Former hoops great Frank Brian ready for March Madness Along these Manager’s Report LINES By John Vranic March 2016 DEMCO CEO and General Manager ALONG THESE LINES is an official publication of Dixie Electric Membership Corp. It is written for and distributed to members of the cooperative nine times each year. Dixie Electric Membership Corp. The importance of service is a non-profit rural electric cooperative providing service to 100,000 consumer-owners in seven Louisiana parishes. The Cooperative headquarters and member engagement is located at 16262 Wax Road, Greenwell Springs, LA. All comments, suggestions and requests for n 2012, the National Rural Elec- nities served by the utility. information concerning this publication should be addressed to ALONG THESE LINES, Dixie Electric tric Cooperative Association While DEMCO must of course Membership Corp., P.O. Box 15659, Baton Rouge, I (NRECA), the premier trade as- generate enough income and revenue LA 70895, (225) 261-1221. sociation representing approximately to cover all of the expenses necessary 900 electric cooperatives in 47 states, to keep safe, reliable and affordable Cooperatives like DEMCO enjoy DEMCO released a report entitled, “The Elec- power flowing to your home or busi- the unwavering support of people BOARD OF DIRECTORS tric Cooperative Purpose - A Compass ness 24 hours a day, profit is not our from all walks of life. We keep the en- ASCENSION Clarence Brock for the 21st Century.” motivation. Serving you and your gine of commerce churning by deliv- EAST BATON ROUGE The findings of the blue ribbon neighbors and improving your quality ering power to every type of business Steve Irving, Vice President task force comprised of a dozen co-op of life are our top priorities. imaginable, from agriculture to hous- Randy Lorio leaders from across the country were As the Electric Cooperative Pur- ing, finance, health care, technology, Ann Samuel that an electric cooperative’s purpose EAST FELICIANA Glenn DeLee is to, “Power communities and em- Faye Morris power members to improve the qual- We are proud of the fact that we are different from LIVINGSTON ity of their lives.” Leslie Falks Like our fellow cooperatives investor-owned utilities, where the primary purpose Dennis Lott, Sec.-Treasurer across the country, DEMCO is a Danny Berthelot is to generate profit for their stockholders. ST. HELENA member of NRECA and we firmly be- Richard Sitman, President lieve that you, our members, need to Joe Self be at the very heart of everything we TANGIPAHOA do. pose report produced by NRECA so small business, food and many more. Eugene Traylor We are extremely proud of the fact succinctly noted, “Our story is about Electric cooperatives can be found in WEST FELICIANA Freddy Metz that we are different from competing ordinary people that banded together the most rural areas to the most urban CEO & GENERAL MANAGER investor-owned utilities in our region to improve the quality of life by pro- areas of our country. John Vranic of the state, where the primary pur- viding electricity to our community One thing you can absolutely VICE PRESIDENT OF pose of their existence is to generate when no one else would do it.” count on from your locally owned ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS profit for their stockholders no mat- But that was DEMCO years ago. electric cooperative: we have been Randy Buchanan VICE PRESIDENT OF FINANCE ter where those stockholders reside. As we look forward into the future, here fulfilling our mission for over Jimmie Varnado In fact, many of those investors who we once again need your active par- 78 years and are not moving. We will VICE PRESIDENT OF hold shares in profit-driven power ticipation in determining the course of always be local – right here and ready HUMAN RESOURCES companies do not live in the commu- our cooperative. to serve our members. Esther Tapia VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING & MEMBER SERVICES Brent Bradley ALONG THESE LINES (USPS 004-089) is published monthly except bi-monthly Jan/ Feb, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec, by the Assn. of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives Inc. (ALEC), 10725 Airline Highway, B.R., LA 70816-4299 MANAGER OF MEMBER AND PUBLIC RELATIONS David Latona ASSOCIATE EDITOR Billy Gibson Advertising is accepted and published in ALONG THESE LINES on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and sold to customers at the advertised price. DEMCO and ALEC do not endorse any products or ser- vices advertised herein. Address inquiries to: ALEC, 10725 Airline Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70816. Phone (225) 293-3450, 1-800-355-3450. Annual subscription $1.70 Members; $5 Non-Members Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to: 10725 Airline High- way, Baton Rouge, LA 70816-4299. Periodicals Post- age paid at