M aFireHistory p1: M aVegetation p2: Com m unities M aVegetation p3: Thresho ldAnalysis M aBushfire p4: Beha viourPotential Loc a tion Gooloogong SouthernRanges Region W oodstock BendickMurrell Mt Crowther Mt Crowther Mt Crowther Road # Road # Mt Crowther Road # W ildfireFeb 2006 Road Cowra NationalPark H wy Trail Trail Trail Mid Trail Trail Trail Trail Grenfell W estern FireMa nagem entStrategy Trail Trig Trig Trig W attam ondara Spring Spring Spring Trig H enry W yangala Spring Greenthorpe 2016 Strathmore Strathmore Strathmore Strathmore Roberts Roberts Roberts Lawson Koorawatha Roberts H wy W ay Scale:Works Program map Location 1:20000, map other 1:900000, maps 1:40000 ISBN: 978-1-76039-650-3, OEH ISBN:978-1-76039-650-3, Version: 2016/0808, Decem ber2016 Bribbaree R eidsFlat BendickMurrell V alley Trail Trail Trail W ay Trail Glen Glen Glen ThisMa psho uldbe used inco njunctionwith airpho and tos ground reco nnaissanceduring Glen Monteagle Echo Echo Echo incidentsand thedevelop m entof incident ac tionplans. Crowther Crowther Crowther Lachlan Trail Trail Echo Crowther Trail Trail Bendick Murrell Bendick Murrell Bendick Murrell O lym pic Frogm ore National Park National Park Bendick Murrell National Park CopyrightNational Parks Wildlife& Service. These data are notguaranteed beto free National Park Young Murringo fromerror oromission. The National Parks Wildlife& Service and its em ployeesdisclaim Creek Creek Creek liabilityforany act done theon information thein data and any consequences suchof acts oromissions. Annandale Annandale Creek Annandale Annandale R ugby T hismap isbased Landon and Property Information Standard Topographic1:25000 Map Series. W ombat R eproducedwith permission Landof and Property Information. Boorowa Burley Trail Trail Trail Griffin Trail Stockinbingal W allendbeen R yePark W ay Crowther Crowther Crowther H arden Crowther ResourceInforma tion BendickMurrell National Park (NP(referred ) thisinto planas the Park) covers 1860ha approxim atelykm35 north Youngof theon south st westslopes NSWof and was gazetted theon 1 Januaryof 2011. T hePark ischaracterised by anundulating plateau that rises from approxim atelym400thein east approximto atelym600above sea level, Burnies Road Mcknights Lane Burnies Road Mcknights Lane Burnies Road Mcknights Lane dissectedby num erousminor drainage lines. Trail Trail Burnies Road Mcknights Lane Trail Trail H igh M eaRainfa n ll(mm ) - Young M eaTem n p erature( o C) - Young T hisstrategy has been prepared accordancein with the policies and procedures detailed thein NP WFire S Managem entManual (NP W S, 2012), and 2012), relevant legislation. 70 35 NSW National Parks and Wildlife P rescibedBurn:April 2011 Officeof 60 30 Environment, Service,Parks and Wildlife Group. GovernmentArea s Hilltops Council P rescibedBurn: March 2009 Wilkinsons Road Wilkinsons Road Wilkinsons Road SouthernRanges Region, Wilkinsons Road 50 25 Heritage P rescribedBurn: March 2008 Low Murrum bidgeeArea Seetable below forlegend 40 20 Other Young LocalAboriginal Land Council 15 RuralFireService South West Slopes Zone 30 Orga nisations Young LocalLand Service 20 10 MFIREHISTORY AP 1: MVEGETATION AP 2: COM M UNITIES MSTATUS AP 3: OFFIRE THRESHOLDS MBUSHFIRE AP 4: BEHAVIOUR POTENTIAL 10 5 IMP O R T ANTThe : following planning information isbased theon best possible data foreach table category atthe tim eproductionof T hepre-European fire history theof park isknown.notTraditionalwell fire practices Aboriginalof V egetationForma tion V egetationCom m unityDescription NSWVCA ID Reserve %Reserve V egetationFuel Haza Rating rd (undermo derateco nditionsinma vegetation ture co m m unities) theof plan(Decem berWhen 2016). used conjunctionin with other information and updates NPin WGISand S Database managem ent (Keith2002) (Benson) ha(GIS) ’s Cover Thresho ld NSWVCA ID %of Reserve Interpretation&Ma nagem entGuidelines 0 0 peopleNSWin have notbeen researchedwell and are therefore poorly understood. T heratings and modelling are specific theto Park. The information isnotfor comparison theof broader landscape managed J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D systemconcessions s, may be needed where asset managem entand biodiversity requirem entsdiffer. Ignitions W hiteBlakelysBox - Red Gum Long-leaved - Box - bythe NP WSouthern S Ranges Region. T hereislim itedinformation regarding the fire history thein park however anecdotal evidence has Fire thresholds have been ex ceeded. suggestedthat several lightning strikes during dry electrical storms have occurred over the years with NortonsRedBox - Stringybark grass/shrub woodland Grassywoodlands 268 19.6 1 these In areas, species and populations sensitive to Rating V egetationDescription %of Reserve little damlittle age.The majority stormsof