NPS FornI 11).900 (MIB No. 10u0018 (FWI.8-86) United States Department of the Interior or r:, ( I. A \. National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form . nOmin~ting req~esti~g d~t~~minations This form is for use -in" or 'of eligibility for individual properties or districts. See insiruCtlons in Gulde/ines I lor Completing National Register Forms (National Register Bulletin 16). Complete each item by marking "x" in the appropriate box or by entering the requested infonnation. If an item does not apply to the property ~ing documented, enter uN/A" for "not applicable." For functions, styles, materials. I and areas of significance, enter only the categories and subcategories listed in the instructions. For additionjil.space use continuation sheets (Form 10-9OOa). Type all entries.. I 1. Name of Pro e historic name Portland New Chinatown Japantown Historic illstrict other nameslsite number Chinatown National Register Historic District 2. Location street & number Multi Ie rties N not for pUblication cit, town Portland vicinity state Oregon code OR county Multnornah code 051 zip code 97209 3. Classification Ownership of Property Category of Property Number of Resources within Property [ji] priv~te o building(s) Contributing Noncontributing [Xl pUblic-local [li] district -3 C· 29 ".,' 16 buildings o public-State o site ___ sites o public-Federal o structure _-;;-- structures Dobject -,-7;2:-objects 1 ._/ 29 / / 18 Total Name of related multiple property listing: Number of contributing resources previously N/A listed in the National Register -<RL. _ 4. State/Federal Aaencv Certification I As the designated authority under the National Hip ;, P eservation·' ~ct of 1966, as amended, I hereby certify that this IKJ nomination 0 request for determination of er~i i . eels the dc, ~mentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets e p nd p' ~sionaJ"requirementsset forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property 00 meets 0 does klt ~ N tifnal 9ister criteria. 0 See continuation sheet. ; \ I... Seotember 1. 1989 I Signature of certifying official : v I \I Date Oregon State Historic PreservatiOn·Offihe I State or Federal agency and bureau \ t~e In my opinion, the property 0 meets 0 does not meet National Register criteria. 0 See conlinuali;n sheet. I Signature of commenting or other official Date State or Federal agency and bureau I 5, National Park Service Certification I, hereby, certify that this property is: I o entered in the National Register. D see continuation sheet. o determined eligible for the National I Register. D See continuation sheet. I o determined not eligible for the National Register. o removed from the National Register. Dottier, (explain:) _ Signature of the Keeper Date of Action LU 21-029602 DM AD Exh. G2 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (enter categories from instructions) Domestic Domestic Commerce/Trade commerce/Trade Social Social Industry Industry Religion Religion 7. Description Architectural Classification Materials (enter categories from instructions) (enter categories from instructions) foundation -- concrete Late Victorian walls wood, stucco, stone, brick­ American Movements concrete and tile Modern Movement roof ",a""s~p~ho:=al=t,--,=sh~i~n9,.1=::-e",s7-'-' -,r",o",l",l",ed""--;:r-"o",o",f=.i,,,ng other 1.=.'r=o",n,-,;,po=r..::c",h'-..:r..::a",i::;1",i",n:;:9",s,-"--"s",h:;:ee=to...::m"e,,,t=al canopies cast iron Describe present and historic physical appearance. See Continuation Sheet I I II I I ;" .,'... "'.-. ,';-.' i I I 00 See continuation sheet LU 21-029602 DM AD Exh. G2 8. Statement of Significance Certifying official has considered the significance of this property in relation to other properties: o nationally 0 statewide IKJ locally Applicable National Register Criteria [K] A 0 B [Xl cOO .,.. Criteria Considerations (Exceptions) 0 A 0 B 0 cOO 0 E 0 FOG Areas of Significance (enter categories from instructions) Period of Significance Significant Dates Asian Ethnic Heritage 1880-1909 1909 Industry 1910-1943 1943 Commerce Architecture Cultural Affiliation Chinese Japanese Significant Person Architect/Builder N/A See listing in Physical Description #7. State significance of property, and justify criteria, criteria considerations, and areas and periods of significance noted above, I See Continuation Sheet. I I I I I I I I I [X] See continuation sheet I' i I I LU 21-029602 DM AD Exh. G2 i~ , 9. Major Bibliographical References \ I See Continuation Sheet. I I i II o See continuation sheet Previous documentation on file (NPS): I o preliminary determination of individual listing (36 CFR 67) Primary location of additional data: has been requested I:KI State hisioric preservation office EKJ previously listed in the National Register * 0 Other State agency o previously determined eligible by the National Register 0 Federal agency o designated a National Historic Landmark I:KI Local government PoJ::t1and Development o recorded by Historic American BUildings 0 University Carrnission, 1120 SW 5th Ave. Survey # I:!J Other Portland OR 97204 o recorded by Historic American Engineering Specify repository: Recoro# Oreqon Historical Society, 1230 S.W. Park ;lO,PallaY Building (1985); Skidmore Old Town Historic District (1975), Avenue, Portland, O§7204 10. Geographical Data Nos. 12. D. 14, 19. 