City of Warsaw Property Announcements – February 22, 2017 NOTICE Pursuant to Article 214b(2) and (4) of the Real Estate ivlanagement Act of 21 August (consoljdated 1997 text of 2A16, item 2147), the fottowing notiJe is her"bi ;";;.' Tne Real Fjtate Resrilution Depanmenl of iJ.e City of Warsaw (hereinafter -tne uepalrmenl by way of ,1949 ), the application of 16 Febfuary filed by co_ownef and co_ o-wners' plenipolentjary ,,the Witotd Heintze (hereinafter Appti;ant,,), restOing rn Warsaw at. ut. Wspotna 35 apartment 13 (the Applicant,s d ;;;;J;;;;;""" Known ro tnts uepartment), pielaszewski ,,the Jan Robert (hereinafter Applicant,,), residing in Poznaf at ut. Hetmaiska 6 (the Appticant,; fast aOaress oi iJsiirn"u known to_lhis Depadment), and Janina przedmojska - ,,the he'r of K;;;t i:e;;v;ano (hereinafter Appticant ), acidress of residence unknown, conouclng::'lT']ll_-":ii9.rt is aomtntstElive pfoceedings in respect of establishing the fight of perpeluar usJ'rJcr. ,rroer Article 7( 1) ot the De;ree on the Ownership and-Usufruc"t of La'nO i,rrtn,n the City,of Wafsaw, dated 26 october 194s (oz.u. l,tourniat oi tiws rf". so, iiir.'zzs, ofihe reat e;tate in wa,"u* at ur. Jc,l:,:L*:j..'1"^"?::,:g rormeriy mafted f,,g""_"^tiq:'l !]uiu"r,i"go as hip. 10501" hereinafler.,the Real Estate,). Except ior the said application, no other papers have been filed on this matter. hrs tegal are requested to appear in por6on before rnls.,,^ uepanment, within .successors ^-]!glryl""ll9r six months from the date of this notice, provide their current addresses of residence and, within the successive tnree months, provu in"iiiigf,iio Real Eslate. Failure a" to do so may result jn the discontinuance of the" Decree Proceedinos. j,,; *,*, ;i'ff"r#:ilT,:ir# ;:li*,!"iH,#:!T il%$,""f3g :?:li,f",; r their rights and provide their current addresses of r""icren"u, oni.,uli!,iiirJ the successive period, '*iii 3-month the Derree ero"""oingi bu li"iiiil,iril,"iO",V "r," ?;?""*" with Articte 214b(1) or the Reat Estate Na",i"g;"r,t1"i ;i !-i Ars*t NOTICE Pursuant to Article 214b(2) and 14) of lhe Reat Estate Management Aci oJ 2.1 August rye/ (consotldated Len of 2016. ilem 2147), the fo owing notice is hereby issued. Ttse Real Estate Restitut,on Department of the City of Warsaw (hereinafte| rne ueoanment^ ,1949 ). by way of the application of 11 July filed by Wddyslaw and mlled coljat (hereinafter laoy'S.a . the AoplicanL ,, residing i; War;w at ur, smorenska 91 (the Appticants lasl address of residence known to rhts DeparlmenU. rs conducling- administrative Droceedings In respecr of establishino rtre riohi ot perpetual usulruct undef Arircle 7(l)ofthe Decree on the Ownership;nd Usuf;uct ot Lano wlthln rne Crty ot Warcaw, dated 26 Octobef 1|945 (Dz.U. [Jaurnat of Laws] No. 50, .the proceedings,), item 279, hereinafler Decree of ths reuf in Waoi*iiuf. Barkocifiska15 (at present 2B), formerty maifed as,,Osada"ifutu p""rinOW;, f+Zize, (hereinafter "the Real Estate,,). Except for ihe said application, no ottrer papeis trave beeir filed on this matter. The Appticant or his regal successors are requested 10 appear in pelson before this Department, within six monlhs from the date of this notjce, provide their current addresses of residence and, within the successive three mofths, prove their right to the Real Estate. Faiture to do so may resutt i" tne oisconiinllnce Proceedings. ;i il; il;,." On the ineftective expiry of lne 6-month time timit for ihe Appticarls 10 ioin the marrer rn questton provide and lheir curent addresses of residence, or if thev claim their rights provide and thejr curent addresses of resjdence, on the inetfectfve eipiry of the successive 3-month period, the Decree pfoceedings witt Oe Aisconiinu6J, accordance rn with Article 214b(1) of the Reat Estate Mariagement nct oi n-ujust 1997. ii NOTICE Pursuant to Article 214b\2) and (4) of ihe Reat Estate l\ranagement Act of 21 August 1997 (consolidated texlof 2016, item 2147), the following notice is hefeby issued. The Real Estate Restitution Department of the City of Warsaw (hereinafler .the Department), by way of the application of 16 February 1949 fited by Jadwiga Zofia Wadyslawa Jachalska and Wladyslaw Szczesny Jan Jachalski (hereinaiter,,lhe Applicant"), residing in Katowice at ut, cen. Sikorskiego 48 / ul. Wandy 48 (the Applicant's last address of residence known to this Department), is conducling administEtive proceedings in respect of establishing the right of perpetual usufruct, under A.ticle 7(l) of the Decree on the Ownership and Usufruct of Land within the City of Warsaw, dated 26 Octobef 1945 (Dz.lJ. [Joumal of Lawsl No. SO, item 27!i, hereinafter "the Decree Proceedings"), of the feal estate in Warsaw at ur. Belwederska, formerly marked as "Hip, No. 3068 and 3069" (hereinafter,,the Real Estate"). Except for the said application, no