THE for America’s Libraries VOICE ISSN 1084-4694 VOLUME 19, ISSUE 1 FEBRUARY 2018 Register now for National Library Legislative Day or Virtual Library Legislative Day, May 7-8 National Library Legislative Day (NLLD) is a two-day educational event that brings hundreds of librarians, IN THIS ISSUE Trustees, Friends, and other library supporters and patrons to Washington, President’s Message 2 D.C. This year it will be held May 7-8. News & Notes 3 Attendees spend one-day learning Around ALA 5 effective advocacy tactics and being began in 1976. In 2003, Friends of Li- briefed about pressing federal legisla- Framework for Foundations 6 braries U.S.A. began a virtual compo- tive issues that are impacting libraries. nent to engage Friends of the Library Tools for Trustees 8 On the second day, they join other at- groups, library advocates and sup- Focus on Friends 11 tendees from their state to meet with porters around the country who could their members of Congress and rally State Friends Spotlight 14 not travel to Washington, D.C. for the support for library issues and policies. main event. Now in its 15th consecu- Friends on Campus 15 Open to the public, the event also of- tive year, the virtual campaign contin- Good Ideas from the Network 16 fers attendees the opportunity to attend ues to support the efforts of those who Book Club Central 21 a reception on Capitol Hill. attend this important day in Washing- Registration for National Library ton, D.C. and meet with their elected Book Club Choices 22 Legislative Day is open through April officials in person. Corporate Sponsors & Board of Directors 23 13. To register online or by mail, visit The White House Conference Books for Babies 24 www.ala.org/advocacy/advleg/nlld. on Library and Information Services Virtual Library Legislative Day is Taskforce (WHCLIST) and the ALA part of National Library Legislative Washington Office are calling for ‘JUMANJI’ LIBRARY PSAs Day. Virtual Library Legislative Day nominations for the WHCLIST Award. activities will be held throughout the Download new library PSAs in Each year, the award is granted to a week of May 7-11, and will be an op- conjunction with the release of the non-librarian participant in NLLD. portunity for all library advocates to film Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. The winner receives a stipend of $300 make their voices heard on a national page 5 and two free nights at the NLLD hotel. level. Library advocates who cannot For more information, see page 9. make it to Capitol Hill for the event TRUSTEE SURVEY can be a part of the effort by calling FAQs Learn the results of a recent survey of and/or emailing their elected officials library Trustees conducted by Library any time the week of May 7-11. Regis- Who can attend National Library Journal. ter now to support libraries for Virtual Legislative Day? page 8 Library Legislative Day at www.ala. org/united/vlld. Anyone who loves libraries! This event ATTRACTING MILLENNIALS United for Libraries, the ALA is open to the public and anyone who loves libraries — Trustees, Friends, stu- Five tips for drawing Millennials to Washington Office, ALA’s Chapter Re- dents, business owners, library enthu- your Friends group. lations Office, and the ALA Office for siasts — has a story to tell. It is critical page 12 Library Advocacy lead Virtual Library Legislative Day. that members of Congress and their National Library Legislative Day continued on page 10 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 1 President’s Message United for Libraries’ strategic planning process Beginning at ALA has recently restructured the An- 4. Authors and speakers the ALA Mid- nual conference format – the excellent The speakers at ALA cover issues such as winter Meeting, content will remain the same, but the innovation and transformation, e-book United for Librar- schedule and footprint of the confer- lending and usability, digital content, ies will begin the ence will be simplified and enable at- community engagement, leadership, the process to develop tendees to take advantage of even more impact and potential of new technolo- a strategic plan. great programs. As a reminder of what gies, outreach, and best practices on a United for Librar- is offered at conference, I am including range of library-related concerns. In ies will be work- below a “top 10” list of what is offered addition, there are hundreds of authors ing with Face to at Annual for Trustees – Friends/Foun- speaking and signing books, and book Face Communica- Steve Laird, United for dation lists are to come in future issues! giveaways offer an opportunity to bring tions & Training Libraries President For up-to-date information about brand new volumes to your library. (www.face2face United for Libraries’ programs at the training.com), based in Illinois, to de- ALA Annual Conference, visit www.ala. 5. Advocacy velop this strategic plan. Face to Face org/united/events_conferences/annual. United for