Saints and their Legacies in Medieval Iceland Edited by Dario Bullitta and Kirsten Wolf D. S. BREWER Copyrighted Material. This PDF has been provided by the publisher for the author's professional records only. Further distribution is prohibited. CONTENTS List of Illustrations vii List of Contributors ix Acknowledgments xiii List of Abbreviations xv Introduction: The Splendor of the Saints 1 Dario Bullitta Rannsǫkun heilagra bóka: The Search for Holy Books 1. Medieval Icelandic Hagiography: The State of the Art 11 Kirsten Wolf 2. An Old Norse Adaptation of an All Saints Sermon by Maurice de Sully 29 Stephen Pelle 3. The Tuscan Provenance of Framfǫr Maríu 61 Dario Bullitta Heilagir byskupar: Holy Bishops 4. Latin Oratory at the Edge of the World: The Fragments of Gizurr Hallsson’s *Gesta Scalotensis ecclesie presulum and the *Vita sancti Thorlaci 99 Gottskálk Jensson 5. Three Scenes from Jóns saga helga: A Typological Mode of Thought in Early Icelandic Hagiography 135 Haki Antonsson 6. Lárentíuss saga byskups: Between History and Historiography 159 Fulvio Ferrari 7. Remembering Saints and Bishops in Medieval Iceland 175 Ásdís Egilsdóttir Copyrighted Material. This PDF has been provided by the publisher for the author's professional records only. Further distribution is prohibited. Contents Heilagir karlar ok englar: Holy Men and Angels 8. Þat vóro lavg munka: A Reading of Benedikts saga in Light of the Regula sancti Benedicti 197 Mauro Camiz 9. The Lore of St Dominic in Medieval Iceland and Norway 229 Simonetta Battista 10. The Veneration of St Michael in Medieval Iceland 249 Margaret Cormack Heilagar meyjar: Holy Maidens 11. Katrínarhólar: St Catherine’s Hills, Milk, and Mount Sinai 279 Helgi Þorláksson 12. St Agnes of Rome in Late Medieval and Early Modern Icelandic Verse 307 Natalie M. Van Deusen Bibliography 325 Index of Manuscripts 363 General Index 367 Copyrighted Material. vi This PDF has been provided by the publisher for the author's professional records only. Further distribution is prohibited. Index of Manuscripts Akureyri, Héraðsskjalasafn 90, 317 AM 233a fol. 310 G-13/29 317, 319 AM 235 fol 13, 309 AM 238 fol. I 309 Bern, Burgerbibliothek 74 AM 238 fol. II 309 271 74 AM 241 a I fol 268, 272 Borgarnes, Héraðsskjalasafn AM 241 b V fol. 123 Borgarfjarðar 316 n.30 AM 291 4to 68 n.29 EE 166/34-1 316 n.30 AM 420b 4to (Lǫgmannsannáll) 162, Brescia, Biblioteca civica Queriniana, 315 Manoscritti 74 AM 429 12mo (Kirkjubæjarbók) 22, C._VII.17 74 309 Búðardalur, Héraðsskjalasafn AM 435 a 4to (Árni Magnússon’s Dalasýslu 316 n.30 catalogue) 68, 71 IS-HD-2012-3-1 316 n.30 AM 461 12mo 270 AM 623 4to 13 Cambridge, Corpus Christi AM 635 4to 71 College 30 n.3 AM 638 4to 25 303 30 n.3 AM 640 4to 25 Chantilly, Bibliothèque et archives du AM 641 4to 25 Musée Condé 74 AM 642a 4to I α 25 733 [olim 1080] 74 AM 642a 4to I β 25 Chicago, Newberry Library 75 AM 642a 4to I γ 25 Chase 105 75, 84, 86, 91, 93, 94, 95 AM 642a 4to II 25 Copenhagen, Det Kongelige AM 642b 4to 25 Bibliotek 17 AM 643 4to 25 GkS 1008 fol (Tómasskinna ) 17, 26 AM 644 4to 25 GkS 1009 fol (Morkinskinna) 12 AM 645 4to 13, 15, 21, 102, 103, 118, NkS 1222 fol 25 121, 192 NkS 1789 4to 1 25 AM 652/630 4to 21 Copenhagen, Den Arnamagnæanske AM 655 4to III–VIII 13, 25 Samling 4, 5, 13, 15, 21, 22, 25, 26, AM 655 XVIII 4to 30, 32 67, 71, 102, 115, 122, 186, 192, 233, AM 655 XXVII 4to 32 252, 268, 270, 309, 310, 315 AM 662b 4to 26 AM 45 fol. (Codex Frisianus) 12, AM 667 V 4to 233 122 AM 667 X 4to 233 AM 98 I 8vo 122 AM 670 e 4to 115, 116, 117 