All til* Kewi of SECTION BSD BANK and •urroundlnr Towni Told Fearletslj and Without BIM RED BANK REGISTER ONE Issunl Wnklr. Entered u 8« condXlau Matter at th* FotU Subicrjptlon Pricoi On. Yw 12.00- VOLUME EVIII, NO. 50. offlc* at B»a Back. N. J, under tht Act o( llarch I, 1S7». RED BANK, N. X,- (THURSDAY, JUNE A, 1936. Six Moathi 11.00. Slngl* Copy 4c* PAGES 1' fTO Attains Highest License Granted Cheaper Water Rates; Eighty Beer Cans "Gift" Of Gavel Middletown House More Fire Protection Made Into Chair Percentage In For Serving Bar He Already Owned As Historic Shrine "Save your beer cans and Post Office Exam On Broad Street Last month the board of edu- nuke your own furniture," cation of Middletown township Such Is the advice which Rob- Miss Ollye Truex, Only Female New Adjunct of the Strand Res- passed a motion to make a gift Township Committee of Middletown Township Gains ert Taylor, who lives on Oak of the gavel used by its presi- Ancient Marlpit Hall, the Taylor Homestead, Will Ba HIU farm in Middletown town- Contestant, Gets Rating of taurant Will Open in About dent, Wardweli G. Thomas, to Most of Its Objectives in Appeal on ship, Is giving these days and James C. Hendrlckson, a former Given by Mrs. J. Amory Haskell to which he has literally carried 95.20 Per Cent in Recent Two Weeks—Patrons to «be president. The board took this East Keansburg Water Case, out himself. On exhibition at Civil Service Test. Required to Drink at Tables. action with tho .thought of show- Historical Society Saturday. the store ol Doremus Bros. U a Ing appreciation of Mr. Hen- The state board of public utility large aim chair made ol beer A serving bar for the sale of al- drlckson's long service as a Fifty-five persons took the examin- board member. Later the board Marlpit Hall, the ancestral Taylor commissioners handed down a de- cans by Mr. Taylor. It required cohoiio beverages will be opened in homestead on King's Highway, Mid- clslon and order last _week_ln_the_ SociaLService^ a large amount of tune and ation conducted by the United States about two weeks as an adjunct of discovered that the gavel actu- Givll-Servlee-Commission—lor—sub- ally was owned~by~HrT~IIen- Rumson Private ^ dletown village, will ba tho acane ot— matter of the complaint orihB Town- painstaking work to construct the~Strandrestaufantof Broad street^ simple ceremony Saturday after- ship of Middletown against the Ideal the chair. That It is substan- Btitute clerk-substitute carrier at the Red Bank, in tho building adjoining drickson. It was made a num- Beach Water Company. The Ideal Nurses Handle Red Bank high school February 29. he restaurant owned by George ber of years ago by the manual noon at 3 o'clock when It will ba tially made Is attested by the It was under, the direction of P. J, School Holds given to the Monmouth County His- Beach Water company has been fact that four persons weighing Hanco Patterson and formerly occu- training pupils and given to promising lire protection for the EasV Glsleson, secretary ol the commission pied by Berge's Market. The license him. When Mr. Hcndrlckson torical association by Mrs, J. Amory 57,000 Patients more than 600 pounds sat In it in this district, and be was assisted HaBkell. The donor is the owner of Keansburg area for three or four the other day. was granted Monday night by the ended his service as president Commencement years. by Charles Beck and Alexander Cur- mayor and council. According to he left the gavel at the school a large estate In Middletown town- "Eighty beer cans, 260 feet of chin, all members of the force of the ship, near Red Bank, and a member Hydrants were Installed but aa they ive and a Half Times ai Many old-time Red Bankers the new bar board room. cord and three backaches went Red Bank postofflce. will be the first on Broad street In Lars S. Potter, Jr., Awarded of the association. were, not'on large enough mains, they Calls Made in 1936 at in 1925 Into the making of the chair," The foregoing facts were ex- The property will bo accepted by were not recognized by the Fire Un- said Mr. Taylor, In describing 45 years. However, it will not be Trmtees' Prize and William H. derwriters and therefore the area in Rural DittricU—Operate an ordinary bar, as patrons will plained by William K. Larsen, the trustees of tho historical asso- how he made the furniture. The have to be seated at tables when a member of the board, last Tailer the Biehop Trophy— ciation. All members of tho associa- could not get tho benefit of fire pro- cans are soldered together. Six tection rates. The township com- Ten Health Centers. served. Drinks will also be served Thursday night. At