THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNALS. VOL. XXIII. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1895- NUMBER 6, 786. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Margaret Smith to lay a con- STATED MEETING. crete or cement sidewalk from house to curb in front of her premises No. 708 Tremont avenue TUESDAY, August 27, 1895, 1 o'clock P. M. (which are twenty feet front), material to be furnished and work done at her own expense and The Board met in room No. 16, City Hall. under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty- PRESENT: fourth Wards. Johneroloman, President, Aldermen John P. Windolph, Vice-President, Nicholas T. Brown, Which was laid over. William E. Burke, Thomas M. Campbell, William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin, Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 20, 1895. Francis J. Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body to lay Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Charles Wines, Collin H. mater-mains in One Hundred and Sixty-fourth street, from Railroad avenue, West, to Morris ave- Woodward, Jacob C. Wund. nue, on the ground that a similar resolution was approved by me on March 21, 1895, and bids for The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. the contract are now being advertised for. Yours, respectfully, MESSAGES FROM HIS HONOR THE MAYOR. W. L. STRONG, Mayor. (G. O.414.) Resolved, That water-mains be laid in One Hundred and Sixty-fourth street, between Rail- The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: road avenue, West, and Morris avenue, as provided by section 356 of theNew York City Consoli- CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 22, 1895• dation Act of 1882. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, for amendment, resolution of your Honorable Body, permit- RECORD. ting Rufus R. Randall to lay concrete sidewalk in front of his premises, No. 721 Tremont The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: avenue, on the ground of the Commissioner of Street Improvements report, that : "To give CITY OF NE\V YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 20, 1895. this resolution legal effect, it is my opinion that the resolution authorizing the contract To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen : now in progress, should be first rescinded as far as the sidewalks in front of the premises are GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorables.Body, concerned. The rescinding of the resolution would, of course, affect the contract to the extent to lay water-mains in Railroad avenue, West, between One Hundred and Sixty-second and One mentioned, and it cannot be modified without the contractor's consent. The object of the resolution Hundred and Sixty-fifth streets, on the ground that a similar resolution was approved by me ion can be achieved by the party interested making an agreement with the contractor, subject to my June 22, 18996, and bids for the contract are now being advertised for. approval, and which shall release the City for payment for flagging in front of the premises Yours, respectfully, W. L. STRONG, Mayor. mentioned." Resolved, That water-mains he laid in Railroad avenue, West, between Ode Hundredand Yours, respectfully, Sixty-second street and One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, as provided by section 356 of the New W. L. STRONG, Mayor. York City Consolidation Act of 1882. Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Rufus R. Randall to lay a Which was laid over, ordered to he printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY canent or concrete sidewalk from house to curb, and a space of about twenty feet in front of his RECORD. premises, No. 721 Tremont avenue, said materials to be furntshed and work done at his own expense, The President laid before the Board the following message from his Hono r the Mayor under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty- CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 20, 1895• fourth Wards. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen. Which was laid over. GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, for amendment, resolution of your Honorable Body, to lay 'I he President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor water-mains in Valentine avenue, between the Southern Boulevard and Suburban street, on the CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 22, I895. ground of the report of the Commissioner of Public Works that this resolution should be amended To the Honorable tier Board of Aldermen : by adding to it "as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882." GENTLEMEN- I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body permit- Yours respectfully, W. L. STRONG, Mayor. ting Crittenden & Norton to keep a show-case at No.415 Broadway, on the ground of the report Resolved, That water-mains be laid in Valentine avenue, between the Southern Boulevard and of the Commissioner of Public Works that such show-case would constitute an illegal obstruction. Suburban street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. Yours, respectfully, W. L. STRONG, Mayor. Alderman Randall moved to amend by inserting at the end thereof the words "as provided by Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to Crittenden & Norton to place section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882." and keep a show-case in front of their premises, No. 415 Broadway, provided the said show-case The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which shall not exceed four feet in length, three feet high and eighteen inches wide, and not to extend was decided in the affirmative. more than three feet from the house-line, the work to be done at their own expense, under the The President then put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the as amended. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote : pleasure of the Common Council. Affirmative-The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Brown, Burke, Dwyer, Goetz, Which was laid over, ordered to he printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY Goodman, Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, • Marshall, Mub, Noonan, Oakley, RECORD. Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, Wines, Woodward, and \Vund-26. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 22, 1895. CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 20, 1895• To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen : GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body GENTLEMEN -I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body, to lay permitting R. Wilhelm to keep a show-case at No. 624 Madison avenue, on the ground of report of water-mains in Daly avenue, between Tremont avenue and Samuel street, on the ground of the the Commissioner of Public Works that such a show-case would constitute an illegal obstruction. report of the Commissioner of Public Works that this part of Tremont avenue is not opened nor Yours, respectfully, W. L. STRONG, Mayor. graded, and it should be opened and graded before water-mains are laid. Resolved, That permission he and the same is hereby given to R. Wilhelm to place and keep Yours respectfully, W. L. STRONG, Mayor. a show-case on the sidewalk within the stoop-line, in front of the premises No. 624 Madison avenue (the owner thereof having consented thereto), said show-case not to be more than five feet beyond Resolved, That water-mains be laid in Daly avenue, between Tremont avenue and Samuel the house-line, not more than five feet in height, three feet in length and two feet in width, and to street, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. be so placed as not to interfere with the free access to the adjoining building, such show-case to be Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY freely movable, the work to be done at his own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of RECORD. Public Works ; such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Common Council. The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: Which was laid over, ordered to be printed in the minutes and published in full in the CITY CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 20, 1895• RECORD. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: (G. 0. 4i5.) GENTLEMEN-I return herewith, without approval, resolution of your Honorable Body, to lay The President laid before the Board the following message from his Honor the Mayor: water-mains in Burnside avenue, from Webster avenue to Morris avenue, on the ground of the CITY OF NEW YORK-OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, August 22, 1895• report of the Commissioner of Public Works that a water-main has already been laid in that part To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: of Burnside avenue, which makes the present resolution unnecessary.
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