IAEA-TECDOC-409 RESEARCH REACTOR ACTIVITIES IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL NUCLEAR PROGRAMMES PROCEEDINGS TECHNICAA F O L COMMITTEE MEETING ON RESEARCH REACTOR ACTIVITIES IN SUPPOR NATIONAF TO L NUCLEAR PROGRAMMES HEL BUDAPESTDN I , HUNGARY, 10-13 DECEMBER 1985 AND SELECTED PAPERS FROM A SEMINAR APPLIEN O D RESEARC SERVICD HAN E ACTIVITIES FOR RESEARCH REACTOR OPERATIONS HEL COPENHAGENDN I , DENMARK, 9-13 SEPTEMBER 1985 BOTH MEETINGS ORGANIZEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY A TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ISSUED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1987 RESEARCH REACTOR ACTIVITIES IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL NUCLEAR PROGRAMMES IAEA, VIENNA, 1987 IAEA-TECDOC-409 PrinteIAEe th Austri Am y db a March 1987 PLEAS AWARE EB E THAT MISSINE TH F GO L PAGEAL THIN SI S DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK IAEe Th A doe t normallsno y maintain stock f reportso thin si s series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from INIS Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse5 P.O.Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria Orders should be accompanied by prepayment of Austrian Schillings 100, in the form of a cheque or in the form of IAEA microfiche service coupons orderee whicb y dhma separately fro INIe mth S Clearinghouse. FOREWORD This report is the result ot an IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Rear*or Activitie n Suppori s t Nationao t l Nuclear Programmes Budapesthel; ir d . Hungary durin3 Decembe1 0 1 g re mot-tin198bTh s . wa g e hosteCentrath y b d l Research Institut r Physicto e s (KFK1 d includean ) d participants trom ten countries, plus six trom the Technical University ot Budapes d KFKIe countriean tTh . s represented were Belgium, Finland, France, Federal Republi t Germanyo c , German Democratic Republic, India, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, Yugoslavi d Hungaryan a . The purpose ot the meeting was to present iniormation and details of several well utilized research reactors and to discuss their contribution o nationat l nuclear programmes. Participants were invited trom countries with well developed nuclear programmes, including nuclear power programmes operatin a varietg t typeo yd powean s r level t researco s h reactors. One participant trom a reactor tacility with limited utilizatio s alswa n o invite o providt d e some insight inte reasonth o r to s the low utilization. A related Agency activity a Semina, n Applieo r d Researc d Servican h e Activities tor Research Reactor Operations was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, during 9-13 September 1985. Selected papers trom t, s Seminar relevan e topith t researco o ct t h reactor suppor t nation:o t ! nuclear v programmes have been include n thii d s reports hopei .iat i I dl . this report would assist reactor owners in formulating ettectiw utilization programmes. EDITORIAL NOTE In preparing this materialpress,the International the for staff of Atomic Energy Agency have mounted and paginated the ongmal manuscripts as submitted by the authors and given some attention to the presentation The views expressed in the papers, the statements made and the general style adopted are the responsibility of the named authors The views do not necessarily reflect those of the govern- mentsMemberthe of States organizationsor under whose auspices manuscriptsthe were produced thisin The bookuse particularof designations countriesof territoriesor does implynot any judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authonties institutions and delimitation the of 01 theirof boundaries The mention specificof companies theirof or products b>andor names docs implynot any endorsement recommendationor IAEA partthe the of on Authors themselvesare responsible obtainingfor necessarythe permission reproduceto copyright material from other sources CONTENTS SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 7 PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING ON RESEARCH REACTOR ACTIVITIE SUPPORN SI NATIONAF TO L NUCLEAR PROGRAMMES, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 10-13 DECEMBER 1985 Past, present and future uses of the BR2 materials testing reactor ................................... 19 J.-M. Baugnet, F. Leonard Role of FiR 1 in the development of nuclear power in Finland ...................................... 63 HiismakiP. The role of research reactors in the development of nuclear technology in the German Democratic Republic ............................................................................. 71 . / Klebau, . ZiegenbeinD Utilizatio FRG-e th f FRG-d no 1an 2 research reactors ................................................5 8 . W. Krull Past and present uses of CEA Grenoble research reactors ............................................. 