Libraries, in addition to the has worked with the American Library ALA Washington Office, the Office Association in the past, and staff is Top 10 reasons for Trustees to for Library Advocacy, and other ALA well-versed in working with libraries attend the ALA Annual Conference divisions and offices, offer many ad- and Boards of Trustees to facilitate 1. Programs and education vocacy programs during the ALA An- strategic plans. The ALA Annual Conference offers nual Conference. Learn how to secure Two strategic planning sessions will programs where Trustees can “learn more money for your library, how to be held at the ALA Midwinter Meeting more about libraries and have a broad- communicate with funders and policy in Denver, and all United for Libraries er perspective on the whole role of makers, participate in National Library personal and group members are invited libraries and the im portance of quality to attend. (For the full schedule, visit of access to information,” says Sharon continued on page 7 www.ala.org/united/events_conferences/ Saulmon, former Trustee of the Met- midwinter.) If you are unable to at- ropolitan Library System in Oklahoma tend, we would still like to know your City, Okla. “Trustees want to serve The Voice for America’s Libraries thoughts and input about United for their libraries to the high standard set is published by United for Libraries. Please consider the following by the librarians who lead their local Libraries: The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, questions and visit http://www.ala.org/ systems,” says Cindy Friedemann, a united/strategicplan to submit your an- Friends and Foundations, a member of the Metropolitan Library division of the American Library swers by March 31. (Answers can also System Board of Trustees. “In order to Association (ALA). be emailed to [email protected] or sent to wrap ones arms around this complex United for Libraries, 859 W. Lancaster profession, a Trustee can attend ALA For membership information, Ave., Unit 2-1, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010.) and United for Libraries programs and call (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, email [email protected], or visit 1. Rest assured that United for Li- bring home tested tools to serve their community well.” www.ala.org/united. braries isn’t going anywhere – only becoming better! However, if it 2. To become involved in United for United for Libraries didn’t exist, what would you miss 859 W. Lancaster Ave. the most? Libraries United for Libraries offer many pro- Unit 2-1 2. What’s one thing we could do (bet- Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 ter, differently, or add) to enhance grams specifically for Trustees, includ- your experience with United for ing discussion groups and the free Send editorial contributions, Libraries? United for Libraries Institute on Friday. articles, newsletters and news 3. What one thing could we stop do- releases attention The Voice ing that would not change your 3. Exhibits to the address above or to overall experience with United for With more than 700 exhibitors, the [email protected]. Libraries? ALA Annual Conference gives Trustees a chance to meet with vendors who The Voice is a copyrighted Strategic planning sessions will provide services and programs for the publication and cannot be also take place at the ALA Annual library, and get up-to-date on products photocopied and distributed. Conference in New Orleans in June. that are newly available. 2 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 News & Notes Join United for Libraries at the 2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting Upcoming events afternoon will include a keynote followed by ALA Midwinter Meeting concurrent breakout Denver, Colo. sessions. This precon- Feb. 9-13, 2018 ference is free, but www.alamidwinter.org requires registration. An agenda and list of Teen Tech Week speakers will be avail- March 4-10, 2018 able at www.ala.org/ http://teentechweek.ning.com united. Elisabeth Hyde (photo credit Jerry Bauer) Public Library Association Gala Author Tea Conference sponsored by March 20-24, 2018 Ticketed Events: ReferenceUSA Philadelphia, Pa. Advocacy and Intellectual Freedom Mon., Feb. 12, 2-4 www.placonference.org Bootcamp (sponsored by OLA and p.m. OIF) $65 onsite (if avail- School Library Month Fri., Feb. 9, 8-11:30 a.m. able); $60 advance; April 2018 $25; event code OIF1 $55 United for Librar- www.ala.org/aasl/slm ies members; event This session urges attendees to re-think code UNI1 National Library Week advocacy: to re-define the library com- Silas House April 8-14, 2018 Ariel Lawhon, Spen- munity, expand the way we have been (photo credit www.ala.org/nlw advocating for libraries, and prepare to cer Wise, Elisabeth Tasha Thomas) advocate for libraries as fundamental Hyde, Silas House, National Library Workers Day building blocks to democracy.
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