Baton Rouge, LA. ON THE COVER - Former LSU and professional basketball star Frank Brian is nearing the age of 93 but still gets excited when March Madness rolls around. For more on this story, see page 4. Page 2 • ALONG THESE LINES • March 2016 DEMCO safety program saves lives and money for members For most DEMCO members, there’s and safety professionals within the state not much thought put into flipping a cooperative network. switch and having light immediately fill “I think one of the things that makes the room. it so successful for our employees is that The refrigerator hums and keeps the men who lead the classroom and food fresh and no one even notices. field training know what they’re doing,” Clocks keep time, the air conditioner he said. “They’ve been on the job for cycles on and off and the TV turns on years and have experienced just about with the press of a button. anything and everything that can happen The fact that no one pays attention to during the course of their jobs. They also electricity until it goes out doesn’t really know how things work that are particular bother the DEMCO employees whose to Louisiana, such as our power grid, our job is to make sure that the flow of terrain, our wildlife and our climate.” power continues around the clock while One of those veterans is Mike Ber- members go about their lives. geaux, Director of Safety and Loss Con- “While we love hearing from our trol at ALEC. Bergeaux, a former line- members, we know we’re doing our job man at Jeff Davis Electric Cooperative well when things are quiet and our mem- in Jennings, La., commended DEMCO bers are satisfied with their service,” said for its active involvement in the LLTP. DEMCO CEO and General Manager “DEMCO is one of our cooperatives Jacob Overhultz, second from left, and Rickey Cummings, second from right, John Vranic. “It’s our responsibility to that demonstrates a culture of safety day oversee the safety and training program at DEMCO. make sure the lights stay on, and it’s a in and day out, and is a real leader in our responsibility we take very seriously.” 1980s as a result of a coordinated collab- tions, rigging equipment and applica- industry,” he said. “Without the coopera- The act of flipping that light switch oration of fellow Louisiana cooperatives. tion, power production and electrical tion of the board and management and is a simple one, but in order to make it The LLTP was initiated as a way grid systems, overhead and underground the dedication of every employee, suc- happen, DEMCO employees work day for the state’s electric cooperatives to distribution equipment, electrical testing, cess is hard to achieve.” and night dealing with substation main- combine their efforts and resources to transformer banking, protective ground- Vranic said participation in the train- tenance, tending to new overhead and develop stringent safety and operational ing, rescues, hot line work and other ing program requires a significant finan- underground construction, performing standards while pursuing quality training subject areas. cial commitment, but it’s one that pays routine equipment repair and upgrades, in the most cost-effective manner pos- Rickey Cummings and Jacob Over- dividends in the end. responding to the occasional power out- sible. hultz oversee the cooperative’s safety “We certainly do our very best to age, processing clerical duties and much, Today, the program utilizes a cur- and training efforts. Cummings said line- contain costs and keep rates as low much more. (Acct. No. 80262318-001) riculum created by Northwest Lineman man training and safety are top priorities as possible for our members, but this “It really takes a lot more effort than College, based in Idaho. The nationally at the cooperative. is one area where it definitely pays to most people realize,” Vranic said. “But accredited lineman certification pro- “It’s not always fun to have to do participate in the LLTP,” he said. “For that’s why we’re here, to work diligently gram is administered locally through the the course work, and it’s a four-year every dollar we spend on training and on behalf of our members so that they Association of Louisiana Electric Coop- commitment, but our training program safety, it’s money that is returned in the can enjoy all the modern conveniences eratives (ALEC) in Baton Rouge and is one of the most thorough, comprehen- form of fewer accidents, more efficient available today.” typically takes four years to complete. sive and challenging in the industry,” operation, lower insurance premiums According to Vranic, reliable power Meetings and sessions are hosted by dif- Cummings said. “The result is that our and other ways that we don’t often think delivery systems don’t happen by ferent cooperatives across the state with employees are highly competent, highly about.” accident.
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