications Ltd (BPL MOBILE - City of Bombay) 130 Spice Communications Limited (Spice Telecom - Punjab) 131 Spice Communications Limited (Spice Telecom - Karnataka) 132 Vodafone Essar Cellular Limited (Vodafone - Kerala - Kerala) 133 Vodafone Essar Cellular Limited (Vodafone - Maharashtra & Goa - Maharashtra & Goa) 134 Vodafone Essar Cellular Limited (Vodafone - Tamil Nadu - Tamil Nadu) 135 Vodafone Essar Limited (Vodafone - Mumbai - City of Bombay) 136 Bharti Airtel Limited (AirTel – Himachal Pradesh Circle) 62 Indonesia 137 PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) 138 PT Telekomunikasi Selular (TELKOMSEL) 139 PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) 140 INDOSAT Page 5 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 964 Iraq 141 Orascom Telecom Iraq Corporation (IRAQNA) 142 Asia Cell Telecommunications Company Ltd 353 Ireland 143 O2 Communications (Ireland) Ltd 144 Vodafone Ireland Ltd. 145 Vodafone Ireland Ltd. 146 O2 Communications (Ireland) Ltd 354 Isle of Man 147 Manx Telecom (Pronto GSM) 148 Manx Telecom 39 Italy 149 Telecom Italia SpA (TIM) 150 Vodafone Omnitel N.V. 151 Vodafone Omnitel N.V. 152 Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA 153 Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA 154 Telecom Italia SpA (TIM) 1876 Jamaica 155 Digicel (Jamaica) Limited 81 Japan 156 NTT DoCoMo, Inc 962 Jordan 157 Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom) (Orange) 158 Umniah Mobile Company Jordan Mobile Telephone Services (JMTS) (zain JO) 7 Kazakhstan 159 Kar-Tel Ltd 160 (Beeline160 ) 965 Kuwait 161 National Mobile Telecommunications Co.(Wataniya Telecom) 162 Mobile Telecommunications Co. (zain KW) 371 Latvia 163 Latvian Mobile Telephone Co (LMT GSM) 164 Latvian Mobile Telephone Co 370 Lithuania 165 OMNITEL 352 Luxembourg 166 P & T Luxembourg Page 6 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 167 P & T Luxembourg (LUXGSM) 961 Lebanon 168 MIC1 (ALFA) 169 MIC2 (MTC TOUCH) 60 Malaysia 170 Maxis Communications Berhad (MMS & MB) 171 Maxis Communications Berhad (Maxis 3G) 960 Maldives 172 Wataniya Telecom Maldives Pvt. Ltd (WMOBILE) 173 Wataniya Telecom Maldives Pvt. Ltd 356 Malta 174 Vodafone Malta Limited 175 Mobisle Communications Limited (go mobile) 230 Mauritius 176 Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd. 52 Mexico 177 Radiomovil Dipsa SA de CV (TELCEL) (TELCEL GSM) 373 Moldova 178 Orange Moldova S.A. (VoXtel) 382 Montenegro 179 ProMonte GSM 212 Morocco 180 Medi Telecom 181 IAM 31 Netherlands 182 KPN B.V. (KPN Mobile The Netherlands BV) 183 Orange Nederland N.V. 184 T-Mobile Netherlands (T-Mobile NL) 185 T-Mobile Netherlands (T-Mobile NL) 186 TELFORT B.V. 187 Vodafone Libertel N.V. 188 Vodafone Libertel N.V. 189 KPN B.V. (KPN Mobile) 64 New Zealand 190 Vodafone Mobile NZ Limited 191 Vodafone Mobile NZ Limited 192 Vodafone Mobile NZ Limited Page 7 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 234 Nigeria 193 MTN Nigeria Communications Limited 194 Globacom Ltd. (Glo Mobile) 47 Norway 195 NETCOM AS 196 Telenor Mobil 197 Telenor Mobil 198 NETCOM AS 968 Oman 199 Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOC (nawras) 200 Oman Telecommunications Company (OMAN MOBILE) 92 Pakistan 201 Mobilink-PMCL 202 Pakistan Telecommunciation Mobile Ltd (Ufone) 203 Mobilink-PMCL 63 Philippines 204 Globe Telecom 205 Globe Telecom 48 Poland 206 Polkomtel S.A. (Plus) 207 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (Era) 208 Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (Era208 ) 209 PTK Centertel (Orange) 210 PTK Centertel (Orange) 211 Polkomtel S.A. (Plus) 351 Portugal 212 Optimus Telecomunicacoes S.A. 213 TMN 214 TMN 215 Vodafone Portugal 216 Vodafone Portugal 217 Optimus Telecomunicacoes S.A. 974 Qatar 218 Q-Tel (Qatarnet) 262 Reunion 219 Orange Reunion Page 8 of 11 Leopard For Trading s.a.r.l. LeopardSMS Coverage List International Messaging Gateways 40 Romania 220 Orange Romania SA 221 Vodafone Romania S.A. 222 Vodafone Romania S.A. 223 Orange Romania SA 7 Russia 224 Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) 225 OJSC VimpelCom (Beeline) 226 MegaFon, Open Joint Stock Company 966 Saudi Arabia 227 Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily) 228 Saudi Telecom Company (STC) (AL JAWAL) 229 Etihad Etisalat Company (Mobily) 221 Senegal 230 Sonatel (Alize) 65 Singapore 231 MobileOne Ltd 232 Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd (SingTel) 233 Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd (SingTel) 234 Singapore Telecom Mobile Pte Ltd (SingTel-G18) 235 MobileOne Ltd 421 Slovakia 236 Orange Slovensko a.s. (Orange SK) 237 Orange Slovensko a.s. (Orange SK) 386 Slovenia 238 Mobitel D.D.
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