f ' . m t : k«w r«l« ^ f h 9 W e t t e r . D«lly Net Pr«M Rwi r«VMMt A WtatiHr i \ Forf «m a * Wm K Eadad Oct. MTlfW farltf «dMtr; 4lpdf,'fl«l nlgia t>iHr ^ la M. 13,036 mtliar 'mM TMaii^ MMBtor »f tke Andlt ^ Bm«M of CllniiilatiM Manch«$t^p^A^City of Vitlugo Charm r r ^ ^(ClewUled ,M Fmw li) PRICE FfVE O O m VOL. L x n x , NO. 28 (rouRTKeN f a g k s ) r^ANCHESTER, CONN, MONPAY, NOVEMBER r -ifS 9 _______ x__- Plane firkshes M ediaiots D alton H ouse, Fait to G^l K ills 2 Sisters S teet Pact Dayton, Ohi9,.oNtjv.. 2 W .— A jtt F104 Starfighter crashed broadside into> house Wfiahington, Nov’. 2 {JP)— n ^ ^ ere today and buried it- Ffideral mediatora met 8ep"- in the ruins. Two. yoiing arately with both aidea in the Wsihi&ffton. Nov. 2 (/P)—' ; Today, . Bhse.nhoweifliald^thereJ*; sisters were killed. The pilot Ill-day-old ateel strike for 7.5 PrMidi^nt Eisenhower today need for big spending for definse, minutes today with no indica­ for scientific developmehts and ejected,to safety. tion a settlement was neaT. urged the public to flood Con­ for other things . Their mother.JWcs. Grace Shoup. 37. 'ran from, the hoiise, her cloth­ Federal Conciliator '-Joaeph F. gress and his' office with de­ farmer boy fforn'Kansas" wouldn’t Finnegan aet further meetings for have th,ougnt possible '60 years ing ib flameo after the supersonic Big W inner mands that Araericals econ­ craft crushed the house Snd ex­ today with management negotia­ omy be kept sound. , sgo. ^ ' ploded. ..She is in Critical condition. tors and with negotiators for the lUMhhoa^r wsrninr aa^nit thl t h e 6»-year-old Chief Executive The Sisters werl Li5mn Shoup. 12, striking. United Steelworkers dangera M inflation; called tof was alluding to his boyhood oh a and Laura, 2.Their brothers, Billy, Union. Tells About the demonetration of suppott In Kansas fsrm.- 10, and ’Tommy, 8, were In school. Finnegan showed no particular ah InformeU talk at a "Conference In a free government such as L^n. a "sixth-graderi was to have optimism. David ,7. MCponald, ' designed to promedol e .c o n o m lc America’s, Bisenhower said, pub­ reported'for her half-day session Steelworkers president, had only growth and ^etiChiliae living epete. lic opinion runs ths government. of school' ■a€~ht>on. Their father, a' glum appraisal of settlement Script, Act He told"^ the conference /-ap'on- He added that- liberty is nothing John, was at Work at the JIational prospects. ■ora that one of the greatest helps but the opportunity for self-dlsci- Cash Register Co. ' 1 Finnegan refused to say wheth­ that the President and Congress pline. Wallace McQbrmlck. 27. of' er he anticipated further meetings Wsnhingtffn, Nov. 2 UP)— get in the handling of great prob­ In urging that public support i Xenia, was driving past the house with negotiators tomorrow. "Charlefi Van Dor«n confeased lems is millions of letters and oth- ■ Asked why he was not sched­ be ‘ rallied In a fight against Infla- vvhen the plane hit. uling Joint bargaining sesbioha to­ tearfully today that his tele­ e* communications from the pub­ tion, Eisenhower said without such j "Flames from the blast shot day, Finnegan said "because I vision appearance its a mental lic. support a government of imposed i clear across the road, more than 60 think it's btfter to do It separate­ giant was a dishonest role in Eisenhower ciUled on the spon­ discipline respite. fe«t. dway, and completely envet- ly.” ■ ' ... a great deception of the Amer­ sors to promote a flood, of such "And in the long run. no matter oped my car,” McCormick told R. Conrad Cooper, chief indus­ communications in ths interest of how ypu cut It, imposed diecipHne newsmen. "The /*''* P'’*'' ican public. try negotiator, told, newsmen, "It His boyish face drawn and hi* a sound dollar. < Is dictatorship,’’ the president the car. 1 *=®u^ld,feel the heat, is now apparent that the union Is l^at, he added, would- be "one went on. / i *’I lost control and hit the ditch determined to force a ‘Kaiser-high’ ' eye* bloodshot. Van Doren told of the greatest ssrvices ypu can As- for Inflation.' Eisenhower i about 20 yards down the roap^ settlement on the steel Industry, Hbuse inveatigators he f<filawad a accomplish for the United States said, "there is no particular vil-l When I got a look^t ,lh hMse. w- and the nation.” prepared script In giving the an­ ef AmeHca.” lain” m the picture. 