The Bible in Music 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb i 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb iiii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM The Bible in Music A Dictionary of Songs, Works, and More Siobhán Dowling Long John F. A. Sawyer ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD Lanham • Boulder • New York • London 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb iiiiii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM Published by Rowman & Littlefield A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 www.rowman.com Unit A, Whitacre Mews, 26-34 Stannary Street, London SE11 4AB Copyright © 2015 by Siobhán Dowling Long and John F. A. Sawyer All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Dowling Long, Siobhán. The Bible in music : a dictionary of songs, works, and more / Siobhán Dowling Long, John F. A. Sawyer. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8108-8451-9 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8108-8452-6 (ebook) 1. Bible in music—Dictionaries. 2. Bible—Songs and music–Dictionaries. I. Sawyer, John F. A. II. Title. ML102.C5L66 2015 781.5'9–dc23 2015012867 ™ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. Printed in the United States of America 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb iivv 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM Contents Acronyms and Abbreviations vii Chronology xiii Acknowledgments xxvii Introduction xxix DICTIONARY 1 Glossary of Technical Terms 275 Bibliography 287 List of Authors, Composers, and Musicians 295 Index of Biblical Names and Subjects 315 Index of Biblical References 321 About the Authors 339 v 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb v 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb vvii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM Acronyms and Abbreviations GENERAL A. alto, contralto (voice) AGO American Guild of Organists AV Asow-Verzeichins, catalog of Richard Strauss’s works by Mueller von Asow B. bass, bassus (voice) b. born Bar. baritone (voice) B-Bar. bass-baritone (voice) BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BC F Bach Compendium: Choräle und geistliche Lieder BCP Book of Common Prayer Bib. Nat. Bibliothèque Nationale BVN catalog of Langgaard’s works by Bendt Viinholt Nielsen BWV Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, catalog of J. S. Bach’s works by Wolfgang Schmieder ca. circa CA California CCM contemporary Christian music CCTV closed-circuit television CD compact disc CE Common Era cf. confer, compare CG catalog of Gounod’s works by Gérard Condé Ct. contratenor, countertenor CT Connecticut d. died D. catalog of Schubert’s works by Otto Erich Deutsch DVD digital video disc or video versatile disc ed. edited e.g. exempli gratia, for example EH English Hymnal F catalog of Arthur Bliss’s works by Louis Forman vii 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb vviiii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM viii • ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS FA Football Association FP catalog of Poulenc’s works by Carl Schmidt FWV Franck Werke Verzeichnis, catalog of Franck’s works by Wilhelm Mohr H. catalog of Berlioz’s works by D. Kern Holoman H. catalog of Charpentier’s works by Hugh Wiley Hitchcock H. catalog of Honegger’s works by Harry Halbreich H. catalog of Leo Sowerby’s works by Ronald M. Huntington Heb. Hebrew HM Her Majesty Hob. Hoboken-Verzeichnis, catalog of Haydn’s works by Anthony van Hoboken HRH Her Royal Highness HWC Healey Willan Catalogue HWV Händel-Werke-Verzeichnis, catalog of Handel’s works by Bernd Baselt i.e. id est, that is J. catalog of Peter Maxwell Davies’s works by Judy Arnold Jr. Junior K. catalog of Mozart’s works by Ludwig Ritter von Köchel KJV King James (Authorized) Version JPS Jewish Publication Society, New York L. catalog of Debussy’s works by François Lesuré Lat. Latin LXX Septuagint Mez. mezzo-soprano (voice) Movt. movement Movts. movements MS manuscript MS Bodl. Manuscript Bodley MS NAL Manuscript Nouvelles Acquisitions Latines MTV American basic cable and satellite television channel NAB New American Bible NBC National Broadcasting Company NIV New International Version No. number Nos. numbers NT New Testament Op. opus OT Old Testament OUP Oxford University Press P. catalog of Respighi’s works by Potito Peddara PA Pennsylvania 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb vviiiiii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS • ix POW prisoner of war R. catalog of Alfvén’s works by Jan Olof Rudén rev. revised RSV Revised Standard Version RV Ryom-Verzeichnis, catalog of Vivaldi’s works by Peter Ryom S. soprano (voice) S. catalog of Liszt’s works by Humphrey Searle