AM 124 8vo 315 n.29 AM 671 4to 4 AM 180 b fol. 161 n.5, 297 AM 672 4to 25 AM 221 fol. 245 n.60 AM 677 4to 186, 187, 252 AM 226 fol. 143 AM 678 4to 122 AM 232 fol. 5, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 78, AM 687 c 4to 269 81 n.63, 82 n.66, 83 n.70, 84, 86, AM 696 XXX 4to 43, 44 91, 92 AM 764 4to 25 Index Of Manuscripts AM 921 4to IV 1 13 NRA 66 26 AM 921 4to V 25 NRA 69 25 Oxford, All Souls College 76 Eyrarbakki, Icelandic Heritage 26 76, 82, 84, 87 Centre 320 Oxford, Bodleian Library 30 n.3, 232 n.17 Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Bodley 343 30 n.3 Laurenziana 74, 75 Cod. Laud. Misc. 443 232 n.17 Gaddi 208 74, 75, 77, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 91 Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de Plut.15. dext.12 74 France 45, 47, 75 Florence, Biblioteca Moreniana 75 lat. 1192 75, 84, 86, 87, 91 n.47 lat. 2949 45 Moreni 144 75 n.47 lat. 13659 45 Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale lat. 14937 47 Centrale 75 n.47, 76 n.48 lat. 16463 45 Magliabechiano XXXV, 236 76 n.48 Prato, Biblioteca Roncioniana 75 n.47 Magliabechiano XXXVII, 323 75 84, Q.II.2 75 n.47, 76 n.48 n.47 125, Q-III-33 75 n.47 Gimli, New Iceland Heritage Reims, Bibliothèque municipale 45 Museum 320 582 45 Reykjavík, Landsbókasafn Íslands – Húsavík, Héraðsskjalasafn Háskólabókasafn 122, 269, 311, Þingeyinga 316 n.30 312, 316, 317, 319 E-1432/4 316 n.30 BSS A II 1 253 ÍB 136 8vo 319 London, British Library 26, 146 ÍB 183 4to 317, 319 Additional 17392 146 ÍBR 1 8vo 269 Cotton Vespasian D. xiv 30 n.3 ÍBR 3 8vo 315 n.29 Los Angeles, Getty Museum 146 JS 207 8vo 311, 312 Ludwig VIII 2 (Würzburger JS 260 4to (Þingvallabók) 311 Psalter) 146 JS 582 4to 319 62 (95.MS.70) 242 n.52 Lbs 705 4to 312, 313, 317 Lbs 987 8vo 316, 319 Melun, Bibliothèque municipale 75 Lbs 1157 8vo 319 n.47 Lbs 1571 8vo 319 20 75 n.47 Lbs 1718 8vo 319 Metz, Bibliothèque municipale 32 Lbs 2286 4to 320 n.12 Lbs 2930 8vo 319 262 32 n.12 Lbs 3391 8vo 319 Milan, Archivio storico civico e Lbs 4942 8vo 315 n.29 Biblioteca Trivulziana 74 Lbs fragm 58 122 Triv. 430 74 Lbs fragm 82 (Kringla) 122 n.53 Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana 74 Reykholt í Reykholtsdal, O 35 sup. 73, 74 AA/2 Reykholtsmáldagi (Reykholtsmáldagi) 253 n.17 Oslo, Riksarkivet 25, 26 Reykjavík, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar Nor. fragm. 81a 207 n.32 a Islandi 5, 7, 17 364 Index Of Manuscripts AM 113 a fol 118 Holm papp 4 4to 21 AM 113 b fol 118 Holm perg 1 4to 73 AM 207 b fol. 115, 117 Holm perg 2 fol 17, 25, 26, 202, 309 AM 379 4to 124 n.56 Homl perg 3 fol (Reykjahólabók) 16 AM 382 4to 124 n.56 Holm perg 5 fol 15 AM 386 I 5, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, Holm perg 15 4to (Icelandic Homily 121, 122, 123, 124, 125 Book) 29 n.2, 179 AM 386 II 5, 115 Holm perg 16 4to AM 386 III 4to 5 (Helgastaðabók) 16, 18, 25 AM 392 4to 21 Holm perg 17 4to 26 AM 404 4to 161 n.5 AM 406 a I 4to 161 n.5 Trier, Stadtbibliothek und AM 426 12mo 7, 270 Stadtarchiv 45 AM 671 4to 33–6, 38, 39, 40–44, 55 222 45 AM 673a 4to 179 AM 673a III 4to (Íslenska Uppsala, Universitetsbibliotek 17, teiknibokin) 265 178 AM 757 a 4to 14 DG 4–7 178 GkS 1005 fol. (Flateyjarbók) 12, 13, DG 8 fol 17 234 SÁM 1 fol. (Codex Scardensis - Winnipeg, Burton Lysecki Books 320 Skarðsbok postulasagna) 17, 27, 234 Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense, Vaticana 74 Manoscritti 74 Vat. lat. 4363 74, 82 n.64, 83 n.68, 84 1728 74 Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana 75 n.46 Stockholm, Kungliga biblioteket 15, It. Z 13 (olim 4744) 75 n.46 16, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26, 73, 179, 202, 309 365 General Index Ábær, Iceland 302, 319 Ambrósíuss saga 244, 246 abbots 70 anchoress 138, 152 Abigea (virgin) 64 anchorites (hermits) 138, 209, 210 About Coldistanus 73 Anders Sunesen (archbishop of acedia (sloth) 141 Lund) 231 Adam (father of mankind) 153 Andrew, Saint 293 Advent 43 Angelo di Zenobio Gaddi (Agnolo’s Affile, Italy 205 nephew) 77 Agnes of Rome, Saint 4, 8 Anne, Saint (mother of Mary) 245 Agnes’ feast-day 308 angels 82 n.66, 249, 252, 261, 263, Agnesar saga 309, 310, 314 265, 270, 297 Agnesardiktur (poem) 8, 311, 313, 321 Aniene River 205 Agnesarkvæði (Þorvaldur Antichrist 32, 249 Magnusson) 8, 316, 317, 318, 319, apocrypha 3, 5, 23, 27, 62, 63, 73, 77, 320, 321, 322, 323 180 Agnesarrímur (Eiríkur Hallson) 8, Apollo (god) 206 312, 313, 316, 317, 319 Apostles 17, 21, 26, 27, 64, 66, 73, 76, Agnesarvísa (poem) 8, 309, 320, 321 80 n.61 Agnolo Gaddi 77 Apparitio sancti Michaelis in monte Ágrip af Noregskonungasǫgum 155 Tumba 263 Ágústínuss saga (Runólfr Apulia, Italy 251 Sigmundarson) 180, 245 Aredius of Limoges, Saint 3 Áki (companion to King Hákon) 173 Ari Þorgilsson 118, 152, 176 Akureyri, Iceland 302, 317 Ark of the New Covenant 63 Alanus de Rupe 243 Árna saga byskups 150 n.44 Albigensians 237 n.39 Arnamagnaean Dictionary, The Alcuin (prayer) 268 (Copenhagen) 15, 16, 83 Alfonso VIII (king of Castile) 231 Arnamagnaean Institute, The All Saints 200, 252 (Copenhagen) 18 All Saints’ Day 3, 4, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, Arnarfjörður, Iceland 296 37, 39 Arndes, Steffen 232 All Souls College 76 Árnessýsla, Iceland 71, 284 All Souls’ Day 4, 35, 41 Arngrímr Brandsson 26, 183, 184, allegory 179 185, 192 almsgiving 42, 268 Árni Lárentíusson 172 Alþingi 102, 114, 121, 129, 132, 182, Árni Magnússon 33, 68, 71, 101, 103, 192, 295 114–18, 123, 125, 127, 131, 132 Alviðra church 199 Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic ambassadors 86, 246 Studies, Reykjavík 122 Ambrose of Milan, Saint 135, Árni Þorláksson 198 246, 257, 264, 307, 317 See also Arnórr jarlaskáld Þórðarson 7, 258, Pseudo-Ambrose 259 Ambrosius Autpertus 31 Ars amatoria (Ovid) 13, 138 General Index Ás church 295 bishops 116, 117, 125, 130, 133, 160, 253 Áskell (archbishop of Lund) 111, 127 Bjarnastaðir church 266 Aspasius (Saint Agnes’ killer) 308 Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson 130 Assunzione della Vergine (painting) 76 Björn Benediktsson 69 Athanasius of Alexandria 139 Björn Magnússon 68, 69, 71, 92 Atlantic Ocean 322 Bjǫrn Þorleifsson (1408–1467) 234 Auðunar þáttr vestfirska 156 n.62 Bjǫrn Þorleifsson (1467–1548) 233 Auðunn Þorbergsson (bishop of Blaise of Sebaste, Saint 255, 280 Hólar) 163, 253, 255 Blasiusbás, Iceland 280 Augustine of Hippo, Saint 104, 125, Blasiusboði, Iceland 280 164, 180, 181, 186, 238, 245, 246, 263 Bologna, Italy 242, 243 See also rule of Augustine Bólstaðarhlíð church 255 Augustinians 69, 124, 125, 132, 182, Boniface IV (pope) 30 201, 245, 312, 314, 319 Bonitus, Bishop 263 avarice 239 Book of Daniel 264 Borg church 255, 256 baptism 251, 261 Borgarfjörður (Iceland) 233, 308 Barbara, Saint 301 Boso (priest) 71 Barðastrandarsýsla, Iceland 34 Brandr Jónsson 268 Bari, Italy 111, 112, 251 Brandr Sæmundsson (bishop of Barlaams saga ok Jósafats (Keyser, Hólar) 113 Unger) 12, 67, 68, 69, 71 Breiðabólstaður church 291, 292 Bartolomeus de S.
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