occur between Novem berand February. shallowon theinsoilshills on New South Wales To o shortfire intervals may ex perienceadecline in South-westernSlopes Bioregion Frequently N/A 0 abundanceatopoint where they risk local Low 0 In AprilOEH 2011, In conducted aprescribed burn 237haof thein southern part theof park. prescribedA Burnt Prescribed burn1098haof was carried outthe in east theof park Marchin 2008by the former managers, Forestry R edStringybark Long-leaved - BlackBox - Cypress ex tinction. P ineshrub/grass woodland siliceouson sedim entary W hiteBlakelysBox - Red Gum Long-leaved - NortonsBox - RedBox - Burns Corporation.areaAn ha146of was burnt privatein landtheto west theof park by the RFS Marchin 321 28.2 1.5 Protect from fire as far as possible. 2009. 2009. rangesthein upper NSW South-western Slopes and Moderate Stringybarkgrass/shrub woodland 51.4 SouthEastern Highlands Bioregions These areas have ex periencedoneinter-fire interval T helastknown ex tensivewildfire burnt the entire park area February1932.in The source thisof fire lessthan the minim umrecomm endedinterval. MuggaIronbark mix - edbox woodland Inland ScribblyInland Gum Red - Stringybark Black - V ulnerab leto 332/322, 342, 332, 322, 321, 268, W ildfire whichstarted theon neighbouring ‘Annandale’ isthought beto from smouldering roots from apine 61.4 These areas be will ‘Too Frequently Burnt’ ifitburns R edStringybark Long-leaved - BlackBox - Cypress Pine shrub/grass woodland CypressPine hillslopeshrub-tussock grass open FrequentFire 322/342 stum pburnt weeks before. ha)smallwildfire A(1 was recorded by the RFS Februaryin 2006. 322 613.9 33 beforethe minim umthreshold isreached. R edgum black cypress pine red box woodlandlow 48.6 forestmainlyon sandstone ranges thein NSW H igh Protect from fire as far as possible. ScribblyInland Gum Red - Stringybark Black - Cypress Pine hillslopeshrub- T helim itedrecords that doex istshow that the incidence fireof forthe Park, and the surrounding area is centralwestern slopes W o rksProgram FireFrequency tussockgrass open forest low. low. Fire history iswithin the threshold forthe vegetation R edGum Black - Cypress PineRed - Stringybark W ithin 268 0.4 comm unity. AspecBushfire t Beha viour Slop eBushfire Beha viour Sem i-aridwoodlands woodlandrockyon theinhills NSW central western 332 98.5 5.3 Thresho ld slopes Fire isneither required beorto avoided. Rating Aspecindegrees t Rating Slop eindegrees THREATENEDFAUNA MANAGEM ENT 0 MuggaIronbark mix - edbox woodland theinhills on Where the age aofvegetation comm unityisgreater Low 200 - 80 Low 10 - 0 V ulnerab lePeriod thanthe max im umfire interval forthe comm unity. 0 TSC CowraBoorowa - Young - region theof NSW South- 342 797.3 42.8 Moderate 240 - 200&–80 30 Moderate 20 - 10 Com m oNam n e ScientificNam e fires If continue beto ex cluded,adecline in Schedule J F M A M J J A S O N D westernSlopes Bioregion 0 biodiversitymay result through the senescence of H igh -260240&30 - 10 H igh -3020 R edGum Black - Cypress Pine with Mugga Ironbark EasternBentwing Bat* Miniopterus schreibersii V 332/342 132 7.1 332/342, 342, 332, 322, 321, 268, plantsand their seed banks. 0 - mix - edbox woodland LongUnburnt 38.2 V eryHigh 10 - 260 Very High >30 GreaterLong-eared Bat 322/342 Long-unburnt areas are, however, ecologically Nyctophilus timoriensis V (South-easternform* R edGum Black - Cypress Pine with scribbly gum 332/322 32 1.7 significant,as there may be relatively few areas represented. Yellow-belliedSheathtail- MuggaIronbark mix - edbox woodland with scribbly ANALYSISOFBUSHFIRE BEHAVIOUR POTENTIAL Saccolaimus flaviventris V 322/342 141 7.6 Consider im plem entinganecological burn orallow bat* gum thearea burnto under suitable conditions. Bushfirebehaviour atany position theon landscape reflects LittlePied Bat* Chalinolobus picatus V U nclassified N/A N/A Site attributes such as vegetation type, slope,aspect and elevation (canaffect fuellevels, structure and moisture Spotted-tailedQuoll* Dasyurus maculatus V There has been fireno mapped forthis area and the content). Mt Crowther m ax im umrecomm endedfire interval forthe Fire weather attributes such as tem perature,relative hum idity,wind direction and wind speed. While these # Brush-tailedPhascogale* Phascogale tapoatafa V vegetationtype islonger than the length timof efor Road Unknown N/A 0 characteristicsare difficult predict,to bad fire weather days are generally associated with winds from the north-west to EasternPygm y-possum * Cercartetus nanus V whichfire records are available. west. SquirrelGlider* Petaurus norfolcensis V isnotpossible It determineto theif vegetation isin the‘W ithinThreshold’ ‘Longor Unburnt’ category Gang-gangCockatoo* Callocephalon fimbriatum
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