other papers have been filed on this mafler. The Applicant or his legal successors are requested to appear in person beforo this Department, within six months from the date of this notice, provide theif curent addfesses of residence and, within the successive three months, prove their right to the Real Estate. Failufe to do so may result in the discontinuance of the Decree Proceedings. On the ineffective expiry of the 6-month time limit fof the Applicants to join the malter in question and provide their current addresses of fesjdence, or, lf they clarm their ights and provide lheir curfent addfesses of residence, on the ineffective e;lpiry of the successive 3-month period, the Decree proceedings will be discontinued, In accordance with Article 214b(1) of the Real Estate ivlanagement Act of 21 August 1997. NOTICE Pursuant to Article 214b(2) and (4) of the Reat Estate t\,4anagement Act of 21 August 1997 (consoljdated text of 2016, item 2147), the fo owing notice is hereby issued. The Real Eslate Resljtution Department of the City of Warsaw (hereinafter .the Departmenf'), by way of the application of 9 October 1948 fited by Eudeniusz Jan Kowalski (hefeinafter'Ihe Appticant"), residing in Warsaw at ul. Krasiclkiego 20/22 (the Applicant's last address of residence known to this Department), is conducting administrative proceedings in respect of establishing the right of perpetual usufrucr, under Article 7(1) of the Decree on the Ownership and Usufruct of Land wlthin the City of Warsaw, dated 26 October 1945 (Dz.U. [Jaumal of LawsJ No. SO, item 279, hereinafter "ihe Decree Proceedings,), of the real estate in Warsaw at ul. Bialobrzeska 9, formerly marked as 'Kolonia we wsi Czyste No.433/44', W_269 plot marked with letter k (hereinafter,,the Real Estate',). Excepl for the said application, no other papers have been filed on this matter. - The Applicant or his legal successors are requested lo appear in pet'son before this Department, wilhin six months lrom the date of this notjce, provide theif current addresses of residence and, within the successive three months, p;ove their right io lne Real Estate. Failufe to do so may resuli in the discontinuance of the- Decree Proceedinos. On the ineffective expjry of the 6-month time limii for the Applicanls to join the matter rn question and provjde theif current addresses of residence, or, if thei claim their rights and provjde their curent addfesses of resjdence, on lhe ineffective e;piry of the successive 3-month period, lhe Decree proceedings will be discontinued, rn accordance with Article 214b(1) of the Real Esiale Manegement Act of 21 August 1997. NOTICE Pursuant to Arlicle 214b12) and (4) of the Real Estate l\4anagemeni Act of 21 August 1997 (consolidated text ot 2016, iterr, 2147), the following notice is hereby issued. The Real Estate Restitution Departmenl of the City of Warsaw (heleinafter "the Department"), by way of the application of 25 April ,1949 filed by Mariaina J6iwiak (hefeinaftef "the Applicant"), residing in Warsaw at ul. Lochowska 37 apartment 17 (the Applicant's last address of fesidence known 1o this Depa(ment), and Wadyslawa Tempifiska (hereinafter "the Applicant"), "), residing in Warsaw at ul, Elrzeska 11 apartment 43 (the Applicant's last address of residence known to this Department), is conductjng administratjve proceedings in respecl of eslablishjng the rjght of pemetual usufruct, under Article 7(1) of the Decree on the Ownership and Usufruct of Land within the City of Warsaw, dated 26 Oclober'1945 (Dz.U. [Journalof Laws] No.50, item 279, hereinafter "the Decree Proceedings"), of the real estate in Warsaw at ul. Sir2aiska 1, formerly mafked as "Kolonia Targ6wek No, 13 and 19A/1,', W-1776, plot 14 (hefeinafler "ihe Real Estate"). Except for the said application, no other papers have been filed on this matter. The Applicant or his legal successors are requested to appear in peEon before this Department, within sjx months frcm the date of this notice, provide their current addresses of residence and, wilhin the successive three months, prove their right to the Real Estate. Failure to do so mav result in the discontinuance of the Decree Proceedings. On the ineifective expiry of the 6-month time ljmit for the Appticants to join the natter in question and provide their current addresses of residence, or, if thev claim thelr righls and provide their current addresses of residence, on the inetfective expiry of the successive 3-month period, the Decree Proceedings \^/ill be discontinued, in accordance with Article 214b(1) of the Real Estate l\4anagement Act of 21 Auglst 1997. 6 NOTICE Pursuant to Article 214b(2) and (4) of the Real Estate tvtanagement Act of 21 August 1997 (consolidated text of 2016, item 2147), the fo owing notice is hereby issued.
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