Schleifer catalog of Gilchrist’s works by Martha Furman Schleifer St. Saint SV Stattkus-Verzeichnis, catalog of Monteverdi’s works by Manfred H. Stattkus SWV Schütz-Werke-Verzeichnis, catalog of Schütz’s works by W. Bittinger T. tenor (voice) TN catalog of Rachmaninoff’s works by R. Threlfall and G. Norris TV television TWV Telemann-Werke-Verzeichnis, catalog of Telemann’s works by Werner Menke and Martin Ruhnke UK United Kingdom Univ. Lib. university library US United States v. (pl. vv.) verse(s) Vulg. Vulgate WoO Werke ohne Opuszahl, Spohr’s works “without opus number” WWI World War I WWII World War II WWV Wagner-Werk-Verzeichnis, catalog of Wagner’s works by John Deathridge, Martin Geck, and Egon Voss Z. catalog of Purcell’s works by Franklin Bershir Zimmerman BIBLICAL LITERATURE Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Gen. Genesis Exod. Exodus Lev. Leviticus Num. Numbers Deut. Deuteronomy Josh. Joshua Judg. Judges Ruth Ruth 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb iixx 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM x • ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1–2 Sam. 1–2 Samuel 1–2 Kgs. 1–2 Kings 1–2 Chron. 1–2 Chronicles Ezra Ezra Neh. Nehemiah Esth. Esther Job Job Ps. (pl. Pss.) Psalm(s) Prov. Proverbs Eccl. Ecclesiastes Cant. Canticles (Song of Songs or Song of Solomon) Isa. Isaiah Jer. Jeremiah Lam. Lamentations Ezek. Ezekiel Dan. Daniel Hos. Hosea Joel Joel Amos Amos Obad. Obadiah Jonah Jonah Mic. Micah Nah. Nahum Hab. Habakkuk Zeph. Zephaniah Hag. Haggai Zech. Zechariah Mal. Malachi New Testament Mt. Matthew Mk. Mark Lk. Luke Jn. John Acts Acts Rom. Romans 1–2 Cor. 1–2 Corinthians Gal. Galatians Eph. Ephesians Phil. Philippians Col. Colossians 1–2 Thess. 1–2 Thessalonians 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb x 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS • xi 1–2 Tim. 1–2 Timothy Titus Titus Philem. Philemon Heb. Hebrew Jas. James 1–2 Pet. 1–2 Peter 1–2–3 Jn. 1–2–3 John Jd. Jude Rev. Revelation (Apocalypse) Apocrypha Bar. Baruch 2 Esdr. 2 Esdras Jud. Judith 1 Macc. 1 Maccabees 2 Macc. 2 Maccabees Sir. Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus) Tob. Tobit Wisd. Wisdom of Solomon 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb xxii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb xxiiii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM Chronology CE New Testament references to singing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Col. 3:16: cf. Mt. 26:30) Mishnah (ca. 200) includes rules for Jewish worship Apostolic Constitutions (375–380): eight books on early Christian worship, including hymns and doctrine Niceta of Remesiana (ca. 335–414), author of the Te Deum Lau- damus Ambrose, bishop of Milan (ca. 339–397), preacher, theologian, and hymn writer Jerome’s Latin Vulgate (382–ca. 410): 80 books (39 Old Testa- ment, 14 Apocrypha, 27 New Testament) Prudentius (349–ca. 410), poet, author of Corde natus ex parentis (“Of the Father’s Love Begotten”) 500 Romanos the Melodist, one of the greatest Greek hymnographers (d. 510) Benedict of Nursia (ca. 480–550), Rule of Benedict, Divine Office Text of the Gregorian vespers hymn Vexilla Regis (“The Royal Banner”) written by the poet Venantius Fortunatus (530–609 CE) Lindisfarne Gospels (ca. 696–698) written by the monk Eadfrith, later bishop Andrew of Crete (650–740), exponent of the Canon, a series of nine odes or canticles interspersed with the nine biblical canticles Bede (ca. 673–735) composes two of the earliest treatises on Gregorian chant Early codification of plainchant (eighth century) Musica enchiriadis, an anonymous ninth-century musical treatise to establish a system of rules for counterpoint Gregorian hymn Veni Creator Spiritus, attributed to Rabanus Maurus (ca. 780–856) Earliest musical notation of plainchant and polyphony (850–900) xiii 115_320-Long.indb5_320-Long.indb xxiiiiii 88/3/15/3/15 66:40:40 AAMM xiv • CHRONOLOGY Winchester Troper (10th century); the earliest collection of two- part music in Europe, it includes the Quem quaeretis 1000 Guido of Arezzo (ca. 980–1050), inventor of staff notation and a method of sight singing using solemnization syllables Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179), Symphony of the Harmony of Heavenly Revelations 1200 Leoninus (d. ca. 1201), Notre Dame de Paris, The Great Book of Organum (1170), a collection of two-voiced settings of music for the liturgical year Fleury Playbook (1200) Play of Daniel (Ludus Danielis), 13th-century liturgical drama The Great Book of Organum revised by Perotinus Magnus (d. ca. 1205), Notre Dame de Paris Francis of Assisi (ca. 1181–1226), The Canticle of the Creatures Jacopone da Todi (ca.
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