105 J. Garcin Hungariae th Us f eo n WRSZ-M type research reactor Production of isotopes .................................................................................. 125 T. Lengyel Applicatio f reactor-produceno d radionuclide r industriafo s environmentad an l l investigations .........................................................................................3 13 . K. Lehofer, T. Biro Nuclear structure studies using reactor fast neutron r (n,n'-yfo s ) reactions .................7 13 . A. Ver es Reactor neutron activation analysis (RNAA) ......................................................9 13 . H. Rausch, A. Elek, M. Ördögh, I. Sziklai t atoHo m chemistr e researcth t a y h reactor WWRS .............................................1 15 . K. Berei, L. Vasâros Testing of structural materials in a research reactor............................................... 153 F. Gillemot Neutron physics..........................................................................................5 15 . M. Balaskô, L. Cser, L. Rosta, E. Svâb Educationa d researcan l h activitie e nucleath f o s r training reactoTechnicae th f o r l University Budapest ........................................................................................ 163 G. Csom, F. Levai, G. Keömley Research reactor activities in India ......................................................................... 177 C.L. Thaper Research reactors contributio nationan i n l nuclear programme Polann i s d ........................5 18 . KozielJ. (MadridN UtilizatioJE e th )f no experimenta l reactor supporn i snationae th f o t l nuclear program ............................................................................................9 19 . V. Alcober Scottish Universities Research and Reactor Centre 205 J 4 I:att Incorporatin e operatioth g a smal f no l research reactor facilit o support y a t national nuclear power program 215 S H Li\me E S Kenne\ Nondestructive studies in metallurgy using neutrons 227 V Dimic SFL FC FFD PAPERS FROM THF SEMINAR ON APPLIED RESEARCH AND SFRVICE ACTIVITIE RESEARCR SFO H REACTOR OPERATIONS, COPENHAGEN DENMARK, 9-13 SEPTEMBER 1985 7 23 Use f smalo s l research reactors H Rauch G Badurek F Gnus Testing oi pou er reactor fuel types in the DR3 reactor at Riso 251 P hniuhtn I Misjeldt Prompt capture gamma-ra3 26 y reference field t Imperiaa s l College 4 JMason 9 26 Neutron activation analysi e Danisth t a s h reacto 3 DR r LH (hustenden F Dannqaard New neutron scattering instruments at Riso National Laboratory A multipurpose spectrometer and the SANS facility 281 B lihecf T Fnltofti D Juul Jen\en C Broholm K Clanen L G Jen st n J K Kjems K Mortensen Research reactor as a tool for research in physics 299 K R Rao B A Dasannachana Three generations of neutron transmutation doping of silicon at Riso National Laboratory 313 K -\ndit\en K He\dom, K Hansen 5 32 Increasing utih/atio f researco n h reactors Bao \\anping Operation and utilization of the Swiss research reactor Saphrr 333 H Winkler BuhrerW Applied researc d servican h e activitie e Universitth t a s f Missouro y i Research Reactor Facility (MURR) 339 M 4lt>er D 9 34 Utilizatio f researco n h reactor t Trombaa s y S M Sundararn Increased utilizatio f researco n h reactor facilities without personnel expansioa y b n user friendly syste r routinmfo e instrumental neutro9 36 n activation analysis KorthcnenPJM PB de nun Boat M Organizatio a mediu f o n m throughput neutron activation analysis laboratorr fo y getx.hemu.dl exploration samples 379 R J Rosenherq M Lipponen L Vanska Applied research performed and in progress by using a Tnga nuclear reactor 389 4 Vloauio M Madcno The use of stable activable tracers in environmental and biological research 403 MJ Vhnski Li^-t of Participants 413 SUMMARY An important characteristic ot all research reactors is that they e interdisciplinarar y tool a variete suse b n thai n d f differenca to y t fields: scientific research, applie r engineerino d g oriented research and training. These activities find application in medicine and agriculture as well as in industrial problems by the use ot various nuclear methods which may be cheaper, taster and better than others, and in many cases provide information not available other than by nuclear methods. Nuclear research reactors have playe d wilan dl continu o plat en a y important role in the support of nuclear programmes. In nearly all cases, nuclear power programmes have been based largely on previous research reacto d relatean r d activities. Even those countries that have decided to buy power reactors on a turn-key basis without any significant local technical contributions and are not interested in establishing their own nuclear industry, have benetitted by working with research reactor
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