22. 23. and 24. No. 25 is non-contributing'; Acreage of property 17.4 acres Portland, Oregon-Washington 1:24000 UTM References A ll&J 1512,s 16,0,01 15,014,113,1,01 B L1&J 15/2,51610,01 /5, 01 4, 01 9, 2, 01 Zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing C l1&J 1512,514,4,01 15,014,019,2,01 D l1J.QJ 1512,514,4,01 15, 01 4, 11 3, 11 01 o See continuation sheet Verbal Boundary Description See Continuation Sheet [XI See continuation sheet Boundary Justification The criteria for the decisions on boundaries within the Chinatown Historic District were­ based on historical, visual and physical factors. (See Physical Description #7 for additional information on specific boundary decisions.) o See continuation sheet 11. Form Prepared By for the Portland Development Commission date April. J989 telephone ( 503 ) 796-5328 state OR zip code 97204 LU 21-029602 DM AD Exh. G2 NPS Fonn 10-800-0 cue) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number _--','---_ Page _.-..!l!o....-_ PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The Chinatown Historic District is a ten block area in Portland, Oregon, bounded by W Burnside Street to the south, NW Fifth Avenue to the west, NW Glisan to the north, and NW Third Avenue to the east. The district is located in Township 29, Range 29, Section 5, in Multnomah County. There are 17.46 acres within the district. The majority of buildings within the district are used commercially or industrially, however, some buildings also contain residential units. There are 45 buildings, two features and five vacant properties within the district. There are buildings by notable Portland architects within the district which date from the historic period, 1880-1943. There are 14 buildings dating from the primary period of significance (1880-1909), 15 buildings dating from the secondary period (1910-1943),9 historic non-contributing buildings, 4 compatible non­ contributing buildings, 3 non-compatible non-contributing buildings, and 5 vacant lots. There are also two features within the district, the Simon Building facade, dating from the primary period, and the Chinatown Gateway, constructed after the historic period. The district is significant under criterion A for its historical associations. I i SETTING I1· I Portland's Chinatown Historic District is situated on the west side of the Willamette River, in the commercial and industrial center of the City, between the Glisan Street ramp to the Steel Bridge on I the north, and the Burnside Street Bridge ramp on the south. The Skidmore-Old Town Historic District, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1975, borders the eastern edge of the I I district. The districts overlap from W Burnside to NW Davis Streets, to mid-block between NW' t Third and NW Fourth Avenues. There are 10 properties contained within both the Chinatown Historic District and the Skidmore-Old Town Historic District. The Chinatown Historic District t: contains commercial, warehouse and residential uses. 1 The district is in Couch's Addition to the City of Portland, recorded August 24, 1845. The area was first developed into 200' x 200' blocks, with the east - west streets 60' wide and the north - south streets 80' wide. This area of Portland was first developed with small wooden residences and warehouses. The orientation of these buildings, as most of the early buildings in Portland, was toward the river and water related activities (Space. Style and Structure, p.184). In the 1870's, after a , series of fires, many of the wooden buildings were replaced with brick and cast iron buildings. Small residences were replaced by hotels and boarding houses. Beginning in the 1870's, the railroad changed the focus of the City's development to a financial and manufacturing center. This resulted in growth in northwest Portland, including the Chinatown Historic District. A spur line of the II Oregon Central Railroad Company appears along NW 4th. Avenue on the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company maps of the district in 1879. The Oregon Central tracks were laid from Portland to Salem by December 1876 (Empire of the Columbia p. 309). The relationship between the railroad and commercial buildings within the district was strengthened in 1896 when Union Station was completed just north of the district. The Portland Oregonian in January 1890 described Portland as "the trade center for the Northwest, with a combination of rail lines and seagoing vessels." LU 21-029602 DM AD Exh.
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