For Value—Shop The Ads XQ4WNSHIB First With The News! The Largest And Best Shops And Keep Astride All The Activities Services In The Area Are Our Of The Town With Your Advertisers. Patronize Them! Home-Town Paper VOL. IX.—No. 25 CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1947 PRICE THREE CENTS New School Gets Zoning Post Street Name Duplication Target Heads Fund Canvass Small Pox Vaccination Head Seen Of Rankin; Heads Revision Group Suggests Names of War would "be unwise* for him to ac- Heroes be Assigned cept the appointment." Willard For Avenel Dunham, Fords, former member For All School Pupils To Avoid Repetition of the Board of Education, was ap.- pointed to take Mr. Winquist's Miss Scheraierhora Said WOODBRIDGE—A survey of all place. Due for Retirement street names in the Township, in an effort to eliminate duplications, Considered by B, of E. At School Year Qose will be made in the near future on Proposed B. of E. the recommendation of Third WOODBRIDGE—From all indi- Ward Committeeman Herbert B. cations, Miss Bertha Schermer- Move is Delayed horn, principal at Avenel School, Rankin. HiURun Autoist Pays an ExtraMass hnoculatioM will not be reappointed when ap- Mr. Rankin, at a meeting of the pointments for the school year Township Committee Monday, Legality of Suggested 1947-48 are made by the Board of $25 as 1st Anti-Noise OffenderIs Not Essential, Education at an adjourned meet- termed the duplication of street Change to Elective names, "one Of the most annoying WOODBRIDGE — The first skanik also of Perth Amboy. ing Monday. Unit is Questioned conviction under the new anti- Donaldson allegedly drove away Bailey's Opinion Miss Schermerhorn has given situations in the Township. noise ordinance was chalked up at high speed, blowing his horn, 29 years of service to the Town- The committeeman also suggest- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Town- last night, when Recorder Arthur but the Potskanik couple man- ship school system. It is the con- ed that where there are duplica- ship Attorney Thomas L. Hanson Brown imposed a $25 fine on aged to get his license plate WOODBRIDGE — Whether or tention of the majority of the THEODORE FREITAG tions of a street name one of the has been asked for an opinion by William Donaldson, 687 State number. not the school children of the Board that the Avenel principal WIIXARD DUNHAM the Township Commissioners on Township will be offered free im- streets be renamed in honor of Street, Perth Amboy. Donaldson An hour later Donaldson re- .has long passed • the retirement the legality of changing the Board was also fined §100 and $3 costs ported to the Carteret police that munization against smallpox, de- age and should be placed on the a serviceman who gave his life in of Education from an appointive for being a hit-and-run driver. his car had been stolen from in pends upon a decision of the Board pension list. the last war. to elective unit and for the legal Cancer Fund Drive Donaldson was arrested by front of a home in that borough of Education which will be made Last year, the board notified Kiddie Camp Films "Our system of street designa- procedures possible in such a case. Captain John K. Egran and Lieut. which he said he had been visit- at an adjourned meeting Monday. Miss Schermerhorn she would not tions must be revised eventually Various civic groups associated Slated Next Month Detective George Ealint after his ing. Upon questioning, the Am- The board has named Leo Far- be reappointed. However, she ap Promised by Lions and the confusion that now exists in the township's Education Coun- car rammed into another on boy man told-two or three stories ley and Supervising Principal Vic- peared at a board meeting and because of name duplications cil have asked that this questtion Port Heading road, injuring two all of which varied and he was tor C. Nicklas to confer with the requested she be permitted to stay might be corrected by adopting be put before the voters in No- Freitag Again Selected persons, John and Esther Pot- placed under arrest. doctors of the Township and on until January 1, to enable her this measure," he declared. vember's election as a local public Health Officer Harold J. Bailey to settle financial matters. When Local Club to Provide Mr. Rankin also suggested issue. They have not gone on rec- As Campaign Leader; and they are expected to report at the first of the year came around Show Weekly During streets known by number or letter ord for or against either an ap- Monday's session. the board decided it would allow be renamed after local war heroes. appointitve or elective board, but ,000 Township Goal Officials to View School Use Denied Meanwhile, Mr. Bailey stated the principal to complete the '47 