'He said all was a complete Wreck and. Mrs. • “Clearl.v', they are' interested swer* that made him a national Eisenhower spoke' at a break­ _____ Shoiip was running across the yard •only In perpetuating inflation .in celebrity. ' ■ fast meeting of representatives of fCiootinued oa Page Hevwi» with her clothing afire " America and wasteful practices in The most famous of big money 48 national organisations. The one- the steel Industry," Cooper ata-ted. wlnnera on TV quiz shows—Van day conference was arranged by McDonald, asked whether he Doran collscted $129,000—testi­ H. Bruce Palmer, president of the saw. any reason for-optlmi.<nTi,. re­ fied he was coached not only in Mutual Benefit Life Insurancji^ plied; arhat to say btjt how to shy it— Co . - . "What happened? We ■wait­ groping sgonixingly for answers The President was Introduced ed and we were dismllsed; We he already knew in order to build by D. Tennant Bryan, president of will meet again at four. "' I have up suspense. the American Newspaper Pub­ nothing further to add." "I a ^ deeply Involved In a de­ lishers Assn, and head of Rich­ Succumbs in Vatican Before going into session with ception.”’ Van Doren admlttad In mond eVa) Newspapers. Inc. the mediators, McDonald com­ telling how he played the part In stressing the need for a plained to newsmen that many of AJ^BERT FRBEDMAX of genius on the old "Twenty sound economy .and an Intensive ’ Vatican City, Nov.' 2 (ff*)--Fed­ the top ?steel .company officials Onr' quiz program. were absfiht...glaring: When he had completed fats fight agslnst Inflation Elsenhower erico Cardinal Tedejpchlni, arch­ repeated a story he has told be­ "I don’t think a summit con­ story of collusion.-, followed’ by priest of St. Peter’s Basiilca, died ference could be held If the presi­ West^ Summit fear and shame. Van Doren fore. dents and premiers were not pres­ sctaowledged to newsmen adio A year ago, he thought It would early today. He was 86. First reports said death was due ent. Nothing can • happen If they asked if ns won the email for­ be a good idea to write a letter to sulk In their homes and their of- Talk in Paris tune honestly: Ws 11-year-old grandson, I^vid to inteastinal cancer for which he ..flees, , ’’ Eisenhower. The President indicat­ "I didn’t come by it honestly.” recently underwent surgery. - - .'-'-Federal, mediators moved back He said ha didn’t know whether ed he never got around to put­ He whs one of the senior mem-' Into the'Strike picture,-shifting,the December 19 - k : ting the letter in final foiWufbut deadlocked negotiatibns f f t> m he would return any of the money. bers of the College of Cardinals, But he said he was relieved now said this was the gist of the idea Pittaburgh to Washington a day that the hoax had been revealed. he wanted to put across: having been named a Prince of before the ■ Supreme Court is to Washington, Nov. 2 — Charles Van Dorei) shows his nervousness today as hs aits In ths the Church bv Pope Pius XI In President Eisenhower and the During Ms turn on the wltnssa "He should stop supporting me.” ^ . ■- hear arguments in the govern­ witness chailr of the House Subcommittee on Legislatlvs Over­ stand. Van Doren had also eon' 1933. ment’s suit to halt the atrike with heads of Britain, France and night which is Inveetigatlng rigged TV qulk programs. (A P . Explaining;' Elsenhower ’ edld . His death reduces the College of feaaed he gaVe false testimony to a 'that every time the Wg itationAl an 80-day Taft-Hartle.V Injunction. West Germany will meet in Fhotofax). New York grand Jury investigating Cardinals to 71 members. Pope McDonald said he figured that debt is boosted by a single dollar, John' X X in increased the college Paris Dec.’ 19 to/work out a 'T' ipiis shows. the youngsters of America to 74 a year ago pfter Its slae had (OoatiaiMil aA solid, western for tfilk* The youthful professor, • bitol- actually are supporting their been limited to Ttf members for with Russia, 'i'- 26 on Tlanc Itilted Isctual scion of a noted Hterfiry .alders. nearly 400 years; Agreement.on tlM^ate and place famSy, admitted he had given tbs Because! the debt soipe day Tail, handsome and of stately E w »r I arrnng answers In d*nyin|' ptwvi- must be paid by the younger gen­ bearing.*-<3»KH«al TCaesChlfif woW ^ rW iffidw on wfilW^-ieito eration. they are the ones Who House Mid ■ ^ s‘^'^fo-3ffoansiNo Groans^ lilfi.fWO was rigged in m s 'fin ^ ,.^ will have to "pick up the Ub,” recognition for his work as the Vatican’s Nuncio in Spain,, fron\ spend ■ ^ ^ Van Doren's appearance betoj^ the House Subcommittee coik! ^ . Elsenhower said.
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