Mr. Larsen's Eight in Graduating Class. tion have been invited to be present brands of cans are In the chair with meals. suggestion It was voted to have and to view the house from 3 to 8 mittee last November filed a petition and -they present an odd assort- against tho Ideal Beach Water com- Following closely In the footsteps Artisans have been busy, for sever- a silver plate with a suitable in- o'clock. There will be no formali- ment of colors. The cord was al weeks past in putting the build- scription placed upon it to be Lara S. Potter, Jr., waa awarded ties; simply a brief presentation and pany aBklng for an order from tho if Florence Nightingale, the patron used for the seat A salesman acceptance. It is expected that rep- commission to furnish adequate lire lalnt of nurses, the public health de- ing in condition for its new purpose fastened to the gavel. The fact the trustees' prize at the commnnce- for Fabst's Blue Eibbon beer and the finishing touches are now that the board had attempted to ment exercises of the Rumson pri- resentatives of the Riker, Jackson protection and also to reduce tho jortment of the Monmouth County offered to give four cases of and DuPont families of Revolution- rates. )rganization for Social Service made being applied. It will have a very "give" Mr. Hendrickson his own vate school laat Friday afternoon. beer for the chair, but Mr. Tay- attractive appearance and will be gavel was referred to with con- This award, the highest in the school, ary war fame will be present. Several hearings were held and '7,115 calls In the past year in lor declined «to make the ex- The meeting Saturday will be for they were attended by Howard W. ampalgn to prevent illness and lay provided with air conditioning and siderable amusement. is presented to the senior who has change. Indirect lighting facilities. John shown outstanding qualities in char- members only and they must pre- Roberts, township "clerk; Craig Fln- foundation for growth and future sent their membership cards. How- negan, township engineer; and a com- lapplness of individuals in the rural Morris and William Noglows, the acter, scholarship, athletics and lead- owners of the restaurant, have been ership. The Bishop trophy for the ever, beginning with next Tuesday mittee from the township committee lections of Monmouth county. This the house will be open to the public composed of John T. Lawley, Philip B five and one-half times as many engaged in business at Red Bank a outstanding athlete was presented to Leonard and Victor E. Groaslnger. number of years and they have been Shrewsbury Has William H. Tailer. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- alls as were made in 1925. Woman's Club To very successful. days from 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. An Various conferences were held and an In addition to relieving the critic- Eight were in the graduating class. admission fee will be charged for agreement was reached on April 30 Lily ill, the chronically diseased and The license was granted without a Last Boy Scout Others in addition to the two pupils those who are not members of the concerning the matter and the de- ixpectant mothers, the department dissenting vote. Councilman Thomas "mentioned above were Prudence cision and order of the utilities com- Mark Season End M. Gopsty was absent. Some time historical association. :ares for the health of men and Stewart White, Charles F. Morton, The house is one of the oldest In misilon dated May 28 was a result of •vomen on parole from varloUB state ago It was voted to adopt a rule not Court Of Honor Ncwcombe C. Baker, Jr., Edwards that agreement. to grant any more Hcenaea than the Monmouth county and one of the Institutions, boys up to 16 years of With A Luncheon F. Rullman, George Stewart Hoag- least changed. Both its exterior and During all this time, Mr. Roberts number then In existence. It waa land and Frederick J. Burghard. ige and persons on parole from the stated at the meeting Monday night Members of Shrewsbury Troop Interior appearance Is substantially tokk care of the interests of the tate hospitals. Tuberculosis clinics Event Next Tuesday Will Also The principal speaker was Robert the same as when It was built. Th» township of Middletown and tho Ideal that Angelo Scotti is about to close No. 50 Honored for Having H. McCarter of Rumson, Well-known onducted every Friday morning In his bar on Shrewsbury avenue and historical association will maintain Beach Water company was represent- 'arlous parts of the county have Celebrate a Double Anniver- Full Enrollment Advanced in lawyer.
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