i t o . ' f ¿ ¡■ r T~ ;* /199g/i 9/3/a ^ WAFFEN PS RANKS AND DES IGNATlOflS. > *.:i' •. f ra 1. The following is belived to be a complete list of ranks in the Waffen SS.(Recived fron an official source). O'.'S-'r.r- ’ X] WAFFEN SS German Army . : ■ : § Rank Abb re via tions Equivalent Translation . 7 ‘: Other ( SSchùtze (Grenadier etc) # Schutze (Grenadier etc) Privat Oberschütze • Oberschtitzs Senior Private, . *+c;’£x ' *r y Sturmman St^m Gefreiter Jun i/CpL. Rottenführer Rotf öbergefreitor ✓ * 4 Senl/Gpl. • •V"* •* : . • r' / * I Unterscharführer Uschf Unteroffizier Corporal. Junker • t I » t'aÎl^Ç^ijunker-U f fz . KCO Officer Candidate Scharführer Scharf • Unterfeldwebel i/Serjeant Standartenjunker • Fähnrich ^ Junior Officer Cadot • NCO's Oberscharführer Oschaf • Feldwebel Serjeant Hauptscharführer Hsohaf Oberfeldwebel. Senior Serjeant Standartenober junker • Oberfähnrich Senior Officer Padet Stuimscharfûhrer • Stabsfeldwebel Staff Serjt. Major. S tabs schar fiihrer • . Hauptfeldwebel Serjt-Major. r Untersturnf&hrer Ustuf ’ Leutnant VÎÜ5Î 2 Lt* Obersturmführer Ostuf Oberleutnant Lt. Hauptsturmféihrer Hstuf Hauptmann Captain. S turmb annffthrer Stubaf Major Major ObersturmbannfdLhrer Ostubaf Oberstleutnant ■ L t - C d Standartenführer Staf ) V ’"ÀV $5088^8^^ ^ Colonel Oberffthrcr Oberf) Oberst Senior Colonel Brigadeführer Brigf Generalmajor Major-General Gruppeflfuhrer Gruf Generalleutnant Lt-Gen. Obergruppenfdfirer . Ogruf General General« Ob ers tgruppenfAhrer • Generaloberst Gol onel-General \i'-M _ . N.B. There is no standard set of abbreviations for Waffen SS ranks. Those given are theccnmonest *i » »* * «U i .* î c; but variations will be encountered. 2m The following technical designations and abbreviations are also, used in the Waffen SS. SS Bewerbcr F (Fachfuhrer) SS Officer Candidate SS Fuhrcrbewerber f*S Candidate Specialist.j — J , - : m " "Ji 1 PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/efd626/ nLxXMBCr.ili — ■ I! WM»»' ■ l«l»l i ....■■ . • KS ( Kraftfalir-Sachver ständiger) MT Specialist " • HKSv Kbherer-Kraftfahr-Sachbersthndiger) Senior -NT. Specialist RFA( Reserve-fciihrerani.lurfcer) Reserve Officer-designato TFK( TeohnisohoiHPtzhrtr ICraftfahrv^j3 o n ) Technical Officer (MT) TFN( . '" " Nachrichten ) Technical Officer (Sigs) TFW( " ‘ " Waffensvesen ) Technical Officer. (Ord) T57P (Ing) " " "(Ingenieur) Technical Officer - Ordnance (ling) TUEW( Technische Unterffthrer V/'afförovesen), : Technical NCO (Ordnance) UiwD( Untorduhrer im T/affentechnisehen Dienst) NCO in the technical Ordnance branch. >•, v-i • . ' ‘ ‘ Note: It is impossible to find exact equivalents in English for sone of the above terns. The following brief explanations nay assist in giving clearor definitions. (i) An SS Candidate (SS Bewerber)is one who has applied for admission to the Waffen SS. (ii) An. SS Officer Candidate £SS Fuhreifrewerbor)ls one vdio has been accepted for. the Waffen SS and has registered his desire to be considered for eventual promotion to officer rank. ■! ’ (ill) Carriidatcs for active ccnmissionß (Aktiver)r&hrerbewerbor).after recruit and NCO training, are appointed NCO officer candidates (SS JunkerYT They arc then sent to an S? OCTU (SS Junkerschule)and if success i\ü in the preliminary examination are appointed SS Junior Officer:Cedots (SS Standartenjunker).Having successively passed out of the OCTU they are % promoted SS Senior Officor Cadets (iv) Candidates for reserve casnissions (Roserve-Fuhrerbewerberjattend a Reserve Officer Candidates course in place of the full OGTU training, and on passing out are api od Reserve Officer-designate (Reserve-PfthreranwArter) with the ranfir of Oberscharffchrer, ~l : * | j | f ' ■ y " V'-..- ' . • '■ (v) On completion of post-OCTU specialised or technical training the Senior Officcr Cadets (see (iii)above) and Resorro Officers-designate (see (iv) above) are pranoted, 1 of SS 2/Lt. (SSUnterstumffthrer). ... •• ’''' ' ' H r 1“ PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/efd626/.
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