Summer Schedule Mayor August F. Greiner agreed have asked only that the town- WOODBRIDGE — Theodore R. yesterday he had met with most of school year, inasmuch as it would with" the suggestion and named ship's voters have the chance to the doctors of the Township and not be feasible to change school WOODBRIDGE — Woodbridge Mr. Rankin as chairman of the Freitag, 3 Jenesee Court, has again Vet Housing Needs To Religious Sect the majority is of the opinion that heads in the middle of the year. make such a choice. been named chairman of the Can- dons Club has assumed the re- survey committee. AU other mem- The initiative for the planning mass innoculation is not necessary. It is understood Miss Schermer- spohsibilty of providing enter- cer Drive in Woodbridge. A goal of However, he said, they do recom- bers of the committee will serve of such a question on the ballot $3,000 has been set. horn has expressed the desire to tainment for children at the Kiddie with Dr. Rankin. canonly come from the commis- Aim is to Obtain List Application is Refused mend vaccination of .those who remain on as principal, but after a Keep-Well Camp during the eight- In announcing the opening of commute to New York City daily. No bids were received for the sioners or frem the Board of the campaign, which will continue conference of the board an au week summer schedule,. 'Police Education, it cannot be started by Of Faults Requiring By B. of E.; No Action The health officer also stated he thoritative source stated it was laying of sidewalks and curbings through May, Mr. Freitag said that Chief George E. Keating, president at the veterans project and it was public petition, according to au- On Janitor Supplies expected to have enough vaccine agreed her contract would not be of the Lions Club, announced at nationally the American Cancer Correction; Seek Aid by the middle of next week to vac- renewed. voted to readvertise for bids to be authorities cited Tuesday by the Society hopes to collect $12,000,000. the bi-monthly meeting Tuesday delegates of the Education Coun- WOODBRIDGE — The Wood- WOODBRIDGE — Contracts for cinate 1,200. To Receive Pension. at the Middlesex Hotel. received on May 5 but to eliminate The dramatic challenge—"Un- the necessity of a surety bond. cil. less we Act—One in Eight Will Die bridge Veterans Housing Authority janitors' supplies were withheld Vaccine Offered Miss Schermerhorn is not a Edwin Casey, assisted by Albert The move on the part of the and the Township Committee will by the Board of Education Monday A member of the Board of Edu- member of the State Teachers A. Discavage, will have charge' of Dunham Named of Cancer"—has been adopted as Education Council was first, in- the official slogan of the campaign make a survey of the veterans' due to the "'variance in prices" in cation said yesterday that Samuel Pension Fund and therefore, ac- the program at the camp which Arvid Winquist who was ap- troduced at the last meeting of the bids received. On a recommen- Katz, Fojjds druggist, has offered cording to law, she must be paid pointed to the Zoning Board by and' according to Mr. Freitag, all projects at Woodbridge and Haga- will include weekly showings of the Board of Education, which man Heights Saturday in order to dation by Commissioner Harold sufficient vaccine to immunize the a pension by the school district moving pictures. Mayor Greiner at the last meeting, the workers have promised whole- children attending Fords Schools referred the matter to the town- hearted cooperation. secure a complete list of items Van Ness, the awarding of the con- which is equivalent to one-fourth The Lions will also offer to co- resigned by letter. He stated "after ship commissioners. The Educa- tract was held up until the ad- 7 and 14 and the Lady of Peace of her average salary for the past operate with the Memorial Day careful consideration" he. felt it Collections' will be made in the needing correction. , School against smallpox. five years or approximately $900 a tion Council has stated that it schools and among merchants and journed meeting Monday. ommittee and Dr. Aaron Pargot feels the board to be "out of touch • The Housing Authority will then Bids received were Woodbridge The spokesman stated that if year. was named as chairman of the industries. Containers will be make an appeal to the Federal wtih the public," and asks for a placed in public buildings and Hardware Company, $1,683.61; the board reaches the decision to Just who will be Miss Schermer- Lions committee. test of public opinion as to Public Housing Administration for Service Hardware Company, (sev- immunize the youngsters, it will horn's successor is not definitely Mr.
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