... t ALUMNI NEW OLUME 42 JULY, 1940 NUMBER 34 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY It's Easy To Visit Ithaca OF CORNELL ALUMNI Overnight From NEW YORK AND VICINITY ITHACA RE A RET A *—Folded and inieriolded facial tissues for the retail trade. LANG'S GARAGE O S*WIPE'S*—A soft, absorbent, disposable tissue; packed flat, folded and interfolded, in bulk or GREEN STREET NEAR T1OGA NEW YORK boxes, for hospital use and NEWARK or h'nαcα's Oldest, Largest, and Best FIBREDOWN*—Absorbent and non-absorbent READING TERMINAL, PHILA. cellulose wadding, for hospital and commercial use. Storage, Washing, Lubrication, Expert Repairs ERNEST D. BUTTON 99 JOHN L. BUTTON '25 Eastern Standard Time FIBREDOWN* CANDY WADDING—in WESTWARD Light type, a.m. EASTWARD several attractive designs. Read Down Dark type, p.m. Read Up FIBREDOWN* SANITARY SHEETING— BALTIMORE, MD. t11:20 7:071 9:10Lv. New York Arr. 9:35 7:05 For hospital and sick room use. 11:35 7:221 9:25 Newark 9:19 6:49 *Trade mark reg. U.S. Pat. Off. 11:45 7:20 9:20 Phila. 9:01 7:45 WHITMAN, REQUARDT & SMITH 8:45 2:541*5:06 Arr. ITHACA Lv. 1:42*10:38 THE GENERAL CELLULOSE COMPANY, INC. Water Supply, Sewerage, Structural, GARWOOD, NEW JERSEY Valuations of Public Utilities, Reports, Enjoy a Day or Week End D. C. Taggart Ί6 - - - Pres. - Treσs. Plans, and General Consulting Practice. EZRA B WHITMAN, C.E Ό1 in Ithaca G. J REQUARDT, C.E. Ό9 8:45 *5:06 2:54 Lv. ITHACA Arr. 10:27 1:42 HENRY M. DEVEREUX, M.E. '33 B. L SMITH, C.E. '14 12:10 x8;10 5:52 Arr. Buffalo Lv. 7:20 10:40 West Biddle Street at Charles 11:03 4:45 7:15 Pittsburgh \\ 10:30 10:35 2:50 YACHT DESIGNER 5:20 12:45 Cleveland 12:30 5:36 12:30 9:25 7:45 Airr. Chicago Lv. 10:15 295 CITY ISLAND AVE. WASHINGTON, D. C *New York sleeper open to 8 a.m. at Ithaca, and at CITY ISLAND, N. Y. 9 p.m. from Ithaca tDaily except Sunday, sleeping car New York to THEODORE K. BRYANT Ithaca open at 10:30 p.m. xRuns 30 minutes later on Mondays. LL.B. '97—LL.M. '98 HARRY D. COLE '18 Master Patent Law, G. W. U. '08 REALTOR Pafenfs and Trade Marks Exclusively Business, commercial or residential 309-314 Victor Building properties in Westchester County. Appraisals made. R KO Proctor Building Mount Vernon, N. Y. KENOSHA, WIS. STANTON CO.—REALTORS MACWHYTE COMPANY GEORGE H. STANTON '20 Manufacturers of Wire and Wire Rope, Braided Wire Real Estate and Insurance Rope Sling, Aircraft Tie Rods, Strand and Cord. Literature furnished on request CORNELL IN PICTURES MONTCLAIR and VICINITY JESSEL S. WHYTE, M.E. '13 PRES. & GEN. MGR. 16 Church St., Montclair, N. J., Tel. 2-6000 R. B. WHYTE, M.E. Ί3, GEN. SUPT. "The finest book of Cornell pictures ever published; su- perb in selection, arrange- Hemphlll, Noyes C§!> Co. ment, and reproduction . THE IDEA IS a real thrill." Members New York Stock Exchange to absorb your wedding Only $1.00 PostPaίd 15 Broad Stteet . New York present shocks. You tell us about what you wish to spend Thirty familiar Campus buildings INVESTMENT SECURITIES and well make you sugges- and scenes—air views—gorges— tions. We carry and ship all Jansen Noyes '10 Stanton GriFfis '10 waterfalls. In decorative portfolio L. M. Blancke '15 Willard I. Emerson '19 manner of gift items. WISH YOUR WEDDING with plastic binding — each one BRANCH OFFICES GIFT TROUBLES ON suitable for framing. Albany, Chicago, Harπsburg, Indianapolis, f Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Trenton, EDMISTON 1 5 Write name and address on Washington 330 Springfield Ave. Summit, N. J. margin, clip this ad and mail with dollar bill to The Bill of Rights CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS 3E«»Ave. ITHACA, N.Y. Charter of American Liberty HOTEL It deserves a place in every real American home, office and school. You can now get BUFFALO copies for yourself and your friends. Beauti- BIG IN VALUE...LITTLE IN COST 450 ROOMS * 450 BATHS ful Jy printed in blue, red and black on vellum Few things give you so much convenience, Rates O EVERY ROOM has private bath, paper, 12 x 16 neatly framed. Send $1.00 happiness and security as your telephone. radio and circulating ice water . .. each for as many copies as you want, to $2.00 Even so, its cost is little. Nowhere else in the Cornell Alumni Headquarters world do people get so much tele- $250 phone service, and such good and THE CAYUGA PRESS, INC. D.H. McOrriagher I 3, Pres. $3.00 courteous service, at such low cost. Washington and Swan Sis., Buffalo, N. Y. 113 E. Green St., Ithαcα, N. Y. ί Single "In the Center of Downtown" \ No Higher BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Please mention the CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS CORNELL ALUMNI NEW Subscription price $4 a year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August VOL. XLΠ, NO. 34 ITHACA, NEW YORK, JULY, I94O PRICE, 15 CENTS REUNIONS-BY CLASS REPRESENTATIVES Early Classes Dine Saturday morning was devoted to various Hymn") '90's Recessional) by W. Nelson The Class of '80 held its Sixtieth Reunion University functions, engineers' breakfast in Smith '90, and also the familiar "Song of the dinner in the Blue Room of Sage Saturday Sibley, Class Secretaries' annual meeting, and Classes" by Frank A. Abbott '90. evening, June 15. The dinner marked an in- a very instructive and interesting address by At the business meeting, action was taken novation in that members of the first ten President Day in Bailey Hall. Lunch was to make our Fifty-five-year Reunion in 1945 Classes were invited, to make a big family served by the University in Barton Hall. The another record-breaking event in attendance party. afternoon was devoted to a ball game on Hoy Lnd in entertainment. The Class enthusiasti- Professor Simon H. Gage 'J-J got busy and Field, open house at the Law School, and cally pledged to continue '90's record of over- rounded up old-timers of the "Gay Seventies." reception by the President and Mrs. Day at subscribing the Cornell Alumni Fund, of At the dinner were the only surviving mem- their home for the Class of '90 and all pre- which Archie C. Burnett is Class representa- bers of the first three Classes, namely John A. ceding Classes. All of the '85 delegation except tive. Rea '69 of Tacoma, Wash., Brandt V. Dixon Del Decker attended the dinner of the early Our members were kept in unusual dignified '70 of New Orleans, La., and Royal Taft '71 classes, '69 to '89 inclusive, in the Blue Room restraint by two trained marshals, each of of Dunmore, Pa. It would be a good guess they ^t Sage. After dinner the rally in Bailey Hall whom "loves a parade," George T. Long and are all more than eighty years young. Then was attended by Stevens, McCall. and Whaley. William R. Webster. Alexander B. Trow- came Professor Gage, and William F. E. Gur- Jim McCall went home after the rally and bridge kept on smiling while serving as di- ley '77 of Chicago, 111.; Professor Albert W. Stod Stevens and Jim Whaley left Sunday rector of finance and social secretary extraor- Smith '78, and Mrs. Willard Beahan (Bessie morning. dinary, at '90 Reunion headquarters. DeWitt) '78 of Cleveland, Ohio. Representing I greatly regretted that more of the Class Impressive "In Memoriam" exercises were the Class of '79 were Clayton Ryder, secretary, were unable to be present to enjoy two very conducted by John P. Deane. A resolution in Willis A. Ingalls, Mrs. Frank H. Severance interesting days.—C.E.C. memory of our loyal and illustrious Classmate, (Lena Hill), and Frank A. Wright, who un- former chairman of the Board of Trustees and fortunately became ill the day before and was Class of '90 Golden Jubilee Cornell benefactor, Justin DuPratt White, taken to the hospital. Forty-six members and fourteen guests re- was presented by Henry M. Eaton. With coffee served, Secretary Lee J. Vance newed their acquaintance with Classmates To carry on for the next five years, the fol- '80 arose and offered a toast to the veterans of and friends in Ithaca and revelled in the lowing officers were elected: Arthur N. the old Cornell guard, Rea, Dixon, and Taft, beauty and progress of the Campus and Gibb, chairman, 302. East State Street, Ithaca; whom he called "the three musketeers." He vicinity. William Dalton, vice-chairman, R.D. 2., Sche- said he had heard that Dixon was quite an One of the highlights of the three days' nectady; James E. Rice, secretary-treasurer, orator and he called on him to prove it, and events was Mrs. Day's garden tea party at Mexico, N. Y. sure enough, Dixon did. Vance notified which President and Mrs. Day extended their Thus ended another homecoming to the "Uncle Pete" Smith that the company was delightful hospitality to the old Cornell boys scenes of our University childhood, with their waiting to hear him read his latest poem about and girls of fifty and more years ago. wealth of happy memories mingled only with April bells—or was it about June wedding At our Jubilee Reunion dinner Professor sadness on account of those who were missing. bells? Professor Gage was asked to tell (off Charles L. (Bull) Durham, as always, sounded -J.E.R.
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